'¦¦¦'.¦. ' ¦ ¦ ¦ '-,'¦¦'., ' ' ' "}¦' ¦ ' ' x ¦'¦'.. ¦ ¦ ' X . '¦¦ '¦¦¦¦¦'.¦¦'/-"•„¦'-.; :''.-.':' - '¦¦,*'¦¦.'. '.'. :'".-.'¦ ,*.-¦...¦'¦,'•.'¦ y -•;;,'¦¦; ''.¦¦ ".'.-..„.'.:¦¦,"•.-..¦'.¦ ¦.¦¦.¦ News.¦¦¦;¦'¦'-'¦'v. ¦.'.., "¦ ;Xi '¦¦'.x.'.'' -.¦',..¦''.:" XX-m-¦'*;.".:!• PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY .*í?sPf'-' Vol. XXIII. RIO DE JANEIRO, MARCH 2nd, 1897. Number 9 W ILSON, SONS & CO. AMERICAN (LIMITED) DAVIDSON & Co. Bank Note Company, 2, RUA DE S. PEDRO QUAYLE, 78 to 86 TRINITY PLACE, RIO DE JANEIRO. 119 Rua da Quitanda Caixa no Correio 16 NEW YORK. Ituaiuess 1'-miiuI«-*.I 1795. latarporalril uadfr l-aw» nf tli« Stale *f New Ynrk, 1S4». OF THK AGENTS K«>or-{aiii/.»><! 1879. Pacific Steam Navigation Company COMMISSION PRGHANTS l IMPORTERS Engraveks and Printers of BONDS, POSTACE & REVENUE STAMPS, Shaw, Savill &• A Ibion Co., Ld. LECAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK Receive orders for ali description of Merchandise from NOTES of th* UNITED STATES; and for The New Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. Foreign Covernments. The lítrwden Line of Steawers ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, Europe and the United States of America. BANK NOTES. 81IARE CEKTIF1CATE8, RONDS FOIt UOVKKNMKNTS ANO OOItroit ATION», IHtAFTS, < HEtKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, STAMPS, Ac, In the flnent and mosí artlatlc atyle Repairs to Ships and Machinery SPECIAL TERMS FOR : KKOM STEEL 1'LATES, With BFF4-I.W. SUEM ARIl* to 1'IIKVKRT (til ItTKRKKITlM. Having large workshnps and efficient plant are in Special papers aianofactured excluairely for .a position to undertake repairs of ali descriptions to ships and use of the Coiupuiiy. Machinery. SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPERS. BROOKS LOCOMOTIVES, ffork Exceuted In Flrepro»f Bulldlaca. UTHOQRAPHIC ANO TYPE PRINTING. •Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have depois at St. MAILWAV TICKETS OF IMPROVE» STVLEI. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevideo, La Plata and at the BRIDGE WORK OF THE UNION BRIDGE CO., Show Corda, Labela, Calendora. chief Braiil Ports; and, among others, supply coal under JAMES HACDONOUGH, PrtsMmt. contract, at Kio, lo: AUG. D. SHEPARD, _ % v'c«-^«WenU.m lA k The Brazilian Government ; and ali Railway supplies, both European and American. TOURO ROBERTSON, } Her llritannic Majest)-'s Govenunent: THEO. H. FREELAND, See'y and Tres». The Transatlantic Steamship Companies; JNO. E. CURRIER, The New Zealand Shipping Companies , Au't Sec'». &c, &c. I. K. MYERS, As«'t Treas. of the best1 Cardifl «team Coal always BALDWIN Co*I.—Large stocks LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, kept in Kio depôt on Conceição Island. 8. I. DE ÊIMA & ÍO. Tug Boats always ready for service. PHILAJ1BLPHIA, PBNN. 07. JTew Street, Rua da Quitanda. AO Cargo Lighters.—dino. (Established, 1831.) »'ew York.R/Q de «Janeiro. Ballast Supplied ta ship*. BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & Co., Proprietors. Execute orders for American manufactures, machinery of Batabliahmenta: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited), Tliese locomotive engines are adapted to ever)** variety service, ali kinds, rolling stock, railway supplies. London, Cardiff, St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Bahia, of and are built lumber, petroleira, flour, Pernambuco, Santos, S. Paul», Montevideo, Kuenos accurately to standard gauges and templates. Like parts of different engines of same provisions, &c. Make firm offers of cargoes or parts Ayres and La Piau. thereof. Purchase and sell on commission. class perfectly interchangeable. Make liberal advance on wmsifrnmenis. Correspondeoce carefully at- \ tended to ING, FERREIRA & Co. Passenger and Freight Locomotives^ Mine Locomotives, Narrow Gauge Loconw- " K SucctsiorsU W. R. CASSELS »> O». tives, Steam Street Cars, etc, etc. Cable addclress: Delima—Now York." it, Rua ." de Março, RIO DK JANKIKO, Electric Locomotives snd Plant Tor Electric Railways by the Baldwin Westinghouse Combinatlon. ÉMPLOYMENT WANTED 11. R«* ri» Quitam!*. Sfo PAULO, . ¦ - x Ali -wro-rlc tlxoiro-u.glaJ.y- gxLeuraxxteeâ. A young man. aged twenty, speaking English Importers and Agents for Mioufictiren. and Portuguese fliiently seeks émployment in ati Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. English House. Further Agencies, suitable to their Unes of busiacM-— Hard Por references apply to Mr. —are ¦ ¦ - ¦ «are, Domestic Spccúltie t, tic, «te. respscttuUy Crashley, . ¦ ;• good, Sole Agents in Brazil;Ji/crtOZl, M^Saw & C°- %'&' Rua do Ouvidor 67. ."X;X-~''XXí! •HciMd. No. 58, RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, Rio de Janeiro. YELLOW-FEVEE UANABARA & Ca PREVENTIVE G HARLAN AND HEALLISON MANUFACTURING Importers and Comviütion Merchant*. THEHOLLINGSWORTH COMPANY. T COMPANY. PIREXINA Wümington, Del. 28, Travessa de Santa Rita, 28 Philadèlphia, Penn. This remedy is the mo>t poweitut known to dale for lhe f»IWiii|; di».e».-*s, vit : RIO DE JANEIRO. MÀNUFACTURERS OP Yellow-fever, Typhus, Pneumonia, Scarlet-fever, Every description of Passenger MÀNUFACTURERS OF Pleurisy and Pernicioua-fever. Soli agents for the Portland Cement manufactuied bjr J. Cars for broad and narrow guage For sale at lhe White & Every description of Freight Cars II. Brothers, London, England. Railways. of merchandise Karope aad for broad and narrow Rail- Pharmacia Central HonuBopathica Dealcrs in ali classes from the Special attention to the Sec- gauge United States, a* Importers, Coraiaission Merchaats and given ways. founded by Consignees. tional Constrúçtion of Carriages for Dr*. Bbnto Miük atui João Vicbntr Ma»nus to Foreign Railways. Cable Address.— Agua-Rio. shipment f mnerly Sole Ageats io Bruil: Viuva Martins. Sole àgiiU il Brazil: Sole properly now ol Norton, Megaw & J. G. DO NASCIMENTO, REPRESENTATIVE FOIt Norton, Megai 4 Co., L'd. Go., LU Suecessor to LIMA CASTRO Sc NASCIMENTO, POOCK i Co., Rio Cno-k do Sol [Hitin Clfws] HE WESTINGHOUSE 50, RUA DA QUITANDA, 50 BEER the COMPANHIA DE FIAÇÃO E AIR BAVÁRIA from Rio de Janeiro. Bavária Brewery, S. Paulo. A TECELAGEM CARIOCA, T BRAKE COMPANY, Price: lafooo per Dosen without bottlea. RIO DE JANEIRO. PITTSBURG, PA., U. S. A. A. WENCESLAU Also of Messrs. Solo .Afronta t MÀNUFACTURERS OF THE V GUIMARÃES A- Co. Costa Fkrkkira & Pknna. S. Felix (Kahia), WINE MERCHANTS. RODKNBURG ti Co.,,,, Norton Megaw & Co., ld. WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC BRAKE Importers of Gbbx. Kunc.enhkr-.., Dftmold (Lythographers). 58, Bua J.° de Março, o, Douro and Lisbon wines of the best qualities DE INHAÚMA bottles, or in .ind under thc 77, RUA VISCONDE The Westinghouse cask>, private marks ofthe house RIO DE JANEIRO. Automatic Brake is now ín use ou i€t«oa locomotives and 390,000 cars. Sole Agents for Krcight Cars. "The Blandv Bü-vriiBüs & Co., AVestutgfec use Air Btafee* Co. are prepared to fil! \ COMPANHIA DÈ FIAÇÃO E ordett for one ti one thou-sami setl of An BnAces for F-eight CREOLIN-PEARSON Cara, at --oe hoax'% notice r\ TECIDOS SÃO FELIX. Exporter of Madeira Wines For further particular» apply tt. their G. Pbkli.kk & Sole representatives io Brazil: Co.,Bordeaux, The best desinfectant for uessels RIO DE JANEIRO. Exporter oi Bordeaux Wine»; Nêrtün Megaw cr* Co. Ed, SolO -lyr-nfs: E. Rkmv Martin & Co., Recommended for, daiiy we especially 5S, Primeiro de Março. Exporter ofCognac during epidemies. Norton Megaw & Co., ld. Rk> de Janeiro. Dealers in Rua da Alfândega n. 70 õS. Rica Í-° de Março. Burgundy, Rhine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagne Translations .>cs EaSu»h bu Portug Cogoocs ani Liqueurs ofthe best brands. •*'* -?-ofj 7" T'**m RIO DE JANEIRO. and Tice-vers*. Apply to C. S e-a At» oMkft Rn* da Alfândega, 8j. 4 ¦ ¦, ""¦'¦ WmWÊ0mststãsi . «-.. r ¦ 1 >aV. -'''Qr;':' .'¦,-'..¦. :";¦ :-'-r':':'''Uy.'^''r^:'rr-:. '*'¦:''...... a.y.a.y.a-a yy • :'yí;.•¦ y*';...'¦ .'a':.\'.'v.:¦¦¦:y yyy.y.yv": yyyya.y-. '.yy ; yyy ;':"'¦'• a-'a..'aa.,:. y:;y'yyvyyy'-'yyã aa. yyayyyyyyayyyycyyyyyyy''y.:ayyyyr.";y.• .¦••.•.¦¦ ^. .y- \yy ¦'.',¦¦'¦:.'.:¦ ^y;í'va ;:,af.''a ,; aa' 2nd, 1897. ¦:•.¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ " ¦¦¦ :* THE RIO NEWS. [March ¦¦ • > ;. ——.———¦² ? yy::"' —The of Buenos Aires lias FIRE OFFICE. QxixvtiUxs' PVJCJCtCTViy. WEST COAST ITEMS. Review published an excellent chart of the business done iu ¦ ¦ pHCENIX —The Bolivian custom-house agency in Ati- Argentina during the year. The chart receivèd last the sum of Bs. past Establishèd 1782 São Paulo: tofogasta year covers railway receipts, the gold movement, i.275V;373v67. Daily express leaves Central Railway station at 6 a.m. ; exports of national produets, revenue ariel, Authorized by Imperial Decree No. &,ojf of —The of Chi- returning leaves S. Paulo at 5 a. mi income and expenditure the expenditure, etc, etc. March 24Ü1, 1881. Numerous steamers weekly for Santos, connecting with liah state railways in December were respec- —The Uruguayan finance minister tells the the São Paulo Railway. tively 1,062,862.84 and 947,253.60. special correspondent of the Financial Navs lnsures against risk of fire, houses, goods and merchandise, —The says that the Santa that the service of the next coíipon is fully and oflers the best of guarantees with the most favorable Chilian Times conditions. Cachambú and Lambary: Amalia mine at Higitera is a bonaiiza. The secured, and he tells the Presidént of the Central Kailway (São Paulo express) to Cruzeiro, thence Iode is four metros in width, and the daily republic that unless the greatest economy is Anderson, Agent. by Minas aud Rio Railway to destina.ion. hopelessly bank- ¦ áaaaa G. C. output is 100 quintais of ore of 20 to 25 per studied the country will be rupt. We it is due to the », Rua General Camara—ist floor. Juiz de Fora, Barbacena, Ouro Preto, etc.: cent. presume plethora of money 111 Montevidéo that Dr. Brtan, the Daily express leaves Central Railway station at 6:45 a.111. —Another
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