Wednesday, August 29, 1984 TIT Daily Miss Froggy dies Hogeboom to start Miss Froggy's body has been stuffed by a Coach Tom Landry has decided to start Dan- taxidermist and put on display in her ny White as quarterback in the season's open- aquarium at the student activities office. See er, but says White could lose his job at any Skiff page 4. time. See page 9. South Africa voters clash JOHANNESBURG, South Africa to deny any political rights to the na- (AP)- Police with batons and rubber tion s black majority. truncheons reportedly charged sever- Witnesses said police launched al hundred placard-waving election their baton-charge in Lenasia, an boycotters Tuesday morning as South Asian township 17 miles southwest of Africa's Asians voted for the first time Johannesburg, where hundreds of to elect their own segregated cham- people had been demonstrating near ber of Parliament. a polling station. Two clashes between police and The witnesses said several people election boycotters were reported by were beaten, but there were no im- witnesses, but police did not respond mediate reports of arrests. to requests for comment on the re- All sides predicted voter turnout ports. Police did say that seven people would he low, perhaps even below were arrested in Durban, a port city the 30 percent of registered voters that is home to many Asians, for who cast ballots last Wednesday in the urging voters to stay away from the election of a chamber for people of polls. mixed race, officially classified by the government as "coloreds." Boycott organizers hoped a low Most candidates told rallies on the turnout at the polls would discredit eve of the election that the only way to the elections and South Africa's new change South Africa's system of race constitution, which gives Asians and separation, known as apartheid, was people of mixed race segregated to vote and then work from within the PERMANENT MASCOT: Spectators view the new frog statue at its designed by Seppo Aarnos, of Libertyville, 111.-who dedicated it to his chambers of Parliament hut continues system. unveiling Friday. The six-foot statue is made of cordoned steel, which two daughters who attend TCU-and is located in Reed-Sadler Mall. should rust to a dark brown on purpose within a year's time. It was DONNA LEMONS/TCU Daily Skiff Anderson expected Horned frog statue unveiled By Todd Camp TCU since 1S97. It was first intro- Staff writer of the TCV Daily Skiff cently died. Last year, however, the Then Aarnos spoke about the work to support Mondale duced to the school by Addison House came up with a new idea, and it and planning that went into the sta- The day arrived. Students began to Clarke Jr., son of one of the founders DALLAS (AP)- Walter Mondale, in the independent and young voters, commisioned well-known artist Sep- tue. He dedicated it to his two daugh- crowd around the Reed-Sadler mall of the college. Clarke was also the first while campaigning by pounding away such as disaffected moderate Republi- po Aarnos of Libertyville, IL to create ters, Reva and Lonna, who both area, staring and asking questions ab- to introduce football to the school so at President Reagan over record cans and those who supported Sen. the creature in cardoned steel-a mix- attend TCU. out the large, purple ribbon-coated the horned frog mascot-"Add was federal deficits, was expected to pick Gary Hart of Colorado during the race ture of steel, copper and other alloys When the statue was unveiled, mass of sheets and black plastic. The affectionately named after him. up the endorsement Tuesday of for- for the Democratic nomination. that rusts to a dark brown in outside gasps of pleasure and surprise were only thing visible was the large steel While a horned frog may not seem mer Illinois Congressman John During a campaign fund-raising weather. heard throughout the crowd. base. No one had any idea what the very appropriate for a college mascot, Anderson, a favorite among indepen- trip in Dallas, Mondale accused Aarnos had created several other Although some voiced displeasure, new statue of the TCU mascot looked further investigation proves other- dent and young voters. Reagan of playing political "dodge- mascot statues and agreed to design a many said they approved of the new like. wise. According to former TCU biolo- A spokesman for Anderson and horned frog. After two and a half mascot. ball'' in ignoring record-high federal Finally, the moment arrived. gy professor Willis Hewatt, when the Mondale sources confirmed that months of v)[ork, the six-foot tall addi- "I really like it," Michele Hart- deficits. Mondale pledged to cut the Chancellor Bill Tucker joined Sara horned frog gets excited or enraged, it Anderson, who attracted a following tion to the TCU campus arrived. mann, freshman said. T think it red ink by two-thirds if elected. Smith, president of the TCU House of throws back its head anil makes a rasp- among moderate and liberal voters Before the statue's unveiling, should be where more people can see Student Representatives, in cutting ing sound. Its neck become! rigid, its when he made an independent bid for On the deficits, running at $150 bil- Smith and Tucker spoke to the crowd it, maybe closer to the street." the ribbon and students got to view a eyes bulge and a jet of blood is re- of about 300, giving a short history of president in 1980. would throw his lion to S2QJJ billion annually, Mondale Another freshman, Dayna Traut- spiked, fearsome-looking horned leased from the eye at great pressure. the horned frog. support to Mondale during a rallv at said they ' assure that we cannot have man, said she also liked the statee. "1 frog For years, the fi og was i epi est nteJ i'he horned frog is alive and well," the University of Illinois in Urbana. long-term, sustainable economic think it's interesting. It's too bad we The horned frog, the only college by Super Frog at football games and a Tucker said. "We're all glad to see this didn't have something like it before Mondale sought Anderson's en- growth. ... It burdens the next gen- mascot of its kind, has represented live mascot, Miss Froggy, who re- statue today." dorsement, according to his aides, be- eration with a debt that is absolutely now," she said. lieving that Anderson will help bring obscene." GOP works on image in Dallas By W. Bobert Padgett taxes unless absolutely necessary and The convention itself was dubbed Staff miter of the TCV Daily Skiff an unrelenting stand on the existence by Time magazine as the Republican There were two American political Analysis of indexing on federal income tax. "coronation," and after the final draft party conventions this summer-the "Tax reform must not be a guise for of the platform was hammered out, Democratic and the Republican. And raising and media exposure at the con- tax increases, the document stated. the festivities officially began at one of they were about as different as the vention, held Aug. 20 through 23, "We pledge to preserve tax indexing. the most harmonious party conven- donkeys' Jesse Jackson and the stemmed not from the nominee-thai We will fight any attempt to repeal, tions in American history elephants' Jesse Helms. had been decided four years ago in modify or defer it. Tax brackets will be There were a few signs of displea- Even the host cities for the conven- Detroit-hut from what the party was adjusted annually for inflation start- sure with the conservative ideology ol tions-San Francisco for the Demo- going to stand for in this election and ing in 1985. the Republican party platform from crats, where the two most notable which faction was going to rule it. With the adoption of the Republi- various members on the convention traits are the Golden Gate bridge and The main battle in Dallas occurred can platform, it became clear early on floor. The most notable of these were the politically powerful homosexual during the week before the official fes that the GOP's neo-conservatism was handmade signs and posters support community; and Dallas for the Re- tivities began, when the GOP leaders not, as some had predicted it might, ing the ERA and pro-choice issues publicans, where more than 20 years were putting together preliminary going to fade in popularity like a pas- among the delegates from Oregon. ago, conservative North Dallas drafts for the final platform. It was the sing trend Rather, conservative posi- But these mild forms of dissent women let go their prim and proper moderates against the hard-line con- tions on abortion, school prayer and were overshadowed by the strong ways to spit on then-Vice President servatives, who were led by the young taxes constituted the document. support and applause that the speak- Lyndon Johnson and his wife after a and fiery Rep. Trent Lott of Mississip- "We endorse legislation to make ers received during the four days of press conference-set the tone for two pi, the platform committee chairman. clear that the 14th Amendment's pro- the convention. unique gatherings of party delegates. What prevailed from the moderate tections apply to unborn children," One thing can be said for the Re- One outstanding difference be- vs. conservative conflict was a plat the platform stated. publicans in Dallas: they were pre- tween these two conventions was the form dominated by policies of the In fact, the Equal Rights Amend- pared to counterattack the accusa- type of controversy that surrounded "New Right." To counter Mondale— ment, supported by moderates in tions made by Mondale and the each one.
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