DIRECTORY.] • DEVONSHIRE. CBITTLEH.AMPTON. 133 :Beer Jas. frmr. Low. Ditchaton water Heard Thomas, jnn. builder 'Martin Thomas, Exeter inn Beer John, boot maker Heard William Cllapple, agricultural Pester Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Chapple Alfred, farmer, Fairoaks machinist & threshing machine Pester John, wheelwright Clarke Brothers, blacksmiths proprietor ~ Sanders John, farmer, ~rakes (}ole Elias, farmer, Mollands ) *Bulland Albany, farmer, Hawkins 1Saunders Henry Baker, boot maker Con-gram Williarn, assistant overseer Jones John, farmer, Head mills & *Thomas Mary (Mrs.) & Son,farmen, & farmer, Butlers Callards Snydles Gard George, farmer, L~ngwells Manning Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Head Waldon William, farmer, Kinn1ngs Harris Wim. By. farmer, Prestbury Barton / Heard Thomas, farmer, Beers CHITTLEHAIMPTON is a. parish and village on the over and the· remains of the mansion converted into river Taw,.. 2~ ·miles north-east from Umberleigh Bridge a farm; the walls of the ancient domestic chapel are station on the North Devon branch of the London and still standing and a portion of the moat still remains. South We8tern railway (which is in this parish), 5 west AMBOW and BIDD~COTT are outlying hamlets. The from South ~lolton and 8 south-east from Barnstaple, in second is the property of Lord Clinton. Newton waa the South Mc,lton division of the county, hundred, petty purchased in 1668 by Arthur Saunder esq. the repre­ sessional .division, union and county court district of sentative of an ancient family who had boon resident .South Molton, rural deaner1'" of South Molton, arch- here from 1542 to· 1864: North Newton belongs, by deaconry of Barnstaple and diocese of Exeter. The inheritance.... from her mother (a Saunder), to Miss church of St.. Hieritha is an ancient building of stone in Eleanor Kelland, of Southsea. Bradbnry, formerly the • the Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting residence of the Saunder family, now belongs to Earl of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts. south porch and an Fol'tescue. Hudscott, the residence of George .A.ubrey embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing a William Thorold esq. J.P. was formerly held by the -clock and 8 bells, six of which, cast in 1739, were given Venners, and after them by the RoUe family: Samuel by Samue-l Rolle esq. of Hudscott; the remaining RoUe gave the property in the 18th century to Dennis. two were added in 1879: the north chancel aisle has RoUe esq. of Stevenstone and Bicron, who founded '11 good panelled roof: ~he stone pulpit, of the same schools in this and the parishes of Bicton and Otterron. period as the tower, is adorned with carved figures Hawkridge belongs to Major Charles Hamlyn Chichester of saints under canopies; .and the east and west J .P. The manor, which formerly pelonged to the windows are stained : in the north transept is an Clares, ancestors of Lady de Bathe, is now the property altar-tomb with effi~ies, and two kneeling figures (male Qf Lord Clinton, in whose family it has been for x8o and female} below, and an inseription to John Gi:ffard, years. Brightley was for seven centuries the property esq. of. Brightley, and Honor, his wife, and their of the Giffards of Halsbury, previous to which it was children, erected in 1625 by· John Giffard, his grand- held by the Fitzwarren family; it now belongs -to Lord son: in the north aisle of the chancel is a recumbent Clinton. Lord Clinton--and Earl Fortescne K.O.B. are llffigy of ·a lady, with inscription to Mistress Grace the chief landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil it Giffard, ob. 1667 : there are other fine monuments to the principally schistous rock. The chief crops are wheat, Rolle and Giffard families, including inscribed stones to oats, barley. and potatoes. The area is 5,924 acres of Cresar Giffard esq. d. 1715; John Gi:IIard, of Atherington, land and 30 of water; rateable value, £6,248; the d. 1725, and Elizabeth, his wife; John Giffard esq. of population in 19II was 9II in the civil and 991 in th& Dublin, d. 1819, and Sir Ambrose Giffard kt. Chief Justice ecclesiastical parish. ~ • of Ceylon, d. 1827: on the floor of the chancel are brasses, By a Local Government Board Order, 16,346, which with effigies and inscriptions to John Cobleigh, lsabella, came into operation March 25, 1884, a detached part of his wife, ob. 1 Oct. 1446, and J oan, his wife, ob. 30 Sept. this parish known .as Leary was amalgamated with West 1480; and to Henry Cobleigh, ob. 30 July, 1470, and Buckland for civil purposes. but_ ecclesiastically it still Alioo, his wife : there are also memorials to the Morris remains a part of Chittlehampton. and Saunder families: the church was restored in Eastacott is a hamlet IJ tniles south-west. 1871-4, at a cost of over [4,ooo, when an organ was I Sexton, William Chapple. given :tY Miss Tre.fusis. and a new lych-gate by Mrs. Post, M. 0. & T., Telephonic Express Delivei"f &; ~ort m memory of her husband, ~-_B. Short esq. _who Telephone Call Office (Letters should ·have North died at. Hndscott: there are 450 sitti~~s. Th~ register Devon added)._ James Lewis, sub-postmaster. Lettera m ~apt1sms dates from th~ year 1?7:J • marnages and are delivered from Chittleh~mpton, from Umberleigh burials, I57&,_ and the ~a!hes~ entn~s are those of the & from South Mclton (direct). No sunday delivery Saunder famllJ;. T~ hvmg Is a vicarage, net year~y ot letters Talue .£47rJ, Wtth Te.stdence and 41 a~res of glebe, m Post Office, Umberleigh (Letters should have North the gtft of Lo~ ~lmton, and held smce 19o6 by the Devon added)~ Thomas William Murch, sub-post- Rev. Charles Wtl~Iam Ba_te. M.A. oi Hertford Coll~ge, master. No snnday delivery. The nearest money Oxford.. There IS a mtssion church· at ~mberleigh. order office is at Chittlehampton. The telegraph office T~ere ts also ~ Wesleyan chapel, and a Uruted M:etho- is at Umberleigh railway station which is closed on dtst chapel at Blakewell. Messrs. F. Dobbs and Son sundays ' ~ave a market at UMBERLEIGH .t~e second Tuesday County Constable, Percy Collins m ('ach ~onth. Ther~ are ohan_hes of 4'46 yearly Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1865,._ for value, denved- from church lan~s. m_ .Alverdu;c_?tt, and 200 children, & endowed with £ 10 48. yearly by the ~ne of £x yearly for the poor, arismg from a gtft made late Lord RoUe; William Bulled, master m xB87 by _W. H .. Kelland esq. of Kelland,_ Lapford, Umberleigh New Council School. built in 1913, fOl' 85- as a memon~l to hts mothe:, the representative of the , mixed children. Ernest Mattock master Saunder famtly. Near the VIllage, qn the South Molton · . ' . ' road, is an ancient stone cross, standing- on a lofty Rall!'ay Station, Umberletgh, Rtchard Tancock, station pedestal, and near Eastacott, on the Brightley road. ' master · is one of larger size. Brightley Park has been ploughed Carrier to Barnstaple.-William Down, fri. only Bat& Rev. Charles William- M.A Cheriton Henry, farmer, Bradbnry Gardner William Squire, sanitary Vicarage · Cole John, machinist. Umberleigh surveyor to the South Molton Rural Luke Erastus Parmenas, Victoria ho Cole William, farmer'\ Bratton District Council Skinner Mrs. Bloden hill Congram Fredk. frmr. Little Diptford Grimshire William, farmer, Lel"well Thorold George .A.ubrey William M.A., Crocker John, farmer, North Nether- Harris Frederick, butcher, Ambow J.P. Hudscott · cleave Harris George, farmer, Whay farm Wilson John Kelk, Lyndhurst Crocker Samuel, farmer, Eastacott Harris John, farmer, North Newton Cummings Angus Berry, Bell P .H Harm Thomas; farmer, Diptford COMMERCu.r.. Davey & Son, bakers &; grocers Howard Edward, insurance agent, Arscott Ernest, fartner, EaJ;tacott Downing Geo.farmer,Brightley Barton The Square Ashelford Wm. nurseryman, Furze Ellicott Jas. farmer, Parsonage farm Ho ward John RiC'hard. ~arpenter llalman Nora {Mrs.). farmr~ Shilstone I Facey Thos. John, frmr. Gambuston Howard Mary Ann (:Mrs.), farmer9 Balmen Edward John, farmer,Cleave IFrench Richard, .farmer, Oldridge Hilrher Blakewell .t Nethercleave Huxham Herbert Henry, farmer, Bendle Charles, farmer, South Bray 1 Galliford William.. farmer, Collytown Breayley William James, saddler &c · Gardne:r John William, coal dealer & Great Whitestone Buckingham Alice (Mrs.}, baker assistant overseer Huxtable John, carpenter Buckingham Sydney, frmr.Furze barn Gardner Samuel Heaman, Toad sur- Jones Herbert Edwd. farmer, Lower Burgess Frank. farmer, Moor veyol" to South Molton Rural Dis- Langaton - lJurges'J John Robert, jun. BUtcher trict Council Lake William, farmer, Tree Down DEVON 5t .
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