TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Two TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME September 13, 2020 CORCORAN’S CORNER Religious Education Program… non-liturgical gatherings. It limits a group size to a 50-person Ready, set, GO! Classes are scheduled to begin this maximum. They emphasize that when possible, in-person Monday, Sept. 14. We may need a Kindergarten and two meetings should not be held, and instead use ZOOM meet- Fifth grade catechists. Our class sizes are very small, with ings [virtual meetings]. Our parish follows that for our Parish the largest being seven children. If you heart moves you to Pastoral Council and Finance Council meetings, meeting this ministry, please call the RE office [708-403-0137]. with engaged couples, etc. Recently, the decision to NOT Reopening Plans… meet was shared by Fr. Gubbins to our Scripture Study Pro- First of all, parents are the ones who decide whether gram [over 60 people attend each of the two Thursday ses- their child(ren) will return to our Religious Education [RE] sions]. The Seniors of Seton [SOS] Board also chose to in- program. Our RE program has offered a “home school” form their 300+ members that they were postponing monthly component for many years. Families can choose to have the meetings indefinitely [SOS has a monthly attendance of 150 parent(s) be the at-home catechist (hard copy educational seniors on average). Both Fr. Gubbins and our Seniors of material are provided). No one is forced into any option. Seton Board foresaw the restrictions in place and pre- Parent(s) decide which choice is best for their child. emptively made very difficult—but wise decisions. Groups All classrooms have been set up with six-foot social such as Alcoholics Anonymous [AA] and HOPE [a support distancing of desks, and will have small class sizes. group for those seeking employment] are viewed as essen- Temperatures are taken of all students who enter the school tial, and can continue to meet in person with the 50-member building for Religious Education by well-trained adult volun- attendance guideline. Both groups have an average 20+ teers. We continue to plan carefully. I know we can do this. people attend. Their meetings are held in the McBrady I also suspect in the coming months, our State may close Center and O’Mara Hall, which have a capacity for hosting down again. We shall see... approximately 50 people under our COVID–19 guidelines. Future Plans… As both our Men’s Club and Women’s Club are adhering to Beginning this week, I am including a new parish census this 50-member maximum attendance (including other guide- sheet in our parish bulletin, on our parish website, and in a lines), they are allowed to meet. This many change if Illinois’ letter to be sent to every parishioner. In late March we called COVID-19 cases rise and new directives emerge. So far, every parish household for whom we had phone number so good on our local scene. People continue to make very [4,500 families]. Some families had not brightened our difficult but wise decisions. church doors in years and we also discovered that about We look ahead to future events, both sacramentally and 1/3 of our listed phone numbers had changed as many had communal. Safety remains our first priority. There is much to dropped the “land lines” they used at the time of registration. consider: How do we celebrate First Reconciliation, Advent We want to update our parish census, so if we ever need to Parish Reconciliation, School and Religious Education Con- contact families again—we have a more accurate list. You fessions? Events such as Donuts with Santa is a no go—and can return the completed census sheet by US mail, place it it breaks my heart. It was one of the events that brings a in the collection box, or return it to the parish office. Through great buzz to O’Mara Hall. Our “Children’s Living Nativity” this census we want to establish a current serve-list of email can still occur, but how will we handle the Christmas addresses. Again, I really think some time in the future we crowds? Our “Trunk and Treat” will have to become a may be closed down again. Forewarned is forearmed. happy memory. I believe we can host a “Pet Blessing” for the I never believed I would have promoted this, but I am en- Feast of St. Francis and on All Saints Day, Nov. 1 (falling on couraging everyone to sign-up for electronic giving through a Sunday this year) have our little ones dress up as saints GiveCentral. Information on this will be mailed out with the while attending Mass. I can assure you that no one is saying new census material (and in this bulletin). Personally, I like “we have always done it this way” anymore. It’s a new day, allowing for “new traditions.” what we do here at Thanksgiving: we bring our gift to the al- tar. I really like that gesture. Now we do not even “pass the Speaking of New Traditions… basket.” I am asking all to consider electronic giving. That We have completed the bulk of our Confirmation and way it is an easy and regular way for you to be financially First Holy Communion celebrations for our 2020 classes. A supporting the parish. I do not like this, but it has to be done. few celebrations remain, due to scheduling and COVID-19 As a parish staff, we must prepare for a day when a num- issues. The celebrations (which occurred recently) were ber of our priests may be ill with a seasonal flu which may wonderful. There was not the same ‘hoopla” of past years, impact our weekend schedule. Long gone is the day when but the ceremonies were lovely nonetheless. We had two there were extra priests around who could fill in. We must Confirmation Masses, so the celebrations could be more think about a rare Sunday Communion Service should the cozy and intimate. The biggest drawback was not having as need suddenly arise. Again, nothing is set in stone, but we many family members present due to guest restrictions. But are looking ahead for all eventualities. We are seeking to some guests (i.e., grandparents) would have been unable to take care of our people and our parish. attend anyway. All of these ceremonies turned out very well overall. The Holy Spirit was really put to work! Volunteers… Many hands make light work. We again ask people to Bishop Ron Hicks Installation in Joliet… consider helping out in checking people in, taking tempera- We will livestream the Installation of Bishop Ron Hicks tures, and sanitizing pews after Mass. These are very as the Bishop of Joliet, on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at 10:00 AM, easy tasks, but I am concerned about burning out our hard in our church. Space is limited to 100 attendees due to working teams of volunteers. If you want to assist, please capacity size and limited viewability. Please sign-up via see Carlos Bautista after Mass or call the parish. An ideal our parish website (www.steseton.com) and scroll down the set up is to have one team on a month and then off a month. homepage to the image of Bishop Hicks to register. That way we have plenty of substitutes if someone is away. Keep Smiling, Why are Seniors of Seton and Father Gubbins So Smart? I attended an Archdiocesan meeting recently regarding the strict adherence to their reopening guidelines for September 13, 2020 TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Three Page Four TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME September 13, 2020 September 13, 2020 TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Page Five You are invited to gather with St. Elizabeth Seton parishioners for the WELCOME “Livestream” Installation Mass of Bishop Ronald Hicks James and Aileen Lysaught as the Sixth Bishop of Joliet (Children: Rowan and Liam Lysaught) on Tuesday, Sept. 29, live- streaming at 10am in St. BAPTISMS Elizabeth Seton Church (Registration is required) Congratulations to these parents on the baptism of their child on 9-6-20: Luca Angelo, son of Daniel and Jessica Martino It is with heartfelt joy that we will gather Claire Siobhan, daughter of Michael and Margaret Colston together as a parish family to witness Bishop Ronald Hicks installed the Sixth Bishop of Joliet by the Apostolic Nuncio of the United WEDDINGS States, Most Rev. Archbishop Christopher Pierre, at the Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet. Due to extreme gathering Please pray for Kaitlin Baldacci and Ryan Hawken as they prepare limitations from COVID-19, participation at for the Sacrament of Matrimony on Sept. 18, 2020. St. Raymond Nonnatus Church, Joliet, is Please pray for Rebecca Weinberger and Sean Connelly as they by invitation only. prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony on Oct. 10, 2020. Please pray for Sara Krusenowski and Andrew Hockingsworth as PLEASE REGISTER FOR LIVESTREAM they prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony on Oct. 10, 2020. MASS AT WWW.STESETON.COM (Scroll down to “Bishop Ronald Hicks Livestream Mass” section of our website and PLEASE PRAY FOR you will be directed to registration sign up. Limited seating in St. Elizabeth Seton Church. Due to privacy issues we only honor prayer requests (by you or a family All COVID-19 requirements: masks, six-foot member only) for two weeks. Please call the parish ofice to add name/ social distancing, temperatures taken, sitting have name continued for two weeks. at green-ribbon pews only.
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