0 J Fornon Co til . ..•*, SUMMIT DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! Read the Herald WVt 17, 18, If For Local Newi mud Summit Rtcvr 4 Y««r, No. S SUMMIT, N. A, THUMftAY, JUWf 10, If4? HAYEAi » PINTS Street and Sewer Car Stolen Here Code to Nave figures in $860 Council to Act Tuesday on Hearing July 15 Rim-flam Deal Midnight Curfew for All Bars Termed by Percy M. Bland of Summit police were notified Sat- Common Council as one of tbe Common Council is expected to adopt an ordinance urday that the IMS Ford »edan most important piece* of legisla Tuesday night regulating alcoholic beverage consumption. tlon ever to be introduced by stolen from Dr. Edmund L. Bobne Introduced June 17, the ordinance waa originalJy scheduled ^council, a public hearing will be of Elm street three weeks ago waa for adoption at Council's July 1 meeting following a public given to an ordinance introduced recovered by New Brunswick po- hearing. Objectipns raised by counsel for the Hotel Sub- July 1 '•prescribing standards and lice. urban and Hotel Beechwood asking clarification pertain- requirements with respect to the The car taken from the doctor's laying out, construction, dedica- ing to consumption of liquor on the premises and for an, tion, approval and acceptance of parking space at Overlook Ho»pi- extension of closing hours caused the delay until Tuesday. strata and other placos for public tal, was used as a pawn in "the -ry., y, .,.... _ i, After. Council had' recessed July use and sanitary drainage sewers old confidence man game," police 1 to.considedr hthr objections. Presi- and their appurtenances." said, when they revealed that the dent Percy M. Bland of Council Police Instructed *ai' d the" i losing hours »s written President Bland said th« ordi- car was sold for $1,600 with a false nance has been in preparation for In the new ordinance wouli stand,' more than two years. He explained bill of sale stolen from a Patersoa Tojejwrt on that is from midnight until 8 a. m, many headache* in future years" According - to police the car, waa milted on Sunday or during th« " by its adoption. ' • '" ' brought to a -New Brunswick gu Tavern Disorders hours whrn the polls are open for station'Thursday by a man who Set* Street Width an flection, - ' Overlook Names said he was H. B. Stern of Georgia A "letter was read at the July 1 Th« • ordinance provides that I a. in. (Inking Ahkril avenue, Brooklyn. Giving the sta- meeting of Common Council .from "Ever/* street shall have a paved A petition aaking extension of tion, owner, wht>se name was not Mayor Maxwell .Lester Jr." to Chief roadway* At least 30 feet in width, Successor to the closing hour fro.m midnight disclosed by police, a hard luck of Police Edward K. Egan which provided with a curb on either until aj k;a*t la m was presented story Stern asked permission to stated: . aide of such pavement. All curb by Micha«>l 0. Alonirk of the Sum- let the car sit there with a for sale "The Common Council requests corner* shall be rounded with a Miss Lambertsen mit law firm of Kaplan, AUniclc sign on it. The station owner that any disorderly conduct talc* & Kaplan, He said the prt.ltinn, curve having a radiu* of not lea* Appointment of Mrs! Edyihe G. agreed. A little later Stern sold the Ing place in a-tavern be reported which bore more than 200 signa- than 25 feet.f Kistler, director of Nursing Serv- car for $800 cash and |S00 by to them in writing as soon as the turfs, included some of Summits ^ One section of the ordinance de- ice and principal of the School check, 4 case Is adjudicated. Oivp the ''"'best known citizens," which list taiU requirements for aewera. of Nursing of tee Women's Medi cal College of Pennsylvania, to Not revealing that he had re- name of the place and tho*e In- Included John J. KeftU, Carroll P, drain* and house connection*. volved and the disposition of the succeed MLsa Eleanor Lambertsen ceived cash for the car, Stern then Bassrtt, Frederick C. Van'Duzer, Considerable detail is ateo given WITH A SONG IX THEIR HEARTS-Some of the Jwenty Lyons Hospital vrterans who were din- case." as principal of the School of borrowed $60 from the station W. K.'Ogdrn and former Council- to general requirement*. ner guests, Ia»t week of the 8umm!t Chapter, American Red Cross, gather around the pi«no for owner leaving the $800 check as Councilmsn-a^large Ernest S. man Frederick, (J.SIgler. A public hearing on tbla ordi- a community sing with members of the local Red Cross organisation. The community *ing was security. Hickok had a word of commenda- Both Mr., Alentck, counsel for nance will be held Tuesday start* part of a program of entertainment which included a magician and games. The dinner was under Meanwhile the new owner, whose tion to say for two tax asiessors, the Beechwood and Alfred J, Ing at 8:30 p. m. in Council'* cham- tbe direction of the Community Services to Camp* and Hospital group, assisted by the Canteen name also was not given, simo- Jesse Stout and German F, Rowe GrasBO, Orange, attorney for the bers at the Municipal Building. Corps, M*.»or Corps, Gray Ladies and Home Sen-Ice Corps. nized the car the next day. He { who have become eligible for pen- Suburban, asked clarification of At the July 1 meeting an ordi- hen noticed a discrepancy in the j (Pliot o by Jiy ) sion. Mr. Stout has served for the rlauip in the ordinance which nance was adopted authorizing the serial number on the car and the | 20 years In this capacity and Mr stairs "no licensee shall Buffer grading, paving and draining of one on the bill of sale. He reported t Rowe for 24 years. Mr. Hickok, consumption of any alcoholic bev- ^an alley 16 feet in width from t to police, regained his check, • More Than Half of Summit's who js chairman of Council's fl. erage after midnight." ' • Woodland avenue easterly 200 feet ost hia newly purchased car, \ nance committee, mid "The serv- • / Control Not rowlble connecting with an alley running ound himself out $800 in cash plus \ ice of these two men as.*s»esic Both attorneys maintained that westerly from Maple street. his own car which he sold to ob~ j Families Use Public Library for more than two decades has the above clause of the ordinance Garage Bld» Received ain the cash. bern one of loyal, devoted and < creates an Impossible control, Bid* for the construction of a But Records Show Institution fails to Meet flcient service. The city U proud •President Bland said Council new city garage in Chatham toad of them." would study this particular objec- were received and referred to the Needs of Many Civic and Social Organizations tion to determine "if It n«ededi for information and Mr. Stout will continue with city engineer and street commit- City's First Drive (Editor'* Note: The following ness men clarification.'' recreation through books. Of tbe the Board of Assessors by ap tee for study and report. Eleven article, which will b* ran in inj- Mr. Orasso protested that "no 61 memters of the local chapter polntmcnt for six months a* clerk. bids were received for general •UUnurnU, i» a rondenoutioa of consumption on the premises uft>r of Hotar^ only 15 are registered Cameron Munklttrick was named construction ranging fro« ftt,!W For Negro College a sonrrjr made of tbe facilitie* midnlght means in effect an 11:15 Ft© $38,819. Three bid*! we^c at the }£,*{£>'• *? v card holders. to/-Miceeed Mf. Rowe for a term of the Summit Free PuWlc Li- of ©n« year. p, m. closing." i» spa!* hotels for structural aUtfl, the lowf brary. Tfce report dlfdesea many TheihWiui <ol the Voting Men's would be tftrutiifir., effected. 1 HtAiaing Setattfona CWuural, which was $1,279 end the highest Aid Totals $2,500 interesting fact* and shortcom- Civic At-Ioclation of 49 rncmbers The Orange aUoi'irty ptfffited out $2,387. Four bids were received for Contributions and pttdges to- ing* of the 'Library, caused with 22 registered as card holders Frank J. Moroney of Glenside that hotel guests "may buy bottled plumbing and sheet metal in taling more than $2,500 bave been mainly by a lack of spare and is more encouraging as is also the avenue wrote Council a letter crit- liquor, bring It Into the hotel and MIH Eleanor Lamberfeen which the range was from 13,650 received from. Summit resident* finances. It i» rrqueated that th« fact that 86 of the 09 members of icizing the method of selecting drink it any time without the ho* to $4,750. Six heating bids ranged Nursing and director of Nursing for' the United Negro College artirtts be read .in full so. that the YVVCA are library users. tenants for the veterans housing tel being able to exercise control." from $3,650 to $5,610. To install Service at Overlook Hospital, was Fund, according to Mrs. L. H. Ader the paMie win have a belter These figures clearly indicate units. He suggested that selectees In his plea for modification of tbe electrical appurtenances, three announced yesterday by John R and Stanley O. Morgan, co-chair- understanding of the problems " that the establishment of better were made on a basis of partiality. the ordinance, Mr.
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