$25,000,000 Needed for K. of C . War Work Till July, 1919 CATHOLIC PRESS DAY ADDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Pray for the Pray for the MANY SUBSCRIBERS; PASSES Success of the Coming of a TOLD ARCHBISHOPS EXPECTATION OF REGISTER Catholic Press mm Just Peace STAND RIGHT BACK PROVING GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF ORDER’S DOINGS Reddin Returns After Meeting Banner Parish So Far is St. Elizabeth’s; Held Sunday in Chicago. Others Make Splendid Showing MULLIGAN H M S ACTIVITY Col. Callahan Resigns; Many PRIESTS GIVE FINE BOOSTS VOL. XIII. NO. 42. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. MAY 30, 1918. $2 PER YEAR. Recruits for Overseas Duty. Catholic Press Day, observed last Sun­ his influence were the chief factors in The Supreme Board of Directors of the day ill Colorado for the first time, proved the success of Press Day. We thank the EVERY SHIP CARRIES Knights of Columbus, at a meeting in a greater success than the publishers of good Bishop and the zealous pas­ Protestant Woman Has Chicago last Sunday, decided that it The Register had dared to anticipate. tors of the Diocese from ' the bottom would take 25 million dollars for the war Present indications are that there was of our hearts. From every place comes K.-C. WAR WORKERS work under the auspices of the order about a 20 per cent increase in the circu­ word of the splendid sermons delivered, until July 1, 1919. This includes the lation of this new.spaper. Tlie champion chiefly in our behalf. Tlie workers who money spent so far. John H. Reddin }iarish so far is St. Elizabeth’s, Denver, assisted us also deserve mountains of TO FRANCE; WOMEN Mass Offered for Soul has returned to Denver after attending which turneii in more than 100 subscrip­ credit. Never, we believe, has a paper the meeting. The order has seven mil­ tions. St. Francis de Sales’ and Annun­ had a more loyal corps of helpers. We lions on liand, with three more sub­ ciation parishes, Denver, both did ex­ also owe a great debt of gratitude to NEEDED OYER THERE scribed and coming in the near future. tremely well, with the Cathedral next. Mr. Joseph Newman, who toured the of Deceased Catholic This leaves 15 million to raise in future In the cities outside Denver, Montrose Diocese in behalf of Press Day and or­ campaigns. Campaigns must be con­ piade the best showing In proportion to ganized the effort. Midnight Mass Held at Port for ducted regularly everywhere by the K. its size. It is too early yet to present Many Catholic Boys of C. as by the other great war activi­ Some of the workers are slow in send­ ties. Many cities are arranging war many statistics. But the results are Setting Sail. By MAXIMILIAN. place df honor and the little Methodist such that we can truthfully declare that ing us their reports. They are urged to chests—raising in one campaign, all the send us the names immediately, even tho Many non-CathoIics would love the children of that household have prayed this is the happiest week in the history regularly in front of it ever since. money needed from the municipality for of The Catholic Register. In the insti­ the new subscribers have not paid yet. beautiful pious practices of the Cath­ all the war causes annually. The di­ And do not stop working! Priests every­ The good Catholic in this case died tutions, St.’ Thomas’ seminary leads, ALL GO T0~~C0NFESSI0N olic Church at which they now look rather suddenly but when the body was rectors of the K. of C. deem that a where have urged us to see that the proper division of this money would be with St. Joseph’s hospital a close second. askance if Catholics would take the discovered, she had a crucifix pressed girls continue their efforts. The effect 50 per cent to the Red Cross, 25 to the The chief creilit belongs to the Rt. Rev. Knights of (Mlumbus war workers are trouble to explain them.-* A striking ex­ close over her heart. Her last thoughts, of the sermons delivered and of the Y. M. C. A., 12y, to the K. of C. and 12^^ J. Henry Tihen, D.D., Bishop of Denver. being rushed abroad as rapidly as pos­ ample of this has just come do the wri­ it is evident, were about the Master His Pastoral Ijetter and the weight of Bishop’s Pastoral will last a long time. ter’s attention. It is one o f the most who gave His life for bar. to other activities. sible. Contingents numbering from fif­ W. J. Mulligan of New Haven was teen to twenty-five men are being sent astonishing incidents of which he has The Methodist woman deeply felt her named chairman of the K. of C. War Ac­ over on every regular boat leaving the ever heard. friend’s death but had learned from her tivities committee. Col. Callahan having American ports. Applications for this There died a few months ago in Johns­ of the Catholic belief that a soul must resigned. Lawrence 0. Murray, a mem­ MONUMENT WILL BE GEORGETOWN PLANS service are pouring in to the Washington town, Pa., a good Catholic woman whose be entirely pure before it can enter ber of the order living in Washington, office of the Knights of Columbus’ com­ next-door neighbor was a Methodist. The heaven and that, if it is not completely comptroller of currency under President mittee on war’.activities, and the men husband of the Catholic woman has come pure at the time of death, yet is not Roosevelt, is to be sent to France to as­ ERECTED BY THIRD READY; NEW CHURCH are being carefully selected. A limited to Denver to spend the summer and told damned, it must pass thru purgatory. sist Overseas Director Waiter N. Kernan. number of women are also to be used in the writer the facts in the case. The She had also learned that, in our belief, It was reported that many applica­ connection with the canteens, hospitals Methodist and the Catholic frequently the Requiem Mass releases souls from tions arc coming in for overseas work. ORDER FRANCISCANS TO START AT ONCE and elsewhere. It is stipulated that these had conversations on religion, and the purgatory or cuts down their term. Why Mr. Reddin is well satisfied with the re­ applicants must be more than 30 years Catholic told why we keep crucifixes, we believe these things had been so sponse of the Western states. Some ex­ of age, that they must possess ener^- holy pictures and statues in our homes thoroly explained thatjShe felt their rea­ cellent men are available, particularly Statue of Poverello is Planned New Rectory for Julesburg; and intelligence and be capable of taki^K and cliurches. The Methodist was sur­ sonableness, even if she did not wish to from California. , care of themselves under varying cir­ prised to see the beauty of the practice. come into the Church. So she has aston­ for Mount Olivet House is Purchased It was decided to erect buildings at cumstances. As she thought over it, she was com­ ished both her Catholic and her non- Camps Mead and Pike for colored troops, Cemetery. at Akron. It is pointed out that this work will pelled by her intelligence to see that it Catholic friends by having Masses said entail a sacrifice of comfort and only must be easier to pray when one has a regularly for the Catholic woman! It is putting them in charge of colored work­ ers. 'There are many Catholic Negroes The Tliird Order of St. Francis plans (Official News of Diocese.) those filled with the spirit of sacrifice holy object on which to focus the at­ the only case of the kind- that the writer at these camps. to erect a beautiful monument in Mount Plans of a new church to replace tho should undertake it. Government regu­ tention. “ You keep the photographs of has ever known. Dr. Buckley of St. Paul and J. Mc- Olivet cemetery, Denver, both as an ob ­ one destroyed by fire in Georgetown have lations must also be met and women, persons w’ho are dear to you, so that you Large numbers of non-Catbolics either Graw of Oklahoma, two members of the ject of devotion to St. Francis of Assisi been approved by the Bishop and con­ either of whose parents w’as born in an can remember them better. WTiy not do not believe in the Trinity or have a and as a memorial to the members of struction will begin at once. enemy country, or whose husband, son keep images and pictures of your re­ very hazy idea about it. This Methodist Supreme Board of Directors, will sail, the order who are buried in the Third Plans for a new rectory in the newly or brother is in military service of ligious heroes t” argued the Catholic, and woman did not believe in it. She argued with Joseph Scott of Los Angeles, early Order plot there. Father Raymond Walsh. established parish of .Tulesburg are be­ one of these nations, cannot be the Methodist admitted that she was with her Catholic neighbors and they in June to inspect the overseas work of O.F.M., spiritual director of the order, ing drawn by Architect Paroth. accepted. Already many applications right. showed her the reasonableness of their the order. Bishop Muldoon of the National Cath­ announced the movement laat Sunday 'Father Grohman has purcha.sed a de­ from Women in various parts of the A few days later, the Methodist de­ faith.
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