& Electronic Industries

& Electronic Industries

TEL -TECH & Electronic Industries Printed le Circuits i for Deflection Yokes Fusion Transistors Silicon COPY! Glow Transfer Tubes in Counting Circuits THIS SHARE ro Piccsc Roule December 1954 Another RMC First DISCAPS for printed wire circuits The exclusive wedge design of the leads on these new DISCAPS lock them securely in place on printed circuit assemblies prior to the soldering operation. The "Wedg-loc" leads eliminate the possibility of the capacitors becoming loose or falling out. Application of "Wedg-loc" lead DISCAPS to your printed circuits will cut production time, reduce costs, and insure the uniformity of your soldered connection. RMC "Wedg-loc" in between .01 DISCAPS are available capacities 2 MMF and 10,000 MMF in temperature compensating, by-pass, and stable capacity types with lead spacing as shown above. Electrical specifications and tolerances RMC are the same as standard wire lead DISCAPS. Your 200 inquiry is invited. II ANOTHER NEW DEVELOPMENT FROM THE RMC TECHNICAL CERAMIC LABORATORY DISCAP RADIO MATERIALS CORPORATION CERAMIC CAPACITORS GENERAL OFFICE: 3325 N. California Ave., Chicago 18, III. FACTORIES AT CHICAGO, ILL. AND ATTICA, IND. Two RMC Plants Devoted Exclusively to Ceramic Capacitors & Electronic Industries DECEMBER, 1954 FRONT COVER: PRINTED CIRCUITS FOR DEFLECTION YOKES-Closeup view of new printed circuit crossed field type coil developed by French designers. These yokes reportedly developed the same deflection as con- ventional ferrite cored types. See page 82 for additional details. Use of printed circuits throughout the elec- tronic industries is growing by leaps end bounds. One foil -clad laminate manufacturer predicts that each TV set will eventually require a pound of clad -laminate stock. Radio sets, computers, hearing aids, office equip- ment, automatic signaling devices, hi-fi units are other areas of application now under development. Totals: U. S. Foreign Electronic Exports 3 As We Go To Press 13 It's Later Than You Think 71 Radarscope: What's Ahead for the Electronic Industries 72 A Universal Printed Circuit J R Goodykoontz 74 Recent Developments in Silicon Fusion Transistors R. A. Gudmundsen, W. P. Waters, A. L. Wannlund, and W. V. Wright 76 Page from an Engineer's Notebook Joseph F. Sodaro 79 No. 29-Printed Circuit Capacitor Design Limitations of Voltage Doubling Method in Rating Instruments ... H. B. Conant 80 Printed Crossed -Field Deflecting Coils A V J. Martin 82 Glow Transfer Tubes for Counting Circuits Philip Cheilik 84 Subharmonic Crystal Oscillator 86 Gain -Stabilized l -F Transformers John F. Clemens 87 Design for a Printed Subminiature I -F Amplifier B Raboy & J. R. Endicott 88 Transistor Frequency Standard 1 H Smith, Jr. & Mark Campbell 90 Cues for Broadcasters 92 Behavior of Electronic Equipment in Vehicular Transportation G. K. Guttwein, F. K. Priebe and S. M. lee 94 How to Prepare Printed Circuit Artwork Jack Bayha 97 New Abrasive Process Speeds Component Production Robert R. Gretter 98 Printed Circuits: Soldering Techniques 75 On Copper -Clad Laminates 104 On Automatic Chassis Production 116 DEPARTMENTS Books 64 Letters 48 Personal 124 Bulletins 128 Military Contract Awards 118 Tele Tips 24 Coming Events 18 New Equipment 100 Washington News Letter 108 Industry News 56 News of Manufacturers Reps 131 TELE -TECH & ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES", Vol. 13, No. 12. Published monthly by Caldwell -Clements, Inc. M. Clements, President; M. H. Newton, Assistant to President; John J. Borghi, Vice President and Secretary; M. B. Clements, Treasurer. Acceptance under section 34.64 Postal Laws and Regulations authorized at Bristol, Conn., June 9, 1954. Additional acceptance at New York, N. Y. 750 a copy. Subscription Rates: United States and U. S. Possessions: I year, $5.00; 2 years $8.00; 3 years $10.00. Canada: 1 year $7.00; 2 years $11.00; 3 years $14.00. All other countries: 1 year $10.00; 2 years $16.00. Please give title, position and company connections when subscribing. Copyright by Caldwell -Clements, Inc., 1954. Printed in U.S.A. CALDWELL-CLEMENTS, Inc. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. Publication Office, Bristol, Conn. Editorial/Business Offices 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N. Y., Tel. Plaza 9-7880 TELE -TECH & ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES December 1954 1 MODEL TCR-12 A NEW MICROWAVE SYSTEM Engineered for Reliable Service at Low Cost INDUSTRIAL BAND and COMMON CARRIER BAND Applications (6575-6875 mc) (6250-6425 mc) Marking a big step forward in microwave economy, reliability and ease of installation, Raytheon pre- RELIABLE, LOW COST MICROWAVE sents the Model TCR-12 TELELINK. Available for one SERVICE FOR or two channel operation, TELELINK is particularly PIPELINES PUBLIC WORKS applicable for handling telephone, telemetering, POWER UTILITIES FIRE AND POLICE teletype, telegraph, control and VHF functions. TELEPHONE COMPANIES AIRLINES TURNPIKES RAILROADS HIGHWAYS FORESTRY UNITS. SINGLE -PACKAGE Completely self-contained MILITARY AND CIVIL DEFENSE including built-in parabolic antenna and all-weather radome, TELELINK units are quickly and easily in- stalled on poles or towers and may be used with passive DETAILED INFORMATION ... a new brochure contains reflectors. TCR-12 repeater units permit multi -hop complete data on the new Raytheon TELELINK. Write for it. systems. Simple, compact, rugged, designed for trouble -free, unattended operation in all weather, TELELINK features long -life circuits and automatic self-tuning after power failures or maintenance shut -downs. Op- erates on standard utility power. PRINTED CIRCUIT TECHNIQUES . First to use RAYTHEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY strip line plumbing with printed circuit techniques, Raytheon Equipment Soles Division TELELINK incorporates latest design features for reliability, economy, compactness, and servicing ease. WALTHAM 54, MASSACHUSETTS 1954 2 For product Information, us* Inquiry card on last page. TELE -TECH & ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES December ONP.O..-NONMONO..OmNmmNmONNONMMO'ONNaO.NNOMOMOMm.M'O.OPNP.ON'OmN.NPNP mP.O-NaOPOMMNN.mNP<d.-NMM"O.MNMMNP'OM..O'O"NMpPNaNNM'ONOOMmNmNNO'OOP'OmNONPN.O'ONNPNNmONmO.OmaPmoP'O 'OO^.NN.'*OOmNm.mNOPONNM'O.N'Om0NNOpmO'ONO O '*NaNiOÓÑ'ONPNV&thNÑNNf)OMdNPÓ.ÓaD O ^O'OM.^.-mN-NNNP.OP'OM'Om'O-O'O.N.'ONNP'O'ONMa'ONP'ONMNM'O.N'OPNN.N.-NM'OO.NNNmMVhfNOO'OPG[ìhNO,iNNONMI'OPNÓaN^OVvìoiNdNÓP'ONO'ÓP F- w0 N 'O .P .O N 'O N-. Nm N .. M - N MN N1 ^ . ." . .N N N h ^ N '+O ON a.M N..NO'OMONN.N adMN.'OaO^NNONP MN.m'*m M.mMM NmONN O 0 d N. 'O em M.ONmPpOPO'* . .MOO ' mNM--.PONONNNM 'NOPmmN NNON'O Nm'OmN MmN. M N j -'O 'O 'MN O-.mNNN.-.Pa mMOM.OmOMNNNON 'NNOOPN 'OmNNa ' 'O'OMMP N'OOm 'N 'O :g-'',..2 . .N V< .N.- .N1'Ó .NL1V1<NNN'/1ÓH .Ni.-dhNfPYP NN . .dNNNN . O.< . .N .a N.N .MN -m .NMm'O .'O .N ^ . 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