Vol. 6, No.5 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL June 1962 LAW REVIEW STAFF HONORED LAW SCHOOL GRADUATION AT PUBLICATIONS DINNER TO BE HELD JUNE 11 BostQn College will confer eight hon­ Nations since 1958, will receive a doctor orary degrees UPQn leaders in science, of laws degree. government, medicine, the theatre, re­ Sir Alec Guiness, Academy Award ligion, banking, literature and educatiQn winning actor, will receive a doctor of at its commencement June 11. fine arts degree. Dr. DeHev W. Bronk, president of Ralph Lowell, chairman of the board, the RQckefeller Institute, will be com­ Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. and mencement speaker and receive an 'One of Boston's first citizens in civic, honorary doctor of science, Very Rev. educational, social welfare and business Michael P. Walsh, S.]., president 'Of affairs, will receive a dQctQr of laws the university, has announced. degree. Dr. Br'Onk is also president of the Phyllis McGinley, winner of the National Academy of Sciences and Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1961 , will former president of Johns Hopkins Uni­ be awarded a doctor 'Of letters degree. versity. Dr. Christopher J. Duncan of Newton, Ralph J. Bunche, under secretary fQr special political affairs at the United (Continued on Page Four) CERTIFICATE OF MERIT WINNERS CHARLES TRETTER--SBA Pres. Nine student members of the Boston ville, N.Y.; John M. Callahan, Hadley, College Industrial and Commercial Law Mass.; Paul G. Delaney, Waterbury, Review' staff were cited at the Annual Conn.; David H. Kravetz, Winthrop, SUZANNE LATAIF--Sec. Publications Banquet held at the law Mass.; Morton R. Covitz, Brighton, school in May f'Or distinguished service Mass.; Robert F. Sylvia, Middleboro, ROBERT DONAHUE--Treas. to the publication. The certificates of Mass.; Walter F. Weldon, Newton merit are presented to graduating mem­ Centre, Mass.; and David S. Woronoff, The Election Committee of the Stu­ where he was cited as a Distinguished bers 'Of the staff and are based 'On the New Haven, CQnn. ' dent Bar AssQciation has confirmed the Military Student in the Air Force fQllowing criteria: Quality of publish­ Professor Richard G. Huber, Chair­ results of last month's -election of S.B.A. Reserve Officer Training Program. able material, demonstrated interest, man of the Faculty C'Ommittee on Pub­ officers fQr the. forthcoming school year. Upon graduation he began twenty-seven attitude, and cooperation; and faith­ lications and Faculty Editor-in-Chief of Charles C. Tretter triumphed in a months ·of active duty and was assigned fulness in performance of assigned the Annual Survey 'Of Massachusetts Law hard fQught fight for the office of Presi­ as a squadron Intelligence Officer to duties. presided at the dinner. dent. He is a graduate of BostQn CQI­ the 449th F.I.S. at Fairbanks, Alaska. Recipients of the certificates were: lege where he was active in the Dramatic . Donahue is presently serving his second JQseph D. Birmingham, Jr., Williams- (Continued on Page Four) Society and student government. Since term as a BelmQnt TQwn Meeting entering the law school, Tretter has Member. been a member of the Forum and Joseph Dunlop who was unopposed JOHN WALKEY IS NEW served as President 'Of his class during in his bid for Vice-President has been the secQnd year. forced to decline the 'Office fQr per­ EDITOR OF SUI JURIS In a hotly contested race for Secre­ sonal reasons. The Board of Governors of the Stu­ tary, Suzanne LaTaif edged her 'Op­ A Special Committee 'Of the Board dent Bar Association has approved the ponents ,and gained S.B.A. office fQr 'Of Governors of the S.B.A. was ap­ appointment of John Walkey as the the secQnd consecutive year. She served pQinted and they have chosen Donald new Editor-in-Chief 'Of SUI JURIS. as Treasurer of that QrganizatiQn Brown to succeed DunlQP in that office. Walkey, from HansQn , Massachusetts, during the present school year. Miss The new Vice-President is a graduate is a graduate of the University of LaTaif, an alumna of the College of of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Massachusetts where he majored in Saint Elizabeth in New Jersey, is a comes from Albany, N.Y. Brown ob­ Political Science and Economics. While resident 'Of New Milford, Connecticut. tained an M.E.E. at ClarksQn College earning his A.B. , he was a Dean's List RQbert J . Donahue was elected to of Technology and served as a lieutenant Student and served as President of succeed Miss LaTaif as Treasurer. He in the U.S.A.F. prior tQ entering law Brooks DormitQry. graduated from Harvard University school. Walkey entered BQstQn Law School as a Presidential Scholar and was on the Dean's List at the completion of his first year. He is a member of the Boston College Industrial and Com­ mercial Law Review. He has been on the staff of SUI JURIS for two years and held the position of Business Man­ ager during the past year. He has been employed for the sum­ mer months with the United States Attorney's Federal Internship Program in Boston. Following his apPQintment, Walkey JOHN WALKEY announced that he WQuid nQt fill the ROBERT J. DONAHUE, DONALD BROWN AND SUZANNE LAT AIF other positions 'On the EditQrial BQard until the fall. Page 2 Sui Juris EDITORlAL FINAL S. B. A. REPORT PROGRESS THROUGH INITIATIVE This year has witnessed one of the most formidable advances made by Boston With the last days of school drawing near, the time has come to appraise the College Law School student organizations in the history of the school. It evidenced operation of the Student Bar Association and to assess its value to the school and a shrugging off of that perennial blanket of student apathy which in the past has the student body. smothered the spark of initiative which students bring to a new school. The purpose of the Student Bar Association is set out in the preamble to its Not to belabor President Kennedy's thoughts of "Ask not what can be done for constitution. The Association is dedicated to advance the ideals and objectives of you, but what can you do?", we cite them as the best summation of a way of life, Boston College Law School, to promote the ethical principles of the profession, to not only for students but as lawyers in the future, that will always mean progress. further the high scholastic standards of the school, to coordinate the activities of It doesn't require Aristotelian logic to realize that if everyone waits for the other the student body and to promote unity among faculty, students and alumni. person to do something it will never be done. The events of the past year have proven that a rededication ·to these purposes For those who still haven't accepted the challenge, it must be disheartening to is necessary. In practical application this requires of ea·ch student an awareness of realize that except for their own personal gratification they must just as well the true wo rth of B.C.L.S., a willingness to spread its good name and a refusal to never have come to B.C.L.S. and their lives might just as well never have been indulge in petty criticisms. In short, it requires a spirit of optimistic positiveness. lived. But this group has become a small minority as they have found that there is no longer a place for them at B.C.L.S . High morale is the mark of a good law school. Only one second year student, last year, was honest enough to admit that his own failure to study was the cause This year the graduating class was presented with the age old problem of place­ of his lower academic standing and that through his own fault he became cynical ment. Through a tremendous unified effort of the students, the Administration and of the school. To succumb to such cynicism is to fail doubly. the Alumni; there are, as of this date, no graduates known to us who are dis­ gruntled about the future. This is a tribute not only to those students who co-ordi­ The distinguished visiting professor who has been with us this year insists that nated the Student Placement Program, but to the entire class who accepted the it is the student body that makes a law school. Therefore, it should be the primary problem and did something about it instead of sitting back and griping. The students mission of the S.B.A. to counteract rumors which some few merchants of gloom showed themselves as the capable individuals they are and sold themselves to the dispense. If this means overlooking an occasional weakness in the system, then public. let it be overlooked. Despite criticism from SUI JURIS, the Forum Program has been good from an The Law School Forum has been a valuable program of the S.B.A. This admin­ overall picture. Several times the actions of the Forum provoked our comment istration has believed that a dollar spent to increase the value of B.C.L.S. is a because they were not in accord with the expressed opinion of the student body, but dollar most wisely spent. For this reason, the Forum 'should retain a favored this in no way should discredit the sincerity and hard work performed by the position. Forum members in presenting their programs. The morning program will be The Forum has grow in wisdom this year. Mr. Fishbein prepared a truly great hard to match in the future and the students showed their approval by a sub­ program for the Thursday Morning Forums.
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