Volume X, Number 45 Thursday, November 4, 1971 Eight Pages WEST TEXAS TIME (Week of Nov. 4-10) Dedicated to Informing the Negro Citizens of West Texas Sunday Proclaimed "Rev. 0. D. Hollins Day" Mayor James Granberry prO- Dunbar Graduate to Perform Here Friday claimed Sunday, November 7th, "Rev. O.D. Hollins Day" in the City of Lubbock in ceremonies at City Hall Wednesday morning. At the same time, Rev. Hollins' bro- ther, T. J. Hollins, of the First Mission Baptist Church of Santa Ma, California was made an honor- ary citizen. He is conducting the 25th Anniversary services for his brother. The week-long services got un- derway last Sunday and will con- clude Sunday afternoon with Rev. A.L. Davis, minister of Greater St. Luke Baptist Church, delivering the anniversary sermon at 3:00. A banquet was given in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Hollins Tuesday evening at the Plains Co-Op Oil Mill. Ernest Butler was chairman of the banquet committee. Appearing on the banquet pro- "REV. 0. D. HOLLINS DAY "—Reverend 0. D. Hollins, minister of gram was the Lyons Chapel Choir, Lyons Chapel Baptist Church, at right, and his brother, Reverend T. J. under the direction of Mrs. Sammy Hollins of Santa Ana, California, on the left, received proclamations Miller, church pianist and director from Mayor of Lubbock, Dr. James Granberry, Wednesday morning in of the 100-voice choir. She is the the Council Chambers of City Halt Sunday has been proclaimed "O.D. daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Hollins. Hollins Day" in Lubbock by the Mayor. Other daughters of the couple are Mrs. Mildred Snell and Mrs. Mary Kennard, both of Lubbock. Rev. Hollins served 38 years as pre- bock's first Black dentist, who Mrs. Hollins has assisted her sident of the district Sunday School also gave $850.00 to begin a Specialist 5 Chester H. Griffin, string bass player in the Concert husband in work of the church and Training Union programs. building project. The church began Band of the internationally famous United States Army Field Band of and has served as director of the Rev. Hollins has been instru- with a membership of seven per- Washington, D.C., will perform with the Field Band at Municipal Audi- youth department of the New Zeal mental in the building of three sons. o,' torium in Lubbock on Friday, November 5th, at 8:15 p.m. Baptist District Association, of sanctuaries since he came to Lub- In 1961, the building and plot Specialist Griffin, son of Mrs. L.H. Griffin of 2806 Vanda Street, which Rev. Hollins is moderator. bock. The present facility was (located in the old Queen City has been a member of the Army Field Band since January of 1971. He Prior to being elected moderator, completed in 1961. addition) was sold to Urban Re- was graduated from Dunbar High School in 1965. He attended Texas The Hollins family came to newal and a new site was purchas- Tech and received a bachelor of music education degree from Howard Lubbock in 1946 from Tahoka. ed at East 24th Street and Quirt University in Washington, D.C. in 1970. Inspection Team On June 13, 1946 he organized a Avenue. An educational building Prior to entering the Army, Specialist Griffin performed with the Appointed Here church on a small plot of land was constructed and an auditorium Lubbock Symphony Orchestra and the Roy Roberts Combo in Lubbock. donated by Dr. C.H. Lyons, Lub- was added in 1965. Specialist Griffin resides with his wife, Janis, in Washington, D.C. Six young men were recently This admission free concert by the "Kings of the Highway," the appointed to work as an insurance official touring musical representative of the United States Army, is team in the Lubbock District of being sponsored locally by the Jaycees, in conjunction with the Chief Atlanta Life Insurance Company. of Information, Department of the Army. This special team is under the In addition to the full performance, special assemblies have been supervision of C.F. Cooke, district scheduled at Estacado High School by the Band and at Dunbar High manager of the Lubbock District. School by the Chorus. Both assemblies will be on Friday, November The primary purpose of this 5, 1:30 p.m. at Estacado and 2:30 p.m. at Dunbar. team is to learn about production and collection in the insurance business. This training program Citizens Group to Discuss Forms of will receive training in management as well as other executive tools City Government Today at Luncheon while in the Lubbock District. Dr. J. William Davis, Jack Kast- drive for voter registration. The members are E.L. Steen, man, and Mrs. T.J. Patterson will The luncheon meeting, which is captain, of Austin; Wyatt Whittle, speak on basic forms of municipal open to the public will start at also of Austin; Don Wallace of government and methods used in 11:45 a.m. at the Gridiron Restau- Longview; and Bobby Thomas, the election of city councilmen at rant, 4413 50th Stteet. Lunch re- Ricky Alford and Tyrone Ervin, the November 4 general meeting of servations may be placed by call- all of Lubbock. the League of Women Voters. Mrs. ing Mrs. Les Horner, 799-0576, At the present time, Steen, Patterson has worked with groups before Tuesday evening, Novem- Whittle and Ervin are working in interested in better representation ber 2. Any woman of voting age is Lubbock; Wallace in Midland; and for minorities. Dr. Davis, a govern- eligible for membership in the Thomas and Alford are getting ment professor at Tech, and Mr. League. Further information on their experience in Amarillo. Kastman, a former member of the the League can be obtained by "This group of young men," City Council, are members of the calling Mrs. J.R. Johnson, mem- according to Cooke, "is one of City Charter Amendment Study bership chairman, at 762-4335 or the top teams in the country Committee which was adopted in Mrs. Duane Jordan, president, at working on special efforts of At- February, 1970. In June, 1971, 795-9718. lanta Life. Since their involvement the committee adopted a resolu- with the Lubbock District, Octo- tion directing the city staff to Editor Speaks to ber 15th, the team has written study the feasibility of enlarging $412.00 worth of new business the council to seven members, NHS Group for the district." with three to have residency re- Ti. Patterson, editor of the Charles E. Terrell, who works quirements in specified districts to West Texas Times, spoke to Mont- closely with the young men, ad- UNITED FUND FLAMES—representing East Lubbock High Schools allow representation by minority erey High School's National mits that "they are quite capable are pictured above. At left is Jennifer Ivory of Estacado High School groups. Honor Society, 1971 Fall Initia- of contributing something con- She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ivory, of 2711 East 9th County Tax-Assessor-Collector tion, last Sunday afternoon in the structive to the Atlanta Life pro- Street. The Dunbar Flame, shown at right, is Flossie Hawkins, daughter .'o Russell S. Hardin will deputize school's auditorium. gram in West Texas, as well as any of Mrs. Pearl Hamilton of 2307 Elm Avenue. League members attending the Ninety-two high school stu- area they may go." The two young ladies are part of a five member team, the Five luncheon meeting. These members dents, sophomores, juniors and The special team will depart Flames, representing each of Lubbock's High Schools, which present will then help register voters as a seniors, were initiated into the the Lubbock District November programs to civic and employee audiences, help work the report meet- part of the League's continuing honor society Sunday. 19th. ings and tell the story of the United Fund. Page 2 IV ST TEXAS TAKES Thursday, November 4, 1971 • Remember also, in order to be ready for the From The Business Desk really big elections, come spring of 1972, we must Well, Halloween is over, EDITORIALS get ourselves registered now. This is a must. It is part of the people in this imperative that we do this now, or as soon as country have already .00" possible. celebrated Veteran's City Elections Are Not Keep in mind also that the City of Lubbock Day and the rest will Really Too Far Away! Electiosn are not really far off. This page of the do the same at the West Texas Times has started now getting ready traditional time next It won't be long before steps will be made by to inform you, our precious readers, of the up- Thursday, November local politicians to seek your precious vote. The coming elections in the various cities throughout llth, the sun and city elections next year should be some which West Texas. We hope to make introductions of my clock are back on will contain some surprises. At this time, how- each candidate. This will not mean that we would the same schedule, Thanksgiving is drawing near, ever, we would like to call your attention to endorse such candidates. Rather, it would let you and most certainly Christmas isn't very far away. some important things which we feel the Black know what they are saying and how they are And speaking of Thanksgiving, the paper that community should know. speaking, or not speaking to the real issues. week will be published a day early—so everyone The West Texas Times wants their readers to will have an opportunity to spend Thursday, the First, when you look at the incumbents, look be able to weigh the testimony against the actions carefully at the record of each individual.
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