Abstracts www.anatomy.org.tr doi:10.2399/ana.14.001s Abstracts for the 16th National Congress of Anatomy 11th-14th September, 2014, Malatya, Turkey Anatomy 2014; 8 Suppl: S1-S77 © 2014 TSACA Invited Lectures (I-1 — I-10) I-1 Traditional mapping of the human brainstem, as of other Current views on Turkish higher education anatomical structures, is based on information from Nissl and myelin-stained sections, and information from connections Bilgic S and physiology. Using chemical markers for marking has start- Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Ondokuz May›s University, ed with acetylcholinesterase staining from 1982 onwards, con- Samsun, Turkey tinuing with tyrosine hydroxylase staining for monoamines, First university during republic period in Turkey was established and antibody markers (i.e. calbindin, parvalbumin). Using gene on 1933. The numbers of universities increased to 7 in 1959, 12 expression for defining anatomical structures is a new concept, in 1973, 27 in 1982, 29 in 1987 (of one is private), 53 in 1992 (of after recent developments in molecular biology and biotech- 2 are private), 93 in 2006 (25 private), 177 in 2014 (73 private). nology. With in situ hybridization (ISH), it is possible to local- Based on TUIK date, gross schooling rate is 74% and net school- ize DNA and RNA within intact cells and tissues without ing rate is 38.50% in higher education. However, based on the destroying the structure. Anatomical organization of the date of Higher Education Council, these rate are above %80 and human brainstem is a complex mixture of compact neuronal %40 respectively with the number of students approaching to 5.5 groups (nuclei) and dispersed cell areas with varying cytoarchi- million. Today, the number of teaching staff reached to 141,647. tecture. There are 438 structures we have defined so far in the Of this, 86.20% (122,116) employed by the state universities, human brainstem (Paxinoset al., 2012). I have performed the %13.44 (19,188) are in private universities and 0.26% are in pri- analysis of the human brainstem for Allen Institute vate vocational high schools. Total number of academic staff is BRAINSPAN Atlas of the Developing Human Brain and Atlas 63,271. Of this, 84.76% (53,630) employed in state universities. of the Human Brain projects, and prepared reference atlases 31.43% of academic staff are professors, 19.97% (12,634) associ- for the developing 21 post-conception weeks (pcw) human ate professors and 48.60% are assistant professor. Total number of students are 5,449,961. Of this 93.38% (5,089,291) are study- brainstem. As examples, calretiningene CALB2 was expressed ing in state universities, 6.44% (350,999) are private universities in the solitary nucleus, dorsal paramedian nucleus, and and 0.18% (9671) are in private vocational high schools. cochlear nucleus, glutamate gene GRIK2 in the gracile and cuneate nuclei, neuropeptide Y gene NPY in the intermediate reticular nucleus, and somatostatingene SST in locus coeruleus I-2 and medial parabrachial nucleus. This presentation will show Developing and adult human brain stem atlases and how expression of genes in the brainstem define anatomy of gene expressions the numerous nuclei, and the digital reference atlases created fiengül G for 15 and 21pcw,and adult human brain.(www.alleninsti- tute.org) Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey Keywords: Atlas, brainstem, human S2 16th National Congress of Anatomy, 11th-14th September 2014, Malatya, Turkey I-3 I-5 Corticospinal neurons: in health and in sickness, until The National Core Curriculum-2014 death shall separate us (Undergraduate Medical Education) and the use Ulup›nar E*,** in the anatomy education * Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Eskisehir Osmangazi Songur A Universit, Eskisehir, Turkey; **Department of Health Sciences Institute, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe Interdisciplinary Neuroscience, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey Neurodegenerative diseases comprise a group of pathologies Since 1980s the increase in the number of medical faculties led characterized by progressive and irreversible loss of neurons in to diversification of education models and programs in differ- certain regions of the brain. The most striking symptom of ent medical faculties which have diverse infrastructure and these disorders is that progression process more specifically capabilities. This condition indicated the need for preparing a against certain types of neurons. In Amyotrophic Lateral framework program in order to train doctors with basic knowl- Sclerosis (ALS), there was a selective loss of lower and upper edge and skills. When the National Core Curriculum (NCC), motor neurons in the spinal cord, brain stem and motor cortex prepared with contributions from medical faculties, was accept- regions. Diversity observed in the degeneration patterns of ed in the early 2000s, it was decided that NCC should be neurons suggest that interactions between intrinsic factors and revised every two years. However it still remains unchanged environmental influences play an important role in the today. Medical Deans Council (T›pDEK) took the decision to etiopathogenesis of this disorder. In this talk, I will first discuss prepare a new NCC in the meeting in December 2012. Core why these specific neuronal populations are more prone to curriculum was restructured and NCC-2014 was prepared with injury among the millions of neurons in the cortex. Then, I will the contribution of numerous medical faculties, departments, focus on the molecules and mechanisms causing degeneration faculty members and participators in the one year period fol- of these neurons. And finally, our data from an animal model lowing April 2013. NCC-2014 was discussed and approved by having a genetic mutation that causes the selective loss of cor- Council of Universities on 12 May 2014 and by Council of ticospinal motor neurons will be presented. Higher Education in general assembly meeting on 19 June 2104. Educational outcomes and competence based approach were taken into account during the preparation of NCC-2014. I-4 NCC-2014 is for especially medical faculties and also all insti- Anatomical errors in anatomy atlases tutions interested in medical education. It is targeted at pro- viding a framework for undergraduate medical education, S›nav A defining the basis of medical education in national scale and Professor&Rector, SANKO University, Gaziantep, Turkey thus establishing a standard for the undergraduate educational practice in accordance with international medical education Throughout history, anatomical information has been con- principles and approach. It is advised that anatomy lectures, veyed visually from teacher to student. Even in our modern era which have an important place in pre-clinical curriculum, with advanced imaging technologies, still, no one can imagine should be associated with core diseases/clinical problems or an anatomy curriculum without hand illustrated anatomy basic clinical skills stated in NCC-2014. We think that associ- atlases. The anatomical illustrations in atlases are used as self ating anatomy lectures with NCC-2014 and giving anatomy study materials by students, as slides for lectures etc... Atlases lectures based on clinical problems will attract more interest are especially crucial in countries where cadavers are not read- from students and will facilitate learning. Furthermore stu- ily available for dissection. In such cases, anatomical illustra- dents will not have to waste time on detailed information which tions provide students the sole point of access to internal struc- is not clinically relevant. ture of the human body. Unfortunately, atlas illustrations Key words: National core curriculum, medical faculty, under- sometimes misrepresent anatomical information. The explana- graduate medical education, anatomy. tions for such inaccuracies are numerous. First, some medical illustrators do not possess sufficient understanding of anatom- ical details. Second, illustrators may pay more attention to the I-6 artistic features of their illustrations than to their anatomic What do we know about the status of hosting infective accuracy. Finally, and most importantly, medical illustrators agent of the cadavers which has been stored in differ- often use existing illustrations as resources rather than drawing ent conditions? How do we protect ourselves? on observations from actual dissections. This practice propa- gates errors through generations. Anatomy education can be Kurto¤lu Z considered the foundation of medical sciences. Therefore, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Mersin University, visual materials must be prepared with painstaking accuracy. Mersin, Turkey Anatomists need to assume responsibility for collaborating illustrators, in order that the mistakes of history may be recti- The aim of the presentation is to assess the awareness of the fied. anatomists, students, clinicians and staffs about the possible Anatomy 2014; 8 Suppl Abstracts S3 infection from cadavers, and the habits on the prevention of I-8 infection. In the first part of presentation, the results of ques- The publication and evaluation problems experienced tionnaire that prepared under the guidance of Anatomy before and after the examination for associated Department of Mersin University will be shared. The ques- professorship tionnaire has been applied to 45 academic staffs from the Department of Anatomy, 44
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