INFORMATION ON BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD IN COMPLIANCE OF RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT’ 2005 1. The particulars of Brahmaputra Board, its functions and duties. 2. The Powers and duties of officers and employees of the Brahmaputra Board. 3. The procedures followed in the decision making process. 4. The norms set by Brahmaputra Board for the discharge of its functions. 5. The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records held by Brahmaputra Board for discharging its functions. 6. A statement of the categories of documents that are held by Brahmaputra Board or under its control. 7. The particulars of arrangement/members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof [Not Applicable] 8. A statement of the boards, council, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part; 9. A directory of its officers and employees. 10. The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations; 11. The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made; 12. The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes [Not Applicable]. 13. Particulars of concessions, permit or authorizations granted by it [Not Applicable] 14. Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; 15. The particulars of facilities available to citizen for obtaining information; 16. The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers. 17. Such other information as may be prescribed [Frequently Asked materials] I T E M - I PARTICULARS OF ITS ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES 1.1 ORGANISATIONAL HISTORY AND SET UP The Brahmaputra Board, an autonomous statutory body was set up under an Act of Parliament called the Brahmaputra Board Act, ( Act of 46 of 1980 ) under the Ministry of Irrigation( Now renamed as Ministry of Water Resources). The jurisdiction of the Board includes both the Brahmaputra and Barak Valleys and covers all the States of the North Eastern Region either in full or in part. The Board consists of 21 Members, 4 are full time Members and 17 part time, representing seven states of the North Eastern Region, North Eastern Council, concerned Ministries viz. Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture, Finance, Power & Surface Transport and Departments of the Government of India viz. Central Water Commission, Geological Survey of India, India Meteorological Department and the Central Electricity Authority, List of Members of the Board appointed under clause (A), (B), (C), (D) & (E) of sub-section (3) of section (4) is at Annex-I. The Board started functioning with its Head Quarters at Guwahati from 11.01.1982. As per sub-section (2) of section (3) of the Brahmaputra Board Rules, 1981 the Board has established a Liaison Office at New Delhi. A High Powered Review Board to oversee the work of the Brahmaputra Board was constituted with the Union Minister of Water Resources as the Chairman & Chief Minister of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura and Union Minister/ Ministers of State for Finance, Transport, Power, Agriculture, Commission as Members, the Chairman, Brahmaputra Board as the Member-Secretary, Member (RM), CWC is a permanent invitee. List of Members of the High Powered Review Board appointed by the Govt of India vide Resolution No. 2(17)/80/FC/460 dated 19.03.1982 and as amended vide Resolution No.23/8/925- ER dated 01.10.1992 is enclosed at Annex-II. 1.2 FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD Functions of Brahmaputra Board have been defined in the Brahmaputra Board Act, 1980 as below; Clause 12. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act and the rules, the Board shall carry out surveys and investigations in the Brahmaputra Valley and prepare a Master Plan for the control of floods and bank erosion and improvement of drainage in the Brahmaputra Valley: Provided that the Board may prepare the Master Plan in part with reference to different areas of the Brahmaputra Valley or with reference to different matters relating to such areas and may as often as it considers necessary so to do, revise the Master Plan or any part thereof. (2) In preparing the Master Plan, the Board shall have regard to the development and utilization of water resources of the Brahmaputra Valley for irrigation, hydro power, navigation and other beneficial purposes and shall, as far as possible, indicate in such plan the works and other measures which may be undertaken for such development. (3) The Master Plan shall be submitted to the Central Government as soon as may be after it has been prepared or, as the case may be revised and the Central Government shall, after consultation with the State Governments concerned, approve the same subject to such modifications as it may deem fit. Clause 13 (1) a) To prepare Detailed Project Reports & estimates for dams and other projects proposed in Master Plans; b) To draw up standards and specifications for the construction, operation and maintenance of such dams and other projects c) To construct, with the approval of Central Government, multi-purpose dams and works connected therewith proposed in Master Plans as approved by Central Govt. and maintain & operate such dams and works; d) To prepare, in consultation with the State Government concerned, a phased programme for the construction by the State Government of all dams and other projects proposed in the Master Plans as approved by the Central Government other than those referred in (c); e) Perform any other function which may be prescribed for the proper implementation of this Act; f) To perform such other functions as supplemental, incidental or consequential to functions specified above; Board may with the approval of the Central Government construct any dam or project referred to in Clause 13(1)(d) above, if it is satisfied, having regard to the cost of construction, and the expertise required for the construction, of any such dam or project, that it is expedient so to do; Clause 13(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (d) of sub section (1), the Board may, with the prior approval of the Central Government, construct any dam or project referred to in that clause if it is satisfied, having regard to the cost of construction, and the expertise required for the construction, of any such dam or project, that it is expedient so to do. Clause -13(3) The Board may maintain and operate any dam or project referred to in sub-section (2) for so long as it deems it necessary so to do; Clause 14 : Conditions subject to which Board may function. a) No multipurpose dam as referred to in Clause – 13(1)(c) shall be constructed by Board unless the State Governments make available the required land. b) No dam or project referred to in Clause -13(1)(d) shall be constructed unless the State Governments concerned make available free of cost land required for its execution and also undertake to take over its maintenance. c) No dam or other works shall be undertaken by the Board unless the State Governments concerned agree to provide all such assistance as may be required for the construction, operation and maintenance thereof. d) Central Government to specify such other conditions including conditions relating to sharing by the State Government concerned of the whole or part of cost of dam or other works constructed by the Board by a general or special order published in the Official Gazette Provided that before undertaking the construction of any dam or other works, the Board shall apprise the State Government concerned of the cost of construction of, and the benefits likely to accrue from such dam or other works and the proportion in which the State Government shall share such cost and benefits. In the case of disagreement, the Board shall refer the matter to the Central Government for decision and the Central Government shall decide such matter after consulting the State Governments and the decision of the Central Government shall be final. I T E M – II POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF BRAHMAPUTRA BOARD INDEX 2.0 Brahmaputra Board 2.1 Powers and duties of Officers and Employees 2.1.1 Chairman 2.1.2. Vice-chairman 2.1.3 General Manager 2.1.4 Financial Adviser 2.1.5 Secretary 2.1.6 Chief Engineer (P&D) Wing 2.1.7 Chief Engineer (I&W) Wing 2.1.8 Brahmaputra Board Secretariat 2.1.9 Chief Engineer (PDP) Wing 2.1.10 Finance Wing 2.2 NEHARI 2.3 Organizational Chart of Brahmaputra Board 2.0 Brahmaputra Board: Brahmaputra Board is headed by a Chairman, with the status of the Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India. The Chairman is the over all in charge of the Board and is wholly responsible for its efficient working. In addition, he discharges such powers and duties as delegated to him by the Board. In the absence of the Chairman a Vice Chairman presides over the meeting of the Board. Vice Chairman exercises such of those powers and duties of the Chairman as delegated to him by the Chairman and also perform such other functions as decided by the Chairman. The functioning of the Brahmaputra Board is divided broadly into Administration, Planning & Design, Investigation and Execution. The General Manager is the Chief Executive Authority who heads the part –I above. He is responsible for the proper Administration of the affairs of the Board. He prescribes as assigned the duties of all Officers and staff under him.
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