n's fi'a- ucation, Weather alth, is Today's NUNS, APEVi to- ch wiii Santa Clara Valley: Fair )100 morning fog. day, With local MERRIAM. 17-55. 11bill 70-77, low e PEOPLE:5, pre- san Jose: High today INES mitt] ;polite dicted 71, low Si. 71, low It, f A Ott nook. High yesterday ataiz L IiAT)OSAL NEWSPAPER Win OCT, 13 19, 1953 59. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE dISPo. Vol. 51 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1963 No. 23 Semi-Finalists Corps Latin American Five SJSers Drape Reception Questioned Homecoming Queen By BILL WATSON worked with accepted us com- Banner at Cal Union The enthusiastic reception given pletely." Corps at SJS is a far GOOD RELATIONS sttliiwww..__-..`"1191www=111101111MIIIIINwawww_ Hopefuls Selected the Peare re- cry from its Latin American The Peace Corps diet work with Spardi Flag JOy .11FANNI., 1,,tTIES cepti,n. according to Jaek W. the upper classes, Downing said, \\ llii hits of hip!, Palmitin. former SJS student. "but the five per cent of the popu- 1111 a rictlitp_. ii..t and cults Ivo 44( 11r Pockman, who was vice presi- lation who run the country are 'Smuggled' "-I- titrailiil ti-toritl tee how 1, I \ 411111 1,41- .11111 141 .1,4111 11110 M111.1141111 141,111 dent of the Democratic Club last members of the upper classes. If semester and a member of TASC we are to accomplish anything we Sled -1:d". lit". ihir"1"1' :.11",'uc 1’11".’ Jan "se -see 111.1. Nan, \ herr\ ((Brien. Groh\ two tAtits ago, recently returned have to have good relations with On Campus Std1.4 I'ratio. and Hoods re, 'aced their call- last nigh' and fmrn a four-month trip to South this group." Narleteli \yin continue is 1,11111-111.1111,1 in America where, he says, the Peace The Peace Corps works in rural At the wee small hour of 6 the 1963 Homecoming Ejueeti con- Corps is regarded with suspicion corn m on I ty developments and yesterday morning when most by the people it was sent to help. urban slums. Downing related. of SJS students were sound "Pockman probably talked to ur- asleep, five members of the Ral- Strike Right Phoebe Moraes, queen chairman, 'WAS RECEIVED BETTER' ban students or laborers who are ly Committee stealthily traveled was the announcer of good tidings "Whenever I met a native," the most anti-government and to the University of California last evening when the judges dis- Pockman said, "the first question I anti-American groups. at Berkeley. used after casting their final was asked was, 'are you a member "If Pockman would go out into To Be Argued This wasn't any ordinary trip of the Peace Corps?' When I told a village or an urban slum and as they carried with them a gold Interviewers and judges for the them that I wasn't, I found that live for a time, he would see how mai white flag with the head of Iwo days have been Elaine I was received much better." we work with the people and just Spardi on it and a 25-foot bed- I Iverson, 11)62 Homecoming Pockman stated that he spent By Five Profs how much we really are accepted. spiead with SJS written across (.2,ieen; Mrs. Pauline Bailey, wife impup much of his trip in Colombia do- "We are there to better the it. member, of Wayfarer Dick Bailey; Dr. ing research for a master thesis Should eollege faculty positions of all the classes." he The members arrived on the Card D. Duncan, Grand Marshall; at Stanford. He calls himself a said, "the Peace Corps is working." campus at 7:15 a.M, and camou- have the right to strike? Item Swanson, manager of Slosh - "Kennedy Democrat who supports flaged themselves among Cal Answers to this question will (.1-Is1 Ltd., Town and Country most of the President's United * * * students until they reached Cal's be debated by four SJS faculty Branch; Dean of Students Stanley States policies." Vice President Record-Breaking Student Union. One member of members Monday at 12:30 p.m. in C. Benz; and SJS, Lacli OF ENTHUSIASM the SJS Rally Committee sneak- William J. Dust-I. B. "Mei-Mimi of the lower and Cafeteria Rooms A and Stay Ends Today ed into the second floor of the Tuesday morning from 10:30 to classes I talked to believed According to Dr. George A. !Inflate Union and locked the flag to the 11:00 a.m, the ten semi-finalists The Peace, Corps team finishes professor of psychology, that the (7orps was there to bet- pole which faces Sather Gate. Muench, the up its record-breaking visit to the will model campus clothing in the position of the upper the clehate-discussion is a result of ter On the fifth floor of the cam- !cafeteria. Phoebe Moraes will he SJS campus today. in California Pockman stated. "One pus Union were three recent strike threats By 3 p.m. Student school I commentatir class I yesterday a record and New York by in' iii lii'of the upper other members of the SJS com- Student will start imme- 690 students had signed up to take teachers,. spoke to talked favorably about mittee who were engaged in show the Peace Corps placement tests. (Hater:, the fashion the Peace Corps. but no one I dropping the 25-foot banner In New York, teachers organized of the cafe- Peace Corps officials will be :it a cc tront spoke to, including this individual, from the steel beams from the and, Icy threatening to strike. won Tuesday, Oct. 'wanes taking !erne. This voting on talked enthusiastically about it." applications for the tests up to perfect roof. a pay increase and the right '" and Wednesday. Oct. 23 will posited until the last test which will Dave Downing, a senior sociology According to Pete Dedini. pub- help direct school policy, r !..ilin,iinfriintlisthise candidates down to xicius to be given this evening at 7 p.m. 4 major at SJS who served for two licity chairman of the Rally i The Association of California --- years as a Peace Corps volunteer Committee, "The whole process State College Professors recently Sigma Alpha Epsilon is sponsor- in the Colombian villages of Chik- took approximately five minutes adopted a proposal to urge pr ofes- ing semi-finalist Anne Chambers. raque and Carcas1 viewed the La Torre Photos since we had everything pre- sors not to sign summer contracts Anne is majoring in elementary Peace Corps' reception in that pared." until assured of more pay. education and is in her senior year country differently. For Seniors Due Speakers on the affirmative side at SJS. are Drs. Roland F. Lee, associate M ra rlder c, jun- WELL RECEIVED Today is deadline for color professor of F:nglish, and Richard photographs of seniors to be taken I( ',m,' Downing expressed surprise at NIGHT for the 1964 La Torre. Tansey, professor of art. Packman's observations of Colom- Pictures will be taken from Representing the negative Sid, bia which he said, "is one of the am. to 5:15 p.m. at 303 S. :Ninth Scene William R. Rogers. pro - YAF Added to Political are Drs. most iii.eArnerican of the South A new campus ixilitical states that government shod,' lie nitrates. private' property and lim- Negro Progress St., second floor, rooms 4 and 5 lessor of education. and Bert M American eountriCti. aminised tred ited government. A charge of $2.90 is to he paid has come to the fore at SJS. by iisah, -the hest Morris. professor of chemistry. T111' l’,41.1. (.011), Wati extremely id the past and looking into the Asked why YAF would support at the time of sitting. Personal Its name is YAF (Young Amer- Dr Muenrh will master-ate th, ,k.11 r."c e.,1 dccording to Down- taboo." Goldwater in 1964. Cox answered. Is Key To Future senior pictures also taken at this leans for Freedom 1. !cowl discussion which is sponsoreo '\V,. hail 1On per cent support "We support Goldwater instead of time. 11'1111.0,0)1'11 I hy the Amernaln Association and rooperation from the Catholic Claimine to be a non-pariis.in Kennedy because he exemplifies ',046 N.1111. Sen, Dccciv group. YAF honk that it seill V,. Irk l'imil-ill. Ptstessors ": Of. States Church inN stand United primarily I'atholic (140141\141 /PC, 01111 /SI,PhY. what a President should ty When we for Candid:11r.- on principle and much more than President K. cle arrived Co-Rec in Gyms The 'l'.\ F' purposti reads: ". lt STEVE .%I.os't APT. - weir . ,, I not party. nedy does." with headlines and Co-Rec will open in both gyms )(An' is a non-prrrlit. n on-partisan. 'The Inture el tic, ,, to-' Football in all of the tomorrow from 12:30-4:30 p.m. According to Jack Cox. Norih- non-sectarian. railicational organi- "He (Goldwater' is the Flying tied tc, the progress eel 1-, 4 a -papers witih the ex- Basketball, ping-pong and vol- ern California director of YAK zation dedicated to promoting conservative candidate who ' wood out of lie. Forms Due Today Communist press. leyball will be open. Swimming "We are not a conservative oh among the college students and make kindling The., were the words of Carl rocking chair, the NG CON. ,l,11,111 spoke for 20 will he open from 1-9 and the ionization as such, but a liber- the public in general an under- Kennedy Gridiron eopi-ris hate until :epocer for the People's the added.
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