I N t - * 9 : I & ■■ & ■ 'IORTH 4QOD &V C i t t i t e t t (M x M x v itr With THE LINDEN RECORD ESTABLISHED 1920 CITY OF LINDEN NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, Apr,I 7, 1938 PRICE 3 CENTS \ I %1 * COMPAti THE ARGUMENTS |JiivesHgation Ordered The average intelligent Linden citizen will have little j difficulty in maintaining * proper mental attitude toward A e By Justice; Applicants Sfttti *1 claim*, rumors and conjecture* now rife in this city in con- I nee tion with the inveatigartioa. ordered b y Supreme Court Jus­ Must Post $15,000 Bond H *“>'• - v tice- Clarence Case. Tbc bscktjround of the application.- i» fatal a t t a c k i n c a b : j , *'“ **•>' Pointing out that an order for an investigation is no m™, afartBda A. Christen, 8® charges arc fairly familiar to our resident... j conviction of wrongdoing on the pwrt of anybody and stating #f zs He id street, Elis- . Compare this argument made to Supreme Court Justice that there exists an atmomphere of suspicion which should wife *f Motorcycle Pa- {Cane, with the argument* and loose talk made to you on the fee clm red up. Supreme Court Justice Clarence E. Ca*e Sat- tntnaa Jacob Cfarisiiwm, » M | street an d in the pr< urday ordered a summary investigation of Linden City affairs- b ls.H? stricken with a heart at- • lath Frida? evening, wWle beiag j , "The- - ;investigation------- :» —;— .*---------------provided •”for by , “this — '-----------statute----- is ”not ’ ‘ j s justice Case ordered the driven to her home in the amts- a crim inal investigation in any seas®, an d in no senes t&fses1 I I petitioning freeholders to post p £? , r« jQj g*i ia bond of $15,000 within ten a grand jury; and, how an order for the investigation o f ’ * * ® ** ® J l y f l v U j days for the investigation to proceed and said he was not ■ ' T " 'wu**' r ; 1 * . land pobee were woUSed. of wrongdoing, seems difficult to discern. “ O f f O *IC S I H j yet ready to appoint an in- Afce^i—■,, ..W • x yu i,-,: js p "This proceeding is in no sense against any one. It is | ™ . , _ I vestigator. The bond posted (jii pnimoioT1 swd fewer family the state, through methods established for that purpose, di­ i by the freeholders may be in- Jftij-sieiaa, Dr. Alexander StW- every W ord | creased from thene to time, if linker of Newark, was im nsw m i. recting an investigation or inquiry into the affairs of its own Police Physician Dr. H. H. Steit- agent. All municipalities are the mere agencies of the state, . the— —.expense ------ of the investiga- lin was also called. Mrs. Christ­ and are subject to its control, and even to destruction at it* jgradi^iSd raoov^^ebrto a»d tion warran**’ he *aid* man war dead before help if- pleasure. (Citation.) !natural growth from approximate-1 Ih.itrict Court Judge John J. (Continued on Page Two) |ly m jm square yards of city- jMolson, Jr., who with Harry ................ ....................................................................................... ........................— j owned property for park, and rec- Weiner. represented the freehold - ESCAPES ASPHYXIATION i reattaiml purposes, was approved j «** ba3ad “ » arguments on cer- Accidentally « ercome by S- •by the city council Tuesday eve- !*!n allegations in the applica- * hnainating fas from a kitchen JiSir- .o- *r General Motors mng and has been submitted to tion which he said, caused the I range last Thursday atfterwwb, ' P re v iew o # P ro«fress" \ the WPA for final approval and Blrs. Margaret Lodge, 8# yeal*s i allotment of funds. The project, j WFICIALS’ ATTITUDE da. Of m East Blanc ke street, Coming Her® I Hoiogeft it j prepared and instroduced by City j The attitude of Linden City of- j ewes her life to a fortunate vH- | Engineer James Dswrfson, -provides ; it from Vincent Masaitexa arid “The Preview of Progress." ficials toward th investigation, an j for a total expenditure of $7,850, j interview revealed this week, is | prompt action of the Hre General Motors’ mobile exhibit of | Kate • > Cldl I of which the city's share of the ! that the investigation is bora of j UBtiU. Mamma detected tfce the wonders of modem science, Jcost will be $307.Si. odor of gas. entered the house will be -seen in this city April 20- politics. Most of the “freehold­ C ity, Treasurer James J. Smith, Every ward in the . city Is in- | ers” are persons with political \ and found Mrs. Lodge lying «ln i chairman of the Linden City 21-St at the- Junior High School auditorium, it was announced yes­ eluded in that project, two or three j pasts, it was pointed out, and the I the kitchen floor, Fireman Council’s industrial relations com- sites 'feeing provided in those wards ; terday. The unit is at present list includes Republican camdi- I George Hall and Jam a Mah*r ! mittee and a member of the Board without adequate park facilities i touring North Jersey and has been date for councilman-at-large, f of School Estimate, was elected at the present time. According to j Howover, it was said, "now that | revived Mrs. L od g e w ith th e ir«- president of the Rotary club, to traveling all over the country for City Engineer Davison, the sites ' more than is, year, it recently they’ve asked for ft. Set them go I 1 .succeed Joseph S. Lindabury, at selected are idea! for pari:, por- ■Un’S'i and have it Let them, have J a!r; called to treat Ire woman. a luncheon meeting Tuesd.y In h ■ i M a a r few Bfifelawl | poses or recreatioiml center*. All rnd was on display to the Grand it over with as quickly as possible. Mrs. Lodge is the widow of J4- 'Lynwood Tavern, 810 West St. af the property represents lots Certainly, it should not be per- j aeyh Lodge, former member of ! George avenue. Mr. Smith will Central Palace to New York City taken back by the city through '■ the Board of Education. for a full week. roitted to drag along to the eve of ( ! take office at the start of the next I foreclosure of tax liens. The pro- j the election.’’ ! fiscal year, July 1. The exhibit includes scientific I ject was signed yesterday by May-1 demonstrations developed in the LEVINE CLUE FALSE or Myles J. McManus and City j freeholders to believe that moneys Mr. Smith has been a member General Motors laboratories in A vagrant’s story that he knew of the Rotary Club for several j Treasurer James J. Smith. Early of the city have been unlawfully where the kidnaped Levine boy Detroit, scientific equipment, years and is at present vice— movies- and explanations by a lec- approval is awaited from the and corruptly expended and that Is being held was cheeked b|y president of the Linden group. He ,, „ , ,, . [ WPA. j conspiracy existed among officials. the police and other authorities v.as editor of the Rotary-tin, | ? ! * ^ Amendments to the Zoning qttd j He charged that the distribution this week, but found to be false. weekly bulletin published by thej ' 1116 i eou‘country !try in a huge track and is set up in auditoriums in various [Building Codes were adopted by ’ o' tax liens created a suspicion Howard Sescheidt of Meadows club, last year. (the council on final reading with- of conspiracy, that the appropria- End road, Milford, Conn., who cities, where it may be seen by the Besides his duties as city treas­ public. oat objection. The amendments i tion for this work was over ex- was arrested Sunday night tfy urer, Mr. Smith has been active Sergt. Weltzman and Patrolman in other municipal and - civic ca­ 11 S 3 ? s s s j t i Fodolla for vagrancy, later pacities. As head of the industrial J S?,SfS0» •» «“ “a th*1 J“- ebtimed he had seen the Levine relations committee, he played a eph Monico received $18,435 for hoy near the State capitol in Mayor Myles J. McManus and [Housing Corporation. A map of large part in the campaign to at­ school officials. Plans are in prog- lthe ProP ^ ed development, request- one foreclosure involving 217 liens, iContinued on page 12) tract new industries here and dl- r^ T to present X r entertSS- K ^ ep tan ce oj, portions of Hol- giving rise to a suspicion of con- 1 looted much of the publicity and lywood avenue and Academy ter- : spiraey and being an unwarrant- personal work that resulted In ment during the stay of The Pre- .ace was received from George W, ,ed sum for the work involved. In Wilson Pork Lake! bringing a number of new indus­ view oi Progress in this city. J j Batler g^d Raymond Winans. rep- j support of these claims an affi- trial plants to this city. He is rated ( Continued on par® three. davit was submitted with the ap­ Fishing Lim ited among the most efficient munici- plication from Charles H. Von nal treasurers in the state and has Weinstein, who charged that this -l !. ' was disclosed to him in an exami­ of this city's bonds at tha lowest nation of the records and min­ , rate of interest of any community Tlsr@e Y©Mtte Csitfess T@ utes of the city council. A rule restrictiiig fishing fn 0f comparable status. Fire House Site Woodrow Wilson Memorial Park „ ___ „ of Silver's Hold-Up Here Judge Moison charged that in lake rn children under fourteen Rus» i! H e rsh ' principal S c h o o l 6, was elected vice-presi­ the purchase of a fire house site Tears of age was recommended by dent to succeed Mr.
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