# URL Description 1 https://27crags.com/countries/spain Spain 2 https://2gis.kg/bishkek Kyrgyzstan Yes, there are some regional and local open data sources available. Mainly it is about city directories (like 2GIS.ru and 4Geo.ru - info about infrastructure, firms, services) and meteorological services. But mostly they work as apps - interactive maps, not as 3 http://2GIS.ru open data layers. Thematic datasets also exist, but not so easy to find. Yes, there are some regional and local open data sources available. Mainly it is about city directories (like 2GIS.ru and 4Geo.ru - info about infrastructure, firms, services) and meteorological services. But mostly they work as apps - interactive maps, not as 4 http://4Geo.ru open data layers. Thematic datasets also exist, but not so easy to find. 5 http://actmapi-actgov.opendata.arcgis.com/ Australian Capital Territory Government Open Data - Geospatial Data Catalogue 6 https://africaopendata.org/ Africa 7 https://www.ala.org.au/ Atlas of Living Australia https://atlantaregional.org/atlanta-region/regional-data-resources/interactive-data-mapping- 8 tools/ City of Atlanta 9 http://atlas.ca.gov/download.html Cal atlas 10 https://azgeo.az.gov/azgeo/ Arizona We have a lot of open-data portals in Poland. For example: www.geoportal.gov.pl, baza.pgi.gov.pl (geological data), 11 http://baza.pgi.gov.pl mapy.orsip.pl (Silesian Voivodeship) etc. You can find plenty of information. 12 https://bdl.stat.gov.pl/BDL/start In poland there is government open-data portal "Bank Danych Lokalnych" 13 http://bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in is Geo portal of India, must of the data sets will available for open access. 14 http://bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in/ India 15 http://bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in/bhuvan_links.php India 16 http://Bhuvan.org I have used opens Bhuvan.org Yes the City of Boston has bostonopendata-boston.opendata.arcgis.com and the Analyze Boston website has data/maps 17 http://boston.opendata.arcgis.com available. https://catalog.data.gov/organization/4ae51f6c-467a-4f9d-b40a- 18 2c52e83c326a?publisher=U.S.+Forest+Service US Department of Agriculture If you didn't know there is CDRC.ac.uk which has some interesting data sets available. Alsoinfuse.ukdataservice.ac.uk for all 19 http://CDRC.ac.uk your 2001 and 2011 census needs. 20 https://cecgis-caenergy.opendata.arcgis.com/ California Energy Commission's open data 21 https://cecilmaps.ccgov.org/public/ Cecil County, Maryland 22 https://www.chapelhillopendata.org/page/home1/ https://www.chapelhillopendata.org/page/home1/ 23 https://www.charlottecountyfl.gov/services/gis/Pages/Shapefile-Gallery.aspx https://www.charlottecountyfl.gov/services/gis/Pages/Shapefile-Gallery.aspx The only Open Data Portal I found for West Texas, most specifically for Lubbock, TX would 24 https://ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/gis-data-services be:https://ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/gis-data-services. 25 http://www.citizensciencegis.org/openreef/ Citizen Science GIS Open Reef Data portal 26 http://city-tampa.opendata.arcgis.com/ http://city-tampa.opendata.arcgis.com/ 27 http://climbaround.com/ information about the routes in Spain 28 https://coast.noaa.gov/dataviewer/ NOAA free 1 meter resolution LiDAR data The City of Columbia, SC provides an open data portal for release of data about city operations:https://coc- 29 https://coc-colacitygis.opendata.arcgis.com/ colacitygis.opendata.arcgis.com/ 30 http://www.codgik.gov.pl/index.php/darmowe-dane.html Polish government database 31 https://cohgis-mycity.opendata.arcgis.com Houston, TX 32 https://conservationhalton-camaps.opendata.arcgis.com/ Also in the Conservation Authority: There is a brazilian open-data portal (http://dados.gov.br/), but in my point of view, it has a lot of geographical information such as hidrology, soil, relief, but I miss the information about how people interact with the environment. For instance, we are far away of having data like Denver Amenities. And if we have the data, it is not organized enough to become geospatial 33 http://dados.gov.br/ information. 34 https://dados.gov.pt/ Portuguese government database 35 http://dadosabertos.cm-lisboa.pt/ Lisbon, Portugal 36 https://www.dallasopendata.com/ Dallas OpenData 37 https://dane.gov.pl/ Polish government database 38 https://dashboard.hawaii.gov/ https://dashboard.hawaii.gov/ 39 https://data.austintexas.gov/ City of Austin - The state of Maryland has a great open data portal site:http://data.imap.maryland.gov/. This also uses the ArcGIS Hub environment. Similarly, the city of Baltimore:https://data.baltimorecity.gov/. I like how more of these open data resources are 40 https://data.baltimorecity.gov/ using the ArcGIS Hub layout. I have not used open-data portals as a consumer before because in the past I've been on the side of government creating the data. There is an open data portal in Boston called Analyze Boston at https://data.boston.gov/. It provides 143 datasets, showcase what users are doing with open data, categorizes and highlights datasets for different purposes, allows user to create an account, etc. Now that I have more of an idea what I'm doing, I can't wait to play around more. 41 https://data.boston.gov 42 https://data.ca.gov/ state of California 43 https://data.calgary.ca/ City of Calgary 44 https://data.cityofchicago.org/ City of Chicago, Illinois 45 https://data.colorado.gov/ The State of Colorado has an open data portal at https://data.colorado.gov/ The Colorado Springs Municipal government operates and maintains an open data portal, which can be found athttps://data.coloradosprings.gov/. This portal provides the end user with a number of geographic and non-geographic data sources that describe the various recreational, economic, and infrastructure related data gathered and analyzed by the city's GIS department. This open data portal provides the same functionality as the one observed in section 1 with a customized 46 https://data.coloradosprings.gov/ design for the GUI. There are lots of good stuff in CT and a few bigger towns provide their own. You can find CT statewide open data at 47 https://data.ct.gov/ https://data.ct.gov/ Yes, the City of Edmonton has one: https://data.edmonton.ca/. It will be great to get one at the University of Alberta. This 48 https://data.edmonton.ca/ course is providing the resources to help figure it out. 49 http://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/data EU Open Data Portal 50 https://data.georgiaspatial.org/login.asp?CookieTest=2 Georgia, USA GIS Clearinghouse 51 https://data.glasgow.gov.uk/pages/welcome-to-open-data-glasgow Open Data Glasgow (https://data.glasgow.gov.uk/pages/welcome-to-open-data-glasgow) 52 www.data.gov.au Australian Commonwealth data portal (includes state and territory data links) 53 http://www.data.gov.gr Greece At present, Hong Kong has a "Public Sector Information portal" that lets people find and download geospatial data about the 54 https://data.gov.hk/en/ city: 55 https://data.gov.ie/ Ireland 56 http://data.gov.in Open Government Data (OGD) Platform India 57 https://data.gov.jm/ Yes, there ishttps://data.gov.jm/ Yes, there is an open data service in Morocco: (www.data.gov.ma) but the cartographic part is not yet well developed 58 www.data.gov.ma 59 http://data.gov.ro/ Yes,http://data.gov.ro/ 60 http://data.gov.ru Russia 61 https://data.gov.ua/ https://data.gov.ua/ 62 https://data.gov.uk/ UK 63 https://www.data.gov/geospatial Geospatial One-Stop portal and catalog 64 https://www.data.gov/open-gov/ 65 https://data.govt.nz New Zealand government 66 https://www.data.gv.at/ Austria 67 https://data.hampton.gov/browse https://data.hampton.gov/browse 68 https://data.honolulu.gov/ City and County of Honolulu, HI 69 https://data.humdata.org/ Humanitarian Data Exchange The state of Maryland has a great open data portal site:http://data.imap.maryland.gov/. This also uses the ArcGIS Hub environment. Similarly, the city of Baltimore:https://data.baltimorecity.gov/. I like how more of these open data resources are 70 http://data.imap.maryland.gov using the ArcGIS Hub layout. 71 https://data.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ EU research centre I have some experience with open-data portals. The City of Kansas City has one ---/. It has a little bit of everything in different 72 https://data.kcmo.org formats. 73 https://data.lacity.org/ Los Angeles, CA 74 https://data.lexingtonky.gov/ city of Lexington, Ky The most comprehensive open spatial data portal in New Zealand is delivered by Land Information New Zealand, the LINZ Data 75 https://data.linz.govt.nz/ Service (https://data.linz.govt.nz/). 76 https://data.louisvilleky.gov/ Louisville, KY 77 https://data.maryland.gov/ Maryland open data portal Open data for Memphis, TN : https://data.memphistn.gov/browse?limitTo=datasets&sortBy=alpha&utf8=%E2%9C%93 78 https://data.memphistn.gov/browse?limitTo=datasets&sortBy=alpha&utf8=%E2%9C%93 79 https://data.michigan.gov/ Michigan 80 https://data.nasa.gov/ NASA:https://data.nasa.gov/ 81 http://data.nicva.org Northern Ireland 82 https://data.nj.gov/ NJ 83 https://data.noaa.gov/dataset/ NOAA open data portals 84 https://data.noaa.gov/datasetsearch/ NOAA:https://data.noaa.gov/datasetsearch/ 85 https://data.novascotia.ca Nova Scotia, Canada 86 https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset open data from NSW govt Yes. data.oregon.gov is open data portal. I have not explored it extensively but my preliminary search on rivers seemed like a scattered dataset. I want to tap into NOAA next in order to find specific information on Yaquina River and Bay.
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