Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-10-1940 Bee Gee News January 10, 1940 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News January 10, 1940" (1940). BG News (Student Newspaper). 528. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/528 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. re COLLBOE PI *> Next Week This Week Women's Gym Skol All-Campus BEE GEE NEWS Open House Student Publication of Bowling Green State University VOL. XXIV.—Z551 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, JANUARY 10, 1940 No. 14 Ohio State Swimmers Star Forum Speaker H. R. Knickerbocker Solons Plan In Natatorium Dedication Activity For President Prout Presides As $110,000 Pool Is Formally To Address Forum Opened With Gallery Packed With State, Year At Meet Federal Representatives ♦ Correspondent Who Rose To Fame During Fraternity, Sorority Featured by brilliant exhibit- Hitler's 'Beer House Putsch' Assembly Program Bee Gee Debaters ions by Ohio State's world fam- Judges Named ous swimming and diving stars Speaks Here Tuesday On The Air From and the presence of state and The elimination of chapel dur- federal dignitaries, Bowling H. R. Knickerbocker, famed International News Service ing exam week, a contest in Columbus Station Green's new $110 000 natator- foreign correspondent and Pulitizer Prize winner will speak at the chapel programs, and suggest- ium was formally dedicated Fri- ions for revision of the Board of day night. third meeting of the Wood County Public Forum at the high school, Women's Team Will Enter The Ohio Staters, under Coach Tuesday at 8 p. m. Publications were some of the Knickerbocker comes to Bowling Green directly from the questions discussed by the Stu- Tourney For Co-eds Mike Peppe, appeared in an exhibit- dent Council at their meetings ion of dives and races, performing scene of the war in Europe. He knows the men who are guiding Monday and Wednesday. At T.U. Saturday in the afternoon for students and the destinies of war and peace abroad^™ ——^——^^——— Chapel programs by fraternities the evening before a packed gallery and has covered every international _, — ^,- I i i l and sororities competing for the Coun- of townspeople and officials. crisis in Europe, Asia, and Africa Albert Boucher and Lawrence C r. Church Heads cil plaque began this morning with Dr. William. Honored during the past 15 years. Las Amigas and Three Kay sororities. Kuhl represented the University in President Frank J. Prout presided It was Adolph Hitler who indirect- Clinics Of School Judges for the programs: Vennie a radio debate with a Muskingum Col- over the brief dedication ceremonies ly brought Knickerbocker into the Petcof, Paul Ladd, Margaret Ernst, lege team Saturday from the Colum- Friday night, welcoming all who were headlines as a foreign correspondent. Music Association Abe Keown, Janet Stump and Darl present and expressing the Univer- Wood COM bus radio station WBNS. Knickerbocker was in Europe plan- Gatchell. They will judge from tho sity's deepest gratitude to Dr. II. B. from llic w.ir BOOO ning to study psychiatry when Hitler Bands, A Capella Choirs standpoint of originality, quality, Boucher and Kuhl defended the Williams, first president and founder made his famous "Beer House Putsch" negative side on the question, RE- variety, student participation, enthus- of the University. in 1923. Having been a newspaper Take Part In Event iasm of participants and audience SOLVED: That the United States Thomas Reed, regional director of man in the United States, he was At Columbus should enter a foreign war only after response. PWA from Chicago, presented a sym- pushed into service over there to Members discussed writing per- a vote by the people. bolic key to the new buildings to J. i nver the "putsch" and has been one Prof. Charles F. Church of the sonal letters to prospective B. G. The winning team has not as yet J. Urschel of Toledo, member of the Whistle While of the first ai the front of every in- ,i . ■ I clod i ilrman students as their part in the adminis- been announced, but the victor will Board of Trustees. Mr. Urschel im- ternational crisis since. i.r i ii of the Ohio Mu . Bdnca- tration's campaign to attract new be eligible to enter an elimination mediately presented the key to Pres- You Work Even though Hitler was instrumen- lion Aasociution al its annual moot- students to this university. They plan contest with other victorious college ident Prout. tal in making Knickerbocker known to devoto an entire meeting to tho teams heard the past week in the By Tony Frances ing and The program began at eight o'clock to the world, he does not like "dor music clin- letters soon. series of radio debates by twenty with the University Band playing fuehrer." Hitler has, he says, a de- ic at the At Monday's meeting, Dr. Florence colleges. The final winner will be under the direction of Prof. Charles When students came back to the finite "messianic complex," which Fort Hayea Litchfield represented Prof. Duncan awarded a cnp. F. Church, Jr. University and heard the new steam- drives him to desire a world empire. Hotel in Scott concerning revision of the Leila Stahl, Cleo Short, Roberta er whistle atop the power house, they Board of Publications. She said that Di«. At Kohl Hall probably thought they were still Knickerbocker was a traveler from C o lumbus Hanline, Harjorie Squire, and Anna At 6 o'clock a special dinner was birth, for he is the son of an itiner- Saturday. Professor Scott felt the Board should Gale Osborn will participate in a served at Kohl Hall where various "swimming" at that New Year's Eve receive applications for the editorial party. ant Methodist preacher. He was born Pro f es- Women's Tournament Saturday at officials of the state, PWA, and the at Yoakum, Texas, and was educated positions on the Key and tho Bee Gee Toledo University. University were guests. Tony Fran- A steamer whistle on a land-locked at Southern Methodist University, the sor Church News and that the Board should be ces, dormitory president, was master campus is like getting copy down to Agricultural and Mechanical College d i r e c ted strengthened by the addition of one of ceremonies and introduced the the printer on time—it's just rare. of Texas, and the Columbia Univer- the instru- or two faculty members. Dick Slater So now students are dismissed by the will represent the Council in discuss- Three Sororities guests. Eighty guests attended the sity School of Journalism. The H. R. mental en- dinner. low guttural groan of the University his name stands for Hubert Renfro. ing the question with Professor Scott. horn. The penetrating woo-oo-o-o- •emble clin- Swimming Director Budd Cox in- In his address Tuesday evening, Action was taken by the Council Bid For Prize In now replaces the usual curt, "Class ic in the to recommend the elimination of troduced Mike Pepe, coach of the Knickerbocker is expected to review dismissed." Assembly Contest Ohio State championship A. A. U. the events of the world leading up mor n i n g (Continued on page 2, col. S) swimming team. Coach Peppe presid- During the recent cold wave the to the present wars and to tell of the session and ed during the exhibition. horn seems to have caught cold. It part that he expects the United States Wiis ehnir- In a combined program, Phratra, Diver. Perform starts out ambitiously and then loses will play in them. Prof. Ch.rlc. F. Church mn . of the Matron Of Local LasAmigas and 3-Kay sororities Featured during the evening in its breath in a sort of sneeze. After Before the war broke out in Band Clinic in lie Bhared the assembly time this morn- diving were Earl Clark, world's tow- a few seconds of coughing, it gathers September, he declared that if another High srhmil :i i rep Children's Home ing to prasent entertainment from er divipg champion. Al Patnik, up enough steam, and fairly vibrates war is inevitable, and if the United HI elite,I w. I . V, il each group. The Phratra* presented Big Ten and A. A. U. spring board in the hills—what lulls? • States is to be dragged into it again, Ul'ngtM and :.| i tl in, i it ittiu iii.il To Tell Of Work a humorous skit, "The Bargain Hun- champion and Bud Cleveland, Big The whistle comes from a coal "the smart thing would be to go in the ensemble numbers were pit ters." The Las Amigas girls carried Ten star. John Higgens, world's freighter which was recently dismant- day war is declared." by high school groups from Lorain, Miss Nelle Repass, matron of the on a telephone conversation and fol- champion in medly races and breast led at the Lorain shipyards. President Cleveland Heights, and Marion Haul local juvenile home, will tell of her lowing this, the 3-Kays presented a stroke, relay teams, a girl's form- Frank J. Prout secured the gadget ing. work with underprivileged children at program similar to Kay Kytter's col- ation quartette and a host of other during the Christmas holidays.
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