Rec Sports: Trip into the Shakespeare experience! Outdoor Program ventures to the Grand Canyon! THE UMD Decembers, 1988 Editorial 4A Opinion 5A Duluth, Minnesota Arts & Entertainment 6A Volume 59 On Campus 11A Sports IB Number 11 Rec Sports 5B Statesman Classifieds 6B Book prices questioned Timothy Louis Franklin tiy," Romano said. Staff Writer "Freight Is also another major expense which stud- Over the past several years, ents don't consider. That ex- editorials In the UMD pense raises the prices of the STATESMAN have focused on iDooks around seven percent. the htgh prices at certain en- Another 14 percent are sales tities at UMD. One of those pay for our payroll. We have entitles Is the UMD Main 24 student employees making Street Store. The students $6 an hour and we also have that write these editorials Civil Sei-vlce employees. The think the bookstore Is out to Civil Service employees get a make a fast buck off the stud- benefit package which Is ents. Jeff Romano, manager of roughly 25 percent of their the UMD Main Street Store, salary. We Iry to keep our ex- says that Is just not true. penses down, but some of "Costs keep on going up them we have no control year after year. Inflation Is over." he added. around 3-4 percent a year Prices have gone up on while textbook prices, on the most textbooks at UMD this whole, went up 10 percent year. The bookstore says that What students don't consider they have not done this on A maze-ing Photo • Tom Torkelson is that you have to pay for the purpose but must do It to author, printing, marketing, keep up with expenses. The A ring of students go tfirougti lines waiting tor financial aid in Darland Administration Build- those fancy covers and all the bookstore maintains a unl- ing. publisher representatives which travel around the coun- Books to 3A United Way breaks Krouch named new IE head Brian Peiietier head effective Dec. 16. Carber that he would not over the top at UMD News Editor After Carber's announce- teach the class. JoAnna Smeby paign. ment In class, the students, Carber had told the stud- staff Writer "It's the highest total we've Approximately 30 indus- upset over the possibility of ents that he taught the class trial engineering students as- losing a class, gatherecl in ever reached, and It just goes because his position as acting sembled in College of Science Rapp's office to find out what The month-long campaign to show you what the com- department head dictated and Engineering Dean Ceorge was happening. for the United Way, which bination of generous people that he find a replacement for Rapp's office Tuesday after Rapp led them to an empty takes place every fall here at and a superb campaign di- Robinson. Carber took the rector will do," lannl said. the acting department head lecture hall where he ex- cancelled an Upper Division class himself as an overload "I think It shows that as plained what had happened class. educators we do care about class. and what was being done Since he was no longer de- the quality of life, and that we Lester Carber, acting head about It. partment head, he told the are generous people and we of the Industrial engineering students that he would not be are willing to share what we department, announced at teaching any more overload have," Kim Roufs, UMD cam- the beginning of the Prod- classes. He was not available paign coordinator, said. uction Processes II class that I don't think this for comment on Wednesday. James Cels, publisher of he had been relieved of his duties as acting head and that situation will have Another concern of the the Duluth News-Tribune, students was the accredita- was this year's campaign he would not be teaching any any affect on the ac- more overload classes. tion of UMD's industrial engi- chair for the city of Duluth. He creditation process." neering program. According to was responsible for putting Carber was assigned the department head position af- -George Rapp Rapp, the accreditation team together what he called an came to UMD in October and "organizational chart." ter the resignation of Fred Robinson on Sept. 1 this year. would release a first draft of According to Cels, each an accreditation recommen- Robinson kept his teaching "People wanted answers," UMD, exceeded its goal of year the organizational chart dation by January. $39,000 by raising a total of of volunteers Is restaffed. The position but Is cunently un- said Kristlne Faschlng, IE se- "I don't think this situation $44,500. This is the largest chairperson begins the cam- der suspension for sexual ha- nior and president of the UMD will have any affect on the ac- amount ever raised at UMD. paign In February by recruit- rassment. (See story on 3A.) chapter of the Institute of In- creditation process," Rapp Together, students from ing chairpersons to specific Rapp relieved Carber of his dustrial Engineering. 'They're said. the UMD Broomball Club and cabinets which are usually department head duties after (ired of things changing from Leadership UMD gave their fully staffed with volunteers he "looked at the situation one week to the next. We just According to Faschlng, the time by working hard to raise by May. The campaign then and the deterioration of want a stable program," she students had calmed down money and create a greater comes together In August and various things." said. considerably after their meet- ing with Rapp. She said that awareness of the United Way. September when kick-off Rapp appointed Carolyn Rapp told the students that Rapp told her he would keep Chancellor Lawerence lan- meetings are held to motivate ICrouch, associate professor of he was very Interested in find- the students informed of any nl, UMD group chair for the further volunteers, followed industrial engineering with a ing an Instructor for Carber's new developments through campaign, was thrilled with doctorate In systems engi- class, but laler he added that her. the success of this year's cam- United \o 2A neering, as acting department he had no official word from 2A • December 8,1988 • STATESMAN Bush to keep Cavazos United Uom 1A Duluth is $1,582,541 or fort they put into the cam- 92.4 percent of Its goal of paign. by four report meetings $1,712,000. "That's why the gift of as Education Secretary held during October and Cels felt that the cam- time Is so Important. Peo- College Press Service senting college presidents November. paign was stupendous, not ple are not reimbursed from around the country, Headed by Cels, the only because of the amount (monetarily) In any way for In one of his first cabinet said. "He's started to build chart branches off into of money raised, but be- the time they give. They appointments, President-elect bridges. That's a significant about 20 cabinets, includ- cause of the vast amount of give out of the goodness of George Bush said Nov. 23 he departure from his predeces- ing major firms, smaller community support the their hearts," Roufs said. hoped to keep Lauro Cavazos, sor's approach." businesses and education, campaign received and the The Chancellor, who has the relatively mild-mannered "I really bring no agenda among others. A different realization that raising just been Involved with the former president of Texas other than to try to advance chairperson represents one person's awareness Is United Way for about 25 Tech University, as secretary education in America," each of these cabinets. For building for the future. years, said that he thought of the U.S. Department of Cavazos said, repondlng to example, Elliott Moeser Cels said that he wished UMD students and staff Education. Bush's announcement. "We're was the chairperson for the to convey his thanks to showed a lot of spirit dur- Conservatives were not en- all on the side of the angels." educational division. Each UMD for Its support In the ing the campaign. tirely happy with the appoint- "The new secretaiy is cabinet, or division, is fur- campaign. He said that "I am greatly pleased, ment, while members of the pledged to fight for Increased ther broken down Into spe- there was a lot of good done and I hope that this sets a Washington, D.C. education funding," Merkowltz added. cific areas. Within the on the campus and that it pattern," he said. lobby — people former Educa- "That's a change from Bennet- educational division are has been very helpful. "I know people at UMD tion Secretary William Ben- t's support for cuts, even UMD, St. Scholastlca and All of the proceeds for care. I know people at UMD nett derided as "educrats" - though we have no Illusions public and private schools. this campaign go to the are generous, and this just offered some cautious praise. there will be a new fount of From there the chart con- United Way of Greater Du- confirms It. And I think tinues to branch off. While there is still no clear dollars turned on." luth and are distributed now the Important thing Is indication of what the reap- If the "educrats" are happy Cels describes the cam- among Its many agencies that we can go back Into pointment of Cavazos — who that Cavazos is different from paign as an extensive which range from the the community and hold became interim education the flamboyant Bennett, con- volunteer organization that American Cancer Society to our heads high.
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