AIRMOBILEAIRMOBILE News of the 5th Battalion 7th Cavalry http://www.cav57.org September, 2004; Volume 13 Issue 3 MESSAGE FROM ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP PAST PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE President , Maury Edmonds John Long Garry Owen! Fellow Troopers and Your I do need your help. Please help us find Fellow Troopers, families and friends, Families, those who fought with us in Vietnam or Cam- Our seventh reunion is now history and what a memorable reunion it was. With over What a great time it was for those of us bodia and whom we haven’t located; then, nd who were able to attend Reunion VII outside help us encourage them to join us in the Asso- 420 in attendance, it was the 2 largest reun- Cincinnati last week. ciation and at the reunions. ion and special in so many ways. These reunions just get better and better, As most of you know, another active We officially welcomed our new 5/7 Cav and this one was no exception. The Ground duty Army unit in the 3d Infantry Division battalion at Ft Stewart, said hello to a bunch Team, headed by Joe Williams and Bill Purdy, now proudly carries the colors of the 5th Bn of new troopers, pinned a Silver Star on an put together a first class gathering with lots of 7th Cavalry. The troopers of that Battalion over due trooper, introduced our new flag and activities as well as time to sit, talk, laugh, and have been added to our roster as members streamers to the Association, elected several reminisce. If they forgot anything, it was not of the Association. new officers and danced well into the morning apparent to the rest of us. Of course, their We are in the process of determining hours of Sunday. In addition, we heard a plan wouldn’t have worked without the out- how we might assist the unit and its troop- great speech from our new Association Presi- standing support of all the volunteers, espe- ers, especially during their expected deploy- dent, Maury Edmonds, heard the usual fan- cially the wives, who seemed always to be on ment that will take place within a few tastic singing of Willie Mercer and Don Diggs the move handling everything from the food months. I ask that you all keep those brave and enjoyed the hospitality of perhaps the best setup in the Hospitality room, Registration, troopers in your prayers. hotel that we have been to yet. Raffles, the PX , the River Cruise, and all the Finally, I pray good health and good I have been trying to figure out what made other functions designed for maximum enjoy- fortune for each of you. this the best of all of the reunions and the ment during the week. word that comes to mind is that this reunion The Memorial Service was a moving event had “heart”. There was so much love and for us all. The recitation of the names of those affection shared among the attendees that it lost in that far-away land as well as those who was very difficult to say goodbye Sat evening passed away since our last reunion was a sol- and Sun morning. emn reminder of lasting friendships born on It has been a privilege to be your Associa- the harsh battlefields of Vietnam and Cambo- tion President for the past four years and I dia. The playing of Taps and then Amazing have enjoyed the opportunity primarily be- Grace and Garry Owen on the bagpipes were cause it gave me the opportunity to meet so exclamation points to the Service. many more of you, to be involved in new ini- tiatives and to work with a truly great bunch Then, the Bar-B-Que on Saturday run by Reunion Karl Haartz put just the right ending touch to VII was the of dedicated and hard working board mem- the week. greatest!! bers. I’m sure those who were there were in- I want to again thank the absolutely great spired to plan now to be at the next reunion at ground team headed by Joe Williams, Bill Colorado Springs in 2006. Purdy and Tom Vollmer for all of their hard I hope those of you who could not make work resulting in such a successful reunion. this one, will make a special effort to be at the I’m looking forward to seeing many of you next one. I promise you will not regret it. at our mini-reunions on Veteran’s Day in D.C. Besides, it would mean a lot to the rest of us and invite any of you that will be passing for you to come. through central PA to visit and stay a night or John Long did a magnificent job running two with Suzy and me in our new home. the Association as our President for the last four years. He and Suzy deserve our deepest appreciation for their devotion and tireless work in our behalf. I have been elected as John’s successor; and, with your help, I will do all I can to serve the interests of all the members of the Associa- tion. - 1 - BATTALION Vice President’s Report by Karl Haartz DIRECTORY SUPER GREAT REUNION VII: There NEW ASSOCIATION OFFICERS: Check the is just no other way to say this. Reunion VII Battalion Directory on page 2 of this newsletter Name Home Phone was SUPER GREAT. This happened through for the names and address of the new associa- President Emeritus 301-530-9039 the combined efforts of all our members. tion officers. Contact your company trustee and Ted Swett [email protected] Whether you’re an association officer, ground ask how you can help. team member, attendee, or the one that sent us President 904-280-8448 a copy of your orders and we located one of One of the many things we discussed at Maury Edmonds [email protected] reunion VII is how we can support the newly your buddies with them. That makes us all a part of this super effort of Reunion VII. activated Cav 5/7 troopers. These troopers are Vice President 603-726-7080 going to a combat zone and we need to support Karl Haartz [email protected] THANKS Cav 5/7 MEMBERSHIP!!! them. It may be possible that some of you are VP Membership 618-863-2635 Reactivation of the 5th Battalion 7th from the same hometown as the new Cav 5/7 Don Shipley [email protected] Cavalry: We had a nice turn out of Cav 5/7 troopers and can play an active role in support- veterans for the reactivation (reflagging) cere- VP Operations 734-662-9612 mony of the 5th Battalion 7th Cavalry Regiment Allen Patrick [email protected] at Fort Stewart, Georgia on July 21, 2004. The Secretary 615-790-6325 new Cav 5/7 is under the command of LTC Jerry Houston [email protected] Jody Petery. th Treasurer 817-926-1026 It was great to see the 7 Cav colors flying Royce Vick [email protected] in the wind under the bright Georgia sun as I sat in the shaded reviewing stand. This was the Sergeant At Arms 815-786-8152 first formation that I have ever attended where Hoss Dannewitz [email protected] I had a chair with my name on it in the review- VP of Membership Battalion Chaplain 828-657-9568 ing stand. (If the Generals only knew the real Eddie Rape [email protected] story about Pvt. “Krazy”.) Wants Your Help! Legal Advisor 516-747-3894 Hail & Farewell Dinner: The evening of st Jim Harmon [email protected] July 21 , the new 5/7 had a “Hail & Farewell” It was a Great Reunion Guys! I’m sorry dinner at Kevin Berry’s Irish Pub on the river some of you could not make it to northern Vet Affairs Advisor walk in Savannah, GA. Great Buffet! (This is Kentucky. Reinaldo Espada [email protected] another thing we didn’t do while I served in the Remember all those rosters I printed off Army.) The new 5/7 had some guys coming in in Kentucky? Now that we have so many DOA Liaison 703-239-1761 friends suffering from Hurricane Bonnie and Larry Budge [email protected] and some leaving so that was the purpose for the Hail & Farewell. Charlie you need to use them to make sure your buddies in the affected areas are OK. First order of business after the meal was Company Trustees Our thought's and Prayers go out to eve- the Hail part. There were 4 framed citations of ryone in nature’s recent path of destruction. A Company 503-662-8948 our Medal of Honor recipients presented to the Joe Williams [email protected] The weather guys tell us the hurricane sea- owner. They will be hung in the pub’s Hall of son is far from over and the upcoming winter B Company 248-380-6895 Heroes which is the banquet room where the is predicted to be a long wet one. So keep Jasper Catanzaro [email protected] dinner was held. If you are in Savannah, GA, it an eye out for your buddies and give them a is a must to go see them. After the presentation call to see if they’re OK and if there is a way C Company 401-789-0155 we old Cav 5/7 troopers were introduced. you can help them. Richard Bigelli [email protected] It is time to contact those friends from CAV 5/7 MEMORABILIA FOR THE REAC- your roster let them know you care and in D Company 740-533-1605 TIVATED CAV 5/7 UNIT: At present the newly Dennis Dickess [email protected] activated Cav 5/7 has no memorabilia from the many cases who you are.
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