• GIVE US THISSDAY m p g COYOTE HUNT CALLELED Git k Christians gearr iup for E j M B M F&G says predatorsrs pose g National Day off IPrayer. littlttie threat to deer ththis year. 1A6IC VALLEY, C l H _________ SEE BEUGION. D l SEE MAGI Good Momin;.Ing r w ^ mtcB c i 3 H Low: t W«rm with ptentlful turt I J S O c e n ^ 0«MlKBe J L , les-^NeWS mi' a m . -------------- m osi/> ivx« Unusu;lal diseaise affecttsvafleyrsheep Idaho Sheep seen In1 Idaho In the past Weather is likel:ely cause of tick inIncrease c o m m is s ion o n and the Idaho decadcdc, with three cases of W ool G row□wers < Association humanan Infecdon reported In B ^ A rW K a im bitten by ticks corrorrylng a bac- have notiflcdled the sheep pro* thestaita te d u rin g th a t tim e. T h e isc is commonly carried" ' TIm>»W»w» wtHw _________ tcrial infection1 earlier this ducers In thaithat area, and given disease m onth. th e m th e Inftin/’ormatJon on th e b y Uckides, w h ic h b ite th e ir h o s ts CAREy — In tho sage!igebrush About 300 slsheep were preventive) measuresi they and transmittr the infection, desert near the inietsccticction of Infectcd wilh tuliularemla. and need to tak<akc to treat iheir Wlthouout antlblodcs. the Infec- Uncoln. Minidoka andid IB lain e 10 Iam b s h a vvc e died, the sheep," hehe said. 'The tion coj:a n b e fauil. counties, grazing sheep«p don’t department reportoned Friday. DepartmentIt ofc Agriculture has Thee Department of r.. pay m u ^ aitention to0 ocounty “That flock hasos been trcai- notified iethe veierlnarians In Agriculrulture is not surc why lines. So oDIdals at thehc Idalio cd." said Johnin Chatburn. the state Uiathat we have had a there area more ticks this year BrMtTMMrdbpUrahbOMklock 9 M l SM iutow tie haodcMiWodotsdiy « in previous years, but State Department)t of deputy administratrator with the cose of lularcrtr c m l a ,a n d l o b c o n th a n ii MttolUmsllirodltibeaiipiMipM in $■» Liko CKjr « b t n lie UlaitDdtirt. a Agriculture aren't surce cexactly department, dccllr:llning to idcn- the lookouttf ofo r lL " wherc a flock of sheep*ep w ere lify the sh e e p p r-oducer. o d l\ilarcmlala rarely has been Pie’le a se s e e SHESP, P age A3 GunsooncampiUS Utah collegeges allow studelents SCOI to bring firearmsfi] to claiass Gio^ untr7 By Block V tfpidi AsiodatBd Pm a writer______ i S A U LAKE crry —' BUr ic n t . , p O P c f ci t : ' ' Tenney says he feels pn itaithat : safe when hc goes lo clas: neflesaod; thcUnlversiiyorUlah. bui S te . .SSS^L'SS« n n h « ' : takes no dumces. He brinjrin g s d concm ted weaDoiM'<S'oncanv ■ loaded 9 mm semlautomi S S tS tM ' ' w ith him every d a y Columbia k • ‘It's not that I m n aroi.ro u n d .B weapons scared all day long, bu W .1 6 somcdilng happens to m s s s is T c : 4- ’m eipndtly ban concesesied i:. ,, d o w ant lo be prcpan.*d,“ s M snd the 24>year-oId busin d ^ t o ' moJor, who lias a conccal irenceof weopons permit and la .I n other d ie handgun ev ery w h e re stM ^cbUegssara.v a llo M d ' church. BiJii'jinv;; Afler the massacrcrrc a t Virginia l^ch that lefte ft 33 dead, some have suggcsa c s ic d • ■ rftat the camogc mightIt hhave across Ihc countryr y revknv bccn-lower If a studentcm or their gun policies In lighi of professor wilh a gunn Ih a d the tragedy, m a n y nIn U ia liarc ste p p ed In. As states and colle>llegcs Ploase s e e GUHS.S . Page A3 SBSMBMkteUcfTWtaFaSiioll M i s ool e n r • M a «l M t t nMM, m jw d triH k«t, iM p n t MIs s aMd otter m talfM iiteiiMiMitoBmatfLMd c HaMpMBllMdMtittDMttiftt tU i of Hm Sodti R n r C u reM. n . IBacliteU u d oliMn > tfceM MilM p t n fer todifi H M al ckM M . iavUcbvoiatMnwRlwdia truhoffOtlM d. Twin Falls wwoman camp£)aigns t ■ to clean up) (canyon rim iiy. vo h tfit^ wli gather M M h8and9^.8tth0 has be en p r o p o s e d f o r n fuiure B rA iW H aiM a i m e n . N orth n im P ark. Tln w Naw» wrttw_______ JIO- Today, ll is main a n y p e o p le ’s andtbe,chocoUtBlol^ pcsedcfaangeetofiaodi y t h e S u s a n favorite p la c c fo rr r ut n n in g dogs d e o n TWIN FAU^ — S rOutviariMUanll- Food and Drag Adinlnliin ls trs d o o (FDA), i n d u d l n g th is Bachtold Is frustrated. — which Oachtolc e n jo y s — ' ^ '■ 1 IbrlaWltnra.but'MI. one: “use a vegetableB CaiCat in place of another vegetata b le A s s h e lo o k e d o u t o^over n riding horses, ad th e MT> onlbbram OMided fat named in the standan d a id (e g ., c ac ao fat).** gully littered with red sheshotgun landscape and rumLinningall'icr- ^upsm aD pI^.^ Chocolate loven readead that at a direct assault omn th e ir sh e lls, r u s te d a p p lia n ce c frfra m e s rain vcliicles. It's al<a ls o a favored palates. Ih a t^ b e c a uISO s e i(he current FDA sm ndardI fofi r a n d s h o t- u p fu rn itu re: c:e a rlie r place for u n s a fe targetto r practice MMfS should turn ^ . chocolate says ll m usicst c o n ta in cacao f a t — a .k .a . c«c o co a th is w e e k , s h e w as n e artcais. r tc and trash dumping[ng. s h e v o f r uU^-HWiMySSonto. butter— ond thlspropto p o s a l w ould m a k e II p o s s ib>Ie le lo “Earth is all of our gift.gif It’s "People mo>*ce ttake this for rCouneRiMd;.ind.parti call something chocolalo la tc ev en ifli h a d v e g e ta b le ooil ihc said, granted, take thele canyon for 6 otr< ours to take care of," she Mkhundrad jwijli up tha Instead of that definingIng Ingredient. W hoppers moiloiled “If wc don’t, we won'tti't have gnuitcd." Bcditoldlid sa id . “Ifyou d hearth* Qurnpitars. m ilk balls, for In sta n cece. d o n o t h av e c o co a b u tte r , don'l lake carc of it. it won't Sum BkM oU4 d fa b a m d to te a n g g g:' anything left." agdUd(«6(6d'<Koee’o r ' Chocolate purists, of'of which diere arc apparentlyiy Bachtold. ulio lives in TWin always be h e r c —- n n o t to w h ere tI w i4 i| • • ddwM w I aeslonraora- M; bottiddMter,lang ' many, have undenakcnken a grassroots le ilc r-w ritlnlg g cam - Falls, loves the undcvclivcloped you’d want to waw a l k in It o r ^ , nd«»ibupi«rtr»b. ^ ^ poign to the FDA to ininfc fo rm th e agcncy th a t s u c h n k c lU vcr com e ou t a n d r u nnyourdoB.- j Its and sun pratMtlcn. land nonh of the Snake 'BachMdurtMUM TheeI cleanup It expected .to Canyon rim and cast of U.S. l^r the past fewcnv years.* ™ I iM d tk it b I |< l^ lia iuiuntH 2 pjm. P lease se e CHOCOLXTE. PaPage A3 Hlgliway 93. This land,1. w h ic h encompasses Devil's CCt o rra l, Please se e CANrIHTON. P a :e A3 p o n l h r a nuqr. r - - ‘ ™ Comiiing Simday Sutlne** and »«>*» duwtofyf r ■. E ll n Ciststned* ............................... .EM 6 Com te*..................................... in tiie Cfwtwort ................................ OoafANw ................................ HoroKOpe................................ BECOMING A BEHrTERBABYSmEt Mafic vwiey.............................. « i......... iD4 ws led Cross class teacheses safety, management. Tinnes-Neu__________ Re ....................................... ..................................................c. .C3. C8 --------------------- ............C2 Otxtuaite* ................................ Y Life A FAMILYMNI OpWon ..............................................M Family .............................................................01 TROUBLE£ S o o rts....................................... AFUPFMBOM RETAIL - Stock*....................................... S«l<»|t<u..................................... ^ b U H ) Recycling cerrenter benefits MljiUCLEAR IDAHO ■ _ Magic Valley co:ouple W M ther.......................... envfronmentsnt. customers “ couldn’t escape)e from ■ by takingn g in cans. Vii/Irglnia company - their drug haiabit. plans plant. ONEY PAGE ONE W H HE PAGE ONI V*' _ _ I tt iMNM,Mirife, T o d a y ’s FOORECAST I l E I E l Z l l S H fe)UR MoDRNING . Today T onight f m ^ I MosttydMrand AmfV moMTy tunny and * tUTMhlTM mild d r y S u n ^ BR‘I E:f i ;n ( ; High 83 L ow 51 ilCVALLEY S PORTS V Toctoy:MosUy sunny, BBS nny.
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