24, 2 LOS ANGKLES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 1007. posits should he "secured by United judgment and Pettlbone told me about death r>f Rout* Then wo want back bonds and otherwise." Slmpklns wanting to see mo before 1 up to tho place And blew up the cabins. Later, was dlß- received I see many or wheth- when Senator Atdrloh the mono-. did not 1don't remember how 1 h tisslng the same was Itaywood after Ireceived money. It of There — PALM ,1»t, »t, «"<* street*. point ltaywoodI whs GARDEN Jw*m c bill the the er nil them or not. \u25a0 7 minutes si. FRANCE WANTS R9ked by OF impklnß me that he me were or nt ; from First reached and Senator Nelson CONFESSION R told wanted two three leant. The sheriff what the secretary of the to go tip on the timber claim in the not find the bottle*, only the ANGELUSnP.nUVNIIV» TirBSBAT, MAIMIIit, MMlTt'.n mii\<H;Hi:,vr_i;vi:il authority did both V treasury had received other than gov- morning. Slmpklns snld that ho would body of Boule, which was close to KVKXINIJ. iMiinniiSUNDAY, with «\tiiii>\yMATINKM, • 1 ernment bonds. write back that day for the money and Slmpklns cabin. I don think that ( then we would It" down on the Steunen* the sheriff asked Glmpklns about the TAX SYSTEM Pails to Report to Congress HOIK IS READ berg cusp Ho wrote Denver, promised, NEW to but body. I not net the $300 did "f must confess lh.it It]r, not know." Idon't know If he got the mouoy or M Slmpklns said that the settlers nsworod Mr, Aldrtch. not, Pettlbone told me afterward that promised to pay, but that they were $1000 "t do kimn th.-it he ha* been rocotv- (Cnndmtnl from Part* One) the money was sent to the wrong ad» slow In comlnn through. Mason gave INCOMES EXCEEDING TO ini; ,i niliccoll.-irieous chnrnetor of po- land, to whom confession had been drras. After Igot to the timber claim me $100 arid Slmpklns *20 when Il«ft the in, mcm ' or.rltlos. but so Cnr ns I knmi he tIM made. 1 some. settlers. One name IMason there. suppose some one Is there San Carlo <-inss of BE ASSESSED novor reported to ronftremi the Tha < ori-oi tfons throughout the docu- and another nnfnei Kale. He Is the yet. He is a married man with a securities he has been receiving." ment were In the handwriting or the one known as 'Wall Kyo.' ,1 also met large family. The Nelson amendment, as explained not. n v puhlli. The InFt nil (V-rnnn by tho mime of «.lovor. There by Mr. Aldrlrh, Will require nil gov- Identifier! t.y McParttemi and WM tlMti were Rome claim jumpers In there. Sends Claim Jumpers Severe Penalty Attached Where Rev- ern, ii' nt funds to ho kept In national n id to tin- court, Simpklns told me that he wanted to Iwill say this thlnp about these — banks, and thus the large hanks of the got rid of these fellows and that If"I"people. There was ft man In Bpo- Ambassa- Adams' Confesulon rich enues Are Concealed country bleb habitually carry United Idid so he would give me $300. kane by the name of B. It. Lewis who Opera bond-, arriving Comp'ny states n-< said in In Den- Officials Investments would re- Adiims it on wns sending men Up there to Jump dor* and Other ceive the deposits. ver he wont direct to Pettibone's store Two Men Killed trying gret away \u25a0 claims and to them the (liinti,I to find out where his lie "Two men jfnt killed. Olovor, 160 Artists, to Be Exempt Mr. Aldrlch said com- wns. Mont. from the settlers. They said that _ Including mittee had realized In dealing with the, "Pettibone wanted to knon if we. Simpkins and myself nssistPd In the Lewis hftd furnished the money to questions that they were many and the money for the Stelinen- killing;. Tyler was he first man killed come Dp and hold the claims until they difficult, but if an attempt was made berg business, and itold him iw «<\u25a0 and i killed hlt.i with s 2K-3;. Win- could take them away from the set- By Associate Pr«ss. to at the short and would write We Tyler's proposed solve them present ses- had not, h« said he chester. went down to tlers. They were to get half for doing LillianNordica PARIS, Feb. Under the sion failure in all respects would re- »nd have It returned. Cabin and he was not thei-p. We sfnyed half. The cTWme so and Lewis the other Alice Nletxen, Mile. Kclj- Mile. Tnrqiilnl.«H«. onMnnllno, income tax system taxes will be levied sult. \u25a0I s;m Haywood. too, i"it neither around all dny and thei. went ml <>n claims wero timber claims and had l>rrr>nc Fl. « SIR. U. "Therefore," continued, of them siid anything about going Hi- Campnnnrl, Mb- <!<\u25a0 Hrßiiroln nnd othern. as follows: ho "tho com- iiill We slopped nt n spring nnd good timber on them. ' mittee repotted a bill permitting tho hack to carry out the Bteunenberg Ihoard some one c miilng. Isaid: "All affair over Ileft — from build- "After the was Four per cent on Incomes Secretary «t tho treasury to deposit business and they did not tell me thai right, Inm rind of lt.- to Pan- 20 land, $10,000,000; Slmpklns nnd went back up Ballet of Chorus of 55—Orchestra of 50 ings, $19,250,000; Income customs receipts In national bnnks In Homebody else had been seni up t<> "We hid behind Homo trees nnd Iver. There had been no money sent securities, French, $14,250,000; for- the same manner as he deposited In- do It. BEtV Hiit It wns Tyler coming. He hnd to tend to the Steunenberg matter, and from Harry Orchard, nnd fi rentes. $2,800,000; credits, tornnl revenue receipts. \u25a0\u25a0! asked aboul hlg gun buckled on him, nnd Itold let that go." REPERTOIRE OF FIRST WEEK eign, $9,250,000; "As n whs in him I for contracts, matter of fact, tho secretary or Pettibone told me he California to hold up his hands, fine of the ended — Ceposlts, guarantees, |s but This Is where the confession Tuesday rvrnliiK,March :,. Nt 7MR i.A GIOCONDAi Mme. Nnrdlrn. the treasury doing this now by Isaw Simpkins down in Denver, boys took his gun nnd took him at of with Mmcs. $600,000; 3V4 per cent on the Income de- why the wo the adjournment court nt noon Nnrdlca, Dorllnetto, Monti-Uuldlnl, Blgnors Constantino, Begurola. Fornari Industry, $25,600,- positing in banks all of tho Internal 1 ,was never able to find out to Simpkins' cabin and kept him until to meet ngaln nt 2 p. m. rulrlnl. from commerce and receipts and using tho st hii'ni assassination had been morning, and ,hlm 0C0;0C0; agriculture, $4,250,000; 3 per cent revenue customs x-vk then took three — ,-ocoipts poitponed, Wednesday evening, Saturday wages, salaries and pensions, $2,600,- to pay current expenses. l!ut miles out on tho trail nnd Ikilled him. March « nißllnon. March 9—FAUST. on this operation Is not direct." "I had heard them speak of 'K»t- Throe of US Were together nil the tlino. IUGOLETTO, with Miss Nielsen, Mmc Nordica, with. Mme. 00;000; professions, $1,250,000. 1 WOMAN SAYS SHE WAS Mmc. Cop- Nordica! liberal tlng Bteunenberg on of the After the killing the 'Montl-BaLdlnl, Blgnnrs Mile. Colombatl, Slgnors Martin, the taxes on Incomes nccount body was left • stantlno. punnil, rerlnl. ,7 ••> Porlnl. lnIIn addition to he had taken with regard to the between two logs. Tyler alwnys Campanarl, from these special categories there Is to stand affair, re- DRUGGED AND ROBBED graduated tax on Coeuer d'Alen* but the* did not fuffrd to say Where ho came from, but r cV< ftrC 7 bcbbe a supplementary mo how much there wns In It for thnt n th.* rd.?a, $1000 commencing with tell said man by name of Lewis, Alice McAvoy, 20 MM of nge, a ro- viATA. Mn^ wl'A" lncomesIIncomes of over me, but wo Ivid always had an under- a Spoknno man, largo blue 11"11** 8lKnOr SS.^Vlth^lttf .w^'no"-?^??!- 1per and Increasing h.id placed him on the flnod nppenrlng girl with Busschettn, MarTln one-fifth of cent itanding before thai iwas to get $ioon (I,'lllU. features, fiBSiS^aJifflQalpernl. BST«S* fiwfc.Qlaconne,bSSSS to per on incomes of $20,000 and BIG INCREASE eyes nnd dainty was found Sogurola, Barocchl. Perlni: 4 cent IN for the job. I not this matter jn-ent do think "At'tor tho killing I down to on Los Angeles street lnst night roam- Friday evening, Mnrch 8—iimiiii'ii was over discussed In the presence of Harrison nnd met Kliwpklns. Itold ing around In what appenred to bo a OF SEVILLE, with Miss Nlolsen> Sunday evening, March 10—LUCIA, This is estimated to produce $24,000,- Mme. Percpto, Slgnors liusschottl, with Mme. Perego, Slg- 00,0 of the revenue Moyer." him what 1 had done and sntd that drunken condition. She was taken to Miss Nielsen. 00, while the 6 per cent His Duty he have nny Segurola. Bdrocchl, Porlnl. nors Busschcttt, Fornari, Perlnl. derived from securities, which is to re- Simpkins Did did not more claim jump- the police stntlon nnd there claimed duties, his He drugged miiii, Trnvatoro, place the old stamp and transfer APPROPRIATIONS Appended to the confession Is n ers on claim.
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