
~olttt -W-ESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published[Published byby Authority.)Authority.] Thi!<Thin (-jlJ(jiizettezettl ' is published for Police infot'mationinformation only, andand. the Police lhrogyhoulthroughout thl'thf ('n/ulI!!('oluuy rtrpare inlltntctedinstructed tofo makpmake them.~pl11P.qthemselves thm'oughlythoroughly acq1wintedaequoiiited with the content.~.contents. FRED.FIlED. HARE, CmnmissiolluCommissioner 0/of Police.Police. NoNo.. 49.J49.] WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAY, DEC'.K\IBERDECEMBER 5J.. [HJOO.[1900. CCirculaircularr OrdersOrders anandd MiscellaneousMiscellaneous I'oat,coat, ]mint])aiut staistainn Ill}on rightriglit slesleev 'n';e ; a llarkdarl; tWt'etltweed "I'~tvest Information. alltland paipairr (Ifot trouserstrouser~;; aU paipairr ofof EnglishEnglish madIluulee }acc-uplace-up Information. hootshoot~,, narrownarrow toetOCHs wit hh totoPe caps(,<1.PS,, notnot mucmuchh worn,worn, C.OC.O.. xfiio-—Meinlier·d)~ij.-Memberss o(Iff tthhee Policl'Police POl"{'eForce areare "iz('size 8tl;; tht11('e pro])ertpropert,'v- ofof JameJamcss Robinson.Robin~()n—.- A~A2/7498 74!lH,, hhereberebyy informedinformed thathatt itit isis necessarnecessaryy jurorj nrorss forfor 3r:~r<ld D('C(December'lll bl 'r,, 10001900. coroners'oroner '' inquestinquestss sshalhalll bbee personpprsollss whoswhosee namenamess ;treare onon thethe JurJuryy LiListst.. Per//*.—BetweePl'l'th .-Bctweenn thcthe Hlth19th andand -2811~ th1 lilt.,ult., frofromm .')01501 WhenWhen requirerequired ttoo SUJl1summo111 011n aanu inquesincluestt jurjuryy theythey "\VWillia illiulllm Street,Street, a la(1,lady' \;s 1IBct et.. goMgold llllllhuntin t iugg ststem ('111-- musmLlstt liebe carefu(jarefull ttoo seseee thathatt nnoo persopersonu whoswhosee namnamee i::;is winllingwinding EnglishEno'lish leveIc,,'err watchwatch,. NoNo.. :Hl:H,21134, h.'by excludeexcludedd frofromm ththee JurJ uny ListList iiss summoned,summoned, <>therwisl'(itherwise ""Braclley, Bi-adley, LondoLondoll";n "; ththee propertpropertyy ooff Mrs11'".. MaryMary ththee inquestinquest proceedin<>-proceeding·ss wilwilll bbee rendererellc1erec1d invalic1.invalid. Robinsol1Robinson.. -AA22 75067.')()G,, 3r3nld DecemberDecemher,, HI()().1900. FRED.FRED. HARE,HARE, CtmimissioneCommi sionerr ooff Police.Police. Albany.AllHllly.—Ou- On ththee 30t:30tl1h nlt.,ult., fromfrom ththee owner'sowner's dwelling(lwelling,, iinn PerthPerth RoadRoad,, -a,t gentlemau'gentleman'ss silveilverr 28-11-1900.. huntinhuntingg key-windinkey-winding'g Imtchwatch anandd smalsmalll golgolJd curhcurl) chain('hain,, abouaboutt 12in.12iu. longl()n~,, brasbra:ss babarr aatt endend,, anandd a C.O0.0.. THCT-—I-'~~O.-Itt iiss herebherebyy notifiedllotifieu,, forfor >>-eueragenerall coppe('upperr medanll'uall witwithh ".. GovernoGo~' rnorr Robinson'Rohin 'on's"s " namna.mee onon informationinformation,, thathatt ththee PolicPolieee StatioStationn knowknownn a.ss Va::;seVasse itit;; alsalsoo severasl'vt'rall articleartidp'ls ooff clothin('Iothillg;g ; ththee propertpropertyv ooff willwill,, iinn futurefuture,, be designatedesignatedd Busselton.Busselton. Willia'Yilliamm Bush.—A2/7507Bnsh.- A2 /7507,, 3r:3rdd DecemberDec'em 1)('1",, ]1900 HOo.. FREDFRED.. HAREHARE,, Coolejardie.CllolU(U'clil'.—Ou On ththee 25t25thh ult.ult.,, frofromm ththee ownpr'sowner's Commissioner of Police. Commissioner of Poli\:e. dwellin(lw 'Uingg aatt Toorak,—TOOl"ak, -aa golg-oldd broochbrooch,, desigd('::;ignn ooff (lugdog 412-19004·12-1900.. anandd dovdovee connecteconnectedd bbyy ververyy finfinee chaichainn aboual.,ulltt 2in.2in. louglong;; ththee propertpropertyy oclf AlfreAlfr~rld EE.. Cocks.Cocks.-A2/7461 - A2 74151,, 28t28thh NovemberNovemher,, 1l100.1900. StealinStealingg iinn DwellingsDwellings,, frofromm ththee Beidallin.Bodalli/l.-About—About 1122 midnightmidnight,, 5t.5thh ult.ult.,, frofromm thethe PersonPerson,, etcetc.. PolicPolicee Camp,—aCamp,-ann 18ct18e-t.. golgoldd doubldoublee smalsmalll eurbcurb chainl'hain,, valuvaluee o£8...£8;; a golt\'oldd scarf-piscarf-pinn sesett witwithh a stra.w­straw- KalgoorlieKalgoorli—Betweene.-Betwe en ththee 28t28thh anannd SOtl30thi ult.ult.,, fromfrom colourecolouredd diamonddiamund,, claclaww settingsetting,, valuvaluee j£5£.5;; auandd 2~ ththee FederaFederall Hotel,—Hotel.-,1,a blacblackk clotclothh vestyest,, coutaiuinjcontaining^ a £10 W.A.. BanBankk notenotes;s ; ththee propertpropertyy ooff P.CP.C.. W^illiaWilliamm gentleman't-\'entleman'ss silvesilverr huntingg key-windinkey-windingg- EngliEnglis h O'BrienO'Brien.. ThThee tententt was burnhurntt durinduringg ththpe ownowner'e r'~s leveleverr watchwatch,, bbyy StewarStew artt DawsoDcLWSOlln & Co.Co.;; a gentle­gentle­ absencea.bsence.. SuspicioSus}Jicionn attachea.ttachess ttoo PaddPaddyy McName1'IIcNameee andand man'man'ss nickenickell stostopp watchwatch;; a[1, 15ct15ct.. golgoldd doubldoublee l'lll'bcurb JohJohnu NelsonNelson.. Description:—McNameeDescription:-MeNamee: : StouStoutt build,build, chainchain,, mediumediulllm sizesize,, abouaboutt 18in1 in.. louglong,, witwithh goldgold agaO"I'e abo'uaboutt 3300 yearsYears,, heighheightt abouaboutt Sft5ft.. 9in.9in.,, faifairr comcom­­ medamedall attachedattached,, engraveengravedd oonn ononee sidsidee ".. PresentePresentedd b."by plexionplexion., highighh cheecheekk bonesbones,, nativnativee ooff Vidoria.Victoria. WW.. T.. MoraMorann foforr secon~eeondd iinu steeplechasesteeple ch a e,, wowonn bbyy J.J. NelsonNelson:: Mediul\Iediumm buildbuild,, agagee abouaboutt 2266 yearsyears,, heightheight CC.. Bailie'Bailie'ss G-reyrock,Greyrock."" ththee reversrevel' ee bearbearss a iigui-figuree ooff aa. Sft;')£1.. 8in.8ill.,, ververyy dardarkk complexioncomplexion;; dressedressedd mIII dar.kdark horsho1' ee jumpinjumpingg a hurdlehurdle;; ththee projiertpropertyv ooff JohnJohu suitsuit;; nativnativee ooff YorkYork,, W.A'V.A.. Supposeuppo:seud gongonee ttoo ColliC01l1('e CollinCollinss Bailie.-A2/7501Bailie.-A2/7501, , Sr3rdd DecemberDecember,, 19001900.. Coalfields.—ACoalfields.-A.22 73267:126,:2, 28t thh NovemberNovember,, 1900. HighgateHighgat e Hill, Perth.Perth.—On- On ththee 1s1stt inst.inst.,, frofromm thethe Berth.—OnPatll.-On ththee nighnightt ooff ththee 24t24thh ult.\llt .., frofromm thethe owner'owne;:'s tenttent,, aatt ForresFOlTestt Hill,—Hill.-'La gentleman'gentlenmn'ss silveihcrr persoper::;onn ooff EE.. AA.. JohnsonJohn nn,, aatt th~hee Es])lanade,—Esplan,ule, aa golg-o](d.l huntinhuntingg EnglisEllO'lishh leveleverr watchwatch,, NoNo.. 135776135776;; aa silYersilver chainchain,, abouaboutt 2ft2ft.. longlon~,U1all, small Hnklinks' anandd LTol(.!'"ltld l'<t(llock.padlock. curcurbb chaichainn ~bouiabout lOinlOin.. louglong;; a dardarkk diagonadiag,mall sauec —A2''7475-A2 747,5,, 28t28thh NovemberNoyemher,, 1900IPOO.. 873788 Fremantte—OnFremantle.-Ou thethe ~7th:i7th ult.,ult., fromfrom thethe persopersonn ooff Berih.—OnPerth.-On thethe 28th28th nlt.,ult., fromfrom thethe CremorneCremorne JohnJohn JosepJosephh Frost,Frost,—- a gentleman'sgentleman's doubledouble silversilver TheatrTheatre,—e,-aa lime-bghlime-lightt ;1apparatus,pparatus,, consistingconsisting ooff chain,chain, shortshort links,links, thickthick iniu centre,centre, taperstapers towardstowards saturator,saturator, burnerburner,, india-rubberindia-rubber flexibleflexible tubes,tubes, stainedstained glasses, 4iu. lens, tools, <LULlaud keys ; all in a yellow tin ea.cheach end,end, babarr inin centre,centre, withwith smasmallll goldgold oval-shapedoval-shaped glasses, 4in. lens, tooltl, keys; all in a yellow tin boxbox,, markedmarked "Ca.rlton"Carlton & Sutton,"Sutton," "Fanning"Fanning && locketlocket attached,attached, chasechasedd onon eareachb side,side, eontainicoutaininngg a Rivers";Rivers"; thethe propertypropertv ofof ArthurArthur F . Black.­Black.— smallsmall piecpiecee ofof blacbhLCkk hair.hair.—A2/7478- A2/7478,, 29th29th November,November, A2A2/7488/ 7488,, 30t.h30th NovemberNovember,, 19001900.. 1900.1900. Cossack.-BetweeCossack.—Betwieenn ththee 18th18th andand 20th20th ultult..,, onon tbthee lnggerlugger "Pearl,"-·an" Pearl,"—an 1818ctct.. gogolldd scarf-pin,scarf-pin, setset withwith a pearpearll weighingweighing 6 grains;grains; thethe propertpropertyy ofof AntonyAntony Burglary,Burglary, Housebreaking,Housebreaking, etcetc.. Pedro.Pedro. SuspicionSuspicion attachesattaches ttoo SeremanSereman (Mani.llaman).(Manillaman). Kalgoorlie.—Stolen, on the night of the 26th ult., Description:Description : MediumMedium buildbuild,, heighheightt aboutabout 5ft.Sft. 9in.9in.,, Kalgo01·lie. - Stolen, on the night of thp 26th ult., ageage aboutabout 4040 years;years; sallowsallow complexion.-A2complexion.—A2/7S08j 7508,, fromfrom thethe owner'sowner's store-room,store-room, Fon'estForrest Street,Street, entranceentrance beinbeingg effectedeffected bbyy forcingforcing thethe bacbackk doodoorr withwith aa 3rd3rd December,December,'1900 1900.. jemmy,—1jemmy,·-100 caddiecaddiess ooff DerbyDerby tobaccotobacco (pocket(pocket plugs),plugs), valuevalue £50.£50 ;; caddiescaddies brandebrandedd KR . H . & Co.Co. oveoverr Kalg. ;; Vide Po~icePolice Gazette, 1900,1900, pagpagee 370,370, A2A2;7397!7397.. thethe propertpropertyy ofof RichardRichard HolmHolmeess & Co.-A2Co.—A2/7480/ 7480, Kalgoorlie—Phe bicycle described in the above Kalgoorlie.-The bicycle described in the above 29th29th NovemberNovember,, 19001900.. reference,reference, thethe propertpropertyy ofof FrederickFrederick Lester,Lester, hashas beenbeen found,found, notnot stostolenlen.. Vide FolicePo~ice Gazette,Gazette, 1900, 1900 page, pag e363, 363 A2/7359., A2/7359 . Horses,Horses, Cattle,Cattle,
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