2011 Census: Ethnic group Source: Table KS201EW 2011 Census Office for National Statistics © Crown Copyright 2012 Table population: All usual residents Bristol % E&W % Total population 428,234 100.0 56,075,912 100.0 White: British/English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish 333,432 77.9 45,134,686 80.5 Irish 3,851 0.9 531,087 0.9 Gypsy or Irish Traveller 359 0.1 57,680 0.1 Other White 21,950 5.1 2,485,942 4.4 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black Caribbean 7,389 1.7 426,715 0.8 White and Black African 1,533 0.4 165,974 0.3 White and Asian 3,402 0.8 341,727 0.6 Other Mixed 3,114 0.7 289,984 0.5 Asian/Asian British: Indian 6,547 1.5 1,412,958 2.5 Pakistani 6,863 1.6 1,124,511 2.0 Bangladeshi 2,104 0.5 447,201 0.8 Chinese 3,886 0.9 393,141 0.7 Other Asian 4,255 1.0 835,720 1.5 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African 12,085 2.8 989,628 1.8 Caribbean 6,727 1.6 594,825 1.1 Other Black 6,922 1.6 280,437 0.5 Other ethnic group: Arab 1,272 0.3 230,600 0.4 Any other ethnic group 2,543 0.6 333,096 0.6 Total White groups 359,592 84.0 48,209,395 86.0 Total Black and minority ethnic groups (BME) 68,642 16.0 7,866,517 14.0 2011 Census: Ethnic group (detailed) Source: Table QS211EW 2011 Census Office for National Statistics © Crown Copyright 2012 All usual residents Note: This table expands the standard 18 ethnic group response categories. Bristol % E&W % All categories: Ethnic group (detailed) 428,234 100.0 56,075,912 100.0 White: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 333,432 77.9 45,134,686 80.5 White: Irish 3,851 0.9 531,087 0.9 White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 359 0.1 57,680 0.1 White: Afghan 4 0.0 1,529 0.0 White: Albanian 65 0.0 13,056 0.0 White: Anglo Indian 9 0.0 1,284 0.0 White: Argentinian 17 0.0 1,732 0.0 White: Australian/New Zealander 639 0.1 83,589 0.1 White: Baltic States 670 0.2 107,985 0.2 White: Bosnian 17 0.0 3,281 0.0 White: Brazilian 127 0.0 14,442 0.0 White: British Asian 2 0.0 690 0.0 White: Burmese 3 0.0 127 0.0 White: Chilean 27 0.0 1,132 0.0 White: Colombian 4 0.0 2,492 0.0 White: Commonwealth of (Russian) Independent States 433 0.1 57,336 0.1 White: Croatian 14 0.0 4,267 0.0 White: Cuban 1 0.0 300 0.0 White: Cypriot (part not stated) 118 0.0 15,296 0.0 White: Ecuadorian 1 0.0 399 0.0 White: European Mixed 2,960 0.7 304,865 0.5 White: Filipino 8 0.0 994 0.0 White: Greek 338 0.1 43,875 0.1 White: Greek Cypriot 142 0.0 25,891 0.0 White: Iranian 57 0.0 8,964 0.0 White: Israeli 10 0.0 3,274 0.0 Bristol % E&W % White: Italian 1,130 0.3 120,524 0.2 White: Japanese 0 0.0 263 0.0 White: Kashmiri 0 0.0 105 0.0 White: Kosovan 33 0.0 13,477 0.0 White: Kurdish 20 0.0 9,125 0.0 White: Latin/South/Central American 151 0.0 22,766 0.0 White: Malaysian 0 0.0 137 0.0 White: Mexican 23 0.0 1,460 0.0 White: Moroccan 2 0.0 1,088 0.0 White: Multi-ethnic islands 5 0.0 1,105 0.0 White: Nepalese (includes Gurkha) 0 0.0 540 0.0 White: Nigerian 0 0.0 103 0.0 White: North African 23 0.0 5,488 0.0 White: North American 778 0.2 100,413 0.2 White: Other Eastern European 1,759 0.4 192,020 0.3 White: Other Middle East 23 0.0 5,112 0.0 White: Other Western European 3,783 0.9 396,571 0.7 White: Peruvian 5 0.0 400 0.0 White: Polish 5,632 1.3 510,561 0.9 White: Polynesia/Micronesia/Melanesia 2 0.0 289 0.0 White: Serbian 41 0.0 7,418 0.0 White: Somali 33 0.0 743 0.0 White: Somalilander 8 0.0 151 0.0 White: Sri Lankan 0 0.0 784 0.0 White: Tamil 0 0.0 198 0.0 White: Thai 5 0.0 500 0.0 White: Turkish 223 0.1 62,355 0.1 White: Turkish Cypriot 6 0.0 10,279 0.0 White: Venezuelan 3 0.0 511 0.0 White: Vietnamese 0 0.0 321 0.0 White: White African 42 0.0 5,162 0.0 White: White Caribbean 7 0.0 569 0.0 White: Any other ethnic group 2,547 0.6 318,604 0.6 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black Caribbean 7,389 1.7 426,715 0.8 Bristol % E&W % Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black African 1,533 0.4 165,974 0.3 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Asian 3,402 0.8 341,727 0.6 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Afghan 1 0.0 704 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: African/Arab 0 0.0 327 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Albanian 4 0.0 224 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Anglo Indian 20 0.0 2,869 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Australian/New Zealander 8 0.0 803 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Baltic States 0 0.0 463 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Black and Asian 65 0.0 6,262 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Black and Chinese 7 0.0 507 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Black and White 223 0.1 13,695 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Black British 58 0.0 3,107 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Black European 0 0.0 203 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Black/African American 2 0.0 872 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Brazilian 31 0.0 3,218 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: British Asian 2 0.0 652 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Burmese 6 0.0 283 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Caribbean Asian 7 0.0 2,259 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Chilean 0 0.0 155 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Chinese and White 128 0.0 13,358 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Colombian 2 0.0 545 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Commonwealth of (Russian) Independent States 5 0.0 821 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Cuban 5 0.0 118 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Cypriot (part not stated) 10 0.0 921 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: East African Asian 15 0.0 761 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Ecuadorian 0 0.0 116 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: European Mixed 68 0.0 6,639 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Filipino 18 0.0 2,143 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Greek 18 0.0 1,809 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Greek Cypriot 10 0.0 718 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Indonesian 2 0.0 233 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Iranian 48 0.0 2,982 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Israeli 3 0.0 161 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Italian 30 0.0 2,919 0.0 Bristol % E&W % Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Japanese 7 0.0 770 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Kashmiri 0 0.0 125 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Korean 4 0.0 210 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Kosovan 1 0.0 128 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Kurdish 8 0.0 1,073 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Latin/South/Central American 120 0.0 12,103 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Malaysian 3 0.0 641 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Mexican 12 0.0 1,273 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Moroccan 6 0.0 966 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Multi-ethnic islands 57 0.0 7,203 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Nepalese (includes Gurkha) 1 0.0 249 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Nigerian 1 0.0 124 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: North African 13 0.0 2,786 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: North American 15 0.0 1,639 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Other Eastern European 25 0.0 1,746 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Other Middle East 12 0.0 1,410 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Other Western European 90 0.0 8,852 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Peruvian 3 0.0 213 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Polish 27 0.0 2,021 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Polynesia/Micronesia/Melanesia 16 0.0 1,614 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Somali 16 0.0 621 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: South Asian and Chinese 8 0.0 722 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Sri Lankan 2 0.0 905 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Tamil 2 0.0 127 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Thai 7 0.0 677 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Turkish 32 0.0 6,403 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Turkish Cypriot 0 0.0 569 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Venezuelan 3 0.0 129 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Vietnamese 2 0.0 351 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White African 21 0.0 1,678 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Arab 120 0.0 9,074 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and East Asian 26 0.0 3,669 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and North African or Middle Eastern 26 0.0 1,810 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and South Asian 36 0.0 3,126 0.0 Bristol % E&W % Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White Caribbean 10 0.0 992 0.0 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Any other ethnic group 1,586 0.4 143,138 0.3 Asian/Asian British: Indian or British Indian 6,547 1.5 1,412,958 2.5 Asian/Asian British: Pakistani or British Pakistani 6,863 1.6 1,124,511 2.0 Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi, British Bangladeshi 2,104 0.5 447,201 0.8 Asian/Asian British: Chinese 3,886 0.9 393,141 0.7 Asian/Asian British: Afghan 92 0.0 66,189 0.1 Asian/Asian British: Anglo Indian 18 0.0 4,983 0.0 Asian/Asian British: British Asian 75 0.0 25,068 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Burmese 53 0.0 7,392 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Cambodia 11 0.0 862 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Caribbean Asian 5 0.0 1,966 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Commonwealth of (Russian) Independent States 21 0.0 3,515 0.0 Asian/Asian British: East African Asian 32 0.0 7,568 0.0 Asian/Asian British: European Mixed 0 0.0 167 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Filipino 960 0.2 128,351 0.2 Asian/Asian British: Indonesian 36 0.0 5,153 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Iranian 231 0.1 30,988 0.1 Asian/Asian British: Italian 0 0.0 102 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Japanese 164 0.0 32,936 0.1 Asian/Asian British: Kashmiri 12 0.0 24,733 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Korean 237 0.1 21,926 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Kurdish 63 0.0 7,809 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Latin/South/Central American 0 0.0 404 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Malaysian 209 0.0 18,239 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Multi-ethnic islands 105 0.0 24,538 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Nepalese (includes Gurkha) 132 0.0 57,817 0.1 Asian/Asian British: North American 0 0.0 145 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Other Eastern European 1 0.0 154 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Other Middle East 45 0.0 8,876 0.0 Asian/Asian British: Other Western European 17 0.0 1,861 0.0 Asian/Asian
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