284 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 22, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CASEY WONDERGEM: STAND-IN, DeVos Women's/Children's Hospital; Grand cum laude college graduate, we were de­ AND STAND-OUT, IN PUBLIC AF­ Rapids Performing Arts Center; Grand Val­ lighted to have had a chance to let a stand­ FAIRS ley State University Foundation; Celebra­ out friend be a stand-in companion. Casey is tion on the Grand; Gerald R. Ford Museum; Grand Rapids Symphony Society; Economic not only a stand-out as a friend, as a political HON. GUY VANDER JAGT Club of Grand Rapids; West Michigan Special sounding board, and as a public affairs execu­ OF MICHIGAN Olympics; Downtown Development Author­ tive, he is an asset to his community. He and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ity; Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Com­ his wife Vi are truly an example to all of us of merce; The Right Place Program; and United a dedicated and loving family, and of folks Wednesday, January 22. 1992 Way. who believe that they have an obligation to Mr. VANDER JAGT. Mr. Speaker, he has As the article notes, Casey has always been share their life and joy with others. It is a always been a stand-out in his chosen field of willing to go the distance for his employers­ pleasure to relive some old, and great, times public affairs. And when Casey Wondergem and his friends. Why he even was willing to in recognizing Casey. I offer a brief biography was recognized recently, after a lifetime of play "wife for a dinner"-and he'll still go a of Casey for the edification of my colleagues: service to community organizations, State and long way for a free meal. Here's that story CASEY WONDERGEM local political efforts, and, of course, his em­ from the Grand Rapids Press more than 20 Active in public relations all his adult life, ployer, the tributes were genuine-and enthu­ years ago: Casey Wondergem brought with him to siastic. But let the story in the Grand Rapids PR MAN PLAYS A CONGRESSMAN'S WIFE Amway an established reputation as an ex­ Business Journal tell the tale: BEFORE NATION'S NOTABLES pert in his field. Upon graduation from Calvin College in STREET TALK: 0NW ARD (By David Nicolette) 1951, he served four years in the Air Force. (By Carole Valade Smith) Actors may recall strange and exciting Wondergem worked in the Public Informa­ The good news this year belonged to roles in their careers, but none will ever top tion Office of the Alaskan Air Command as Amway (and very nearly Amway alone). The Casey Wondergem and the night he played feature and speech writer for Major General Tribute luncheon last week, however, be­ the wife of 9th District Rep. Guy Vander Acheson. Returning to Grand Rapids, he be­ longed to Casey Wondergem, Amway's senior Jagt. came manager of the Christian Reformed public affairs counsel. But it was not an "It was fabulous, unbelievable," says Church Centennial Celebration, directing ac­ event related to Amway. Baxter Community Wondergem, who operates a public relations tivities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Center Executive Director Gene Proctor company here. It was also a nerve-straining During the next 22 years, Wondergem was a thought Wondergem deserved a spotlight all experience as he braved the carefully­ freelance public relations counselor, gaining his own, having served and benefacted Proc­ planned security measures for the President broad experience in all phases of P.R. His tor's board for more than 10 years and gen­ Nixon state dinner honoring Apollo 11 astro­ major accounts included leaders in the archi­ erally for working behind the scenes on most nauts. tectural, engineering, and building fields, in every community fund-raising effort, includ­ "Guy said, 'Stick close to me,' worked his locations ranging from California to Ja­ ing the largest in the city's history, the new way through this big crowd on the steps maica. His responsibilities included bond Grand Rapids Public Museum campaign. The leading to the ballroom and waved his invi­ issue campaigns and promotions for schools luncheon itself, however, was strictly a trib­ tation at the people checking credentials," and hospitals, open house events, and gov­ ute and not a fund-raiser (i.e. no luncheon says Wondergem. "I don't know how we did ernment relations. ticket proceeds were donated to Baxter Com­ it. I just followed close and we were in. One At the same time, he was active in numer­ munity Center). of the security men called, 'Hey, is that for ous political activities involving both can­ Twas a star-filled afternoon, with com­ two,' and Guy waved and nodded and we went didates and bond-issue referendums. He also ments more akin to roasts than tributes right in." took prime responsibility for several Con­ from Amway's leading men. Amway COO The trip to Los Angeles and the celebrity­ gressional election campaigns. William Nicholson played "The Candy Man" jammed dinner last Aug. 13 started with a Wondergem became best-known locally for song for Wondergem, after complaining that telephone call from Vander Jagt in Washing­ his successful fund-raising campaigns on be­ he can't get to his parking space for all the ton to Wondergem here the day before. half of such non-profit organizations as Pine school buses and social service agency vans "His wife Carol was expecting a baby and Rest Christian Hospital (the nation's second parked in wait for Casey. But co-founders she couldn't go to the dinner," says largest mental hospital), Butterworth Hos­ Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel had already Wondergem. "So, Guy says, 'Why don't you pital, the Grand Rapids Performing Arts told the best one-liners regarding meet me out there and go with me.'" Center, and Grand Valley State Colleges. Wondergem's giving program fueled by Wondergem refused at first, appalled at the Joining Amway in May, 1979 as Corporate Amway money. Van Andel honored him for idea of "standing-in" for his good friend's Public Relations Office and "spokesman for "my generosity with which he is so spir­ wife at such a historic event. Besides, ar­ Amway" to news reporters, he quickly orga­ ited." DeVos suggested Wondergem talk with ranging for an airline flight, getting a tux­ nized a smooth operating team of skilled Fred Meijer, who "is jacking up his numbers edo and all the other arrangements seemed professionals. Presently Director of Public again" (in regard to recent profit and wealth insurmountable. "Then I mentioned it to my wife Violet Relations, he is responsible for a wide vari­ stories) and suggested a "Get Fred First" ety of public information services, including community fund-raising campaign. (Meijer and my son Tim, who is a real space nut, and they said, 'Well, you're going to go aren't media contacts, corporate publicity and spe­ served on the Tribute steering committee you?'" cial events, community relations, advocacy but never had the microphone to retort.) Maybe it was the excited, wide-eyed look programs, and speeches and schedules for Sincerity and thanks were saved for emcee of Tim that decided him. Anyway, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel. Robert Hooker, Proctor and Grand Rapids Wondergem hustled around and made the His current membership in a broad spec­ Foundation Executive Director Diana trip. trum of organizational boards and commit­ Seiger. (Hooker, by the way, is said to bene­ A month later he still shakes his head in tees reflects both Amway's interests and his gotiating for a June appearance by D. disbelief and says, "I'm amazed that it came own. Among others, Wondergem is a member Storm's Norman Schwarzkopf. Hooker is off.'' of the Public Relations Society of America, president of the Grand Rapids Economic Incidentally, Mrs. Vander Jagt gave birth the International Public Relations Associa­ Club.) to a girl, Virginia Marie, at Fairfax Hospital tion, the Celebration on the Grand Commit­ Proctor said several local agencies had re­ in Great Falls, Va., on Sept. 7. tee, the Public Museum Campaign Commit­ quested to be part of the Tribute, a measure Her stand-in never felt a thing. tee, the Grand Rapids Symphony Society, of Wondergem's community commitment SAS Children's Village (Jamaica), the Grand and scope of influence. Those groups in­ Frankly, I think Carol would have traded Rapids Economic Clubs, the New Grand Rap­ cluded Pine Rest Christian Hospital; places in a heartbeat, but as proud parents, ids Committee, the West Michigan Special Butterworth Hospital Foundation; Helen then of a new born and today of a summa Olympics, the Direct Selling Association • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. January 22, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 285 Public Relations Committee, and formerly, Congress is ready to handle an increasingly ets and program authorizations is typically the Netherlands-American Bicentennial complex agenda. only one year. Commission. DISPERSED POWER PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF POLICY His personal interests and those of Violet, With the reforms of the 1970s, congres­ Despite the extensive coverage of Congress, his wife, include sailing, swimming, skiing sional power has become too fragmented and even basic facts about federal policy are and tennis. They have one married son, Tim­ too dispersed. Today, for example, all Senate poorly understood. When most Americans othy. Democrats and almost half the House Demo­ don't know, for example, whether the largest crats chair subcommittees, and similar share federal spending category is foreign aid or of Republicans are ranking minority mem­ defense or older Americans (the answer is WHY WE NEED TO IMPROVE bers.
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