LIVING LESSONS IN AUSTRALIA Established 1960 Phone for an 2015-16 EDUCATIONAL TOURS PROGRAM obligation free quote 1300 660 825 www.getours.com.au Why travel Australia with G.E.T Educational Tours? G.E.T Educational Tours sets the benchmark in the educational travel industry, with over 50 years of experience providing “Living Lessons” to Australian students. We have developed strong relationships with program partners throughout the country, ensuring we consistently deliver the highest quality product and service. Australia is a vast, diverse and fascinating nation, rich with opportunities for students to deepen their knowledge and understanding of its unique history, culture, people and environment. At G.E.T Educational Tours, our philosophy is to offer learning through a broad range of exciting, interactive, innovative, fun and challenging activities. Our range of Australian tour experiences includes the opportunity to explore Canberra’s inspiring landmarks, Tasmania’s pristine environment, Victoria’s wild shipwreck coast and historic goldfields, Queensland’s stunning coastline, Sydney and Melbourne’s exciting city life and Central Australia’s vast outback. With programs designed around the Australian Curriculum by experienced teachers, we have a number of tour packages available for you to choose from. With flexible group sizes and tour dates, we can also tailor-make an itinerary to suit your school’s specific requirements. You can rest assured that you will have the full support of an experienced, specialist educational tour consultant to make the tour planning process as smooth and stress-free as possible. t 1SJDFT CBTFE PO HSPVQT PG TUVEFOUT BOE UFBDIFSTFTDPSUT USBWFMMJOH GSPN Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra t 5PVSDPTUTGPSHSPVQTUSBWFMMJOHGSPN"EFMBJEF #SJTCBOF 1FSUIBOESFHJPOBMBSFBT available on request t 'MFYJCMFHSPVQTJ[FT UPVSEBUFTBOEJUJOFSBSJFT UFBDIFSFTDPSUUPTUVEFOUSBUJP t .FBMTBTTQFDJGJFE.FBMT,FZ#CSFBLGBTU-MVODI%EJOOFS Airfares Airfares can be included as an option, either as one-way or return flights. This will be an additional cost and can be quoted at the time of booking. G.E.T Educational Tours is committed to obtaining the best possible airfare for your group. Airfare quotes will vary depending on group size, day and time of departure and the date of purchase. Our specialist educational tours consultants can arrange for a best price airfares quote, however please be aware that the lowest priced airfares may require full payment within a limited time period, or be subject to other restrictions. More flexible airfares may be available at extra cost. When comparing quotes inclusive of airfares, we recommend you request confirmation that the airfare is valid for your travel date, time of departure and group size. Travel Insurance Travel insurance is available through G.E.T Educational Tours. “Living Lessons” in Australia The fascinating history, stunning landscape and rich cultural diversity of Australia make it a wonderful destination for students to explore and engage with their surroundings. With tours available in a broad range of unique locations throughout the country, there is no better destination for students to develop a greater understanding of the cultural and environmental issues that affect our modern world. Highlights include tours that focus on the changing environment, introduce students to the ancient indigenous culture, bring Australia's colourful history to life, encourage students’ appreciation of the diversity and vastness of the country and define the significance of its major institutions. Our “Living Lessons” in Australia encourage students to immerse themselves in the destination, undertaking a journey of self-discovery and creating memories that will stay with them far beyond their school years, helping shape them as global citizens of the future. (t&t5&EVDBUJPOBM5PVSTQSPVEMZTVQQPSUT G.E.T Educational Tours is delighted to extend the highest degree of personal attention The Smith Family "Learning for Life" QSPHSBN to each of our groups. Our friendly and professional team will help and advise in both 5IF 4NJUI 'BNJMZ JT B OBUJPOBM JOEFQFOEFOU TPDJBM FOUFSQSJTF UIBU TVQQPSUT EJTBEWBOUBHFE "VTUSBMJBO the planning and execution of your tour, and we are always happy to incorporate children to create a better future through education. individual detail into an itinerary to meet the particular requirements of your school. www.getours.com.au HISTORIC TASMANIA OPTIONS* DAY 1 SCHOOL – SPIRIT OF TASMANIA OVERNIGHT CRUISE Cataract Gorge Chairlift 5SBWFMCZDPBDIGSPNTDIPPMUP.FMCPVSOFT4UBUJPO1JFS UPDIFDLJOGPSZPVSPWFSOJHIU A chance to appreciate, and photograph, the spectacular views of this ancient rock DSVJTFUP%FWPOQPSUPOUIF4QJSJUPG5BTNBOJB CBTFEPOJOTJEFGPVSCFSUIDBCJO gorge, riding the world’s longest single span chairlift. Set in Launceston’s unique XJMEFSOFTT KVTUNJOVUFTGSPNUIFDJUZDFOUSF $BUBSBDU(PSHFBMTPIBTXBMLJOHBOE DAY 2 DEVONPORT – LAUNCESTON – PORT ARTHUR (B, L, D) hiking trails, peacocks and wildlife, gardens, a suspension bridge and lookouts with "OFBSMZNPSOJOHBSSJWBMJO%FWPOQPSU&OKPZCSFBLGBTUCFGPSFUSBWFMMJOHCZQSJWBUF spectacular views. charter coach to the spectacular Cataract Gorge in Launceston, continuing on to 3JDINPOE7JMMBHF5IJTUPXO TUFFQFEJOIJTUPSZ IPVTFTUIF3JDINPOE(BPM FOUSBODF Tahune AirWalk OPU JODMVEFE BOE 3JDINPOE #SJEHF "VTUSBMJBT PMEFTU CSJEHF TUJMM JO VTF "SSJWF JO The Tahune AirWalk is an exhilarating, nature-based experience, set in the world- 1PSU"SUIVSWJB&BHMFIBXL/FDLBOEUIF5FTTFMMBUFE1BWFNFOUT5IJTFWFOJOHFOKPZ SFOPXOFE5BIVOF'PSFTU3FTFSWF5IF"JS8BMLJTBOFMFWBUFEXBMLXBZUIBUFYUFOETGPS BHVJEFE(IPTU5PVSPGUIFPMESVJOTBUUIF1PSU"SUIVS)JTUPSJD4JUF0WFSOJHIUDBCJO 597m through the forest, providing a unique bird’s-eye view of the tree species and accommodation. forest life. Half and full day educational programs available. DAY 3 PORT ARTHUR – HOBART (B, L, D) Jet Boat Rides "GUFSCSFBLGBTU UBLFBHVJEFEXBMLJOHUPVSPGUIF1PSU"SUIVSQSFDJODUXIFSFZPVXJMM Experience the thrills of jet boat riding on this heart stopping combo of high speed learn about Australia’s convict history. This afternoon, transfer to Hobart for a brief city TMJEFTBOEUVSOT ¡TQJOT QPXFSCSBLFTUPQT XBWFSJEJOHBOEGJTIUBJMT sights tour before checking in to your accommodation. )PMMZCBOL5SFFUPQ"EWFOUVSF DAY 4 HOBART – DEVONPORT – SPIRIT OF TASMANIA (B, L) 'FFMUIFBESFOBMJOSVTIPGBIJHIXJSFDBOPQZSJEFBTZPVGMZBCPWFUIFUSFFUPQTBOE The day begins at the Cadbury Visitor Centre, for a video presentation explaining 1JQFST3JWFS BMPOHBMNPTUBLJMPNFUSFPGDBCMF POBHVJEFE[JQMJOFUPVS5IFKPVSOFZ how Cadbury chocolates are made. You will have the opportunity to sample some JODMVEFT DBCMF TQBOT PG CFUXFFO BOE NFUSFT DPOOFDUFE CZ USFF QMBUGPSNT DIPDPMBUFTBOEWJTJUUIFSFUBJMTIPQ5SBWFMPOUP.U8FMMJOHUPO XFBUIFSQFSNJUUJOH called ‘cloud stations’. Led by knowledgeable and highly trained guides, you will get an CFGPSFUSBOTGFSSJOHCBDLUP%FWPOQPSUGPSUIFPWFSOJHIUDSVJTFCBDLUP.FMCPVSOF informative and entertaining outlook on the beautiful forest. DAY 5 MELBOURNE – SCHOOL 1PSU"SUIVS)JTUPSJD4JUF0QUJPOT &BSMZNPSOJOHBSSJWBMBU4UBUJPO1JFS UIFOSFUVSOUPTDIPPMCZDPBDI t NJOVUFHVJEFEXBMLT t "NB[JOH3BDF from $561 ex MEL* t *TMFPGUIF%FBEHVJEFEDFNFUFSZUPVS from $665 ex ADL* t 1PJOU1VFS#PZT1SJTPOUPVS from $672 ex SYD* t #SJDLNBLJOH FY1&3 #/&1SJDFPOBQQMJDBUJPO 8JOEFXBSE#PVOE5BMMTIJQ$SVJTF TOUR INCLUSIONS &OKPZBUXPIPVSDSVJTFPOUIF%FSXFOU3JWFS t 3FUVSODPBDIUSBOTGFST TDIPPM4QJSJUPG5BTNBOJBTDIPPM NFUSPTDIPPMTPOMZ Maria Island visit t OJHIUTPOUIF4QJSJUPG5BTNBOJB JOBCFSUI JOTJEFDBCJO 5SBWFM WJB GFSSZ UP %BSMJOHUPO UIF NPTU SFQSFTFOUBUJWF BOE JOUBDU FYBNQMF PG B t 2VBMJUZDPBDIXJUIBJSDPOEJUJPOJOH %7%BOETFBUCFMUT QSPCBUJPOTUBUJPOJO"VTUSBMJB*UTDPOWJDUCVJMEJOHTBOESVJOTBSFQSFTFSWFEJOB t OJHIUDBCJOBOEOJHIUNPUFMBDDPNNPEBUJPO MBZPVUUIBUSFGMFDUTUIFLFZGFBUVSFTPGUIFQSPCBUJPOTZTUFNJO7BO%JFNFOT-BOE5IF Entry fees included: site has remained relatively unchanged since the convict era. t 1PSU"SUIVS(IPTU5PVS Salamanca Market t 1PSU"SUIVS)JTUPSJD4JUFXBMLJOHUPVS The weekly market is a celebration of Tasmania’s creative artisans, local produce and t $BECVSZ7JTJUPS$FOUSFWJEFPQSFTFOUBUJPO talented musicians. Museum Of Old and New Art (MONA) -BOEPOMZQSJDF$POUBDU(.E.T Educational Tours for the best available airfares. 'SFFFOUSZGPSTUVEFOUT5BLFBGFSSZPSCVTUPUIFNVTFVN IPNFUP"VTUSBMJBTMBSHFTU )JTUPSJD5BTNBOJB0QUJPOT privately-funded collection of eclectic art. t EBZJUJOFSBSZXJUISFUVSOGMJHIUT Tasman Island Cruise t EBZJUJOFSBSZXJUIPOFXBZ4QJSJUPG5BTNBOJBGFSSZDSPTTJOHBOEPOFXBZGMJHIU 5IJTDSVJTFFYQMPSFTUIFDPBTUCFUXFFO1PSU"SUIVSBOE&BHMFIBXL/FDL:PVXJMMTFF 1SJDFT EP OPU JODMVEF BJSGBSFT $POUBDU (ɞ&ɞ5 &EVDBUJPOBM 5PVST GPS UIF CFTU amazing dolerite cliffs, sea caves and wildlife. available airfares. Cascade Female Factory Historic Site 0SJHJOBMMZBEJTUJMMFSZ UIFTJUFIBTIPVTFEGFNBMFDPOWJDUT UIF$POUBHJPVT%JTFBTFT )PTQJUBMBOE#PZT3FGPSNBUPSZ #FMMFSJWF$SJDLFU(SPVOEBOE4QPSUT.VTFVN The museum houses a display of cricket history and interactive exhibits Derwent River “Disco” Cruise and Evening Transfer A great way to spend an evening in Hobart, enjoying music and dancing as you cruise the river. Zoodoo Wildlife Park With a range of native, agricultural and exotic animals including Tasmanian devils, RVPMMT LPBMBT DBNFMT MMBNBT HPBUT NPOLFZT #FOHBMUJHFST SBSFXIJUF"GSJDBOMJPOT BOENVDINPSF5IF4BGBSJ#VTUPVSJTBOFYQFSJFODFUIFXIPMFHSPVQXJMMOFWFSGPSHFU 0QUJPOTBWBJMBCMFBUFYUSBDPTU www.getours.com.au TASMANIA’S EAST COAST EXPERIENCE GOLD COAST EXPERIENCE DAY 1 SCHOOL – SPIRIT OF TASMANIA OVERNIGHT CRUISE DAY 1 SCHOOL – GOLD COAST (OVERNIGHT
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