Journal of Travel Research http://jtr.sagepub.com/ Tourist Behavior Intentions and the Moderator Effect of Knowledge of UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Case of La Sagrada Família Ramon Palau-Saumell, Santiago Forgas-Coll, Javier Sánchez-García and Lluís Prats-Planagumà Journal of Travel Research 2013 52: 364 originally published online 16 November 2012 DOI: 10.1177/0047287512465959 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jtr.sagepub.com/content/52/3/364 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Travel and Tourism Research Association Additional services and information for Journal of Travel Research can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jtr.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jtr.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations: http://jtr.sagepub.com/content/52/3/364.refs.html >> Version of Record - Apr 8, 2013 OnlineFirst Version of Record - Nov 16, 2012 What is This? Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at UNIV OF CHICAGO LIBRARY on October 12, 2014 JTRXXX10.1177/0047287512465959Jo 465959urnal of Travel ResearchPalau­Saumell et al. Journal of Travel Research 52(3) 364 –376 Tourist Behavior Intentions and the © 2012 SAGE Publications Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Moderator Effect of Knowledge of DOI: 10.1177/0047287512465959 UNESCO World Heritage Sites: jtr.sagepub.com The Case of La Sagrada Família Ramon Palau-Saumell1, Santiago Forgas-Coll1, Javier Sánchez-García2, and Lluís Prats-Planagumà3 Abstract This study investigates the relationship of heritage building and employee displayed emotion with tourist emotions, satisfaction and behavioral intentions, and the moderator effect of knowledge of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites (WHS). A theoretical model was constructed which was tested with a total of 883 surveys. The questionnaires focus on the Basilica of the Holy Family—La Sagrada Família—in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). The study of the data used structural equation models by means of a multigroup analysis. The results suggest that heritage building and employee displayed emotions influence tourist emotions, tourist emotions influence satisfaction, and satisfaction influences behavioral intentions. Furthermore, a direct effect of heritage building on behavioral intentions has been identified. In addition, it has been proved that knowledge of UNESCO WHS moderates the linkages between constructs in most of the relationships in the sample analyzed. Keywords heritage building, employee displayed emotions, tourist emotions, World Heritage Site Introduction of motivations (Poria, Reichel, and Biran 2006a, 2006b), of the effect of the UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS) brand No general consensus exists among researchers as to the name (Poria, Reichel, and Cohen 2011), preferences for definition of heritage tourism. Authors such as Apostolakis interpretation site (Poria, Biran, and Reichel 2009), tourist (2003) affirm that definitions of heritage tourism can be experiences (De Rojas and Camarero 2008; Sheng and Chen grouped into two differentiated lines: a first one referring to 2012; Ung and Vong 2010), model of loyalty to heritage definitions more closely related to the tangible and intangi­ sites (Chen and Chen 2010), atmospherics attraction (Bonn ble components of the heritage, and a second that highlights et al. 2007), and museum image (Moreno Gil and Ritchie aspects relating to the consumption of heritage resources and 2009). However, there are no studies of consumer behavior the experience of visitors. These two ways of defining heri­ at World Heritage Sites (WHS), excepting that by Poria, tage tourism come together in the synthesis offered by Park Reichel, and Cohen (2011) on the effect of the UNESCO (2010), who affirms that heritage tourism is closely related WHS brand name on heritage tourists’ motivations for visit­ to tangible and intangible elements, which are the material ing WHS, and a study of the influence of UNESCO WHS and psychosociological testimony of the cultural identity of designation on tourists’ choice of a tourism destination a territory or of a nation. (Marcotte and Bourdeau 2006), but in the latter case the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) includes cultural, natural, and 1University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain mixed sites in the World Heritage List. Notwithstanding, 2Jaume I University, Castelló de la Plana, Spain although 77.4% of the properties in the list are cultural 3University of Girona, Girona, Spain (UNESCO 2012), the study of the consumer has been an underresearched area in cultural heritage tourism. Never­ Corresponding Author: Ramon Palau-Saumell, Department of Economics and Business theless, in recent years studies have begun to appear that Organization, University of Barcelona, Diagonal 690, Barcelona, 08034, have developed models and tested them empirically. Among Spain. those who have developed models, we can highlight studies Email: [email protected] Downloaded from jtr.sagepub.com at UNIV OF CHICAGO LIBRARY on October 12, 2014 Palau-Saumell et al. 365 results are not significant due to the limitation of the number Barcelona, Casa Vicens and Casa Batlló. Such recognition of surveys and their exploratory character. by UNESCO was in addition to the Parc Güell, Palau Güell, Both the heritage building and the service personnel form and Casa Milà, which were listed in 1984. The unfinished part of the tourism product offered to the visitors to a cultural Basilica of La Sagrada Família has been under construction heritage site. In this sense, Voase (2007) found that the result since 1882 and current estimates for completion of the work of the experience of visitors to a heritage building is emo­ are of not less than 20 years. However, it is one of the most tional. Also, the literature on services marketing has recog­ famous works of the Catalan architect and artist Antoni nized the importance of the emotions displayed by the Gaudí (1852­1926), who offered a unique interpretation of personnel in contact with the customer in a service encounter Catalan modernism—the artistic movement that stretched (Bickart and Schwarz 2001), as the customer “catches” the from the late 19th to the early 20th century—and each year emotions shown by the employee in the exercise of his or her attracts the attention of millions of tourists, specifically work (Tan, Foo, and Kwek 2004). We have not found earlier 2,317,349 in 2010 (Barcelona Tourism 2011). As well as literature relating to heritage tourism in general, nor in the being an attraction for millions of tourists, the temple is a context of UNESCO cultural WHS, on the influence of the place for prayer and contemplation, for those who practice surroundings of the WHS on the emotions of the tourists the catholic religion, and it was declared a Basilica by Pope who visit them and their repercussion on satisfaction and Benedict XVI in 2010. behavioral intentions. The literature on heritage tourism has established that heritage sites can affect tourists’ emotions differently depending on whether the tourist considers the Literature Review heritage site as a world, national, local, or personal site Heritage Buildings (Timothy 1997). This study analyzes only the emotions relating to the hedonic part of the visit to a World Heritage Earlier studies have found that consumers respond emotion­ Site, as is the case of La Sagrada Família. In no case are per­ ally to the stimuli of physical surroundings, which include sonal emotions linked with the visitors’ identity, ideology, the atmospheric effects (Turley and Milliman 2000) and the religion, history, or culture incorporated. design and environmental factors (Sherman, Mathur, and Although the marketing literature has indeed studied the Smith 1997; Wakefield and Baker 1998). Studies such as effect of the surroundings of the service on customers’ emo­ Ryu and Jang (2007) show that the impact of customers’ tions (Lin and Liang 2011), insufficient work has been done perceptions of physical environment on pleasure and arousal on the consumer of cultural heritage tourism and specifically emotions is important in gastronomic tourism. With regard how the perception of the heritage building and employee to the heritage buildings, the physical surroundings are par­ displayed emotions affect tourist emotions. To complete the ticularly relevant: they have a long tradition of attracting design of the model, relationships, tested by the literature, visitors, are an important motivator in tourist travel and add between tourist emotions and satisfaction and between satis­ personality to the destination (Laws 1998). These buildings faction and behavioral intentions have been incorporated. permit tourists to identify the cities, the urban landscape The first objective of this study is therefore to develop a con­ (Griffiths 2000) and contribute to their perception of the ceptual model to cover the gap in the cultural heritage tour­ region as a whole (Urry 2002). The most important attrac­ ism literature regarding the influence of the heritage building tion for tourists is the building itself and/or the façade with and employee displayed emotion on the formation of tourist its visual elements and architectural styles that because of emotions and their effects on satisfaction and behavioral their historical, architectural, or cultural characteristics intentions.
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