S PAL EVENTS KDX PAL Day at the Mets Mets vs Miami September 21, 2012 Buy your tickets on-line & supportrt PAL’s after school programs. ® PALetterTHE 34 ½ East 12th Street, New York, NY 10003 212-477-9450 www.palnyc.org July 2012 PAL “PARTY ROCKS” & WINS A GRANT FROM TREASURE & BOND little rain didn’t stop 100 energetic children DQGVWDIIIURPIRUPLQJWKH¿UVWHYHU3$/)ODVK0RE A The mob marched up West Broadway from Grand T Street chanting and dancing in sync to “Party Rock Anthem.” When it was over, ballots were handed to spectators who were implored to immediately visit the Treasure & Bond store and vote for PAL. Treasure & Bond is a one-of-a-kind Nordstrom’s store at 350 West Broadway-gift boutique, art gallery and neighborhood gathering place. The store donates RIDIWHUFRVWSUR¿WVWRQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQV chosen by customers during store voting. Thanks to the hard work and irresistible pizzazz of PAL’s Party Rockers, PAL won enough votes to HDUQDVKDUHRI7UHDVXUH %RQG¶VPRQWKSUR¿WV Thanks are in order to those who made this happen: Armory, Brownsville, Duncan, Harlem and IS 218 Youth Centers for dancing; Stephen Chukumba of Marksmen Productions and Seye Charles and Tricia Grinell of Focused Movement/Teen Step Up for choreographing and directing; NYPD Community Affairs for keeping everyone safe; HBOIRU¿OPLQJ the event and Treasure & Bond for awarding this generous grant. 7RVHHSKRWRVDQGDYLGHRRI3$/¶V¿UVWHYHU)ODVK 0REFKHFNRXWZZZSDOQ\FRUJRUORRN XVXSRQ)DFHERRN 3XEOLVKHGE\WKH3$/'HYHORSPHQW'HSDUWPHQW 0DU\-DQH5DPER0DQDJLQJ(GLWRU (ULN&XPEHUEDWFK/D\RXW 'HVLJQ 3KRWRJUDSK\$QGHUV+XQJ 3ROLFH$WKOHWLF/HDJXH,QF$OO5LJKWV5HVHUYHG SUMMERTIME THE 3UHSDUDWLRQVDUHXQGHUZD\IRU 6XPPHU'D\&DPSVRQH WINNER IS…. RI3$/¶VEHVWDWWHQGHGSURJUDPV /DVWVXPPHUFKLOGUHQDJHV Benjamin Ward WRRNDGYDQWDJHRI6XPPHU G 'D\&DPSVWKDWDUHIUHHRUPLQLPDO For more than 70 years, PAL has sponsored an FRVWWRFKLOGUHQOLYLQJLQ annual essay contest for high school students 3 FRPPXQLWLHVZLWKKLJKHUWKDQ entitled “Police Commissioner for a Day.” W DYHUDJHUDWHVRISRYHUW\FULPH The students with winning essays serve for a K DQGVXPPHUOHDUQLQJORVV GD\DVKLJKUDQNLQJSROLFHRI¿FLDOVDQGWKH¿UVW P prize winner is named “Police Commissioner s )RUWKHVHFKLOGUHQ6XPPHU'D\&DPSVRIIHUPRUHWKDQMXVWDSODFH for a Day.” WRJRRQDKRWVXPPHUGD\&DPSVDUHRSHQ¿YHGD\VDZHHNIRUHLJKW W ZHHNVIURPDPWRSP&KLOGUHQDUHH[SRVHGWRDFXUULFXOXPRI PAL is proud to claim several Police p DFDGHPLFVNLOOEXLOGLQJDUWVOHDUQLQJSK\VLFDO¿WQHVVDQGJRRG Commissioners as former PAL kids-Robert J. R ROGIDVKLRQHGIXQ7KH\DOVRHQMR\¿HOGWULSVDQGVSHFLDOHYHQWV 0F*XLUH5D\PRQG:.HOO\DQG%HQMDPLQ DQGOHDUQDERXWWKHFXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHVRIWKH&LW\ Ward. Only one of these Police Commissioners J DFWXDOO\ZRQWKHHVVD\FRQWHVW%HQMDPLQ:DUG T 7KHUHLVDJUHDWQHHGWRH[SDQGWKLVSURJUDPWRDSSUR[LPDWHO\ ZKRVHUYHGXQGHU0D\RU(GZDUG,.RFK PRUHFKLOGUHQLQWKH¿YHERURXJKV7KLVLVZKHUHVRFLRHFRQRPLF FRQGLWLRQVDQGFULPHVWDWLVWLFVLQGLFDWHWKHJUHDWHVWQHHG)RU &RPPLVVLRQHU:DUGZDVDWUXH3$/NLGIURP E H[DPSOHRIFKLOGUHQDJHVGDLO\VSHQGPRUHWKDQKRXUVLQ %URRNO\Q+LVIDWKHUZDONHGKLPIURP2FHDQ M IURQWRID79RUYLGHRJDPHVRISXEOLFVFKRROFKLOGUHQDUH +LOO%URZQVYLOOHWR(DVW1HZ<RUNHYHU\GD\ M RYHUZHLJKW/RZLQFRPHFKLOGUHQIDOOEHKLQGLQWKHLUUHDGLQJVNLOOV to attend the PAL Patrolman Thomas Wynn b E\WZRPRQWKVHYHU\VXPPHU Center. P w (LJKWZHHNVRI6XPPHU&DPSZLOOFRVWSHUFKLOGRUSHU %HQMDPLQ:DUGZDVWKH¿UVW$IULFDQ$PHULFDQWR M ZHHNRUSHUGD\&DQ\RXKHOSDFKLOGKDYHD3$/VXPPHU" serve as Police Commissioner of New York City. G ,URQLFDOO\%HQMDPLQ:DUGRIWHQVDLGWKDW³GHVSLWH c ZLQQLQJWKHFRQWHVW,QHYHULPDJLQHGWKDWDEODFN a kid from Brooklyn would ever achieve such a f MAKE A DIFFERENCE position.” i DONATE TODAY palnyc.org 212.477.9450 a PAL BOARD PROFILE Dr. Pamela Newman Dr. Pamela Newman, President & CEO of Dr. Newman has received many prestigious The Newman Team at AON Corporation is an awards: Distinguished Woman of the Year international insurance broker specializing in from The Boy Scouts of America, Service to Fortune 500 clients. Humanity Award from The March of Dimes, Spirit of New York Award from The American 'U1HZPDQMRLQHG3$/¶V%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV Liver Foundation, The Leadership Award from A in 2008. She chaired the Child/Care After The American Jewish Committee and The K School Committee and allowed us to honor Humanitarian of the Year Award by the b her at PAL’s Women of The Year Luncheon. $PHULFDQ&DQFHU6RFLHW\RI/RQJ,VODQG a P Her philanthropic commitments include the :HDUHGHHSO\JUDWHIXOWR3DPHODIRU¿QGLQJ p Board of Carnegie Hall, Brain Trauma time to make New York City a better place a Foundation and The American Liver for our children. P Foundation. She is also Vice Chair of the T Metropolitan Museum’s Business Committee. 2 GIRLSPORT DAY GirlSport Day was the beginning RIDUHJLPHRIH[HUFLVHDQG¿WQHVVIRU 386 PAL girls. ,W¶VZHOOGRFXPHQWHG WKDWWKRVHZKRFRPSHWHRQWKLVGD\ KDYHJUHDWHUVHOIHVWHHPDQGDUH PRUHOLNHO\WRJUDGXDWHIURPKLJK school! At the Duncan Center on Manhattan’s PAL GOES GEOTHERMAL ! West Side, 28 girls, grades 3–6, were primed to celebrate this day with an hour At PAL’s Annual Science Fair at the RIZDUPXSVWUHWFKHVMRJVDURXQGWKH Webster Center in the Bronx, PAL fourth J\PSOXVVWUHQJWKH[HUFLVHV graders learned that ENERGY comes in The girls rotated through many forms-Wind, Hydropower, Kinetic, stations such as a bean Fossil Fuels, Solar, and Geothermal. EDJGURSMXPSURSH MXPSLQJMDFNVEURDG Each Center chose a form of energy to MXPSVVLWXSVDQGD H[SORUHXVLQJWKHVFLHQWLÀFPHWKRG balance beam. question or problem, hypothesis, Performances procedures, and results. Their creative were recorded on a work was displayed on handmade tri-boards during an open house. One group actually R Master Score Sheet. created a large paper-foil-cardboard PAL GirlSport Day roller coaster! H continues to be an N amazing opportunity for young ladies to Best of all, each child ended the day improve their emotional with two tickets to the New York Hall and physical health. of Science! FROM THE DIRECTOR the NYC School curriculum, and offers theme days all enhance the learning opportunities to learn through creative H[SHULHQFH ALANA PXOWLVHQVRU\H[SHULHQFHV Poetry and the arts are vehicles of SWEENY The world of our youth and the careers VHOIH[SUHVVLRQWKDWEULQJDOLIHORQJ PAL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of tomorrow are rapidly changing due to DSSUHFLDWLRQRIWKHVHPRGDOLWLHV,Q technological advances. As you will read preparation for the Poetry Jam, children in the newsletter, our youth are being worked with a poet to create their own At the end of each school year, PAL educated in STEM (Science, Technol- poem and chose its illustrator. At one KHOSVFKLOGUHQSUHSDUHIRU¿QDOH[DPV RJ\(QJLQHHULQJDQG0DWK ¿HOGVDQG PAL Center, the youth even receive by providing tutoring, Regents review through PAL’s Digital University, our violin lessons. and SAT preparation. Eighty percent of youth are learning about effective use of PAL kids are in schools that are under- social media and the many new careers William Butler Yeats once said that performing or failing. This makes the in technology that are available to them. ³(GXFDWLRQLVQRWWKH¿OOLQJRIDSDLO academic support that youth receive at PAL is particularly skilled at making EXWWKHOLJKWLQJRID¿UH´ At PAL, we PAL even more critical. learning activities stimulating through aim to ignite a passion for learning that “hands on” activities and interactive WUDQVFHQGVWKHVFKRROGD\DQGH[WHQGV The Education Department at PAL learning opportunities. Contests, through adulthood. 3 creates thematic units that align with performances, science fairs and special BOARD OF DIRECTORS A GREAT MONTH FOR +RQ5REHUW00RUJHQWKDX break to volunteer at the Webster Center’s Chairman VOLUNTEERS afterschool program. Robert J. McGuire April was National Volunteer Through a METS donation, 100 volunteers were Vice Chairman Month and 67 volunteers served PAL. WUHDWHGWRDEDOOJDPHDW&LWL¿HOG:HEVWHU -RKQ%2VERUQ Achievement First High School students Center’s dance room was renovated on by 23 President KHOSHGZLWKDEHDXWL¿FDWLRQSURMHFWDW3$/¶V United Healthcare Community Plan volunteers. Wynn Center. 20 students from the Civic Hon. Raymond W. Kelly (GXFDWLRQ3URMHFWLQ&KLFDJRXVHGWKHLUVSULQJ To date, 1,883 volunteers have served at PAL. Honorary President David J. Arena Vice President SNAPSHOT OF A LIFE EVELOPMENT IRECTOR’S 5LFKDUG$%HUQVWHLQ OUMAR KUMARA, D REPORT Vice President Daniel Rose PAL KID Vice President umar is remarkable because he is A O TH /DZUHQFH%\UQH(VT consistent and responsible and compassionate. Secretary He is a young man who has improved tenfold 40 in his short lifetime. CELEBRATION -DPHV&RYLQJWRQ Treasurer 7KH¿UVWZHHN,VWDUWHGOHDGLQJKRPHZRUN 6XSHUVWDU'LQQHU±3$/¶V¿UVWDQGIRUHPRVW sessions at the Harlem Center, Oumar shouted IXQGUDLVLQJHYHQWLVRXUODUJHVWVRXUFHRI my name with the brightest smile. He said he private income. Its success enables our children %DUEDUD7D\ORU%UDGIRUG ZDVWKHEHVWDWPDWKDQGDVNHGLI,FRXOGORRN WRDLPKLJKDVZHSUHSDUHWKHPIRUUHZDUGLQJ John A. Catsimatidis RYHUKLVKRPHZRUN,ZDVH[FLWHGWRPHHWD IXWXUHV 0DXULFH5*UHHQEHUJ seven-year-old who loves math. But his math Jerry R. Jacob ,OOXVWULRXV1HZ<RUNHUVVXFKDV-RKQ answers were all wrong! 6WHSKHQ(.DXIPDQ(VT Catsimatidis, Donald Trump, Peter Peterson, 0D\RU5XGROSK*LXOLDQL5REHUW0RUJHQWKDX (ULF.HVVOHU He asked, “why are they all wrong?” Kenneth Chenault, Anthony Watson and I. Dolly Lenz &RPPLVVLRQHU5D\PRQG.HOO\ZKRVHHWKRVLV 3DWULFN-/\QFK ³:HOO,¶PQRWJRLQJWRWHOO\RXWKHDQVZHUV RQHRIH[FHOOHQFHKDYHEHHQ6XSHUVWDUKRQRUHHV 0LWFKHOO%0RGHOO ,ZLOOJLYH\RXWKHWRWDOEXW\RXPXVWEH EHFDXVHWKH\UHSUHVHQWDOOWKDWZHZLVKIRU %UXFH(0RVOHU FRQ¿GHQWLQHYHU\DQVZHU\RXJLYHPH´ RXUNLGV 3DPHOD-1HZPDQ ,YDQ2EROHQVN\ “What’s
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