New York London Edition Paris Daily German Lesson Daily French Lesson kit nehme das Zimmer obey Queue heure est-il? Ish nayme das Tsimmer ohen THE ST TRIPES Kel 'UR ay-t-EEL? take the room upstairs What time is it'? Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations VOL. 5 No. 9—Id. SATURDAY Nov. 11. 1944 Rockets Are Hitting England, Churchill Reveals 3rd Pushes On in Four Sectors Casualties Black Cross 'Salutes' Red Cross With Bombs Repel Stabs And Damage By Nazis; 2 4Not Heavy' Towns Fall Prime Minister Winston Churchill Scoring fresh gains up to three miles admitted to the House of Commons in four sectors, Lt. Gen. George S. yesterday that the Germans were Patton's Third Army yesterday cap- firing rockets against England and tured the 12,000-foot-high Delme that some of them had fallen and Ridge and the towns of Chateau caused casualties and damage. Satins and Louvigny and threw back two His was the first official Allied an- enemy counter-attacks north of Metz, nouncement of the Nazi V-2, which the apparent goal of the new American offen- Germans had announced in a communique sive. Wednesday. Front-line dispatches identified four Shortly after Churchill's announce- more .divisions in action—the 18th em, German News Agency circulated a and 95th Infantry and the Fourth and Wilhelmstrasse statement that rockets Sixth Armored. Doughboys of the 18th also had been used for several weeks took Delme Ridge, north of the road against Paris and Antwerp, where "heavy hub of Chateau Salins, while the Fourth's damage has been inflicted on the town tanks rumbled on three miles beyond and harbor installations." Delme, striking toward the Metz-Saar- Admitting that rockets had been com- bruecken highway. ing over for the last few weeks, Churchill Units of the 26th Infantry were close explained that official silence about them to Hampont, northeast of Chateau Satins, after moving ahead three miles. had been maintained to avoid giving "in- Enemy resistance was stiffer on the formation useful to the- enemy." northern part of the new front, about 20 Casualties Not Heavy miles above Metz, where troops of the "A number haVe landed at widely 19th Infantry deepened their bridgehead scattered points in this country," he said. across the Moselle and beat off tank and "In all, casualties and damage have so infantry thrusts in the Koenigsmacher far not been heavy." area. "The rocket." as he described it. "con- Closer to Metz, the town of Louvigny, tains approximately the same quantity nine miles from the fortress city, was cap- of high explosive as the flying bomb. he four bodies you see above, in front of some shattered medical vehicles, were Ameri- tured and an enemy resistance pocket However, it is designed to penetrate can soldiers in Holland. These soldiers weren't killed while fighting. They were holding a rail crossing near by was rather more deeply. This results in some- killed when the Germans bombed a U.S. Army hospital, which bore on its roof a red Forli Seized overcome. what heavier damage in the immediate cross, 50 feel square, which should have been plainly visible to the Luftwaffe. Prisoners taken in the new drive thus Vicinity, but rather less extensive blast far total 1,514. effect. "The rocket flies through the strato- By 8th Army Trap Developing sphere, going up to 60 or 70 miles, and ALLIED MEDITERRANEAN HQ. Dispatches spoke of a great trap be- outstrips sound because of its high speed. FDR Back in Capital; Noy. 10—Eighth Army troops, winding ginning to take shone in the Metz area. Because of this no reliable warning can with tine spearhead' 'rut ustilig up from up a three-day pincers drive from south the south and the other pushing down be given. and east, have captured the cathedral city "There is, however. no need to exag- from the Thionville area, north of Metz. gerate the damage. The scale and the Says 'Big 3' Will Meet of Forli and reached the damaged main The tips of the spearheads were said to he about 30 miles apart. effects of the attack have not hitherto WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 (AP)—President Roosevelt, first man in bridge over the Montone River, the west been significant." bank of which is still held by the Ger- Berlin reports said fighting covered a history elected to four terms in the White House, returned to Washington mans, it was announced today. front of nearly 60 miles, claiming that Rocket Areas Overrun in triumph today and confirmed the report that another meeting of the 11 Allied divisions had been committed Some rockets had been fired from Polish troops crossed the Rabbi River, "Big Three"—Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin—would be held in the near to action. Walcheren, Churchill said, but this island At the nearest point Patton's forces is now in Allied hands, "and other areas future. On its way to the White House, Mr. were said to be within 30 miles of the from which rockets have been or can be Siegfried defenses in the Saarbrueeken fired will doubtless be overrun by our Roosevelt's motor forces in due course." 750 Heavies cavalcade pushed area, although troops moving forward "The use of this weapon." Churchill through 300,000 from the Thionville sector were about declared, "is another attempt by the cheering Washing- eight miles from the Reich border. Bomb Reich tonians and envoys There were no reports yesterday of any enemy to attack the morale of our civilian major activity on the First Army front population in the vain hope that he may More than 750 Fortresses and from 44 of the by this means stave off the defeat which United Nations. in Germany. The Allied front in Holland Liberators of the Eighth Air Force yes- The President was was quiet. faces him in the field." terday bombed airfields, military trans- United Press quoted a. Berlin radio greeted by huge commentator yesterday, saying that "V-2 port facilities and industrial plants in banners reading, "In Leath ernecks Visit by itself could never decide the war in the Cologne and Frankfurt areas of '44 We Need You Germany's favor." But V-2, he said, was Germany. More,' "You Won south of Forli, and reached the Montone British Wounded "by no means the last secret weapon we The heavies were escorted by approxi- Here, Let's Win at another point. The Montone, which is U.S. Marines in England yesterday have in store for Londoners and the mately 600 Mustangs and Thunderbolts, Over There" and west of the town, now forms the front observed the 169th anniversary of their people in southern England." which also carried out strafing attacks. "You Are Back and line in the battle for control of the Po service by visiting a Royal Naval hospital We Back You." Fighter pilots reported shooting up 150 PRES. ROOSEVELT Valley. near London, where they gave cigarettes railway cars, 100 motor vehicles, 30 loco- At Washington's Forli, which has a population of 60,000, to British Marines injured in landings on Japs Make Good motives, 15 barges and five parked enemy Union Station, Mr. Roosevelt said he is an important communications center, the Continent. - aircraft. was "very happy to be back," but laugh- with good highways radiating toward The Marines swapped yarns, and later Losses at Leyte Eighth losses were 27 bombers and ingly added he hoped newsmen would not Bologna, to the northwest, and Ravenna, paid quiet "tribute to those buddies of seven fighters. However. some of these get the impression he planned to make to the northeast. ours still out in the Pacific." Despite the Allied air-sea blockade of were believed to have landed in friendly Washington his permanent home. Leyte, where the American 24th Division territory. At the White House, the President held has made extensive gains toward Ormoc Fighter-bombers of the Ninth Air his first press conference since the election. They CarvedTheirEpitaph in the Clouds after breaking enemy hill positions. the Force flew about SO sorties Thursday in He told reporters that he, Prime Minister Japanese have been able to send in from support of the U.S. Third Army, attack- Churchill and Marshal Stalin wanted to neighboring islands about 35,000 troops ing enemy troops, artillery positions and hold another meeting when it could be in the last two weeks to reinforce the transport in the Metz-Nancy-Dieuze arranged, but said no details had been shattered 35th Army, reports from the areas. worked out. Philippines said yesterday. The reinforcements equaled the Jap No Nazi Peace Feelers losses already suffered on Leyte, it was Civilians Take Over Asked if he had received any peace estimated. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10 (AP)— feelers from Germany, the President said, Pounded by artillery and planes, the Transfer of the Allied control machinery port and supply base of Ormoc was in Italy from military to civilian authori- Mr. Roosevelt was in high spirits. He ablaze and of little use to the Japs, a ties was announced today by Britain and roared with laughter when one reporter communique said. the U.S. said; "Mr. President, let me be the first to ask if you are going to run for the Presidency again in 1948." Chairborne Officers Must Rise and Shine The President said his own pre-election guess on the outcome was that he would get 335 electoral votes against Thomas E. - Dewey's 196. Pink Pants Are Going to Glow A vast array of problems confront Mr. Roosevelt. The forthcoming United Nations meeting to implement the Dum- Sale Now Is Only to Fighters barton Oaks plan is a major issue.
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