f" 2fhe AY, OjCTOUElt 21' VOL. XXXII HOOD RIVIOK, OUIKJOX,liteTill 'USD L920 No. 2 1 rs groundless claims of enthusiastic TRIBUTE PAID agents trying tc place orders." THE LOOP When It doubt the grower is invited ROAD to consult the Oregon expriment sta- TO SOLDIER tion, as new spray material-- ; are con- stantly being tested for the benefit of WORK PLANNED New VICTOR Records the fruit men of the state am! the in- Save and Invest formation is freely availahle oil re- - j Whispering. LAST RITES FOR EARL ROBERTSON Mi v ARRIVE TO SLASH LINK I The Japanese Sandman. rt AMI-VACCINATIO- a limit N There has been no time in recent years when Avalon Just Like a Gypsy. nMurned From Franco and Funrral Heavy Constrnetiwt, However, Hill Be Best Ever-Med- ley. dollar would buy so little in the way of necessities, Held Sunday Afternnnrt I'trrfer RILL IS MISLEADING Pushed First on (he Suuth Side comforts, and especially luxuries, and so much THE BEST DANCE RECORDS MMicao Legion Auspices of Mount Hood By Paul Whiteman and his Ambassador Orchestra. Editor Glacier: In behalf of tho di- in the way of investments. There was never a time Although nearly two years have rectorate of the Public Health Associa- ii ii folk weredeftsin soma., confcR-- . claused since the armistice was signtd, tion may 1 through your columns irive sion after a joint meeting of the S'ate when it paid better to invest, I ,the great war was close to tlio iffl-cia- COME IN AM) HEAR THE irt'iitrht the people of the county our point of Highway Commission and forestry ls hearts of Hood mmWH River folk Sunday view concerning the in Poi land last week, wherr a' OCTOBER RECORDS wfieh they assembled at Riverside Vaccination Amendment to la ge cfelegptkin was present, to discuss' Our Bond Department is at your service. church to nay their last rasp4ctl to be voted on by the people of Oregon plans for tiie Mount Hood Loop High- Earl M. Robertson, who died in France November 'i. way. Reports from Portland intimated June, 1918, l'ull military rites were First: The title is a misnomer. It that the end of the Loop on this, sidi paid their comrade by niemltcrs of the would lead the uninformed to believe of the mountain might be altogether' Hood River Post, American Legion. that there is now a compulsory vaccin- postponed f,, a time. Subsequent'' Following funeral services Ibe" bodv, ation law in this state. Such is not the events, however, proved ihat the Hood THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Kresse Drug Co. Willi an escort of uniformed Legirtn case. A compulsory vaccination law River valley stretch of road will members, was borne on a motor truck requires the vaccination of children be- atteitlsn tin's full. C evv's' "of to the fine Orove cemetery, where it fore they are admitted to public schools men have already arrived 1 on ibe' HOOD RIVFR, OREGON will (he eyjcJUL Store n st lh "Valley of IVace." as as a condition of continued attendance, way to the national forest, where it is i The here during apple harvest days Oregon never has had such a law. Our planned to slash ami hum the riyht of have termed Ho.id Rivei. The Kniehts present law giveH the local school boa.d way fortij miles. No contract for grad- of Pythias band preceded the funeral the authority in times of epidemic to ing, however, will be let tin-- ' year, ;t cortege, playing a funeinl march. rouuiro vaccination or temporary ab- is stated, but the ground wrH-:H- pre1 The big church was tilled with city sence from school. Now that is all pareil for work of eor.ttactors next' anil valley tolk. Kev. lioddy delivered there in In this law. It is pretty toler- spring. the funeral oration. Other valley and ant. First it puts the authority in the Thai there is no intention on the city ministers occupied the pulpit. school board, a body of local citizens pari o! the St: to Highway fVmrrVs Vn Scriptural passage was read by Dr. in to w iiniuirmin mini who are close touch with the nosda abandon the Mount flood Loop is BORDEAUX PASTE liavden Kev. Kayo offered pi aer and of the community and (2) even In made plain Friday when the, Commis- the benediction was pronounced by times of epidemic, wluch happily, due sion held a special r. lectin in Portland. Rev. Sykes. to preventative xe'ence, aie not fre I'hrere is no' in, b'naiio'h, "how'i vet, to POPULARIZING SOUND Freshly Prepared. Mr. Robertson, a native of the val- quant, the only requirement of those ru.h the work, in'coTditig'to a report ih' ley, was a son of Robert Kobeitson, who do not wish to ire vaccinated il the Oregonian. INVESTNENTS Will Save You Time and Trouble. Fine Grove rancher. He was callel to absence from school for a few days or K. A. Booth, speaking for liimr.elf, . the colors with 12th Go , Coast Artil- weeks. There is no compulsory vac- informed delegations from Multnomah, lery, in July. WlT. He was fatally cination in Oregon. Our present law Clackamas and Hood Rivi r i cuntles,1 Magazine tell us that the Current Editors stricken while serving in France with is just and tolerant. The proposed that He never heard any talk of alian'--'' Country Banks are not doing their full duty Bluestone Lime Arsenate of Lead the 65th Artillery. The service Sunday rneasuie is wilfully or iguorantly mis- doning the loop until the delegations tow ard popularizing sound investments, was the only military funeral ever" held named. begari speaking. Commissioner B09U1, here. Only three other Hood River men Second; The proposed amendment said he wants to ee the r. ad from They say that we leave the field too largely fell In Fiance. Marshall Pineo and (TOM far beyond the merits or demerits Sandy to Go'veriimeiit Carq tiiiilt next' !ity Eastman were killed in action. open to skillful stoek salesmen who find of vaccination as a means of preventa- year and riot built hut coinftWttd that The former was serving with the Can- tive therapeutics. Jt is in reality an This road, which ho said was'vrr-tuall- y who are lar. easy prey among our customers "FRIEND" SPRAYERS adian army. Flood Grains was killed attack on public authority in the mat- a market Toad, will be usable. unfamiliar with the risks of new business accidentally. ter of health roinilation?. It attacks As for the Hood River end of the pro enterprises. Youmr Robertson is the ncphpw of the principle that disease is a matter ject, Mr. Booth said he only wants to V. a It Will Pay to Order Early. Mark ItoKrtson, hero of the nt social concern and control. II inaku Ml ay it next year while the (lovefn-1- 1 They insist that what is needed is more Spanish-America- war ami also of the the individual the sole arbiter in all out Camn Slim'., end is being jiushe 1. war. He has won two congres- imagination and aggressiveness on our part cieat matter! pertaining to comn unicabls Such a plan is constructive corrteruiea sional recards. One for heroism in res- diseases. (Inridetally, too, in doing he commissiotH r. in selling standard securities. cuing i i mrades from a native attack away with the recognition of di.sea.-- e as Mr. Hooth said he had heel over the' Hood River Spray Company in the Philippines, and I he second for a social mlsfortuna it strikes at th reposed loop and asserted that the. The object of this advertlsment, therefor', valor In rescue work In Fiance. The roots of all gieat humane institutions nest scenery; is at the ends and not in( Is young Irero buried Sunday is is to say again that it an important part of Phone 2121 survived whose purpose is the prevention and the middle. He expressed Fim'seTf as our business to be well Informed on matters by his falher, Robert Robertson, and a amelioration of disease. These are disapp ilnted in the Idnp'l.s :t scenic as' brother, Harold Robertson. His mother on recognition t', of this kind and that we carry in stock an founded the tacit of set. with its shaggy roi patches of" and two sisters met tragic death in sickness not as individual but as a now and burned forettf. i ire.e are line of including muni- 1 excellent Securities If its for Spraying we can furnish it 1911 when their Fust Side ranch home cial misfortune). be passage of this dozens of ri idl in Oregon more scenic, cipal and government bonds and that we burned. measure would mean that in Oregon he declared. welcome the opportunity of serving the The following Legion men wire persons suffering with uiphlheri "Oregon is blessed with a I1MI0 bit pall bearers Leon Rent ley, Karl Dun h good public, whether hy furnishing Information smallpox, cholera, Muhonie plague or too miii scenery for the of its liar. F. A. Thomsen, Arthur Hansen, any other communicable disease coul roada," contributed Mr. Kiddle, who or assisting In the selection of high grade A. G. Lewis, Jr., and Tborkild Ihin.-cn-. come a. d go as thev please. Portland went on to say that Hie loop will cost investments. The Bring squad consisted of A. von iov has a law requiring that piiteyori $2,0(10,0(111. Facts about Hacht, Waller Ford, Hayes L.
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