
/io qub 'i \t \ ,, GO REEEVEB\+"\ i \ DVZNot.'ru ERs ARIAr -Y - -..t i't: ui$.sLuHt tAr . .. r... ', I o 6-n '....21- . ,.- q\ ; Uort. ot Arunac$al Pra<lssh. l:glrwgarlAss8m, Drspur/ Manlpur, fnipihal/ "Mcghalal'a, Shillong/ Mizoram, AizawV Nagaland, Kohima/ f'..,.n )cr vd \).th- Sikkim, Gangtok/ Trrpura. Ag.artala Sub: Rovival of Mcrit Sclrolarslrip - Stipcnd & Book{rant by'NEC. Sir, With reference to NEC Secretariat Office letter of even No. dal€d 13.11.2003 on thc ".ibovc subject, I am diri:ctcd to inform you that at the request of Ghief Ministers of some Statcs of Ngrth Eastcm Regioa EC under\__ the schcmc "Fin It has also becn dccidsd thatthe State Govts' will administer'urd operate the scholarship subject to the follorving conditions: , , ' i. lt shall bc given only to those students prusuing zubjects as approved by NEC (enclosed). ii Prcferencc rvill bc given to those subjecg where employtncnt opportirnities are. bcttcr. iii. It shall be given to those students rvho do noJ have.any chance of getting ' stipcnd/scholarship from,any othgr source ^ iv. -' Selection of candidatcs will be nade purely on meritto sruure thatmeritorious - students gct priority and preference over less deserving students. Due to fund constraints. it cannot be given to all.the applica4ls. v. Thc Statc Ciovt \yill be required'to subqrit Utilisation Certificate,in G.FR l9A along rvith Audit Certificate for the amount rclcased under the schemc as per thc cxisting proccdurc. Thc guidclines fonnulatcd'for operation of the scheme are also enclosed for ready referencc and ncccssary action lours faithfully, C/ 1i- 2,'a,',- 11 ln'1o' (S.K. Malik) Director (MPD) COVERNMEN'I' OI; INI)IA N()l{ I lt llAS'l'ElrN COI,N(-ll- SECrltEl'ARln'l' sl-lll-LoNC Teuol ,": Itt il l:S ljOlt S'l'll'l:Nl) ANI) l]OOK(iRnN'l' ('rrlrt ,,', trt lti lI,!tt.tlr'r //ti' .\t /t.'rrl,' , ,,, ol'N.li.ll'. lttt' lliglnt' I'nli'ttitttt,tt ,,,i,,,,r,,.1|n,,r,t|,,,,,,,,r,,Jr1,1,r1 lrlr,r;;:1,1;:;:l ttl' Nttrth litt.rlcnt llvyiuttl r' l'lre Scer.ctur.r,. N[:('is;tlurrsctl l9 nrlkc tlrr- lirllgrving rqle.s trq;cgu.ltrtr-"ilrc grrrrrt ol'sllpcll(1. irll(l 59pk-gr.urrrs trr tlre strr.l.'rrl. rrl'tlre N.l:. l(1,$rr)n utrdcr,goir'lg, stuclics in dil'lcrr:nr disciplirrcs ut tlrl'li'r'uttt : lcv.cls- irr irrsrirurirlus rrrsrde us rvcll as outsidc rhc Norrh-Edst but within thc country as spccilicd hereinatier. The sripcnds slrall be awarded in subjects which are:'enumerated in Annexure-l and which arc lbund rt-r bc tlrc arcas/llclcls in which there is stilla shortage of adequately trained manpower in.the rsgion. l, 'fhc rulcs nray lrc,clllcd "l{ules for award of:stipend pnd book-graht from NEC". Thcsc rulcs previous on the above suhject. shall conre into lorce t]onr'rlrci ycar 2004-2-091 1tg will supercede the rules I 'l'hcse India only and shall trc Z. Scopc: srrpr..nds and book-grants ar'e available for -studies in awardurl b1 rhe North L:asrern Srares from the fund allotted by North Eastern Cduncil Secretariat' Shillong 3. (lr.,ncrat Conrlirions ot' Eligibility: Subject to specified conditions mentioned elsewhere, the .gencru I crrndi tions o l'.el isitr il r ty ilre strted bclorv: ,'t 'l'lru i -.:'iit \ttl)etr(ls i|rrrl l..,.rk-r.r|rrrit. li[r: ciPu'rr rlnll.io u clrr,Jidate rvho is a pcrnlancnt rcsidcnt tll'altl ol I .-,*thc Starcs rrr thc North-l:irst. l'lrc ccllrlicatr.'to this ct'l'cct obtuined liom the Deputy ('ommisstotrcr itl'thc 'i',Jistricr iu rrhiclr tirc cur:rlidutc is u pcrmancnt rcsidcn.t lnust be produced by the candidatc. ('urltlicatc : tiom any othef ;authority u'ill'.not bc accepted,'HoweVer, for SC/ST applicants, the SC/S,I'. C'crtillr:atc "' , 'issued hy the competenl arithority can fe considered as PRC. i . 'l'lrc ii ). -candithtc slrould posscss the relcvanl"qualitication fro*'uny'ie"ognir.d-instrt,,t,,,n An origiirul r:cr'trl'icatc ll'onr thc Inslituti()n ol'study must beproduced by thecandidate, ' '(iii). l'lrc studcnt mLlst not bc in rcceipt of any otheq:financial sssistance from any othEr sourcc, c.\ccpt National ol Stiltc Mcrit Scholurship. A sponsored candidate uirder full employment during.thc pcriod ol' ..j,study,shirll not trc eligiblc to rcgLiVc'the stipend, ''.1: ',;',t i .l .j-:r j, .. o(iv),' ' I rrr:rrrciul ustirtlrrer.'ol'strpcrrd/trtxrk:gr;ant slti,ill.bc adrniss.ible to,studcnts taking 4dnrissirrrr ir:the .{" crrtu'rr\ )lr((tll(r.l lr!'r',,1rrrrliLii' in irll lnstitutcs lce ogniz.crl [ry thc Ministry . ol' llttnlan ltcsor.tt'ce l)C\L!l()t)rlrr'nt t'usl)r'(tl\r.' \lrrrrrtr',r ol'tlrr: Urlvcnln]ct'll rf l:lndiir. / ."dt,l. o[-r]t'irnt shlll bc'tcn ibed dcnt l'ailing .Il -ruirr y.nr,d , lo rrir!;r ur r shrll 'r,ir-iclci -t-r-Ll U. l, .ilil,i.-i t'.t' .i'l,it ... i,r' r., lhar . .ili. (\'i) lr-rr't r lr'(' Lilt)(lrrii.ll.) iu'C t;\rl ertrr:t'Cd bV fhij sClfr:ttte -2- lis uril1'l t :rrcl shtr+rld bi 5.5'iii lirr: (;cncral;( )l|( ' ;Nl()llt lrrtl 5b.. t lrc lt rl ua c\.itilltt'lill r()tl Ior l)iplorra. l)cgrcc. a nd l)ort griil'ii.i-il e (ltll \\'\, (\llll \r.'ir'rlit)tlr)i \it:,!(iii:lur \l l'lrrllrrtrl l'[.]).slrrrultl lrcr[rrrcollhcl'rtsrsol't91tiu9l'rr:scirrulrrrlrr.tr htts tr.'lr'r,tilrr'trr \.1 l(..::iult (.t,\i, \u:ler:trrrrt N rll l.ri ,iru|.i,. .,,r llre [[rsrs 1rl',tncril irt irll e irsc*. {, I ltc 1'lt'use nt rirte ,rl Strl:rctrrls & Stibject/Coursesi is as undcr: (i) l41d ol's1ud) Stipend Book-urant l)iplonra Rs.600/- p.m, , Rs.600/- p.a. l)cglcr.' Rs.700/- p.m. Rs. | 000/- p.a. l'0stgruduirlc Rs.900/- p.nr, Rs.I 500/: p.a. \l.l'hil Its. | 200/-p.nr, Rs.2000i- p.a. l'lr.l) Rs.1200/- p.nr. l{s.3000/- p.a. I hc ral,cs urc sulrlcul. tr) t'e vision lionr time to time.,\ Committee will be apPon'lrc(l [r1, rhc Sccrclrrr . N lrC' lrrr tltr.' l)Lrrl)\)se . (ii) (rri lltc rut'trlrts r:rr.uscs ol' studics ut difl'crcnt levcls lbr which N[:C's llrrancial assistuncc r:, itrlt'nts.srtrlc \\'(tuld hc lltosc irs clecrrlcd lry the NEC lionr tinrc to tinre keeping in vierv the iequiren]cnts ol' spcctitlt;tr.'rl llliln!)o\\'qt'ol tltr-'Ntr1111 glrlanr Rcgion, Tlre currcnt list of courses are outlined in r\nnexures- I (Drp). il t[:)cgr,cc), l.ll ll.'t j) antl]\' (l'h.D). : 'l'lrc (ii) (b) subjecrs;to;rcs for Ir{. l'hil and Ph.D, should invariably be directly, specifieily ancl currcnrly rele\lanl -to lhe N.E- Region. Basic and theoreticalreseareh shallnot be .favourgd in general The stipends for M. Phrl rvill be available initiirlly for l8 months extendable by:a p-eriod of six months/ one semester and lbr l)lr.I)., stipcnd.s shall bc inrtrally for three years;.extendable later;by a maximum period of another one )'eilr ott tlre basis ol't'uconrnre rrdi.ltions from the Guide of the Institute. The grant of stipend lor M, Phil and Ph.l.). would bc- after rhe registrarion of the student with tlie university. ll'h.-numb.f 5. dl'strpr'nds to be arvarded every year to candidates-at different levels may be decided State kcePrnu by the Covt. irr nrind the flurra(- allopation to the State Govt. However, Jhe nuq!9r qray_[9 incrcusc.ltlt.t|cereitseiltcllch|cr(|rt|.strrdydepeil'.ofl!nrl._ I ,0. l(u.cr ritlt,trrt lirr ( t( S(', S | ( il](': ' (it) \li r.:lrrr.lrr.ltrtes +. ril iirst lrc rtrrr.sidcred un(ler thc (icni.r'al catcgory, (t)) l{eset'ruIron (rl tlte sur'rte ;:r'rnciplcs as enrbodicd in uur Constitution antl as lbllowed by Covt. ol' lndiit slrrrll he lirlltrrrr.'tl rtt sclculrrrr ol'candidates.'['his reservation will be madc according to thc pcl'ccnl:rtcrrl'S('.SlN(ilJ('iurrl r,isolimitedtoamaximunrof50ToasruledbytheSupreme(.iourt and us lblltrrrc.l iry lhc (ioit. ol'lrrtlur llorvqver. SC, S1'& OtlC candidates who are qualilied on rrcrir of' lhcir rrr,,n rs gener;rl errrt.lrtl:rter r,.uuld be ctlnsidcrcd us adilitionality to the rescrvatir.ln lbr S(', S'l'& Otl('. llene ':. Irlrtiirll\';tlleun.lrtlrrte 'rill bc considcred again,st the general qqota. : t i Sr'lr'*'lrrin illrl I unrl ltt.lr.;r.,.. Sr.'lt'elrrrtt trl t'irrlrll(litlr':, lirr l)iplrrntu lcrcl ullslrfir.hlll bc ntuJ,,i by'thc Stutr: (iort. rrlicr. l)rr)l)cr.- Ittl\.ut'Lise tttutll ittltl ltrllrrrr rrti: sclcclrorr ploccdurc its.orrllincd ur Anncitrrc-V, +-.:i wili' tic paid dircctly hr' thc Slulc 'l'he State (iovt. ol'Nonh'Ea urrrl Arrr.lit,C'urtiliciltc lor thc ant L,t'lts ol' Noilh I :astcrn' llc.uion lirr ; ln eirsc --',9. or'r,lurrlri'criuilrculrun lhe, merrter shrril bc rcic.i.rcd-' "(iriianpo f)cr,croprncnr). Nrrrtlr l:rrstilrr |urrrre rl Sur,.r.,..tirr.ial. Slrillong*/r)l0tf l. ',1 ,. ; - .- i:.: ":li :". i::.i l: , ' '..r:.,:- . ' ' .I "i'j: .l;:.:.;:.. List of Courses ooverqd u,nder Qiploma L-evel Code No.
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