Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (RRP CAM 51159-002) Feasibility Study Report November 2019 Cambodia: Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project Kamping Pouy Subproject Prepared by the Pacific Rim Innovation and Management Exponents, Inc. on behalf of the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology for the Asian Development Bank (ADB). FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables iii List of Figures v List of Appendixes vi List of Abbreviations vii Executive Summary ix I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. SUBPROJECT ASSESSMENT 4 A. Review of Current Situation and Options for Improvement and Modernization 4 B. Proposal for System Modernization 9 C. Proposed Civil Works for System Modernization, Option 2 14 III. HYDROLOGY AND WATER AVAILABILITY 17 A. Introduction 17 B. Rainfall 18 C. Evaporation 18 D. Runoff from Kamping Pouy Reservoir Catchment 19 E. Diversion Flow from Mongkol Borey River 20 F. Reservoir Routing 22 G. Reservoir Balance 23 IV. AGRICULTURE 27 A. Current Farming Practices 27 B. Current Cropping Pattern 28 C. Soil Condition 28 D. Agro-inputs 29 E. Constraints to Yield and Field Recovery of Yield 30 F. Increasing Crop Production and Modernization of Irrigation Systems 30 G. Proposed Intensive Rice Cropping Pattern and Diversified Cropping System 31 H. Nutrient Management for Rice Production in Kamping Pouy 32 I. Proposed Cropping Pattern 32 J. Capacity Building 37 K. Economic Benefits 38 V. MANAGEMENT OF IMPROVED SYSTEM PERFORMANCE 40 A. Introduction 40 B. Main System Operation 40 C. Climate Proofing 46 D. On-farm Water Management (OFWM) 49 E. Irrigation Maintenance: Institutional Arrangements 53 F. Capacity Building for Improved Irrigation O&M 57 VI. SUBPROJECT COST ESTIMATES 59 A. Introduction 59 B. Cost of Civil Works, Option 2 59 C. Cost of Climate Proofing 61 D. O&M Cost (Year 1 Only) 61 E. Upgrading Hydromet Networks 61 F. FWUC Development and Training 63 G. Agricultural Improvement 64 TA 9349-CAM: PREPARING THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IAIP), CAMBODIA FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page iii VII. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 64 A. Introduction 64 B. Methodology 64 C. Subproject Costs 66 D. Subproject Benefits 67 E. Farm Performance 68 F. Cash Flow 70 G. Impact on Poverty 70 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS 70 A. Regulatory Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment 70 B. Baseline Environmental Condition 71 C. Assessment Findings 73 D. Public Consultations 75 E. Grievance Redress Mechanism 75 F. Environmental Management Plan 75 IX. SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS 75 A. Socioeconomic Conditions and Poverty in KPIS Communes 75 B. Ethnic Minority Groups in KPIS communes 80 C. Land Acquisition and Resettlement 81 X. GENDER ANALYSIS 83 A. Gender Roles and Opportunities in Irrigated Agriculture 83 B. MOWRAM Institutional Capacity 84 C. Mainstreaming Gender in IAIP 86 TA 9349-CAM: PREPARING THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IAIP), CAMBODIA FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page iv LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 1 Outlet Structures on the Kamping Pouy Reservoir Embankment 5 2 Existing Irrigation and Drainage Canals in the Kamping Pouy Subproject Area 8 3 Comparison of Three Design Options and Cost Estimates of Civil Works, KPIS 13 4 Commune-Wise Command Area of the Kamping Pouy Subproject 14 5 Irrigation Blocks 15 6 Proposed Civil Works for the Upgrading of KPIS, Option 2 15 7 Monthly Statistical Rainfall (mm) at Bek Chan (Battambang) 18 8 Average Daily Evaporation (mm) at Bek Chan (Battambang) 18 9 Estimated Inflow from the Local Catchment into Kamping Pouy Reservoir 20 10 Kamping Pouy Reservoir Elevation, Surface Area, and Volume 22 11 Water Balance in the Kamping Pouy Reservoir 25 12 Water Balance in Kamping Pouy Reservoir, 50% Inflow Scenario 25 13 Water Balance in Kamping Pouy Reservoir, 80% Inflow Scenario 26 14 Soil Types and Characteristics in KPIS 29 15 CARDI-recommended Fertilizer Application for Direct-seeded 90-Day Variety 32 16 CARDI-recommended Fertilizer Application for Direct-seeded Traditional Varieties 32 17 Potentially Suitable Non-Rice Crops for Consideration and Related to Water Productivity 36 18 Comparison of Water Productivity of Non-Rice Dry Season Crops with Sen Kro Ob Rice 36 19 Yield Targets and Agriculture Inputs Needed to Achieve Targets in KPIS 38 20 Combined Wet and Dry Season Benefits 39 21 Wet Season Benefit Stream 39 22 Dry Season Benefit Stream 40 23 Planned Canal Operation Schedule at System Level for 2018 Dry Season Irrigation 42 24 Irrigation Scheduling Blocks 44 25 Projected Changes to Average Rainfall and Average Maximum Temperatures, Battambang, 2050 47 26 Baseline and Projected Changes to Average Maximum Temperatures and Rainfall, Kamping Pouy Reservoir, 2050 47 27 Baseline and Projected Changes to Average Maximum Temperatures and Rainfall, Mongkol Borey River, 2050 47 28 Incremental Cost of Climate Proofing of KPIS Drainage Facilities 49 29 Maintenance Planning in KPIS 53 30 Goals and Mandate of the KPIS–FWUC 55 31 Training Plan Proposed for Kamping Pouy Subproject 58 TA 9349-CAM: PREPARING THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IAIP), CAMBODIA FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page v 32 Summary of Proposed Subproject Investment Cost 59 33 Estimated Cost of Civil Works for the Kamping Pouy Subproject, Option 2 60 34 Incremental Cost of Climate Proofing of the Kamping Puoy Subproject 61 35 Summary of Cost Estimates for Hydromet Network Upgrading for Kamping Pouy 62 36 Detailed Cost Estimates for Hydromet Network Upgrading, Kamping Pouy Subproject 62 37 Estimated Cost for Capacity Building of KPIS FWUC and Related Stakeholders 63 38 Estimated Cost of Proposed Agricultural Demonstration Activities 64 39 Subproject Financial and Economic Capital Costs 66 40 Kamping Pouy Crop Areas and Production “With” and “Without” Project 67 41 Financial and Economic Gross Margins “With” and “Without” Project (2028) 68 42 Options Summary, Sensitivities, and Switching Values 69 43 Dry, Minimum, and Maximum Rainfall (mm), Bek Chan 71 44 Local Inflow to Kamping Pouy for Dry, Minimum, and Maximum Years (mcm) 72 45 Population in KPIS 75 46 Sex/Age Structure in KPIS 76 47 Landless and Land-Poor Households, KPIS Communes 77 48 Uses of Land in KPIS Communes (ha) 77 49 Wet/Dry Season Rice Land (ha) and % Total Rice Land, KPIS Communes 78 50 Rice Production in KPIS, 2017 78 51 Poverty Levels (% Population), Cambodia 79 52 Poverty Levels (% Population) in KPIS Communes 80 53 Ethnic Minorities in Battambang Province 80 54 Ethnic Minority Population in KPIS Communes 81 55 MOWRAM Management Staff 84 56 MOWRAM GMAP, 2014-2018 86 57 Draft Gender Action Plan (GAP) 88 TA 9349-CAM: PREPARING THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IAIP), CAMBODIA FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page vi LIST OF FIGURES Number Title Page 1 Location of the Two Core Subprojects 2 2 Location Map of the Kamping Pouy Irrigation System 4 3 General Layout of the Kamping Pouy Irrigation System 5 4 Schematic Diagram of Inflows of Kamping Pouy Reservoir, Battambang 6 5 Erosion on the Upstream Slope of the Reservoir Embankment 7 6 Existing Canal Network in KPIS 7 7 Photos of the Main Canal Embankment Showing Erosion and Thick Vegetation 8 8 Flood Map of KPIS 9 9 Layout of the Kamping Pouy System, Option 1 10 10 Layout of the Kamping Pouy System, Option 2 11 11 Layout of the Kamping Pouy System, Option 3 12 12 Irrigation Blocks of the Kamping Pouy Subproject 14 13 Typical Cross-section of the Proposed Slope Erosion Control Work for the Reservoir Dam 16 14 Typical Section of Proposed Main Canal 17 15 Average Monthly Rainfall and Evaporation in the Kamping Pouy Subproject Area 19 16 Average, Minimum, and Maximum Local Inflows (m3/s) into Kamping Pouy Reservoir 20 17 Layout of Kamping Pouy Showing Mongkol Borey Diversion Canal 21 18 Mongkol Borey Flow at the Diversion Point 22 19 Hydrograph—Inflow to Kamping Pouy Reservoir from Mongkol Borey River 23 20 Flow Hydrograph—Total Monthly Inflow to Kamping Pouy Reservoir 23 21 Kamping Pouy Reservoir Rating Curve: Elevation–Volume 24 22 Water Balance of Kamping Pouy Reservoir 24 23 Potential Cropping Pattern with Respect to Reservoir Water Availability 24 24 Kamping Pouy Reservoir Balance, 50% Inflow Scenario 26 25 Kamping Pouy Reservoir Balance, 80% Scenario 27 26 Current and Proposed Cropping Pattern for the Kamping Pouy Subproject 31 27 Crop Water Requirement for a Stated Cropping Pattern 43 28 Conceptual Basis of Irrigation Scheduling 44 29 KPIS Layout Showing the Climate-proofed Drainage System 48 30 Schematic Layout of Farm-level Canals and Structures for OFWM 51 31 Poorly Leveled Basin with Waterlogging in Lowlying Area 52 32 Organization Structure of the Battambang PDWRAM 54 TA 9349-CAM: PREPARING THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IAIP), CAMBODIA FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page vii 33 FWUC Office in KPIS 55 34 Structure of the FWUC Organization 56 35 Layout of the Hydrology of the Existing Kamping Pouy Scheme 72 36 IBAT Identified Areas around Kamping Pouy 74 37 Households Affected by the KPIS Subproject 82 LIST OF APPENDIXES Number Title Page 1 Photos of the KPIS Taken During Field Visits of the TRTA Team 91 2 Detailed Cost Estimates of the Options for the Modernization of the KPIS 94 3 Subproject Economic Analysis 96 TA 9349-CAM: PREPARING THE IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (IAIP), CAMBODIA FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT: KAMPING POUY SUBPROJECT Page viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AH affected
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