July 5, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1033 Civil War General James L. Alcorn, Military given to her by President Obama when she aisle. His support for Illinois ensured that the Governor of South Korea (preceding the Ko- helped light the national Christmas tree last Scott Air Force Base became one of the larg- rean War) John R. Hodge, and American Civil winter. est employers in the state, which now employs War General Green B. Raum. Thanks to her strong spirit and persever- approximately 13,000 people and its airfield Pope County is also home to the Shawnee ance, Betty is recovering quickly. Our office serves both military and civilian planes. National Forest, which covers one third of the has been in touch with the White House to en- Mr. Speaker, I’d like to commend the Scott county, and provides residents and tourists sure Betty receives a new commemorative Air Force Base for honoring Senator Dixon for with lakes, creeks, caves, rock formations, val- coin from the President to replace the one that his lifetime of service to our country and the leys, and wooded hills that are excellent for was stolen. State of Illinois. hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, horseback We are thankful that Betty was not more se- riding, and to just get away. riously injured, and we look forward to wel- f Pope County hosts many yearly events, in- coming her back to full health. Her spirit and cluding the 9-day Trail Ride, the River-to-River drive are an inspiration to Californians every- TRIBUTE TO GEORGE VOINOVICH Relay, and the Deer Festival. where. The residents of Pope County began cele- f brating their county’s bicentennial on January HON. MARCY KAPTUR 10, 2016, and will hold a multitude of festivi- HONORING LAKE FOREST POLICE ties throughout the rest of the year. CHIEF JAMES HELD OF OHIO I congratulate the residents of Pope County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the 200th anniversary of the county’s HON. ROBERT J. DOLD founding, and I extend my best wishes for OF ILLINOIS Tuesday, July 5, 2016 many more. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f Tuesday, July 5, 2016 commemorate a fellow public servant from RECOGNIZING MS. BETTY REID Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Ohio, George Voinovich, who passed away SOSKIN ognize the career of Lake Forest Police Chief Sunday, June 12th. James Held. George was a pillar of the Republican Party, HON. MARK DeSAULNIER Chief Held’s career is a testament to his though he occasionally opposed the establish- OF CALIFORNIA hard work. He rose through the ranks from ment in the name of good governance. His in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES being a student at the College of Lake County tellect was unsurpassed, helping him to be- and a security guard in 1984 to being police come a two-term Governor of Ohio, and later Tuesday, July 5, 2016 chief thirty-two years. His creation of the Bike to win a seat in the U.S. Senate. Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Rodeo and the twenty-year-old Citizen’s Police Among his numerous achievements, George recognize Ms. Betty Reid Soskin, a con- Academy programs helped increase commu- was proudest of passing the global anti-Semi- stituent, friend, and influential figure in my nity outreach and education on behalf of local tism bill, efforts to expand NATO, and a bill to congressional district in Contra Costa County, police forces. protect intellectual property. These accom- California. Chief Held leaves behind a legacy of out- plishments are a testament to his character, For my colleagues who may not know Betty, standing leadership at the Lake Forest Police one which helped restore the city of Cleveland she is a fabled Park Ranger with the National Department, where he connected with his fel- in the late 1970s. Park Service at the Rosie the Riveter/World low officers and innovatively engaged with the In addition to political accomplishments, War II Home Front National Historic Park. She community. also enjoys the unique distinction of our na- Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to express my George prided himself on his frugality, in both tion’s oldest Park Ranger at age 94. gratitude to Police Chief James Held for his his public life and private life. Throughout his Betty has a tremendous life story. Born in thirty-one years of laudable service. governorship, his mantra was ‘‘working harder and smarter, doing more with less.’’ Occasion- Detroit, Betty and her family lived in New Orle- f ans before relocating to Oakland, California in ally this mantra put George in juxtaposition 1927. She worked as a file clerk for the Boiler- CELEBRATING THE DEDICATION with his party, such as when he pushed a tax makers Union A–36 during World War II, a OF THE SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE increase that would help stabilize the state’s fi- Jim Crow all-African American union auxiliary. VISITOR CENTER TO SENATOR nances. In the 1950s, she moved with her family to DIXON Born in Cleveland on July 15, 1936, George Walnut Creek where she fought against dis- Victor Voinovich was the son of Eastern Euro- crimination in her new mostly-white neighbor- HON. CHERI BUSTOS pean immigrants. His culture would strongly hood, became active in her local church, and OF ILLINOIS shape the man he became, endearing him to became a well-known songwriter during the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the ethnic communities that thrived in the civil rights movement during the 1960s. Cleveland area. Tuesday, July 5, 2016 In 1995, Betty was named a ‘‘Woman of the Sadly, tragedy would also shape his life in Year’’ by the California State Legislature and Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to later years, after the death of his youngest was named one of the nation’s ten out- celebrate the dedication of the Scott Air Force daughter, Molly, when she was 9 years old. standing women in 2006 by the National Base Visitor Control Center, which will be re- George readily acknowledged this incident as Women’s History Project. named in honor of Senator Alan J. Dixon. one that elicited a greater depth of feeling and As a field representative for members of the Senator Dixon dedicated his life to public understanding, all of which he reflected back California legislature, Betty was active in the service, fighting for our country in the United on his work in public service. development of the Rosie the Riveter/World States Navy during World War II before rep- War II Home Front National Historic Park to resenting Illinois in the United States Senate George passed away suddenly on Sunday, acknowledge the role of black neighborhoods for 12 years, from 1981 to 1993. The Scott Air in the company of his wife, Janet. He had just surrounding the Richmond, California site, Force Base will honor Senator Dixon’s com- made a public appearance the Friday before which had been bulldozed after the war. She mitment to our country and his tireless work at the 25th Slovenian Independence Day now serves the park as a Ranger. In 2015, the on behalf of Illinois families—and given his event at Cleveland City Hall, and was a dele- White House recognized Betty with a Presi- lifetime of service, I cannot think of a more ap- gate to the upcoming Republican National dential Coin after she introduced President propriate celebration of Senator Dixon’s life. I Convention. Obama at the National Christmas Tree lighting was able to witness his dedication to Illinois George is survived by his loving wife and ceremony at the White House. first hand when my father worked for Senator three children. We offer them our prayers and Last week, Betty was brutally assaulted and Dixon as his Chief of Staff. As my father hope that they find comfort in the wonderful robbed when an unknown assailant broke into would often say, ‘‘he was a senator from Illi- memories of our dear friend and colleague, her home. True to form, Betty fought off her nois, for Illinois.’’ George, who will be remembered with affec- assailant, but during the encounter the thief As chairman of the subcommittee that au- tion and gratitude for his probing intellect, kind managed to steal various personal items— thorized spending on armed services, Senator heart, and utter dedication to our wonderful among them, a special commemorative coin Dixon was known for reaching across the state of Ohio. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:37 Jul 06, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05JY8.040 E05JYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS.
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