OFFICE OF CIVILIAN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS/MODEL COVER SHEET 1 QA: QA Complete Only Applicable Items Page: 1 0f: 87 2. X Analysis Check all that apply 3. F5 Model Check all that apply Type of [ Engineering Type of Conceptual Model Analysis Model 0 Abstraction Mode X Performance Assessment El Mathematical Model 0 System Model 5 Scientific El Process Model Intended Use 5 Input to Calculation of Analysis Intended 5 Input to Calculation Use of 5 Input to another Analysis or Model Model 5 Input to another Model or Analysis 5 Input to Technical Document D Input to Technical Document X Input to other Technical Products 5j Input to other Technical Products Describe use: Describe use: This AMR is intended to summarize the decision, arguments, and disposition of FEPs in the TSPA-SR It also provides input into the YMP FEP Datbab•A A -r;#1. Disruptive Events FEPs 5. Document Identifier (including Rev. No. and Change No., if applicable): ANL-WIS-MD-000005 REV 00 6. Total Attachments: 7. Attachment Numbers - No. of Pages in Each: 1! 1-7 Printed Name Signature Date 8. Originator Daniel L. McGregor 9. Checker George Saulnier 10. Lead/Supervisor Peter Swift OJ " - 11. Responsible Manager Jerry McNeish 11e50 12. Remarks: Initial Issue DRAFT ,PRELIMINARY aaINFORMATION ONLY Ot AP-3.10Q.3 Rev. 02/25/2000 OFFICE OF CIVILIAN RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS/MODEL REVISION RECORD Complete Only Applicable Items 1. Page: 2 of: 87 2. Analysis or Model Title: Disruptive Events FEPs 3. Document Identifier (including Rev. No. and Change No., if applicable): ANL-WIS-MD-000005 REV 00 4. Revision/Ck-.-...- I 5. Description of Revision/Change 00 -Initial Issue PRELIMINARY DRAFTI INFORMATION ONLY I AP-3. 1OQ.4 Rev. 06/30/1999 DRAFT DISCLAIMER This contractor document was prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), but has not undergone programmatic, policy, or publication review, and is provided for information only. The document provides preliminary information that may change based on new information or analysis, and is not intended for publication or wide distribution; it is a lower level contractor document that may or may not directly contribute to a published DOE report. Although this document has undergone technical reviews at the contractor organization, it has not undergone a DOE policy review. Therefore, the views and opinions of authors expressed do not necessarily state or reflect those of the DOE. However, in the interest of the rapid transfer of information, we are providing this document for your information, per your request. Disruptive Events FEPS MARY DPAFT SINF IMAN ONLY, Page I. PURPOSE.........................................................7 1.1 SCOPE............................... ............................................... 7 1.2 FEPs IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS ............................ 9 1.3 FEPs SCREENING PROCESS ............................................................................. 11 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF FEP DATABASE .............................................................. 13 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................................................................... 15 3. COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND MODEL USAGE ....................................................... 16 4. IN P U T S .................................................................................................................................. 16 4.1 DATA AND PARAMETERS ............................................... 1617 ........................................................................................................... 4.2 CRITERIA 17 4.2.1 Low Probability ..................... ................................................................. 4.2.2 Low Consequence .................................................................................... 17 4.2.3 Reference Biosphere ............................................................................... 18 4.2.4 (ritical Group .......................................................................................... 19 4.3 CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................ 19 5. A SSU M PTIO N S ................................................................................................................... 19 6. AN A L Y SE S .......................................................................................................................... 2 1 6.1 ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES ......................................... 22 6.2 DISRUPTIVE EVENTS FEPs EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS ..................... 23 6.2.1 Tectonic Activity-Large Scale ( ....................................... 23 6.2.2 Fractures ( ............... ...................... 30 6.2.3 Faulting ( ... .................................................................... 32 6.2.4 Fault Movement Shears Waste Container ( ........................ 42 6.2.5 Seismic Activity ( ............................................................. 44 6.2.6 Seismic Vibration Causes Container Failure ( .................. 46 6.2.7 Seismicity Associated with Igneous Activity ( ................... 49 6.2.8 Igneous Activity ( ............................................................. 50 6.2.9 Igneous Activity Causes Changes to Rock Properties ( . ....... 53 6.2.10 Igneous Intrusion Into Repository ( ................................... 55 6.2.11 Magma Interacts with Waste ( ............................................ 56 6.2.12 Magmatic Transport of Waste ( ......................................... 58 6.2.13 Basaltic Cinder Cone Erupts Through the Repository ( ......... 60 6.2.14 A shfall ( ............................................................................. 62 6.2.15 Hydrologic Response to Seismic Activity ( ....................... 64 6.2.16 Hydrologic Response to Igneous Activity ( ....................... 65 6.2.17 Rockfall (Large Block) ( ..................................................... 68 ANL-WIS-MD-000005 REV 00 3 April 2000 Disruptive Events FEPS CONTENTS (continued) 6.2.18 Mechanical Degradation or Collapse of Drift ( ................. 70 6.2.19 Changes in Stress (due to Thermal, Seismic, or Tectonic Effects) Change Porosity and Permeability of Rock ( ................................ 72 6.2.20 Change in Stress (due to Thermal, Seismic, or Tectonic Effects) Produces Change in Permeability of Faults ( ................................... 74 6.2.21 Changes in Stress (due to Seismic or Tectonic Effects) Alter Perched Water Zone ( ............................................................................... 75 7. C O N C LU SIO N S ................................................................................................................... 76 8. R EFEREN C E S ..................................................................................................................... 78 8.1 DOCUM ENTS CITED ........................................................................................... 79 8.2 CODES, STANDARDS, REGULATIONS, AND PROCEDURES ..................... 87 TABLES Table 1. Primary Disruptive Events FEPs ................................................................................. 8 Table 2. YM P Database Structure .......................................................................................... 14 Table 3. Summary of Disruptive Events FEPs Screening Decisions ....................................... 76 PRELIMINARY DRAFT .INFORMATION ONLY' ANL-WIS-MD-000005 REV 00 4 . April 2000 Disruptive Events FEPS ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms AMR Analysis/Model Report AP Administrative Procedure CFR Code of Federal Regulations CRWMS Civilian Radioactive Waste Management System DE Disruptive Event DOE Department of Energy DRKBA Discrete Regional Key Block Analysis EBS Engineered Barrier System EPA Environmental Protection Agency ESF Exploratory Studies Facility FEP Feature, Event, or Process FR Federal Register IRSR Issue Resolution Status Report LADS License Application Design Selection M&O Management and Operating Contractor NEA Nuclear Energy Agency NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NTS Nevada Test Site OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development PMR Process Model Report PSHA ProbabilisticSeismic HazardAnalyses for Fault Displacement and Vibratory GroundMotion at Yucca Mountain, Nevada QAP Quality Administrative Procedure QARD Quality Assurance Requirements and Description RMEI Reasonably Maximally Exposed Individual SZ Saturated Zone ANL-WIS-MD-000005 REV 00 5 April 2000 Disruptive Events FEPS kued) TBV To Be Verified TSPA Total System Performance Assessment TSPA-SR Total System Performance Assessment-Site Recommendation UDEC Universal Distinct Element Code UZ Unsaturated Zone YAP Yucca Mountain Administrative Procedure YMP Yucca Mountain Project Abbreviations ka thousand years (before present) km kilometer k.y. thousand years (duration) m meter Ma million years (before present) mm/yr millimeters per year MPa megapascals (a unit of pressure) M.y. million years (duration) Tptpmn Topopah Spring Tuff, crystal-poor member, middle nonlithophysal Tptpll Topopah Spring Tuff, crystal-poor member, lower lithophysal Tptpln Topopah Spring Tuff, crystal-poor member, lower non lithophysal yr year ANL-WIS-MD-000005
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