CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® Installation Guide Release 3 GC33-1681-30 CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® Installation Guide Release 3 GC33-1681-30 Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page xi. Third edition (June 1999) This edition applies to Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all subsequent versions, releases, and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the correct edition for the level of the product. This edition replaces and makes obsolete the previous edition, SC33-1681-00. The technical changes for this edition are summarized under ″Summary of changes″ and are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of a change. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. At the back of this publication is a page entitled “Sending your comments to IBM”. If you want to make comments, but the methods described are not available to you, please address them to: IBM United Kingdom Laboratories, Information Development, Mail Point 095, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England, SO21 2JN. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1989, 1999. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Notices ...............xi Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to Trademarks ..............xii access MVS resources ........5 Protecting CICS load module data sets .....5 Preface ..............xiii Authorizing access to data set services modules . 5 What this book is about ..........xiii Authorizing access to a CICS region’s VTAM ACB. 6 Who is this book for? ...........xiii Authorizing the region userid to access category 1 What you need to know to understand this book xiii transactions...............7 How to use this book...........xiii Authorizing access to an SMSVSAM server ....8 Notes on terminology...........xiv Authorizing access to MVS log streams .....8 # Authorizations for users of IXCMIAPU ....8 Bibliography ............xv Authorizations for CICS regions .......9 CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 ......xv Authorizing CICS region userids to OpenEdition CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for MVS.................10 OS/390...............xv Activating RACF resource classes .......10 CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 .............xvi Chapter 3. Defining the default CICS Other CICS books ...........xvi userid to RACF ...........13 Books from related libraries.........xvi Systems Network Architecture (SNA) ....xvi Chapter 4. Installing CICS-required Advanced communications function for VTAM modules in the MVS linklist ......15 (ACF/VTAM)............xvi CICS-supplied modules required in the MVS linklist 15 NetView Version 3.1 ..........xvii CICS shared data tables modules for the MVS NetView MultiSystem Manager Version 2.2 . xvii linklist ...............16 DATABASE2(DB2)..........xvii Modules of other MVS products in the MVS linklist 16 eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 5 ...........xvii CICS for OS/2 Versions 3 and 3.1 .....xvii Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS OS/2 Version 2 ...........xviii subsystem .............19 OS/2Warp.............xviii The IEASYSxx MVS initialization member ....19 Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) . xviii The IEFSSNaa MVS subsystem initialization Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) . xviii member...............20 System Modification Program Extended The console message-handling facility .....20 (SMP/E)..............xviii The DFHSSIyy message-formatting initialization Sysplex planning ...........xviii member..............21 DFSMS/MVS............xviii Default message-formatting initialization MVS...............xviii parameters .............23 IMS/ESA Versions 4, 5, and 6 libraries ....xix Activating message formatting .......24 Determining if a publication is current .....xx Modules needed to use the console message-handling facilities ........24 Summary of changes ........xxi Coexistence considerations ........26 Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 edition .........xxi Chapter 6. Installing the CICS Type 3 CICSPlex SM installation and setup .....xxi SVC................27 Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for Coexisting with CICS Version 3 and 4 regions . 27 OS/390 Release 2 edition .........xxii Coexisting with CICS Versions 1 and 2 .....27 Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS .....28 OS/390 Release 1 edition .........xxii Using more than one version of the CICS Type 3 SVC.................28 Part 1. Post-installation tasks ....1 MRO between different CICS releases with a changed SVC number ...........29 Chapter 1. Authorizing the Chapter 7. Selecting the hlq.SDFHAUTH library ........3 high-performance option .......31 Defining DFHHPSVC to MVS ........31 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999 iii Loading module DFHHPSVC ........31 Chapter 13. Spool performance Removing existing DFHHPSVC modules from considerations ...........57 the MVS nucleus ...........32 Chapter 14. MVS automatic restart Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as management definitions .......59 applications to VTAM ........33 Implementing MVS automatic restart management 59 Defining specific CICS APPL statements to VTAM 33 VTAM definitions required for CICS .....34 Chapter 15. MVS cross-system MRO VTAM version and release level indicator ....35 Message DFHZC3473 on opening the VTAM ACB 35 definitions .............61 Cross-domain considerations ........35 Sysplex overview ............61 MVS XCF considerations for MRO.......61 Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area........37 Chapter 16. PR/SM policy for handling Preparing to install CICS modules in the MVS link MVS failures ............63 pack area ...............37 XCF PR/SM policy ............63 Benefits of using the MVS link pack area . 37 What is meant by the MVS link pack area? . 38 Chapter 17. MVS ASREXIT - SYMREC Which modules must be in the MVS link pack Authorization Exit ..........65 area................38 Which modules can be in the MVS link pack Chapter 18. Definitions required for area?...............39 Service considerations ..........40 VSAM RLS support .........67 How to use modules in the MVS link pack area . 41 Installing DFSMS/MVS Version 1 Release 3.0 . 68 Space requirements for CICS modules in the MVS Defining the master CF lock structure .....68 link pack area .............41 Defining CF cache structures and cache sets . 68 Defining the CICS LPA library to your MVS . 41 Defining cache sets ...........69 Installing CICS modules in the LPA ......42 Defining SMS storage classes for RLS access . 69 Selecting modules for the MVS link pack area . 43 Altering data set attributes for RLS access ....69 The CICS-supplied SMP/E USERMOD, Defining sharing control data sets .......70 DFHUMOD .............43 Authorizing CICS userids for VSAM RLS support 71 Changing a CICS-supplied USERMOD ....43 Adding new parameters to Preparing the USERMOD.........43 SYS1.PARMLIB(IGDSMSxx) .........71 Receiving and applying the USERMOD ....43 Establishing new procedures for VSAM RLS support 71 Controlling the use of modules from the MVS link Activating the CF structures .........72 pack area ...............44 Modules in the MVS link pack area from Chapter 19. Console messages ....73 hlq.SDFHAUTH ............44 Modules in the MVS link pack area from Chapter 20. Defining the logger hlq.SDFHLOAD ............45 environment for CICS journaling . 75 | Sample DFHCSDUP job to specify # Requirements planning and checklist ......75 || USELPACOPY(YES) ...........49 Setting up the environment for CICS log manager 80 Coupling facility or DASD-only? ......83 Chapter 10. Defining CICS IPCS exit Coupling facility log streams ........84 control data to MVS .........51 Defining coupling facility structures .....85 The DFHIPCSP CICS exit control data .....51 Planning considerations for the number of log structures ..............88 Chapter 11. MVS Program properties Log structure naming conventions ......89 table entries ............53 Defining coupling facility log streams ....90 Sizing considerations for coupling facility log RACF password checking .........53 streams...............91 Non-swappable CICS regions ........53 Coupling facility requirements in an RLS MVS protection key for CICS ........54 environment .............98 Staging data sets for coupling facility log Chapter 12. MVS performance streams..............100 definitions .............55 DASD-only log streams ..........101 Implementing MVS workload management....55 Defining DASD-only log streams ......101 Matching CICS performance parameters to service Sizing considerations for DASD-only log policies ................56 streams..............103 Converting a DASD-only log stream to use a coupling facility ...........106 iv CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide # Analyzing SMF Type 88 records .......107 Installing the modules DFHIRP and DFHCSVC Managing secondary storage ........108 intheLPA.............136 Managing log data sets .........108 Regenerating CICS Version 1 or Version 2 Log tail management ..........109 modules ..............136
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