Prepared in cooperation with the City of Wichita, Kansas Twenty Years of Water-Quality Studies in the Cheney Reservoir Watershed, Kansas, 1996–2016 By Jennifer L. Graham, Guy M. Foster, and Ariele R. Kramer Introduction Since 1996, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in coopera- tion with the City of Wichita, has done studies in the Cheney Cheney Reservoir, located in south-central Kansas (fig. 1), Reservoir watershed to understand environmental effects on is one of the primary drinking-water supplies for the City of water-quality conditions (fig. 1). Early studies (1996–2001) Wichita and an important recreational resource for the region. determined subwatershed sources of contaminants, nutrient and Because of population growth, urban development, and water- sediment loading to Cheney Reservoir, changes in reservoir supply needs, the City of Wichita will continue to rely on sediment quality over time, and watershed sources of phos- Cheney Reservoir as a drinking-water source for the foreseeable phorus. Later studies (2001–present) focused on nutrient and future. Cyanobacterial blooms in Cheney Reservoir during 1990 sediment concentrations and mass transport from the watershed; and 1991 caused severe taste-and-odor events and prompted the the presence of cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, and taste-and-odor formation of the Cheney Reservoir Task Force in 1992. The task compounds in the reservoir; and development of regression force identified nutrients and sediment as primary pollutants models for real-time computations of water-quality constituents of concern in the Cheney Reservoir watershed because of their of interest that may affect drinking-water treatment. This fact effects on water quality and quantity and their relation to cyano- sheet summarizes key results from studies done by the USGS bacterial blooms. Consequently, stream-water-quality goals for during 1996–2016 in the Cheney Reservoir watershed and nutrients and sediment were established in an effort to improve Cheney Reservoir. water-quality conditions in Cheney Reservoir (Cheney Reservoir Task Force, 1994). 99°00' 98°30' 98°00' KANSAS Cheney Reservoir 38°00' Hutchinson watershedWatershed Stafford Abbyville Partridge Red Ninnescah Sylvia River Irish Wichita Rock Fork (! Haven (! Creek North Langdon Creek EXPLANATION (! (! Turon 1996 to 2001 study site Cheney Creek Long-term (1996 to present) Preston Reservoir continuous water-quality Silver Creek monitoring study site Goose Pretty Prairie Pratt Figure 1. Location of Kingman U.S. Geological Survey study sites in the Cheney Reservoir 0 10 20 MILES watershed during 1996–2016. 37°30' 0 10 20 KILOMETERS Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey digital data, 2005, 1:100,000 U.S. Department of the Interior Fact Sheet 2017–3019 U.S. Geological Survey March 2017 Watershed Studies to the reservoir in 1979 was delivered in 1 day during an approx- imately 100-year flood event (1 in 100 chance of being equaled Water-quality conditions in the watershed can be compared or exceeded in any 1 year). Because of the episodic nature of to the goals established by the Cheney Reservoir Task Force sediment loading to the reservoir, sediment management plans (1994). No discernible patterns were evident in nutrient or will need to address large and infrequent inflow events. suspended-sediment concentrations or loads during 1996 through 2013, largely because of hydrologic variability (Stone 0.6 and others, 2013; Stone and others, 2015). To determine the EXPLANATION 50 long-term effects of watershed investments in best management . 0.5 Mean phosphorous concentration (1997 to 2000) 0 practices (BMPs), more rigorous analyses are needed. Mean natural phosphorus concentration Long-term phosphorus goal for streams Total Phosphorus 0.4 36 . 0 Agricultural activities have increased the total phospho- 30 . rus concentrations in soil to about three times natural condi- 0.3 0 .25 0 23 . tions (unaffected by human activity). As a result, an estimated 0 65 percent of the phosphorus transported to Cheney Reservoir 0.2 .17 0 is from agricultural sources (Pope and others, 2002). Reservoir 2 1 0 8 0. 1 0 .09 0. 0. sediment cores were used to construct a historical water-quality 0.1 0 record and indicate increasing trends in phosphorus concentra- tions during the life of the reservoir (1965–98), likely the result Phosphorus concentration, in milligrams per liter 0 of nonpoint-source activities in the watershed, such as increased North Fork Silver Creek Goose Creek North Fork Red Rock fertilizer use and livestock production (Mau, 2001). Phospho- Ninnescah River near near Ninnescah River Creek near at Arlington, Arlington, Arlington, near Pretty Prairie, rus concentrations were generally larger in the eastern part of Kansas Kansas Kansas Pretty Prairie, Kansas the watershed and smaller in the western part (Pope and others, Kansas 2002). During 1997–2000, total phosphorus concentrations in five Figure 2. Comparison of measured and estimated natural subwatersheds exceeded the Cheney Reservoir Task Force long- phosphorus concentrations in water samples from five surface- term goal (0.1 milligrams per liter) by two to five times (fig. 2). water-quality sampling sites in the Cheney Reservoir watershed. Natural phosphorus conditions in three of the five subwatersheds Figure after Pope and others, 2002. also equaled or exceeded the long-term goal (Pope and others, 2002). During 1997–2012, the long-term total phosphorus goal 1,000,000 was exceeded about 60 percent of the time (Stone and others, 1979 2013). Combined, these findings indicate that established goals may not be attainable without a substantial amount of BMPs 800,000 implemented in the eastern part of the watershed. Suspended Sediment 600,000 Sediment accumulation in Cheney Reservoir was less than expected as of 2001; only 4 percent of the reservoir’s original 400,000 storage capacity was lost to sedimentation (Mau, 2001). During 1965 through 1998, only 27 percent of the inactive conser- vation storage pool had been filled (less than the estimated 200,000 34 percent by design). Substantial suspended-sediment loads Suspended-sediment load, in metric tons have been delivered to Cheney Reservoir during very short time periods with extreme hydrological conditions (fig. 3). Forty-one 0 percent of the sediment load transported to Cheney Reservoir 2010 2013 1975 1970 1995 1985 1980 1966 1990 2005 2000 during 1966 through 2013 was delivered during 8 days (Stone Year and others, 2015). The estimated sediment load in 1979 alone accounted for 20 percent of the total load to the reservoir during Figure 3. Computed annual suspended-sediment loading to Cheney a 48-year period. Ninety-two percent of the sediment delivered Reservoir, 1966–2013. Figure after Stone and others, 2015. North Fork Ninnescah River, south-central Kansas in June (left) and November (right). Photographs by U.S. Geological Survey. Reservoir Studies r e 1,000,000 t ili Cyanobacteria, microcystin (a cyanotoxin), and geosmin l KDHE (2015) public mil health watch guidance 100,000 (a taste-and-odor compound) were detected in about 84, 52, er p s l l Abundance of concern for and 31 percent, respectively, of samples collected from Cheney e c 10,000 drinking-water treatment Reservoir during 2001 through 2016. 2-methylisoborneal (MIB, in (Taylor and others, 2005) a taste-and-odor compound) was less common and was detected 1,000 in only 4 percent of samples. Microcystin and geosmin concen- trations exceeded advisory values of concern more frequently abundance, 100 than cyanobacterial abundance; therefore, cyanobacteria are not 10 a good indicator of the presence of these compounds in Cheney Reservoir (Graham and others, 2017). Cyanobacteria-related 1 Cyanobacterial 10.0 events are therefore an episodic, rather than a chronic, water- KDHE (2015) public quality concern in Cheney Reservoir. health watch guidance Seasonal patterns in cyanobacteria and microcystin were ter ation, i r l EPA (2015) finished drinking- t evident, though abundance and concentration varied by orders r 1.0 water guidance for adults of magnitude across years (fig. 4). Cyanobacterial abundances oncen c n generally peaked in late summer or early fall, with smaller i 0.10 peaks observed in winter. Microcystin was first detected in June EPA (2015) finished drinking- micrograms pe n or July, increased to maximum concentrations in summer, and i water guidance for young children Microcyst then decreased. Seasonal patterns in geosmin were less consis- tent than cyanobacteria and microcystin; there was generally 0.01 a small geosmin peak during winter in most years and a larger 1,000 peak during summer in some years (Graham and others, 2017). Geosmin peaks during summer were relatively uncommon until 100 Human detection threshold summer 2013. An August 2013 inflow stimulated a geosmin (Taylor and others, 2005) event in the reservoir that had the highest late summer and fall in nanograms per liter 10 concentrations observed during 2001 through 2016 (Graham and ation, r others, 2017; Otten and others, 2016). High geosmin concentra- t tions have been observed in late summer and fall since the 2013 1 concen n inflow event, which demonstrates that changing environmental i conditions affect seasonal patterns in cyanobacteria, microcystin, 0.1 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. and taste-and-odor compounds in Cheney Reservoir. Geosm Genetic analyses have identified the cyanobacterial genera EXPLANATION Microcystis and Anabaena as the most likely microcystin and Median concentration
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