New Staff Divided Into Three Boards

New Staff Divided Into Three Boards

i' Election Extra Official Undergraduate· N ewsp~per_ of Y eshiya College - _VQLUM E XXXVII NEW YORK CITY- MONOAY, MAY· 18, 1953 ·No. 5 Reichman Elected New Staff Divided New-~.0. Y:Head; Essrc;>g, Spear Ai• Talansky Is Veep Raphael Reichman '54, was Into Three Boards elected · president of the student Chosen V.P!, Se.ti Rosenak Named Associate Editor; Organization of Yeshiva by, de­ ..feating. Marvin Sugarman '54, Hul~er C~sen·_ At~ktic -M:~8~r!_1! Pear.lmutter and Hoenig Join Board 275-113.. Reichman, a native of New Club Hour Refer~iulu:m.,"'P,;.ti,~«i> ) S}:leldon Rudoff '55, was named Editor-in-Chief and Michael 7he Bronx, who graduated T.A. Joel Balsam !54, was elected presi~t,_·$eymopr lllm.~a,.··<,;55_·.•····~ • Manhattan; succee·~1 Irving H. · e,- Rosenak •54._ Associate Editor of the revamped Governing Board of Goodman· , :r. vice-presid~~t, Howard Spear '5{$, ~®re~:-trea1f,Ul'eJ;' · _and> :1'-'d'. 5 THE COM~ATOR for the coming year, ann.ounced Irwin Witty '53, Hulkower '55, athletic manager in a record election tumout/ W@~ · Moiijhe ';I'alansky '54, alumnus · · · ·· · ·· . .• • ~ outgoing editor-in-chief. The new setup calls for a five-man board of Yeshiva Chofetz Hayim of day, May-13. The· referen:du.m cal! for a club period dtuiilg ·school which will be rounded out ?Y Fishel A. Pearlmutter '55, as managing hour.a was approved by a vote af 226 to 182. · ..., - · · ..,, . Baltimore, and now residing in _/ · · · ' ' · editor; Bernie Hoenig '55, Brooklyn, gained the vice-presi- -------------- - Mr. ~. def~t.~'. Ml~ Sports Editor; and· Irwin Pech­ Rosenak '54, 217-202- on the ·sec- man '55, Business Manager. dency with 238 ·votes.. His. run- Mic .ev Orlian ond ballot. -Hetshel '.\\reinbE!rger The new system, proposed by Marv Pachino ner-up opponent, Sµnon Raskin, . k .; · · ·· ,55, dtopp~·oµt· on the- ·flrstJ~. 126 Mr. Witty, subject to the approv­ pQlled b~ots. .V[ d p lot with· 34 votes•.. The vice-pr.est"\ al·,<>! •the new board, calls· for a The secretary-treasurer's post J.!,J1 .ecte . res. d t 1 t s· .~·· ,- .. E·. .,, d. • rNamedGabbai will 'be occtlpied by· Siff en -e -ec I.. t!.,. ... &o,u~ ~ ssrpg._.. e::- tripartite divisio:r1 of the entire feated .. his opponet\t,.. Ab~ · , staff into the governing board, ·•54,. The' Worcester; Massachus- · 1n· -T.. 1 Ba· llot. Morduchowitz •55:·2•1$8.. ·· .. the editorial board and the asso- In Close Vote setts graduate• of Torah ·Vodaath, . • , • . Mr: Spear was elec:'ted-1:M~~' 1 l·at b O ard ran tµ1opposed and garnered ~SO -•Mitchell Or· 1·an •55·,· was elected tary-treasurer on--tlie~ ~j.•·~::· · -· _ c e • Marvin Pachino "55, · defeated first place votes ,. - j. • • • ~~ ., ,v· · •~ The_.w:;r:;_u::~~rtin8%1:e::~ Arnold Bramson '56, for Gabbai Tlie ~lec.tio~~ . were .. held . in pj~sident,. Irving S~psty, vi~e• lQt, defe,.tm,g Silnon Col.(. -:. 07., board ci ~.. ~ . in an election held Wednesday _ .Pt:esident, .Leon Chameides '55,· 193.·- Sheldon, IC6~!ijib;:·!M{i~~\~ hut '56, _~ews ~tor,_·_ ~~~ldon :evening, May , in· R.I.E.T.S. Stem's Cafeteria, Wednesday, sE:cretaTy, and David Zweibel''56; ceived ·12;J.·JirSt'i~~y~~" ·_.-;<' . 13 13 -~o~~l~~,~~ •. cop~-~~~~; ~~1?1 ..Hall.. Mr. Pachino, the first May \- ,-.-.,r----,-- treasurer, in elections held by the·· ·Vel -H~~\.Ve_~~i¾tfli~:1:t~~~c··•· .. · ~C'i~pS,.Jeature edif:Or;·Mur-:;,.,."" ....... Instit t stud t· • :· .•- · · -- k -Teachers Iristitute; Thursday,. ·manager-elect... ~.. ···.·•·•···'.-~.~ .....,~.290 .... ·· ... •.~.i ...v.··.··otes.· •. ·-....· ... · ~.- ~~¼... --"7·:-~ •. -.··.'•.·~L.·~ .... ·c····1rc· ~-~.·.• ...·:!.,_.-~.;.;_·.: ......t... ·~.IIC ...b~:"crs ... Ga;bubaie_ , en_ed.·• ·f1"!2e8r D U,.-iJI;.;.! ...... ~-pea· s . ' .. ,..--•:,·:' ,, .. ,.,..· .. ·. , ' , . ra.,_. ~.._~,-sr,;,, -~,......... H • - .-. _r_._, ~.-·,,-, -.a.Jill._._:.~.:,..•. -- .·-~ ~-.: .· -~r.·-----,·-J.4__ a_ Y. 1.4:,_.- Botij Mr•. ,.9. f_li_,,~ ., ~-·~ ... to,.. de_ fea.~•. t. Si_~.-.··.······.~-·y:•Jri...·.,.t~ ..·.·.·.·.•.:"'~!fSfi, .. ·.·.:•.. ·.. ·,·, .•. i ·.~.. .. :._·.,..•·.·•c·,~,.·.: •. ,..· ..,.· ...· ,·.., •. ··.·.·.~· ... _ •. =:. y:..c,·. ::;~fij~nui'ir·,: "'-;• ,<-•. ·. - - ..· . Q.••· ecom,'.'! •• r~eiv -,: - . ,- - =· _. - ,,· - .:· - -~,- ,. - . ' ~- ' . :· . :c, - . ,, ""o .• . 8togria}~r.~~J:c.•:~ . arris_/55,"'~f'!',':,f>'VOt~_to ;~±.-.I.:.~·~.,'.:~ .. ~,:,_:~.·.-.P.'.·.·.•,:., __ • ·.. -.. ; ,:.W,,:·'i•· Rec,._!;,.::.,,: •>.::~,v }!l\9PJl!l!H'Q!, N!O>:" 114 baJIOf& -· :;, >'.:J;, cC,•'.'/';~0#·:·i•···•····•:.. ,\ ... • • .- ··.,,. •::_, .' •• .; • • . ~ 7 ' \. This: e}ettion ..lllarked the'··~-· -~- '•;,_~ .---~~•·im,:;;; -·.,,:-~-:¾~ -~~- • ~r~:t""' :. _i,~.~~~?':~~i.ttf~~~-:i~: ~·' , ,\ ~c,tJ'¥c ?~~;\t Associate, Boa'rd- . : .. , · --:. __ ,, · . ,, Di'., S:i:u1.1.u~~ .. ;- ;-~vf.!r.eSidmt write-an V S for.;;_ _ ._ .-,~ ·•?··:- :m:,:c·theJ .. , .· . .. ·. ·.. ' . :·· . ~},<•,[:;,, The Associate. the third in which 'Teach~l's. lh_$titute stU- of . Yeshiv, -University, !~as the Mr.. Ch~eides r receiv.~ . 119 - -'Hecht .•54f an,t':~014:;~rigYti\',~4;:J . division, will COIJlPrise: Simon ~-~rtts were eligible to run -(~r principal ~speaker at a. dinner . votes to defeat Marc Ingber and ..were elected _senior ,cl,ass. p~.. , Cohen '55, assistant managing Gabbai and in which on_ly dor-, sponsored'lby the Brooklyn bran- Herman Manesse '55, for the po- . dent .and _vice-pi:esidenf~reSJ!ec~ editor; Aaron He~owitz '54, as- mitory students were pern'li~d- . ches of Yeshiva University's high sition of secretary. _ Mr. In~ber ~iv~ly.. M:r. Hecht received 55 sistant business manager; Joseph to vote. Eighty-tbree per cent schools, held Sunday, May 3, at garnered. 76 votes and Mr. votes while hts: opponents; Abra;. Kaplan '58, associa.te news editor: of the dormitory residents cast the Hotel Roosevelt. M_r. -LE>uis Manesse 55. - ham Kramer 'M, ·and· Sam: April Sammy Roth '56, associate fea- ballots. Edison and Mr. Max Rosenberg Mr. Zweibel defeated Alvin '54, · garnered" 10· and · 5 . ·ballo~. ture editor; Melvin · Cohen '55, Mr. Pachino, a Psychology were the guests- of h6nor.· Shreiber '54, 173-80, to secure the Mr. Knoll's lone opponent for th~ office manager; and Ralph Schu- major, is a native of Baltimore Both Messrs. Edison itnd Ro- treasurer's position. vice-presidency,6 Murray,. ' Leifer- chalter '55, exchange editor. and a graduate of Talmudical senbe~g have. been leadillg figures Mr. Orlian attendec_l Brooklyn '54, received 22 votes against Sheldon Rudoff, the incoming Aca~emy Uptown. He has been in bringing about the establish- Talmudi,cal Academy and Up- KnoWs 45.- · editor - in - chief, formerly df a member of lhe Sholosh Seudot · ment. of the Brookiyxr 'Talmudi- town T.A. While at the· tatter - Judah Harris '55, won the jun- ; Brooklyn 'r.A., is a Political Sci- Committee for two years and the · cal Academy · a.-nd· -t-he - Central - schooi, from which--oo- graduated, ior class presidency over Herbert 1 ,' ence Major in Yeshiva. He has Gabbaut Committee for one year. Yeshiva ..High Sehool for Girls. he ·was captain of the-basltetball -R~seiibe;g '55, on the th~ ~ot been on THE COMMENTATOR staff team.. Mr.- Orlian• is.. ~.?!l..P. mem- by a vote of 67-33. Irwin Pech._,' for three years, the latter two as . ber of both the soccer·and· basket- man '55 and Fishel Pearlmutter Sports and Associate Editors Nine T • I. Students· "Awarded ball f~~s in the College.· and '55, Mr. Harris' other opponents, respectively. - . - - serve4 ·as class collector for ·the .dropped _out on,the .ftrst .. ballqt. The new associate editor, J • h A h l h • · Emanuel. Gold '55,. was elected Michael Rosenak, has served'-0n eWIS gency· -sc _o ars -,p· s· Y.U. Drive. · Junior class vice•president.' He THE COMMENTATOR staff as eopy . Mr. Skupsky, .a -resident .of defeated Heney Hartman- i55, 58- th and news editors during his three Nine students of the Teachets Instlt~e ha~ been awarded Brooklyn, .is .a graduate ?f e 4:1 on the third bajlot,,.. Atn9ld years ·of service. His activities scholarships for a six-months period of "tour and-study" in Is:rael. Brooklyn Branch of T.A., and is Enker ~55, received 18 · first bal- outside of COMMENTATOR. include Recipients of the scholarships, which is.sp6llS()red by the Jewish curr_ently a senior in the T.L 1·-.----·01. voes: ·t M anesse •55, ·Herman I Editor of the first "You, the Stu- Agency for Palestine, in conjunction ,..vith vai1ous Hebr~w Teachers was disqualified becij:qse :tie di9, dent," and member of the stu- institutions in the United State,,&, -Hecht Made Pres. not have suffl.cieritjredits"to'pface dent-faculty relations comniittee. are: Daniel Bonchek '53, Abra- quired _to :~e for ~ ~eave of ab- .him in the J.untor class. _His 8 Mr. Rosenak is a Sociology ham Bruckenstein '55, Ed Jaku- sence, and will receive credit 'for Of I~ R~ s., Socie'ty" - ~-~ot votes·were-coun~ as major. bovitz '53, Bialik Lerner '55, their courses in- Israel upon ·their · write-ins. Hailing from Baltimore, Mary- Joseph Mogilner '55, Philip Rud- return in January. They will be Neil . Hecht '54·. was ·.elected . - · . Sophomoie Vote; . land, Fishel Pearlmutter, the in- nick '53, Manfred Saffern, Jacob given credit for courses in His- President of, e rnational 'rhe • Sop~omore Class. el~ted coming managing editor is an Zev '54, and Myron Zundell '55. tory, Literature, Bible, and Relations Society at .a _mee g •Yaakov .Jaffe '56, ~.~~~~!- English major in Yeshiva College. The group is scheduled to leave Geography. held Wediiesday, May 13. Ot.lter _ Mr. Jaffe, ·with 66 votes clef~ted His ~ti_vities 'in Y.U. include the New York August 21, 1953, and -officers -who_7~were elected.-are:; .Jeny Co.hen"56, and SmnuelRoth'~-- -. 4 Th The T .I. senior dinner will be presidency of. the Debating Team. retu rn in J anuary, 1 95 • ey Sheldon. Ruc)off 'M,- -vic&presi- -- !56; on/the-third-ballot. .. liJessrs.

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