PIR ALI MUHAMMAD RASHDI COLLECTION English Books (Call No.: 300-399) S.No TITLE AUTHOR ACC:NO CALL NO. 1 White Paper on Misuse of Media Government of 5916 302.23095491-PAK Pakistan 2 White Paper on Misuse of Media Government of 5918 302.23095491-PAK Pakistan 3 White Paper on Misuse of Media Government of 5644 302.23095491-PAK Pakistan 4 White Paper on The Conduct of Government of 6346 302.23095491 PAK The General Elections in March Pakistan 5 W.L.S.R Sexual Reform 5794 304.5 SEX Congress 6 Recollections 50 Years in The G.E.C.Wakefield 5386 304.54554 WAK 7 Extraordinary Women Compton 5516 305.4 MAC Mackenzie 8 Memoirs of Celebrated Female Mrs.Jameson 4974 305.4092 JAM 9 Who's Who 1950 Adam And 5633 305.303 WHO Charles Black 10 Woamn, Ploss And Bartels Ploss And Bartels 5856 305.4 PLO 11 Woman And Rococo In France Karl Toth 5531 305.4440922 TOT 12 The American Woman Eric John Dingwall 5786 305.473 DIN 13 The Wilder Shores of Love Lesley Blanch 6494 305.409420922-BLA 14 Notable Women in 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N.A. BALOCH COLLECTION English Books (Call No.: 300-399) S.No TITLE AUTHOR ACC:NO CALL NO. 1 Resources for the Teaching of David. G. Mandel 7633 301.07 MAN Anthropology Baum 2 The Teaching of Anthropology David. G. Mandel 7578 301.07 MAN Baum 3 The Science of Man: An Mischa Titiev 25997 301 TIT 4 Islamic Sociology: An Ilyas Ba Yunus 25371 301 YUN 5 Society, Culture, and Personality Pitirima Sorokin 25862 301 SOR 6 Sowal Problems of Urbanization Social Service, 24956 301.095491 SOL in Pakistan Karachi 7 The Social Science Ogburn 30396 301 OGB 8 Lesson in Living Allyn Moss 25044 301.092 MOS 9 Rural Sociology Lowry Nelson 26004 301 NEL 10 The Swence of Man in The World Ralph Linton 24655 301 LIN 11 Towards Islamic Anthropology Akbar S. Ahmed 24739 301 AHM 12 Mankind in The Making William Howells 7635 301 HOW 13 Cultural Sociology John Lewis Gillen 30487 301 GIL 14 Sociology Emory S. 26000 301 BOG Bogardus 15 Out Line of Anthropology Jacobs 35339 301 JAC 16 White Paper on Misuse of Media Government of 30667 302.23095491-WHI Pakistan 17 White Paper on Misuse of Media Government of 30668 302.23095491-WHI Pakistan 18 Social Order in Pakistani Society Dr. M.S. Baqai 25992 302.095491 BAQ 19 Readings in Social Psychology Holt 25004 302 REA 20 Social Psychology of Modern Life Steuart Henderson 25009 302 BRI Britt 21 The Psychology of Human Society Charles A. 25011 302 ELL Ellwood 22 Lives in Progress: A Study of The Robert W. White 24932 303.44 WHI Natural Growth of Personality 23 Al Fakhri C.E.J. Whitting 24917 303.101 WHI 24 War or Peace John Foster Dulles 24914 303.66 DUL 25 Public Opinion William Albig 30343 303.38 ALB 26 The Earth and Man Davrell Haug 7571 304.2 DAV Davis 27 The Key of Progress A.R. 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