Happy Thanksgiving! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2011 COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - WWW.NEWHAMPSHIRELAKESANDMOUNTAINS.COM FREE Public gets a look at ACS renovation plans BY TIM CROES geothermal field at of phasing the project yet. Staff Writer Kingswood, which was re- Holt pointed to the fact ALTON — A forum on the cently installed, and he that the current bond rate is proposed renovations to Al- claimed that they are run- as low as it’s going to get. ton Central School was held ning at 35 to 45 percent of Peter Bolster, who is a at ACS on Thursday, Nov. 17. their normal energy cost due member of the Alton Board With more than 20 people to the installation of the ge- of Selectmen and a State Rep- in attendance, participants othermal heat field. resentative, talked about a in the forum were encour- A question was asked house bill that is attempting aged to ask questions to Chip about where this type of to reintroduce state funding Krause, the architect who de- process has been successful for building aid on schools. signed the plans for the pro- and Superintendent Kathy However, he cautioned posed renovation. Holt pointed to schools in that monies may not be avail- Krause explained the proj- Massachusetts and a Goffs- able for many years. ect and pointed out the major town hardware store as suc- Holt explained that she at- additions that would be cessful examples. tended a legislative session added to the building: the re- Krause explained that the on the topic and was told that grading of all of the fields, current gym would be con- building aid would be hand- the addition of the gym, the verted into a multi-function ed out using several criteria; replacement of the entire facility and a new cafeteria. emergency need, the safety HVAC system at ACS the two- This would allow the of the building and econom- story addition on top of part school to trim the lunch pe- ic need, which would put Al- of the existing building and riods down from four to three ton pretty low on the totem the addition of a geo-thermal a day. pole. heat field. Krause explained that She worked together with Many question were daylight harvesting would be Krause and they only found asked about the geothermal used, which allows natural about $110,000 that could be field and Krause explained sunlight to provide light to applied towards building aid, that the cost of adding the some of the new classroom and the state would only pro- heat field could be recouped space. vide 30 percent of that total. in eight to 14 years, depend- Krause explained that the She questioned waiting a ing on how much the price of project would be completed couple of years for building oil goes up. in phases, but he said that he aid that may or not be there. Krause talked about the hasn’t worked out the details SEE ACS, PAGE A11 COURTESY PHOTO Taking a look around Alton Senior Center renovations On Saturday, Nov. 19, the Cub Scouts of Pack 53 in Alton visited Battleship Cove in Fall River, Mass. There they explored the world’s largest collection of historic naval ships, the Battleship Massachusetts, Destroyer Joseph P Kennedy Jr., Submarine Lionfish, PT Boats 617 and 796 and the Russian missile coming along nicely corvette Hiddensee. They stayed overnight on board the famous USS Massachusetts (BB-59), known as "Big Mamie" to her crewmembers during World War II. Battleship Cove’s Nautical Nights also offered BY TIM CROES through warrant articles senior companion program knot tying classes and Morse Code classes. They were also honored to meet the last living crewmember Staff Writer and an additional $15,000 has and many other programs. of the USS Massachusetts. The trip has enabled the scouts to better understand and appreciate the sac- ALTON — Recently,Peter been raised through Bolster pointed to the fact rifices made by veterans of all military branches in all wars. Bolster, a member of the Al- fundraising efforts. that with the expansion of ton Board of Selectmen and These monies should pay the space, the center will al- a member of the Alton Se- for Phase I of the renovation, so be a place where local com- nior Center Committee, Ken which is nearly complete. munity groups can hold Alton School Board keeps plenty busy McWilliams, the town plan- Bolster explained that an meetings and gatherings. ner,Amy Braun, the director additional $240,000 will be He explained that the ren- BY TIM CROES Member Lynda Goossens who weren’t selected for a of the senior center, and needed to complete the Phase ovations will benefit more Staff Writer asked if there would be a “B” team. Dave Countway,a member of II renovation, which in- than just the senior citizens ALTON — The Alton team for softball. Goossens asked why the the senior center committee cludes an additional 36-foot in town. School Board met on Mon- Principal Sydney Leggett nominations for coaches are got together to give an up- by 36-foot space, additional McWilliams talked about day, Nov. 14, and the board said that this hasn’t been coming in so late, and date about the renovations parking, a separate meeting the latest United States Cen- appointed a new recording discussed with the athletic Leggett said the new athlet- at the Alton Senior Center. room, a new septic system sus data. From the data, the secretary. director yet. ic director needed time to re- Bolster explained that and various other amenities. senior citizen population in Vice-chair Krista Ar- Leggett indicated that the view the positions. about $45,000 has been raised Braun talked about the Belknap County, which is giropolis welcomed Janna numbers for basketball are Goossens asked that the current programs that the right in line with the popula- Mellon as the new recording up and that the athletic di- spring athletics coaching senior center offers: Meal on tion in Alton, is expected to secretary for the school rector is looking into recre- positions come before the Office closed Wheels; covering close to 100 rise 35 percent during the board. ational sessions for those SEE ALTON, PAGE A11 miles, noontime lunches next 20 years. The board ratified a held Monday through Friday, McWilliams talked about phone poll that was held on Thursday health and wellness classes, the process that the senior Oct. 31 that set a 3 percent WOLFEBORO — The blood pressure clinics, arts center committee has gone raise in the salary adjust- Baysider office in and humanities classes, art through, which began with ment line in the budget for Wolfeboro will be closed classes, tai chi, chair yoga, a talking about what kind of the Fiscal Year 2013. on Thursday,Nov.24, for walking and hiking group, a SEE CENTER, PAGE A11 The board approved do- the Thanksgiving holi- mestic partner coverage, day. which provides health in- We hope everyone en- Alton Legion hosting Thanksgiving dinner surance coverage for do- joys their holiday.Dead- mestic partners. lines for the Dec. 1 paper ALTON — The Alton American Legion Post #72 fam- Pam McLeod, the tech- will be as normal. ily will be serving a free Thanksgiving dinner from 12 to nology director,spoke to the 2 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 24, at the Post #72 building on board about Speak Up, Route 28. The public is welcome and donations will be which is a national research accepted. project that provides partic- INDEX ipating schools, districts ▼ and non-profits with a suite on online survey and re- Volume 7 • Number 47 ports to collect date and HAPPY feedback from students, ed- Business......................A7, A12 ucators and parents regard- Churches.............................A8 THANKSGIVING! ing the use of technology in Classifieds.....................B6–B9 Live Lobsters education. Editorial Page......................A4 $ 3.00/lb McLeod reported that the John Harrigan ...................A13 With any meat there is no budget impact to Letters.................................A4 purchase participate in the project, Obituaries ...........................A8 and the board approved par- Public Notices .....................B7 ticipation in the study. Sports..................B1 - B5, B10 The board set a date of JOSHUA SPAULDING Feb. 4 at 1 p.m. at Prospect 24 pages in 2 sections Mountain High School for Turkey trotter ©2011, Salmon Press, LLC. the deliberative session and Sam Reynolds of Alton runs down Main Street in Wolfeboro dur- Call us at (603) 569-3126 set a snow date for Feb. 6 at ing the 20th annual Turkey Trot on Saturday morning. For full email: [email protected] 7 p.m. at the same location. results and more photos, see pages B2 and B3. www.salmonpress.com A2 THE BAYSIDER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2011 Alton planners discuss several cases BY TIM CROES have the survey done and changes on the site plans, in- trees within the wetland and Kim Patterson and a lot tive parking plans in place in Staff Writer complete the deed before cluding setting bounds prior buffer and subsequent con- line adjustment on Depot case Fiddlehead’s doesn’t ap- ALTON — The Alton coming back to the board for to submitting the plat, but ditions. Street. prove opening up their park- Planning Board met on Tues- final approval. suggested that the board ac- Jeffery Green came before The Pattersons are re- ing lot. day, Nov. 15, and approved a Paul Monzione also came cept the application as com- the board to speak on behalf questing a lot line adjust- The board approved the al- pair of conceptual consulta- before the board for a similar plete and approve the bound- of Robert F.Bollinger Gener- ment to transfer 1,680 feet ternative parking setup, tions and reviewed several lot line adjustment concep- ary line adjustment.
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