WINTER PARK TOPICS A Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season Vol. 2—No. 9 Winter Park, Florida, Saturday, March 9, 1935 Price 10 Cents SOCIAL ANNIE RUSSELL TO PLAY MRS. MALAPROP Mrs. Sanford Bissell gave a Miss Annie Russell as Mrs. Mal- luncheon Tuesday at her Knowles aprop in "The Rivals" is an attrac- avenue home for Mrs. R. P. Ho- tion that will provide capital enter- tard, Mrs. Moncure Robinson, Mrs. tainment for Winter Park next Rose Powers Van Cleve, Miss Thursday and Friday evenings Sprague-Smith and Mrs. Gamble when the famous old British com- Rogers.- On Thursday Mrs. Bissell edy by Richard Brinsley Sheridan entertained several of her friends •will be performed as the fourth of at a small informal tea. the professional artists series at the Annie Russell Theatre. Gen. and Mrs. Avery D. Andrews Annie Russell Theatre and Knowles Memorial Chapel, Winter Park Supported by the Annie Russell gave a delightful house warming Company, Miss Russell herself will tea on Saturday afternoon from 4 direct the production and play the until 7. It was just a year ago on ROLLINS MUSICIANS UNIVERSITY WOMEN role of the tongue-tang'ling Mrs. Malaprop whose liberties with the that day that the Andrews pur- GIVE CONCERT TODAY BRIDGE AND ART SHOW English language have amused and chased the lake front lot on Inter- delighted theatre audiences for lachen avenue and their host of Three musical organizations of The Orlando-Winter Park branch (Continued on page 5) friends expressed their surprise Rollins College will present the of the American Association of that so much could have been ac- program to be given at the mat- University Women will hold a ben- TABLET TO MARK complished in that short time. A inee musicale today, March 9, at efit bridge and exhibition of paint- view of the house was printed in 3:30 at the home of President and ings at the Alabama Hotel, Mon- FORT MAITLAND SITE Winter Park Topics in February. Mrs.,Hamilton Holt. The musicale, day, March 18th, at 2:30. Those assisting Mrs. Andrews at the second of a series of two, is be- Mrs. Willard Wattles is presi- The site of the old Maitland the tea table were Mrs. Twacht- ing held as a benefit in order to dent of the association and the af- from which the town of Maitland man, Mrs. Showalter, Mrs. Oester- raise funds to build a new entrance fair is in charge of the Scholarship received its name, will be marked ling, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Scott and driveway to the Holt residence Fellowship Committee, assisted by with a large coquina block support- Mrs. Hair. which is owned by the College. Mrs. Harry Schenk and Miss Ethel ing a bronze tablet, next Thursday, The program follows: . Crane. March 14, at fotir p, m., according President Holt gave a luncheon The Heavens Are Telling "The Cordelia C. cle Schweinitz will to an announcement by Mrs. Rein- Wednesday in honor of Dr. Guil- Creation" (Haydn); The Word of have an exhibition of some of her hard Siedenburg, winter resident laivme Fatio, the disting'uished in- God (Grieg); Ave Verum (Byrd); pictures of Vermont hills. of Maitland, New York socialite, ternationalist from Geneva, Switz- 0 Bone Jesu (Pelestrina)—Rollins and trustee of Rollins College. erland, the guests being: Maurice A Capella Choir, Christopher Ho- Mrs. Siedenburg will be in charge Fatio of Palm Beach, son of Dr. nass, director. MRS. ELDREDGE ON of the exercises which are open to Fatio, Dr. Henry A. Atkinson of Terzetto for two violins and vio- the public. New York, W. L. Barnett of Mt. la, Op. 74 (Dvorak)—GretehenCox, "GANDHI'S INDIA" Mrs. Siedenburg announces that Dora, D. E. R. A. Selig'man of Harve Clemens, and Dante Ber- the ceremonies, which will also in- Columbia University, Dr. Albert gonzi. The Tuesday evening lecture this clude the dedication of the fourth Shaw, editor of the Review of Re- Kye Song of St. Bride (Clolcey); week at the Congregational Church (Continued from page 4) views Magazine, Professors John 0 Peaceful Night (E. German); will be by Helen Woodsmall Eld- Martin, A. J. Hanna and Buell Song of the Peddler (Williams)— redge on "Gandhi's India." Mrs. TO OPEN ESTATE FOR Trowbridge of Rollins. Mixed Octette. Eldredge has lived in India for ten Father Most Holy (Christian- years, and knows the people, the AUDUBON SOCIETY sen); Cherubic Hymn (Gretchani- country and the government inti- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruce Bar- noff); Listen to the Lambs (Dett); mately. She will speak in a native Hiawatha Grove, the beautiful bour have their daughter, Mrs. W. Hallelujah — "Mount of Olives" Indian costume, and illustrate her Dommerich estate in Maitland, is H. Howison, of Bronxville, with (Beethoven)—• Rollins A Capella lecture with more than 100 beauti- to be opened to the public next them for a month's stay. Also a Choir. ful colored slides. Thursday, March 14th, throughout guest at the Barbours' is Mrs. the afternoon for the benefit of the Fletcher Pyle, of Lowell, Mass., CAPACITY AUDIENCE SANG "AMERICA" Florida Audubon Society, accox-d- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ing to an announcement made by E. Fletcher, of Westford, Mass., TO CLOSE MARTIN LECTURE SERIES Miss Loretta Salmon, who is chair- and Altamonte, Fla. man of the committee in charge of In the closing lecture of his se- for the purpose of stimulating com- the garden party, ries Dr. Martin spoke on "Democ- merce. Mrs. Reinhard Siedenburg, -who Mr. Reed Haviland has joined racy of the United States"; having Later, tariff walls were raised, is now occupying the winter home his wife here after a ten days' stay already told how democracy suc- in order to change the United of the Dommerich family and who in New York. Mr. Haviland brought ceeded in Great Britain and France. States from an agricultural to an is greatly interested in the cause with him Mr. Otto Froelicher, of Our democracy and its foreign pol- industrial country, as deliberately of conservation in Florida, has gra- Wilson Point, Conn., and the two icy had their foundation in the as the five-year plan in Russia was ciously opened the grounds which deliberate. During that period in- men will visit Mr. Maurice Fatio, words of Thomas Jefferson who de- cover an extensive acreage. A fea- dustry was operated by free work- ture of the grounds is the magnifi- Jr., in Palm Beach next week. Mr. clared that we should have peace, Fatio is the son of Mr. Fatio who ers in the North, agriculture in the cent . azalea garden. Recently a was the distinguished guest of Dr. commerce, and friendly relations South by slaves. Many differences bronze fountain was dedicated' to Holt last week and who spoke at with all nations; entangling alli- of opinion were raised over the commemorate the founding of the ithe College Wednesday evening. ances with none. During the years question of slavery as a profitable Florida Audubon Society thirty- Mr. Fatio, Jr., is a prominent ar- preceding the Civil War, American method, before any feeling of hu- five years ago. A small charge chitect in Palm Beach, having de- clipper ships, graceful as a sea- manity or religion entered the dis- will be made for admission, and signed many of the most beautiful gull, swift as an eagle, were first pute. The Civil War was fought Miss Salmon hopes to secure a homes there. in many harbours of the world. to settle these differences. large number of new members for the Audubon Society. (Continued on page 2) Consuls and ambassadors were sent (Continued on page 4) Page Two WINTER PARK TOPICS, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1935 A delightful tea was given at the SOCIAL home of Mrs. George Kraft last week for the benefit of the Phi Mu Mr. Howard Elliott, of Chicago, sorority in its philanthropic work. WOMEN who like hand-tailored hats will de- arrived this -week to spend the bal- Mrs. Kraft kindly gave her attrac- tive home for the affair which in- ance of the season with his family. cluded a program of varied type. light in the Mr. and Mrs, Elliott are leaving: Miss Katherine Schumacher, of this Saturday for a deep sea fish- Eustis, gave a group of artistic NEW SPRING MODELS ing trip to Key West and will be dances, Miss Virginia Orebaugh accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. How- played selections on the piano, and including the newlarge sun hats which are becoming ard Jones who are house guests of Miss Katherine Winchester sang. so fashionable the Elliotts. At the tea Mrs. Pfister poured and Mrs. E .T, Brown served punch. shown at Miss Lucy Candler Kellogg, of Boston, and Sugar Hill, N. H., who Mr. and Mrs. Paul Monroe, of who has been at the Alabama Ho- Galion, 0., both classmates of Dean Grayce Stally's tel since Thanksgiving day, has A. D. Enyart at Ohio Wesleyan, taken a cottage at 472 Henkle were guests of Dr. Enyart last 318 East Park Ave. Winter Park Drive, Winter Park, for the month week as they passed through on of March. their way to Miami. Mr. Monroe is head of a large manufacturing Made to Order %eady-to-Wear Dr. John Sheridan Zelie, of West- plant which makes hermetically port, Mass., noted preacher and au- sealed vaults. Their son, Paul, Jr., thor, who will make the address at is transferring to Rollins from the Rollins Chapel service Sunday, Ohio Wesleyan, where he has made bridge at 8:30. This is one of a March 10th, is the guest of Mr.
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