• THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 10, Number 7 November 15, 1928 I {, " J A Monlhly Publicalir."I Devoled 10 Ihe InlerOJ/! 0/ 1\Milme;apollis;·Minn. Manu/aelure,. 0/ Macaroni NO'verrlber 15, 1928 Number 7 '- Price Cutting Cure. , ~ClCCC~ " How can price cutting be stopped? . -. Only by casting out the craze for volume at any cost and the fear of not getting the volume. This means- . a-the scientific quoting of prices based on actual cost plus reasonable profit. b-sticking to quotations. c-going after only a reasonable propor­ tion of the total business. d-sticking as much as . possible to your own economic territory. e-getting business by sane and ethical methods and making sure of a legiti­ mate profit on it. O. H. Cheney, Vice President American Bxchange Irving Trust Co. • .""'",",, IS, 1928 THE MACARONI JOURNAL J , . I , . "'-THE'-. "''''' - DAYS. .THAT ARE DREAR AND COLD By Ernest V. Madison The hil" . tJrr/u'd (orn/YfI/j fms ill MM·JVrst /l O.ft'S arr proportiollotrly as I"Dicirll' ill ,absor/!j"y shock, slra;" alld (libra/jem as th is /lrill, ull Cirri. brlt/g/' over "H' Umf'qlla Niwr fl l lI/il/cllu/"r, O"'gOll. You can depend on Mid-West Boxes-­ ask any shipper who uses them daily Soon it will be winter. .. l.: 'Already Nature's telegraph system IS nOlilying us that Ihis biling, The great clIlllulati\'c recurd of 1\lid-\Vcst corrllg';ltcd hoxes hllilt up in thousands blustering season is Iraveling our way. Green is changing into brown. of packing and shi,)ping' departlllents of Indus!. ;. on'r a period of fourteen years, is Leaves flutter down and skip along with each breeze. your illf;:dliblc guarantee that they will continlle to "deliver the goods" in the same dependahle manner ,IS heretofore. Soon the winds will hold their pow-paws near Medicine Hat, declaring You calillot buy a betler hox. Neither c:m you compare the ~Iid-'Vcst box with war on out-aI-doors comlort, and sending their icy blasts over the border­ the so-wiled "just as good" sl1hslitutcs ofTered at hargain prices. Rarely arc prices hurling their white garbed army on rool and stoop and walk. cut without raising the CllIl'stion of quality. ~1id-\Vl'S ' ()uality is al\\,;IYs on the same high (lIane-the rca SO li so many nationally 1.:110\\,11 shippers ha\'c standardized on Then 'will be the days when the cozy inlerior, lavorile chair and com­ these hoxes. Safety first-pack ill Mid-\Vcst Boxcs. Ask any user. fortable warmlh of heating apparalus will replace Ihe golf course, garden, home team, fishing tackle and motor tour. Solid fibre hoxes hy the Container Corporation of Amcrica match till' ~lid-\Vc s t product in quality. streng th and protec tive features. Users arc alllong thc Nation's Then will be the days when you will have ample time to read-when bigg'cst and your st rictest rcquirements arc adef)l1atcly met by this fine product. .:; ticl~ to Cluality - it pays a big-Ijer diddelld in the long' rtm. you can catch up with that pile of periodicals which may have accumulaled 'while you were away on convenlion and vacation trips, or were worshiping Read cOllpon,lill in and mail today. No obligation. hlllay the great out-of-doors. he the lIleans of si mpli£ying your methods and cutting dO\\,I1 your costs. It's a littl/! thing, yl:t lIlay me:1Il a great deal to If there are any copies of The Macaroni Journ,,1 in that pile, select ),011 eventually ill dollars and cents, Our sen'ice i.... Free. them for first reading. The summer issues were among Ihe best of the year. And get acquainled with the advertisers in those issues by grasping RIiTURN COUPON their printed handshakes in Ihe ad"erlising seclions. Remember that when AlII).WF.&"T nox CO!I1'ANY AND III WIfM Wuhlnaton Sch'Cf, Chkap, o.pe.. lit you know the advertised products in your field you know slrictly pure cream. CONTA INER CORPORATION Oerutrmmlpaddn, and ,flippin,Mn..e ba:;;' !-?r.:~:~~:~,;;:~:~ ~:::r.;: PUfPOM: of ttdudn, our CQIO OF AMERICA. III w. W ..hIn.,on St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS n~ ___________________________ 0 .. ~-----------------------­ SIJ: Mi1I~Nine Factories Capacity 1:03 toni per cby ~---------------------- I 4 THE MACARONI JOURNAL, Nllvemhu 15. Illbi E MACARONI JOURNAL NOVEMBER IS, 1928 Number 1 Banishing.,J)n/air Trade Practices by Agreement . I'",'i"" that have generally been cUlisitlcn'c1 as unfair lu trillUlion will he ullit:i:llly advised IIf Ihe t:llde and their l'O' hannful to l1istrihutcrs and ul1just 10 (flll­ upcratiull snu!.:hl ill its stri..: t eufllr":l'uwnt. willlH:: aholished if the aims amI purposes of the rl'ccut The 17 resulutiulls unanimously adupted is a l'rysta ilizaliull Tr.ade Prnclicc Conference arc attained and ii lilt..' oi the sentimcllt in business fur murc orderly tr;ule pru­ concerned nrc as sincere as their voice :11111 ;1'li01\ at cedure. Till'se wi ll establi sh uniform standards of bllsiJwss hearing in OliC3g0 would indicate. Ihat have beell lackillg in the foUtI tracles , ,11(\ Ihe restHulsi­ the practical Amcric:11I way, possihlc (J lIl y uutlcr a frcc hilit)' of their l'nforcel1ll'nt will he placl'tl directly 1I 1HIII l'adl like ours, and after weeks uf earnest prl'iimillarr 01111 1 e\'err clement in the trade. and negotiations the " ariou5 interests CllIICCrIIl'(1 Those who h:t\'e slwm ..ured Ihe con ference a.: ree that it s food manufacture and distrihutioll !-:3lhcrcfl ill a most , actiun will work little or IIlI hanlship on the l'antest :lIId conference wil h Ihe Federal Trade Cnllllni ssioll anll law abitiinJ; mal1ufactu rl'r ami distributer, It wi ll millin' II a senc:s oC resolutions \'oici ng their views alii) upinions I time to clea n house tl t'S pil e the fact Ihat wilful \'ilJla tnrs wilt practices that han: Cm.;! tiUll' to time l)Cl'n eun- always he fuund aUtI lIIuSt always he fo ught. The Fedl'ral as injurious to one or more flf the a~ellcies ill\'oh'ed. Tralle Cnnnllissiun sllpportell hy the fair mimled 1II;IIIII(al" Macaroni Products Industry through ils tr;u le associa­ Ilirers, whulcsalcrs, jobbers. dtail1 Slorcs, relaill'rs ;11111 l'IlII­ "listened in" at Ihe conference, watch Cui uf the manu­ SUlIll'rs will fi nd little dinico hy ill cnrorcin~ this sdi im llllSl'" interests, A program Il reviollsly aJ;reed upou 11)' progra lll nf self cleansing, or the different agencies of tlislrilmtiou was There is (llie angle of Ihe l:U1I{erelll.:e's cldibl' ratiull with atiopted with lillie discussion ali(I 110 "iolen l opposi­ whi..:1t the Macaroni ProtiU":ls Industry is in IhurtJulo: h :trwrd, Our Supreme h was truly a. distributers' cOII(erellcl', Ihough incident­ It is the protection of the rights of the puhlic,-the 1II:1111! ­ the welfare of the manufacturer aut! WnS lll1ler was ac­ faeturer being as lIIuch n Ihut uf the Jluhlic l:UIICl'rnell as arc Itcservetl consideration. the ,Iistributers and the consulllers. Our industry is ill Ihuruugh accunl wit h the whole artiull anll the hclid is ~l' lI ­ What call he expected frum such a cunfcrellce alltl it s rl'­ QUALITV l'ra l that it will pro\'l' uf hem'fit to "u ~i n l'ss gl,'ll~ra ll y, ac tion? That depends solely on the attitude of thuse make. affected and the st ri ctllcss of the J,;'m'Cfllment o/f.- The conference <lchievl't.1 a sigmll SIIl'..:ess in hrin~illg tn­ in enforcing ils provisions, So far as the )'lac;lmui Helher uwler Ihe most {am'rable (outii tiolls praflica lly <III ,ill' Manuf:u:turing Industry is cOllccmed it is hoped ell'mcnl s in fHod Ili strilUltiu l1 <l nll lIlallufal'tllrl'. TIIIIII~h IIIC 'Friends it wi ll pro\'e more beneficial to trade than did a similar dmin stores took 110 onida I thl rt ill thl' (oniel'ence Il'a dl'l's for Ilractice conference held h)' this illl.l ustry in 1920; hcld have assured th e /.:urerl1lllent oi Ihei r fullest rl" ll ll'ra ti"lI . The postwar conditions that no longer prevai l. start thus rn;ule augurs well (I/r tltl' future. It IIIMks all l'IKll'hal step forward, nexl unl y 10 Ih e p:lssal!l' of Ihl' Foud ac tion taken h), the Grocery Trade Practicc Confer­ alltl IJrubs A..:t of II (I"arll'r oi a century ago, last mon th is considered hy lIlany as more promising Macanllli Prot/lidS ),' allufa..:turcrs arc ur!-:l'" til re;ul ran'­ actual. In all, 17 lIannlol trade practices werc con­ full.\' the Ethics of Ihe GrUlwy Troull's as pul,li slil,d in Ihis **T~OSTAR** !!mphasis being on their abuse rather than their issue anti 10 llIauifl,st their willillJ.:lll'sS 10 hell' in ril';m:o.il1t.:' practice, The action of the conferencc will be re­ IlU sim'ss oi all practices thai ;lre suspiciulls, II)' adltl'rilllo: II)' tl;!! Federal Trade COll1mission wh ich will ele­ strictly In the lI ew mlillgs l'Vl'U IJdore their I'rutlllll t.:'a lilll1 llY the Felleral Tracie COllllllissiulI, ExistillJ.:' eemt ra cts will 1101 wJIt:ther the interests of the public arc fully pnl' MINNEAPOLIS MILLING CO he illllllel liately ahroJ;atctl hut the lIew standards shuuld III,' Ii>, the resolutions alloptcd, Should the deci sion he Pllt int o l'iTl'l'1 as rapidly as l'lllul ilillllS Ill'rmit.
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