the EVEmsrq stak, Washington, d. c„ Wednesday. October 2, 1929. 7 band leader. He was returned here need to steal anything and I don’t NOONAN FACING TRIAL yesterday irom New York. think he did." CHIEF TAKES OATH Soon after Noonan’s arrival his two Sherry Tansey, a cameraman, and NEW AIR ON CHARGE OF BURGLARY sisters left a motion picture set and with Joseph Burbrldge. another motion pic- another brother, George O'Neill, visited ture employe, were Indicted with Cl YOUNG " 11 MAJ. .. ' him at jail. Noonan. 1 - . Brother of Screen Actresses Ac- Miss O'Neill stoutly defended Noonan c and said would furnish legal talent Feloniously Entering she cused of to defend him More than $5,000,000 of England’s "si‘ Home of Band Leader. “It’s all because he got in bad com- mining distress fund has been spent, MADE CABINET AIDE y pany," she said. “My brother did not $4,000,000 going for clothing and shoes. 1 By the Associated Press. I LOS ANGELES. October 2—Jack 1 Veteran Flyer Succeeds Mac- Noonan, brother of Sally O’Neill and WjIFIIETHER “straight” Mollle O’Day, screen actresses, faced r—i—¦———¦——— nmmmmmm—-m ¦ ¦ l— . preliminary hearing today on charges W piinC Assistant Sec- WORKMEN OF Cracken as i of burglarising the home of Ted Lewis, X\TIOX \T j retary for Air. WELDrFcoTj ALE has no near rival. It’s the life of every Home Maj. Clarence M. Young, director ot ( Back party where it is served. A aeronautics. Department of Commerce, | Secretary favorite with every one—- was sworn in as Assistant of Wm EXCURSION Commerce for Aeronautics, succeeding for every one knows what William P. McCracken, jr„ yesterday October 5, 1929 Moll Young’s for afternoon. Maj. nomination , Very low round-trip excursion fares -DH-A-BEAR. to expect of NATIONAL—- Washington to in: the post made vacant by Mr. MacCrac- j % trom points - resignation was confirmed by tne • Stag • - when it To Weld aIways the same exhilarat- en’s salH1S K-i &Hv JHX,:.. The Carolinas Georgia comes Senate Monday. , | US ’"l'linni"wiiwtii aaaaMKfr- 7 ' ing the choice of Maj. Youngs sue- j m' , ¦ v, §§| Alabama Florida ing.we are There. drink—with the gen- While J % I as director of aeronautics has '¦» Tickets good on git trains and in uine cessor thought -H ri '.-v Pullman Cars on payment necessaiy ginger tang. been made, it is that the . charges. not Harry break most likely candidates are Coi. ( Final Limit. October 25th Every person handling machinery will some part H. Blee chief of the division of airports ( Stop-ovcri allowed ! some time. Don’t worry; take it to Made today the same and information of the aeronautics Maj. Clarence M. Young former director of aeronautics of the Department New TUmited tialn. leaving Wash- M Howard, chief sworn in as Assistant Secretary of Com- ington 1:25 P.M. EfT. Sept. 29th. nay that branch, and Edward P. of Cemmerre vestevitav afternoon New improved schedule Havana made it famous. jr.. resigned. Special of the air regu’ations division. merce for Aeronautics, succeeding William P. MacCracken, The 3 1 * hours quicker to Ha- Liboev, department, administer- vana. Leave Washington 12:10 The Weldit Co., 516 I Street N.W. photograph shows Edward IV. chiet clerk of the open occupancy By case or bottle at Makes European Tour. Maj. Young. Left to right: Secretary of Commerce Robert ¦ AM. Sleepers for recently ing the oath of office to 10:00 P.M. EfT. Sept. 30th. grocers and delicatessens. Maj. Young, a veteran pilot, Lamont. Maj. Young. Libbey and Mr. MacCracken. trip P. Mr. or —and they will weld it as good as new, without delay, a an airplane inspection For information ticketl Served at cases, clubs and completed visit- phune or call on great saving in money and time. No job too large or too over the major European airways, principal airports, where that there is a problem in adult recrea- ing all of the Spectatoritis Is Prevalent. F. E. Masi, DPA small. Co., 33rd & K Sts., W. 2508 first-hand study of methods tion; inohi activities must be sought for •*>Jr he made a YORK, October 2 (/P).—One 1418 H Street N.W.f . handling aerial traffic NEW adults of the participation Phone Nat. 1*35 Met. 2416 of Army Air men, in the leisure on Mai Young entered the trouble with American basis, not the spectator basis. Dr. Nash in May, 1917. serving 18 months of Dr. Jay B. Nash, is specta- education at Service Italian opinion is professor of physical ATLANTIC COAST LINE overseas. On a flight over the toritis. He told recreation conference New York University. i» by anti-aircraft a I front he was shot down ——— gun fire, captured and held as prisoner i i of war for five months. cover, ! His experience in aeronautics period years, including both mil- a of 12 pi- itary and commercial practice. He oneered in commercial aviation imme- diately after the war and was one of fJdiowl the first to engage in the sale of air- craft for civilian use. He holds trans- The Greatest Shows port license No. 2. Is Reserve Officer. He is a major in the Air Corps Re- serve and is commanding officer of the 313th Observation Squadron in that or- . - - ganization. , . Maj. Young was appointed chief of the air regulations division of the aero- branch, Department of Com- are nautics New Show World up of the merce. in September, 1926, and built the aeronautics inspection force, which now licenses, identifies and inspects civil aircraft, licenses and and examines pi- lots and mechanics and enforces air traffic rules. He directed final prepara- tion of the air commerce regulations. He was appointed director of aeronau- tics July 5. 1927. serving under the As- sistant Secretary of Commerce for Aero- nautics as chief of all divisions and sec- tions of the branch. PAR AMPUNT! U. S.-CUBAN CLAIM PACT IN HARRAH CASE SIGNED Agreement Is Reached on Ameri- Rrinrinher the chills and thrills of The Mysteri i Ir. Fu Manchu and can’s Plea for Several Millions in Damages From Dynamiting. By the Associated Press HAVANA, October 2.—An agreement between the United States and Cuban governments for arbitration of the Charles J. Harrah claims against Cuba, amounting to several million dollars, was signed yesterday afternoon by HAROLD LLOYD TALKING In "WELCOME DANGER” "The Dance of Life”? They were all Paramount Pictures and only a Miguel Angel Campa, Cuban subsecre- tary of state, and Edward L. Reed, States charge d'affaires. entertainment its - United years, few at that the New Show World of at most thrill The Harrah claims, pending 10 Wtfmmgw < i :R were three years ago presented to the * t«viHuLA ~~ -. Dp United States State Department for ad- ¦ 'w' justment of damages from dynamiting best. G. Now look ahead and see what great things are coming! of a railroad built by Harrah between the beaches of Marianao, Jaimanitas and Los Cruces, a distance of approxi- mately 10 miles. Damages for loss suf- fered through non-operation of the road were likewise asked. r~ ' The agreement will be forwafded to i«f*ar Crows”, Moran &Mack, in a great talking, singing, dancing spec- Washington, where an umpire will be named to act between Harrah and the & MACK THE TWO RLACK CROWS, MORAN . Cuban government. Bring That™ Up?”;*T "The „.Virginian M—"Thewrn rCovered ¦¦ tacle,"Why STORE CHAINS MERGER. | B Wagon” of the New Show World; Ziegfeld’s great girl-and- DENVER. October 2 UP).—Conti- nental Pood Stores, Inc., which operates the Piggly Wiggly stores in numerous music extravaganza, "Glorifying the American Girl,”with Western cities, and the MacMarr Stores, Inc., Pacific Coast grocery chain, have sp JR| id| a completed negotiations for merger, it **’’ mSlMary Eaton and Dan Healy and such stars as Eddie Cantor, was announced here last night. " The MacMarr Co. recently acquired RBHHHHSkBMRI -: IQHHBBHK&^a#<II Co., the Snodgrass Food operating I in *« «*““ groceries in Colarado and New Mexico. Rud y Vaßee » HclenMor S“ "PP*" ”* The MacMarr group now will include "THE VIRGINIAN" All-Outdoors, All-Talking approximately 1,350 stores. u||MgteayTpsf' *VM W"—to name a few. G. The talking-singing screen opened First Trust Notes a S~* New Show World, and Paramount, with 17 Yielding Interest years of supremacy back of it, and with the greatest Montv to Loan on Real Ritat* ' ; *' v js: J. Leo Kolb jjjf | »'Mj-yfr;; 923 NEW YORK AVENT7S resources and man-power in the industry, developed "GLORIFYING THE AMERICAN GIRL” iu possibilities to the fullest extent. With the i Barber & Ross, Inc. & _ . j* paramount pictures 11th G Sts. CREAM OF SCREEN w.i. **»u i „ “""““f”*Wtth lead “* I Chilly mornings and eve- ¦ AND STAGE STARS IBE{ ?Smw« nings before starting the g: directors and showmen. With the most ad- jn addition to the productions shown on j furnace you may need an HAROLD LLOYD* t Jojjf CROWSt „.d Oil; Gas or Electric lZ^^ *SmmMUfBMMm vanced gound .tadi«. m Housed, GEORGE BANCROFT "The Mighty" • CLARA BOW muM4 r.cf chrvai.er i, Heater . g- York, center unrniiiinmn—7 r also in New of the dramatic ERNSTfJ\st lSbiAch’sllbitsch s GEORGE BANCROFT . 'tiff The Love Parade With Jeanette MacDonald MAURICE CHEVALIER • Guaranteed and musical world. G. Small wonder THE MARX BROTHERS h qt. oil fount— w's%rV W* Helen Mo • with CHARLES-BUDDY” ROGERS VjSjßl#, the greatest shows of the New Show W DENNIS KING M<S dennis king in NANCY CARROLL ¥ ¦ World are Paramount Pictures! And -the vagabond king- RUTH CHATTERTON ii •>¦ With Jeanette MacDonald WILLIAMPOWELL they’re your, to «e and enjoy right 1* "SWEETIE” College Musical -THE RETURN OF SHERLOCK HOLMES JEANNE EAGELS CliveBrook and All-Star Cast EVELYN BRENT WIHHfi S#fF around the corner from wherever • GERTRUDE LAWRENCE ——~i HI? D HE Manager HdSk«, «7eny I J,.waii U.r..din GARY COOPER VB 1 J you are.
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