This Week COVERING TOWNSHIP8 OP Two Sections HOLMDEL, MADISON MARUIOItO. MATAWAN AND <- 18 Pages MATAWAN BOROUGH Member, -' Member 90th YEAR — 4th WEEK NaUonil Editorial Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1958 New Joraoy I>re*i AasocliUon Single Copy Ten Cents Home Numbering Sell-A-Bration Call Meeting To Steeple Placed On Presbyterian Church Area Servicemen Win A Puppy} Proprietor Of -Nearly 60 Keyport .mer- Any boy« and (Iris who chants will take part in » would you like to win » brand Ordinance Seen three-dar "Sell-A-Bratlon" Mull Power r*lan With Sixth Fleet new puppy have an opportun- Beach Spa Acts * Am. 7, 8 and 9. The event, ity to do no at Loew'a "35" Matawan Council similar to those > offered in Committee Studies Aboard Saratoga Drlve-Iii Theatre, It a r It a n Speeders, Disturbers, Receives Petition put yean which feature out- Tri-County Purchase Off Beirut Port Township, This la all you have Brought Into Court standing barcabu by »11 to do. Visit the Oiealre and Twenty-three residents of the shops, will set the stale for. The Committee for Improved Two bayshore area residents, seo (he puppy on view on the Complaints to quell »ncedcrs the itnnnml Keyport Day cele- patio, Ravine Gardens, section or bration, Anr. 9. Electric Service, Marlboro, to- serving with the U.3, Navy ond disturbers ol the Cat N' Matawan Tuesday night peti- forces In tho Mediterranean Select a name you think Piddle at tlie Cllffwood Beaoh- tioned the Matawan Borough The three-lay "Sell-A- day urged all customer-share- would be suitable, The belt ront mid tlie area about It wore Sea, are aboard the attack air- y Council to assign numbers to Bratlon," sponsored by the holders of the Trl-County Rur- i.mne In the opinion of tho brought before Maiilstrato Lu. thelrhouses in order that they retail division of the Kejport al Electric Company, inc., to craft oarrter, UBS Saratoga, Judeos will be the winner of tlior A. Foster,' Matawan Town, may comply with postal regu- Chamber of Commerce, will attend a special meeting Tues- which is supporting the landing tho dot. (Runuera.up will win ship, Tuesday, O, W, VanDyko, lations and reoeive homo mall offer local shoppers outstand- day "and vote to set the stage of United States Forces at Bei- .guest ticket* for their fam- iiinntitor of tlie bcuclifront bai delivery. inr valuei. The chamber re- Jl>.) and restaurant, signed some of ports that merchants "will of' for improved service and low- rut, Lebanon. r The request was turned over This contest Is bolnr run In the complnlnts. T: fer bigger and better bar- er electric rates." Serving aboard the* warship to Borough Attorney John Qiv- gains than ever before." conjunction »llh the Ihotre'a Heaviest find wan Imposed on «ns for Inclusion in, a general The meeting, called by the which arrived off Beirut at 11 shoulnr of "Proud Ilehfl" In Edward Carver, 107 Finnian ordinance now being prepared. To promote the sale, par- Board of Dlreotors of Trl-Coun- a.m., July 17, ure Machinists which David Lldd, soil of ticipating: merchants will res- Mate Third Class Paul W, John- Blvd., Cllffwood Beach. Ho wm Mayor Spafford W. S c h a n c k tore their bargain Item-Tin a ty, will bB held at 8 p.m. Tues- Almi Ladd lim a colllo ihcrp fined 1100 and 15 casts for said the general ordinance.will day, at the Jewish Community son, son of ' Mr. and Mrs. dor i>« an Imeparable pal. special advertising section of Charles H,. Johnson, 213 Maple brlnglni[ towiwhlit pollco lo the provide an orderly system un- The Keyport Weekly and The Center in Freehold. It. waj call- "Proud Robel," a four-star lie by repoi'tliiB falsely that his der which numbers will be as- ed to consider a proposal by PI,, Keyport, and Airman Rob- picture, Imi Alan Ladd apd Matawan Journal. In addi- ert J McKenna, son of Mr. and oar hml been stolon from Its signed all homes Jn the bor- tion, 15,01)0 reprints of the Jersey Central Power & Light Olivia dellavllland In alnr- Durktntr Jot, Patrolman Ralph ough, - Company to examine Trl-Coun- Mrs. Vincent C. McKenna, 2U rln* rolei, and itnrled lit special sales values will be Mornlngsldc Ave., Keansburg, Wnlhice told Uw coui't of lilt ' mailed throughout the bay- ty's financial records so that flnt-run, wcrk-long, omaie- doublvi nhout Uio auUionl lolly At the recommendation of -Petty Officer Johnson, Just nifnt yoaierday with "Itldo A Borough Engineer Karl Heuser, shore area prior to the sale. Jersey Central Power & Light of the call and of detsrmlnlntr- Company can make a firm of- concluding a four-year enlist- Crooked Trail." Dolli films with tho aid of Madison. Town- council voted to accept, for fer to purchase the company. ment term with tho U.S. Navy! are In color, maintenance portions of Sunset enlisted in August 1054, and is p Pollco thai Mr, Cnivor'n and Woodland Avea. in the "We have nothing to lose by a graduate of Keyport High or neviu- hail bton taken from Edgemere Dr. section of the Report Audit Is getting an outside view as to School. He resided at homo iln baok yard. Hiieolul Offloor borough. Mr. Heuser reported what our company is worth." with his parents. His enlistment Becker Defends Konnoth Bchnelder related to to council the streets met all G.A. Wendel, Committee ohair- term Is scheduled to expire in tho court Mint Mr, Carvor liad requirements lor acceptance. Near Completion mari. said in a statement. "We August. aoiiliht to work innii> deception Safety Award are in no way Obligated to ac- n tlin matter by anktnif lo t«l Johnson Sees End Will HIIVO To Stay There School Debt Stand The New Jersey Association cept the Jersey Central Power out of the- police oar at an nit _ "In A Few Days" ti Light Company offer. After The serviceman's brother, Collector Opposed di ofis not Ills awn. of Insurance Agents awarded 20 years of operation, It's a Harry C, Johnson, 8 Hilltop the borough a citation for Its Jasper Johnson, auditor, who good idea to take a good objec- Wvd.. Cllf(wood Beach, was Madison Bonding Mr. VailDyke slgllrd 0 0 in- - safety program. Councilman doubtful whoii contacted ,.by plnhit annliiHl Jancph Pol.ruir.1, Ralph R. Dennis reported the Is acting Matawan Township tive Took at our own com- Walter Ueokor. collector of (11 Nelson Avi>., Lnurrnca llnr- Collector and Treasurer said pany." this newspaper whether ho Washington Engine Co. f 1 r e would bo permitted to return Mndlson Township, road a bur, nlleKlriK use of abustvo truck has been repaired and re- yesterday the audit to deter- He added, however, that he homo. "I guess with tho things nt'Ulemcnt at Mie townnUlp com- nuiiup on llvo promlnpa. Mi', built and -will be back In serv- mine the exact amount of pub- hoped the membership later the way they are over thoro, mlttoo mooting' Mondny. diir niMil picndRdKUllly'niul Ml". would approve the Jersey Cen- .VnnDykn tallied Um loitloiiiiy o( ice "In a few days." lic funds allegedly embezzled he'll have to stay.'.' ho stated, fending Ills deClurnHoll ol 0|>po- Council adjourned the meet- tral Power & Light Company oltlon to the lioavd of ntluua> Urn cum t in tictllu this wllli an ing until Tuesday at 8 p.m. by former Collector Charles J. of®. When OBked what 'fid thought lion's $3,113,000 hluh ipliool niiolocy, of his brother serving In the em- when the borough will sell cap- Kelly "U Hearing conclusion.". "We have seen, in last win- building program before Ilin liiirjtiM. AttAlnnl Two Aulolltil — ter's storms, that emergency broiled Middle East area, Mr. ( ital Improvement bonds total- Mr. Johnson said "we are State'Dnpartini'nL of Loonl ciov- Mr, VivnDylip lu't'Ksed i:l\ni «" ling $152,000. Tlie bonds were service" provided by Trl-County Johnson salcir "I'd rather have crnmi'iil hv Trenton roconUy, cpnoludlrijt the,audit,.It.should^ i ; ! him .liBineJ.L.Cuurs .biolheiv ,«,!!*alaa!i,.L«ia .!i!iJ!il8JiLs*EJL "authorizedlhbrdlhanceTaaopt be "completed " within"a few 'i3"lnadequirter-Many"6f" o u r Tlio kiiiio Tjiidy liiii'tii iifipnivo J LiJL ed by council in 1935 and 1938. members are beset with prob- Jack, was killed In action In tho tUn bomttnu I" "'lit tlin towiv to bo npecdlnii n(iivr UIP Cut N' days." Mr. Johnson was ap- Korean Conflict while nerving 1 Fldrtlo, lln declared "hot rod*' lt.was reported. pointed to the temporary post lems of low voltage. We a 11 .shin ln'i pxcct'dc;<l HH lli'ljl Ihul know that our bills are consid- with tlie U.S, Army Corps of tntlou for liotli iichool mid IUU ln" uliawvd no canoe'rn for Of the total, $22,000 repre- JuljN 3 by the Township Com- Engineers. Um Mvfdty of hl» imtroti!). Hlcli- sents funds to purchase a fire mittee after it accepted the res- erably higher than those of our nlcliial purpoBos In the uinni neighbors who are served by Mr. and Mrs, McKennn, pav- mat- [iChool bti'lldlnif i>t'out'tiitm mil MoCrooiii l'pilli A Ml 1} 6 ,Vi engine and construct a combin- ignation of Mr, Kelly. oluviHCil Jiy Mr, VnilDyltc' il» u '.— ation water and recreation JCP&L. er.ts of Alimau McKenim, ftlfi 10117. Mr, Oeokor'a oppviilUon Mr. Kelly, who is bonded for had'their doubts whether their «:i I'hli'f flnnnolnl offlcnr of tlin reokicsn drlvrv.-clalmntl tila ox- • - building.
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