50t'h Anniversary Hettinger County, North Dakota "A Tribute To Our Pioneers' As we mark the fiftieth anniversary of the county of Hettinger, we wish to pay our sincere homage and respect to all those who helped in any way to develop this land from untouched plains. Whether they lie in well-tended burial plots or in the forgotten graves that 50 Years dol the prairies, or whether they are listed in this book or not, we honor them all, for each and every one of then) gave of something of himself or herself thai this mighl be a better land. Now we who are privU to be here and benefiting from Progress their hard work, privations and foresight, sincerely hope and trust that in our brief span of life, we too can leave as lasting a memorial lor Hie future gcner aiions as has been left by those who came before us. 3 3105 00662 3522 New County Register of Deeds, Rudolf Grosz; took up homesteads like every­ Treasurer, Peter Greff; Super­ one else did. Organized intendent of Schools, Agnes E. Dr. Converse was one of the Svihovec; States Attorney, R. J. pioneer doctors whom we first Hettinger County as it is to­ Bloedau. have any known knowledge of day came into existence officially Of the first officers appointed in this immediate vicinity al­ with the issuance of a proclama­ by Gov. Burke, Robert Berry and though there was also a Dr. tion by Gov. John Burke provid­ Arnold Bannon were still living Morris and a Dr. Mauzey record­ ing for the dividing of old Het- ; on July 15, 16, & 17, 1957, the ed a little later. firmer nt9 two counties, to be observance of Hettinger County's Dr. Converse had a homestead caTtofl IT^'t'nger and Adams 50th Anniversary. where Frank Wallace is now CzOTt'cs. The proclamation was Hettinger County has only living and did many super­ dated April 17, 1907 five towns left within its human deeds in those early days The proclamation provided that borders when way back in the in bringing the pioneer folks thn dividing line should run earlier days there were other back to health. He moved to "ecst p.rad went along the north places. Montana from here. line of towrr'Vp 131 from the New England is in the western Dr. Morris had a homestead eas' line of the county to the most part of the county and is northwest of Mott and helped east line of range 95, thence on highway 22 that runs from Dr. Converse in some of the west along the north line of Dickinson south. While not as more difficult cases. His wife township 132 to the west bound­ populous as previously, New was taken ill and died while ary of the county." This gave England ships much grain out here and is buried in the Sunny Hettinger County 32 townships each year. It is served by the Slope Cemetery. and Adams County 28. Milwaukee Railroad. New Eng­ Dr. Redman and Dr. Rucker The first officers of the coun­ land observed their 50th Anni­ came here about the same time, ty, appC'inted by Governor Burke versary this year of 1957. Dr. Rucker first having prac­ were Commissioners George Regent lies about twenty miles ticed in Richardton. He had W. Bysom, Chas. Aunger, Gustav east of New England and also taken his training in Iowa. They Grosrc; Auditor, Robert Beery; is on the Milwaukee Railroad. both practiced from about 1908 clerk of court G. Lew:s Ross; Regent will celebrate their 50th until 1917 when they left during treasurer, Jacob J. Banth, Jr; year in 1960. World War I and entered the Judge of probate, Fred S. Dew­ Mott is the largest city in the service. Dr. Redman passed away ey; Superintendent of Schools, county, boasting nearly 1600 pop­ but Dr. Rucker was able to be Herschel James; State's Attor­ ulation. While Mott came into with us during the 50th Anni­ ney, George Jones; Coroner, Dr. being in 1904, it was in 1907 versary and enjoyed visiting George W. Mauzey; Public Ad­ that the County was organized with all the old timers. Dr. ministrator, Arnold M. Bannon; and it dates its age from that Rucker lived in the house that Justices of the Peace, John G. date. Was named by Governor is now the First Congregational Willkom, Wm. Colgrove, L. S. Burke to be the County Seat. Church parsonage. Robertson, Presley Switzer; Con­ Mott is goverened by a City Dr. O. C. Maercklein came to stables, L. N. Starks, Wm. M. Council. The Northern Pacific Mott from Dickinson in 1917 Armitage, Will Ensley, W. T. branchline from Mandan comes after Dr's. Redman and Rucker Batty; Assessors, David Jones, cut to Mott while the Milwaukee left, and was very busy during John Sleicher, C. Walter Smith. read continues on to the west. the Flu epidemic in 1918. Jones did not qualify as State's Is on Highways 21 and 8. Dr. Maercklein is still in Mott Attorney and George H. Stone Burt is just nine miles east and practices to a limited was appointed in his stead. of Mott and in earlier years extent. The first meeting of the Board was a pretty good sized town. Dr. E. O. Olesky came to Mott of Commissioners took place on It is just a village now with in 1929, relieving Dr. Maercklein April 19, 1907, with all members one store, postoffice and hard­ who took a well earned rest. present. Mr. Aunger was elected ware store besides an elevator, Dr. Olesky was here until 1949 chairman. Sheriff's bond was set school and church. It is located when he sold out his interests at 510,000 and the Pioneer Presy on the Northern Pacific Rail­ to a Dr. H. K. Helseth who was made the official paper of road and Highway 21 runs came here from Thief River the county. just north of the village. Falls, Minnesota. Dr. Olesky is H. P. Jacobsen was appointed Bentley is a village just a now living in California and Dr. to visit Stark, Burleigh and few miles southeast of Burt and Helseth went back to Minnesota Morton counties to examine it too at one time was a good after about three years. record books and ascertain what sized town. The 1930's took so Dr. Sherwood Seitz practiced becks were needed here. Before many folks away that now for a time here after Dr. Helseth organization, Hettinger County Bentley can hardly be called a left and Dr. Hankins came in had been affiliated for judicial village although there is a store, the year 1953, and is still with and certain administrative pur­ postoffice and elevator there. us. poses to Stark county. Mrs. Doctors of Dentistry during Jacobsen transcribed many of the years that are remembered the records in her handwriting. are a Dr. White in the pioneer Fifty years later the officers Medical History times, Dr. Hoffman, Dr. T. L. are: Commissioners, Carl Hein- Stangebye, and Dr. J. Wirtz who rioh, Joe Schcirseh and Otto Of Mott came to Mott in 1956. Dr. Stan­ Kibbel; Clerk of Court and There were no doctors or gebye has been here for many County Judge, Kaspar Nieder- hospitals when Mott first came years and has been very active korn; Sheriff, Henry K. Luch- into being and the first doctors in the Lions Club, the Masonic singer; Auditor, O. D. Herstein; that braved the pioneer times Lodge, and the American Legion, having served as the North Dak­ First Fire In Mott moved from the location it ota Department Commander for occupied from 1907 until 1957 one year. Mott was not very well equip­ when it was purchased and ped to fight fires when the city's moved out by Mr. Blickensderfer. first fire occurred Aug. 24, 1907. After Hettinger County was The blaze was in the Mott Sup­ organized in 1907, the building ply Co. Stors. When Hollis Thorp, was erected and used as its one of the salesmen, was engag­ courthouse until 1936. ed in filling the gasoline tank During the years 1935 and used in connection with the 1936, quarters became so crowded lighting system and located in that it was voted to build a new the rear of the building, some courthouse. During February one near him stepped on a "par­ 1936, the new courthouse was lor" match, igniting the gas. In dedicated and has been in use an instant the back part of the ever since. store was a mass of flames. The The old building was left at alarm was sounded promptly its location during the years, and in a very short time there being used as a dwelling place were enough men on hand to for many who could not find smother the flames. The fire­ other quarters. fighters worked diligently to The building was moved out completely quench the fire accor­ to what the old timers will ding to the newspaper account remember as the former George of the conflagration. and Mary Kline farm, just Damage to the building and northwest of town. stock was estimated at nearly $1000. covered by insurance. The news report said: Dr. Maercklein has long taken "The Mott Supply Company Recollections Of The an active interest in Lion's feels very fortunate that their work, has been given the high­ loss is no greater, realizing that Early Pioneers And est honor award given Scouters, had it not been for the combined Events Around 1906-1908 the Silver Eagle Beaver. Very efforts of the citizens the loss active in youth activities.
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