Vol. 46(1) March 1995 ISSN 0541-4938 Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America About this lssue This issue introduces some changes to Inoculum, but before I mention them I would like to thank Richard Humber for the tremendous effort he has put into the preparation and presentation of material in the newsletter in the last three years and for the support he has given me during the transition to a new editor. Rich has broadened the scope and content of Inoculum and provided a challenge to its future editors. Inoculum will now be published six times a year. A more frequent publication In This lssue schedule means that the newsletter can be used more effectively for the distribution MSA Official Business .......... 5 of time-sensitive information. Inoculum will be published by Allen Press and MSA Annual Meeting ........ 5 mailed with issues of Mycologia. The deadline for the next Inoculum will be ap- Additional Awards ............. 6 proaching when you receive this issue (see important dates on the sidebar). The Revised Smith Guidelines .. 7 newsletter will only be as interesting and useful as you make it, so please send Directory Update ................... 7 news and announcements, brief articles on issues of concern to mycologists, and Mycology Online .................. 8 brief reviews of books that might not be of direct interest to all mycologists. There Mycological News ................ 9 is no Inoculum questionnaire in this issue because issues are printed in multiples of Calendar of Events .............. 10 four pages and I didn't want to cut anything out. See the masthead on page 18 for Book Reviews ..................... 12 details about submitting material for the newsletter. Letters and Commentary ..... 13 Mycological Classifieds ...... 13 Also new with this issue will be electronic access to a fully indexed copy of the Letter from Mycologia newsletter. See "Mycology Online" for details about Internet access to Inoculzim Editor-in-Chief and the MSA membership directory. Designate ........................... 15 Ellen Farr Important Dates April 1 5 - Deadline for next The Tokyo Code and Inoculum. What's New for Fungal Nomenclature June 30 - MSA Annual Meeting, deadline for early registration. by Pavel Lizon August 6-1 0 - MSA Meeting [This article was prepared as an activity of the MSA Advisory Committee on No- with h Diego' menclature. For help feel free to contact a member of the committee: Scott Red- head (Agriculture Canada, Ottawa) at <[email protected]>, Gary J. Samuels (USDA-ARS, Beltsville) at <[email protected]>, or Pavel Lizon (Cornell University, Ithaca) at <[email protected]>.] You simply cannot overlook the most significant change in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. That is its beautiful (at least I personally like it) purple or Ridgeway's Dull Magenta Purple cover. Even if you are not interested in nomenclature you might buy it to have on your shelf a bright collection of red (Leningrad), green (Sydney), yellow (Berlin) and purple (Tokyo) Codes. The last one was adopted by the 15~Interna- "species of major economic impor- Powell's Authors of Plant Names tional Botanical Congress in Japan and tance" and "The lists of conserved (1992) which lists full author name, published by Koeltz Scientific Books names will remain permanently open dates of birth and death and a standard (Regnum Vegetabile 13 1) just before for additions and changes" (Art. abbreviation of the name. Authors of the end of 1994. It is called the 14.12). Nomina conservanda et rejici- specifically fungal names were also friendly Tokyo Code and thus we enda include 9 family names (App. published in a supplement to the Index don't need to cite it as the Interna- IIA), 175 generic names (App. IIIA), 2 of Fungi (by P. M. Kirk and A. E. tional Code of Botanical Nomencla- specific names (App. IIIb) and 9 re- Ansel, 1992). If you have any doubt ture. Adopted by the Fijieenth Inter- jected names of genera and species on an author's identity, consult one of national Botanical Congress, Yoko- (App. IV) of fungi. the volumes of Taxonomic Literature hama, August-September 1993 andlor by Stafleu and Cowan (1976-1988; Names in current use. Proposals as, the abbreviation, to many un- and supplements by Stafleu and Men- ' made at the Tokyo Congress on lists known, ZCBN. nega, 1992-1993). The new Article of Names in Current Use didn't re- 46.4 states that if the validating de- The ToRyo Code is, like all preced- ceive the necessary majority of votes scription was not ascribed clearly to a ing Codes, the result of years-long to be granted a special protected different author the name of a new development and compromises be- status. To date, lists of family names taxon must be attributed to the tween sometimes very disparate (NCU- 1, Regnum Vegetabile 126, author(s) of the publication. "Ex" may standpoints and views. The total num- 1993), of generic and specific names be inserted before the name of the ber of articles and their numbering of the family Trichocomataceae publishing author to indicate original was changed (62 in the Tokyo Code (NCU-2, Regnum Vegetabile 128, authorship. For example H. Romag- vs. 72 in the Berlin Code). The intro- 1993) and of generic names (NCU-3, nesi transferred Amanita supravolvata ductory key to the numbering (both Regnum Vegetabile 129,1993) have Lanne as a form to Amanita mairei Tokyo to Berlin and Berlin to Tokyo) been published for fungi. These lists Foley but neglected to cite a basionym and lists of important dates serve as an are important for improving the sta- reference. Later Lanne published this orientation to the new Code. Most bility of names and will be acknowl- combination validly and the name may significant changes in arrangement edged as useful both by pure and ap- be cited as Amanita mairei forma su- and content are explained in the pref- plied scientists. The future availability pravolvata Romagn. ex Lanne or ace. The preamble reflects actual sys- of lists on electronic media and by free simply as Amanita mairei forma su- tematics and in addition to [true] fungi on-line access will support not only pravolvata Lanne. Publication of a lists slime molds, chytrids and oomy- mycology but also biodiversity stud- name before the starting point may cetes as separate groups. And since ies, natural resources management, also be indicated by "ex" (Art. 46.5). lichens are treated as fungi, the Spe- conservation and communication In determining the correct author cita- cial Committee originally on Fungi around the world. Names in Current tion, only internal evidence in the and Lichens is now simply called the Use should be treated as accepted publication is to be accepted (Art. Committee for Fungi (Div. 111, 2. (2)). names recommended for use but since 46.6). The new Code is in English only but it no such list can be final they will have is anticipated that at least French and to be updated at regular intervals. "In," as noted in the Code (Art. German editions will be published. 46.2, Note l), indicates the publication Sanctioned names. The new Article in which the name was validly pub- Types and typification. As before, a 15 on sanctioned names under Article lished and thus as a bibliographic cita- type must be a specimen and "cannot 13.l(d) is devoted only to fungi and tion is best omitted. For example, be living plant or culture." But now it explains their status and handling. Polyporus muelleri was described by is recommended (Rec. 8B.1) that liv- Indication of sanctioned status by the Kalchbrenner and published in M. C. ing cultures should be deposited in "at citations ": Fr." and/or ": Pers." is not Cooke's paper on Australian fungi; the least two institutional culture or ge- mandatory but is highly recommended name should be cited as Polyporus netic resource collections" (not just in for precision and accuracy (Rec. muelleri Kalchbr. and the full biblio- a "reputable [sic!] culture collection" 50E.2). graphic citation would be P. muelleri as before). Article 9.5 states that a Authors' names. The name of a taxon Kalchbr. in Cooke, Grevillea 10: 97, paratype may only be a specimen and is complete and accurate if it is fol- 1882. not also an illustration as under Article lowed by the name of author@)who 7.8 of the Berlin Code. Unfortunately, author citation and validly published the name (Art. 46.1). the use or omission of "ex" andlor Conservation of names. Application Sometimes it is not easy to follow this "in" (or "apud" in older publications) of conserved specific names (Art. rule and a great help, even with mis- is not always so simple as presented in 14.2) is no longer restricted only to prints of few names, is Brummitt and the Code and one must exercise care details see Englera 14: 1-265, 1994) gists, not only for taxonomists. Unfor- to decide which usage applies to a must be clarified and finalized before tunately, few universities offer courses particular case. this key issue can be approved by the in botanical nomenclature for their next Congress. How will a failure to students at present. Valid publication. The new wording register the name and its author affect of Article 36.3 requires that a name of Novices in botany and most non- whether the name is validly published a new taxon of a fossil plant validly taxonomists, lacking classical educa- under all applicable rules of the Code? published after January 1, 1996, must tion and training in nomenclature, do The special Committee has discussed be accompanied by a Latin or English not fully understand many basic terms the problem of effectiveness of publi- descri~tion.Since classical education ~ ~ ~ ~ (e.
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