• • • Grateful Dead review pages 8-9 VOL. XIV, NO. ~i2 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1), 1979 Tw-o campus groups tnobilize in Cambodian refugee aid effort Two campus organizations have mobilized Murphy held the organizational meeting of the efforts in an attempt to provide spiritual and sec last evening, and he stated that over 200 financial support for the perishing Cambodian people attended. "We were really informally masses. organized," Murphy explained, "but now we've One group. the Students Concerned for got manpower and we've got committees." Cambodia, has p'lanned a campus-wide dinner Murphy said that the SCC has contacted fast an<i a free Nazz concert to be held on Catholic Relief Services in New York in order to Monday. Nov. 19. The committee has also e-armark funds for the six Holv Cross Sisters who planned to hold direct collectio·ns, both at the recently departed for Thailan'd to serve as nurses dining halls and before the Clemson game. for the Cambodian refugees. Another organization, represented by Keenan The SCC is now printing banners a*1 poster;; rector Fr. Richard Convers, has coordinated an which will publicize the atrocity of the Cambo­ effort called the ''Cambodian Response'' which dian situation. '·All the overhead is coming our will employ dormitory residents in door-to-door of our pockets," Murphv observed. "bur.we're solicitation for contributions. Conyer's group trying to get money from the alumni ami has also scheduled collections from campus students.'' organizations and a mass to be celebrated by Fr. The second group's Cambodian Response drive Heshurgh on Fridav. Nov. 16 at) p.m. • was nicknamed the "Life March." but Fr. .John Murphy, a spokesman for the SCC, said Conyers emphrasized that the drive was not that his group first contacted Fr. Hesburgh to meant to replace the traditional Senior Death discover whether they could provide any March. "People have a choice," Conyers significant assistance to Cambodia. "He- said explained, ''between the luxury of drinking and that the national independent relief agencies the call for a more significant contribution." would take anything they could get,'' Murphy ~tared. [Continued on page 11 ] Sisters leave for Thailand by Mary Leavitt Cambodia. The sisters volun­ nurses. She received a positive teered for the job through the reply, and only a ft>w days later A group of Holy Cross Sisters Catholic Relief Service and will the nuns were on their way to Vice President for student affairs Fr. john VanWolvlear left early this week for be working in the camp as New York for a briefing session. Bangkok, Thailand to work in a nurses for at least three Six sisters volunteered to spoke to a small a~dience in the chapel of Stanford Hull last nigh/. [photu ;by Tom jackman] refugee camp with victims from months. work in the camp. They are Sr. I "It has all happened so Helen Marie, Sr. Maureen ' quickly, we have barely had Grady, Sr. Kathryn Callahan, time to catch our breath," said Sr. Miriam Paul, Sr. Paula Militan.ts continue to hold hostages; Sr. Bertrand, secretary to Sr. Goettlemann and Sr. Madeleine Olivia Marie, who is in charge Marie. All are qualified nurses of the trip. who have worked at hospitals U.N. pi'cks up efforts to free them: Less rhan two weeks ago, throughout the United States. Marie began to hear rumors Sr. Helen Marie, who had been (i\P) - In two moves ot a grim undergoing treatment for Iran. U.S. officials later said about people who were not a hospital administrator at one global chess game, Iran tried1 to cancer in a New York hospital. the amount involved was less qualified as nurses working in time. was appointed medical pull its billions of dollars <Jut of They declared that any than $6 billion. the camps with the Cambodian coordinarc~r by th<" Catholic American banks vesterda~' but attempt to compromise on their The Caner administration refugees. Concerned about the Relief Service. was checked bv an emer~ency "great divine move" directed countered it quickly. situation. she contacted the The conditions under which freeze on Iranian funds orJered hv Avatollah Ruhollah After an urgent meeting of Catholic H.elief Service and bv President Carter. Effotfts to Khomeirii 1s strongly de­ U.S. Treas.urv officials and a askecl if they needed any [continued on page 10) free the US Embassy hosdages nounced bv us and would be '5:4'5 a.m. c~ll by Treasury in Tehran shifted to the U~ited det>med treason,'' Tehran Secretarv G. William Miller to Nations. Radio reponed. Caner. the-president signed an SeLretarv of Sure C\-rui-; R. This mav have been aimed at order blocking Iranian govern­ Iranian earthquake Vance tlew to '\; ('W york i and official I'ranian statements ment assets. conferred with U. ~. Secre~ary­ Tuesday indica1ing the hos­ The official reason for the C~eneral Kurt Waldheim. ]who tages might be freed before the emergency-powers order was to kills 500, injures scores has offered to mediate the t;risis return of the shah. if certain ensure that American financial that erupted Nov. 4 when conditions were met. The claims against Iran would be (AP) - A strong earthquake thousands of sleeping villagers. Iranian militants seized! the United States rebuffed the paid. Miller said the freeze flattened at least 18 villages in The tremor was felt in embassv, in which they ho~d 98 offer. sa.ying there would be no took effect before the Iranians northeast Iran early yesterday, Mashhad, 'SOO miles east of bilstage.s. ! negotiations while the hostages could make anv substantial killing at least 500 persons, Tehran, but none of the famous Vance declined commelt al> were lwld. transfers of fun<is. rescue workers said. domed mosques, tall minarets he left Waldheim's town h mse Iran's foreign affairs chief, In another development, Scores were reported injured or other buildings in the hoh after talks of slighrly more han Abolhassan Bani Sadr, was one Bani Sadr accused the United in the quake that Ayatollah city suffered any damage. an hour. Before the mee ing, of those who had sounded States of airlifting paratroopers Ruhollah Khomeini, the Shirazi said. he was asked about Iran' s~call somewhat conciliatory to Bahrain, in the Persian Gulf, nation's revolutionary leader, The quake measured 6. 7 on for a U.N. Security Co neil Tuesday, as he sought U.N. for a military operation to free called "tragic and the Richter scale, the U.S. meeting and said, "We ave intervention in the cnsis. But the hostages, the Yugoslav frightening." Geological Survey in Denwr indicated that if the hos age he took a firmer stand Wednes­ news agency Tanjug reported Sources in the holy city of reported, but Tehran Radio. question is resolved, then v.~e're day, telling reporters in the from Tehran. Bahrain denied Mashhad said bodies were still monitored in London, placed prepared- to see the Sec111rity Iranian capital, "Our position it, and U.S. officials denied a being dug out by troops rushed the quake's magnitude at 5.6. Council go forward and deal remains unchanged," Tehran similar report that they were to the wide area of destruction. Tehran Radio said the quake with the issues that anyone radio reported. prepared to stage a military Hundreds of poor peasants shook a wide area of rhe wishes to put before it, includ-­ The Iranian decision to with­ operation from the Gulf area. were said to be homeless. province from Tabas, Ferdvws ing the Iranians." draw funds from American Bani Sadr, accusing "It is possible the death-toll and Gonabad and said 280 The Moslem militants hold­ banks was announced at a Washington of pushing the will exceed 1 ,000,'' said bodies had been recovered from ing 62 Americans and 36 third­ Tehran news conference by world toward war, has called for Mohammed Ali Shirazi, debris in Qaen, 200 miles south nation embassy employees as Bani Sadr. a meeting of the U.N. Security reached by telephone from of Mashhad. hostages showed· ·no sign of He said the Khomeini regime Council, whose 1) member Nicosia, Cyprus. The offical Iranian Pars news easing their stand - that the had decided to pull what he said nations last week con\kmned Shirazi, son of Ayatollah Ali agency said the epicenter of the captives will not be freed until was $12 billion in Iranian the embassy occupation. U.N. Shirazi, Hashhad's religious quake was 150 miles south of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi government funds out of U.S. diplomats said they were "dis­ leader, said the quake struck Mashhad in mountain country is returned to Iran to stand trial banks and re-deposit them in inclined" to hold a meeting at before dawn local time, for his life. The shah is banks of nations "friendly" to . Iran's request. crumbling dwellings on top of [continued on page io] . j; ' - I News in brief Thursday, November 15, 1979- page 2 Oil companies ' accounting NASA proposes space mission methods understate profits to Halley's and Tempe12comets WASHINGTON (AP) - The ning could begin. would swing off to rendezvous WASHINGTON (AP) - Three consumer groups said United States is proposing an The spacecraft would be with Tempel 2, a smaller comet vesterdav that che way they figure it, oil company profits are international space mtssion that launched by the space shuttle in that orbits the sun every 5. 2 at least · B percent higher than officially reponed. The would send a spacecraft to July 1985 to coincide with the years.
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