E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1997 No. 23 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. H.R. 499. An act to designate the facility of There was no objection. the United States Postal Service under con- The Chaplain, Rev. James David f Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- struction at 7411 Barlite Boulevard in San Antonio, Texas, as the ``Frank M. Tejeda ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER er: Post Office Building''. We pray, gracious God, that our ears The message also announced that the The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to would be open to hear Your word, that Senate had passed a bill of the follow- make an announcement. our hearts would reflect the warmth of ing title, in which the concurrence of After consultation with the majority Your spirit and that our hands would the House is requested: and minority leaders, and with their be ready to do the works of justice and S. 305. An act to authorize the President to consent and approval, the Chair an- mercy. May we not, O God, become so award a gold medal on behalf of the Congress nounces that during the joint meeting busy with our own goals that we miss to Francis Albert ``Frank'' Sinatra in rec- to hear an address by his Excellency the wonder and beauty and truth and ognition of his outstanding and enduring Eduardo Frei, only the doors imme- glory of our common responsibility to contributions through his entertainment ca- diately opposite the Speaker and those use Your gifts for justice in our land reer and humanitarian activities, and for on his right and left will be open. and freedom in our world. Bless, O God, other purposes. No one will be allowed on the floor of all those who labor for these good f the House who does not have the privi- works, that the bounty of Your word SENATE BILL REFERRED lege of the floor of the House. may be known by all. Amen. A bill of the Senate of the following Due to the large attendance which is f title was taken from the Speaker's anticipated, the Chair feels that the rule regarding the privilege of the floor THE JOURNAL table and, under the rule, referred as follows: must be strictly adhered to. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- S. 305. An act to authorize the President to Children of Members will not be per- ined the Journal of the last day's pro- award a gold medal on behalf of the Congress mitted on the floor, and the coopera- ceedings and announces to the House to Francis Albert ``Frank'' Sinatra in rec- tion of all Members is requested. his approval thereof. ognition of his outstanding and enduring f Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- contributions through his entertainment ca- nal stands approved. reer and humanitarian activities, and for RECESS other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, pursuant The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on ing and Financial Services. f order of the House of Thursday, Feb- agreeing to the Speaker's approval of ruary 13, 1997, the House will stand in the Journal. REMOVAL OF NAMES OF MEM- recess subject to the call of the Chair. The SPEAKER. The question is on BERS AS COSPONSORS OF H.R. Accordingly (at 9 o'clock and 3 min- the Chair's approval of the Journal. 539 AND H.R. 615 utes a.m.), the House stood in recess The question was taken; and the Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I ask subject to the call of the Chair. Speaker announced that the ayes ap- unanimous consent to delete the fol- f peared to have it. lowing cosponsors from H.R. 539: Rep- Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I object to resentatives TOWNS, MARTINEZ, FORD, b 0950 the vote on the ground that a quorum and ACKERMAN. They were mistakenly JOINT MEETING OF THE HOUSE is not present and make the point of added as cosponsors to H.R. 539 instead order that a quorum is not present. AND SENATE TO HEAR AN AD- of H.R. 615. DRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY, The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 5, Mr. Speaker, I would also like to re- rule I, further proceedings on this ques- EDUARDO FREI, PRESIDENT OF quest unanimous consent to delete the THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE tion are postponed. following cosponsor from H.R. 615: Rep- f resentative ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. The Speaker of the House presided. He was mistakenly added as a cospon- The Assistant to the Sergeant at MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE sor to H.R. 615 instead of H.R. 539. Arms, Ms. Pamela Kidd, announced the A message from the Senate by Mr. Corrected cosponsor lists have been President pro tempore and Members of Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- submitted. the U.S. Senate who entered the Hall of nounced that the Senate had passed The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the House of Representatives, the without amendment a bill of the House the request of the gentleman from President pro tempore of the Senate of the following title: Washington? taking the chair at the right of the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H671 H672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE February 27, 1997 Speaker, and the Members of the Sen- [Applause, the Members rising.] dogmatism. Today we seek our own ate the seats reserved for them. f path to a development that is balanced, The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints independent and creative. We do not ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY, as members of the committee on the believe in fixed models or miracles but EDUARDO FREI, PRESIDENT OF part of the House to escort His Excel- in creativity and in the courage to THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE lency, Eduardo Frei, the President of make changes. the Republic of Chile, into the Cham- (The following address was delivered We have not attempted everything at ber: in Spanish, with a simultaneous trans- once. We know that great initiatives The gentleman from Texas [Mr. lation in English.) have been defeated by asking for too ARMEY]; President FREI. Mr. President, hon- much too soon. We want sustained, le- The gentleman from Texas [Mr. orable Senators, honorable Members of gitimate progress, even if the pace is DELAY]; the House of Representatives, officials slow. We know there is much to be The gentleman from Ohio [Mr. of the United States Government, offi- done to make our democracy strong BOEHNER]; cials and members of my country's del- and resilient, but we want to move for- The gentleman from California [Mr. egation: ward surely and safely. COX]; I thank you for inviting me to speak We have learned to be patient. Chile The gentleman from New York [Mr. here. It is an honor for me and for the does not begin anew with each election. GILMAN]; people of Chile to address you in this Rather, we build on our creativity and The gentleman from California [Mr. Chamber which has stood for more our work. We are well aware that we GALLEGLY]; than 200 years as an uninterrupted have a unique historic opportunity to The gentleman from Missouri [Mr. symbol of freedom. achieve full development in a free mar- I am deeply moved, not only because GEPHARDT]; ket of political freedom. We value our this House served as forum for Thomas The gentleman from Michigan [Mr. achievements, but we give equal atten- Jefferson, James Madison and Abra- BONIOR]; tion to the challenges ahead of us. ham Lincoln, but also because it recog- The gentlewoman from Connecticut Neither have we sought an easy bo- nized the independence of Chile in the [Mrs. KENNELLY]; nanza. Instead we have chosen sus- The gentleman from Maryland [Mr. year 1810. It also gave strong support to tained growth. We have not promoted HOYER]; the people of Chile in their struggle to ephemeral advances but those based on The gentleman from Indiana [Mr. restore democracy when it had been the work and real effort of the people HAMILTON]; and crushed, and to demand the observance The gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. of human rights when they were vio- of Chile. We have not relied on mir- acles, but, rather, in hard, unflagging MENENDEZ]. lated. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Don Quixote de la Mancha, address- work. President pro tempore of the Senate, at ing his inseparable companion, de- Today we have a stable economy that the direction of that body, appoints the clared: ``Freedom, Sancho, is one of the benefits the people: 14 years of sus- following Senators as a committee on most precious gifts heaven bestows on tained growth at a rate that has aver- the part of the Senate to escort His Ex- manÐall the treasure of the earth and aged 7 percent annually over the last cellency, Eduardo Frei, the President of the oceans cannot equal it. For our decade; a rise in real annual wages of of the Republic of Chile, into the House freedom, as for our honor, we can and over 4 percent; our per capita income Chamber: must risk our lives.'' doubled in a decade; savings rates close The Senator from Oklahoma [Mr.
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