2 Mengatasi Tantangan untuk Bertahan OVERCOMING the CHALLENGES for SURVIVAL Tahun 2015 merupakan tahun penuh dengan tantangan, Year 2015 was a year filled with challenges, not only for bukan hanya untuk perekonomian secara global, namun economics in global context, but also within the industry juga dalam industri yang dijalankan oleh PT Pelita Air the PT Pelita Air Service (“the Company”) involved. Theme Service (“Perseroan”). Tema “Mengatasi Tantangan of “Overcoming the Challenges for Survival” was chosen untuk Bertahan” dipilih sebagai tema laporan tahunan for annual report of 2015 because this report explained the 2015 karena laporan ini menjelaskan semua upaya yang efforts taken by the Company to overcome the challenges dilakukan oleh Perseroan untuk mengatasi tantangan within the year through “Turn Around Program”. The program yang ada dalam tahun tersebut melalui “Program Turn in general comprising of efficiency, assets alignment, and Around”. Program ini secara garis besar terdiri dari business diversification. efisiensi, assets alignment, dan diversifikasi bisnis. Perseroan percaya bahwa dengan mengintegrasikan The Company believed by integrating the strengths and seluruh kekuatan dan memfokuskan pada ketiga poin focusing on those three main points of the program, the utama tersebut, tahun 2015 akan menjadi titik awal bagi year 2015 would become the starting point of the Company Perseroan untuk mengambil lompatan demi perbaikan to take the leap for futher improvement. The company is lebih lanjut. Perseroan berkomitmen untuk selalu committed to always deliver optimum performance no memberikan kinerja yang optimal apapun tantangan yang matter what challenges the future brings. akan dihadapi di masa mendatang. Ilustrasi segitiga sebagai elemen utama pada desain The illustration of triangle as the main element of the menunjukan semangat untuk merumuskan sebuah design represented the spirit to formulate a shape strategy strategi yang tajam dalam menembus tantangan yang to get pass through every challenges faced. The spirit was dihadapi. Semangat tersebut juga ditunjukkan dalam also represented on the pictures chosen for the cover that foto yang dipilih pada sampul yang menggambarkan visualized the readiness of internal team in implementing kesiapan tim internal untuk menerapkan strategi dalam the strategy to overcome the challenges for survival and menghadapi tantangan untuk tetap dapat bertahan serta optimistic for the Company’s future. tetap optimis dengan masa depan Perseroan. laporantahunan 2015 annualreport PT Pelita Air Service 3 daftar isi table of contents KILAS KINERJA 2015 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN key performance of 2015 management report Ikhtisar Keuangan Laporan Dewan Komisaris 8 Financial Highlights 14 Report from the Board of Commissioners Ikhtisar Operasional Jajaran Dewan Komisaris 10 Operational Highlights 19 The Board of Commissioners Peristiwa Penting 2015 Laporan Direksi 11 Event Highlights of 2015 20 Report from the Board of Directors Jajaran Direksi 25 The Board of Directors Pernyataan Pertanggungjawaban Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi atas Laporan Tahunan 2015 Responsibility Statement of the Board of 26 Commissioners and Directors on 2015 Annual Report PROFIL PERUSAHAAN company profile Sekilas Perusahaan Entitas Anak dan Asosiasi 28 Company in Brief 34 Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies Visi dan Misi Wilayah Operasi 29 Vision and Mission 36 Operations Area Nilai-nilai Inti Perseroan Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi 30 Corporate Core Values 38 Awards and Certifications Kegiatan Usaha Komposisi Sumber Daya Manusia 31 Business Activities 40 Human Resource Composition Struktur Organisasi Pengembangan Kompetensi 32 Organization Structure 41 Competency Development Komposisi Pemegang Saham Jaringan Kantor 33 Shareholder Composition 42 Office Network Struktur Grup 33 Group Structure INFORMASI BAGI INVESTOR 44 information for investor TINJAUAN ANALISA DAN OPERASIONAL PEMBAHASAN operational review MANAJEMEN Analisa Kinerja Operasi management discussion and analysis 46 Operational Performance Analysis Analisa Kinerja Keuangan Aspek Pemasaran Financial Performance Review 52 Marketing Aspects 56 Prospek Usaha 54 Business Prospect laporantahunan 2015 annualreport PT Pelita Air Service 4 TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN good corporate governance Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan Sekretaris Perusahaan 72 The Structure of Good Corporate Governance 98 Corporate Secretary Landasan Implementasi Good Corporate Sistem Pengendalian Internal Governance 100 Internal Control Systems Based Implementation of Good Corporate 72 Governance of the Company Internal Audit Division 100 Internal Audit Division Asesmen GCG Perseroan 74 GCG Assessment of the Company Kode Etik Perusahaan 104 The Code of Ethics Pencapaian dan Kegiatan GCG 2015 75 Achievement and GCG Activities in 2015 Sistem Manajemen Risiko 116 Risk Management System Sosialisasi dan Implementasi GCG 76 Socialization and Implementation of GCG Sistem Whistleblowing 118 Whistleblowing System Ruang Lingkup Tata Kelola Perusahaan 77 Scope of Good Corporate Governance Gratifikasi 125 Gratification Uraian Dewan Komisaris 78 The Board of Commissioners Benturan Kepentingan 129 Conflict of Interests Uraian Direksi The Board of Directors Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara 82 Negara (LHKPN) Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 132 Wealth Report of State Official General Meeting of Shareholders 90 Anti Korupsi Asesmen Terhadap Anggota Dewan Anti Corruption Komisaris dan/atau Direksi 133 Assessment of the Member of the Board of Kecelakaan dalam Perusahaan 91 Commissioners and/or Directors 134 HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) Komite Audit Perkara Penting yang Dihadapi Perseroan 93 Audit Committee 140 Important Matters Confronting the Company Komite Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Akses terhadap Informasi 96 Investment and Risk Management Committee 141 Access to Information TANGGUNG JAWAB INFORMASI SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN PERUSAHAAN corporate social responsibilities corporate information Tanggung Jawab Lingkungan Profil Dewan Komisaris 144 Environmental Responsibility 150 Profile of the Board of Commissioners Kerja, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Profil Direksi 145 Labour, Health and Work Safety 152 Profile of the Board of Directors Pengembangan Sosial dan Komunitas Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan 145 Social and Community Development 154 Profile of Corporate Secretary Tanggung Jawab kepada Konsumen Profil Internal Audit Vice President 148 Corporate Social Responsibility to Customers 155 Profile of Internal Audit Vice President LAPORAN KEUANGAN 157 financial report laporantahunan 2015 annualreport PT Pelita Air Service KILas kinerja 2015 KEY PERFORMANCE OF 2015 KILas KINERJA 2015 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN PROFIL PERUsaHAAN INFORMasI BAGI INVEstOR TINJAUAN OPERasIONAL 6 Key Performance of 2015 Management Report Company Profile Information for Investor Operational Review PENDAPATAN revenues 2015 USD52.908.783 USD71.642.556 ‘14 USD80.176.731 ‘13 LABA KOTOR gross profit 2015 USD1.525.829 USD12.787.934 ‘14 USD16.514.270 ‘13 LABA SEBELUM PAJAK income before tax 2015 -USD17.405.840 USD897.824 ‘14 USD7.774.929 ‘13 laporantahunan 2015 annualreport PT Pelita Air Service ANALIsa DAN PEMBAHasaN MANAJEMEN Tata KELOLA PERUsaHAAN TANGGUNG JaWAB SOSIAL PERUsaHAAN INFORMasI PERUsaHAAN Management Discussion and Analysis Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibilities Corporate Information 7 JUMLAH ARMADA total fleets 2015 20 27 ‘14 25 ‘13 JUMLAH ASET total assets 2015 USD72.564.418 USD90.019.555 ‘14 USD87.450.556 ‘13 LABA TAHUN BERJALAN profit for the year 2015 -USD15.603.134 USD419.050 ‘14 USD5.663.062 ‘13 laporantahunan 2015 annualreport PT Pelita Air Service KILas KINERJA 2015 LAPORAN MANAJEMEN PROFIL PERUsaHAAN INFORMasI BAGI INVEstOR TINJAUAN OPERasIONAL 8 Key Performance of 2015 Management Report Company Profile Information for Investor Operational Review ikhtisar keuangan financial highlights URAIAN 2015 2014 2013 DESCRIPTION LAPORAN LABA RUGI KOMPREHENSIF KONSOLIDASIAN consolidated statements of comprehensive income (dalam Dolar AS) (in US Dollar) Pendapatan 52.908.783 71.642.556 80.176.731 Revenues Beban Langsung 51.382.954 58.854.622 63.662.461 Direct Costs Laba Kotor 1.525.829 12.787.934 16.514.270 Gross Profit Laba Sebelum Pajak (17.405.840) 897.824 7.774.929 Income Before Tax Laba Tahun Berjalan (15.603.134) 419.050 5.663.062 Profit for the Year Jumlah Laba Komprehensif (13.523.265) 463.061 5.735.939 Total Comprehensive Income Laba per Saham - - - Earnings per Share LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASI consolidated statements of financial position (dalam Dolar AS) (in US Dollar) Aset Lancar 34.704.249 44.714.447 48.705.933 Current Assets Aset Tidak Lancar 37.860.169 45.305.108 38.744.623 Non Current Assets Jumlah Aset 72.564.418 90.019.555 87.450.556 Total Assets Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 17.499.884 14.854.068 39.474.157 Short Term Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 16.078.776 22.656.465 20.144.354 Long Term Liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 33.578.660 37.510.533 59.618.511 Total Liabilities Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor 184.053.700 184.053.700 159.839.785 Issued and Fully Paid Capital Saldo Laba (145.067.943) (131.544.678) (132.007.741) Profit Balance Jumlah Ekuitas 38.985.758 52.509.022 27.832.045 Total Equity Jumlah Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 72.564.417 90.019.555 87.450.556 Total Liabilities and Equity RASIO KEUANGAN financial ratios (dalam %) (in % Rasio Lancar 260,77 301,02 123,39 Current Ratio Rasio Liabilitas terhadap Aset 46,27 40,02 67,83 Liabilities to Assets Ratio Marjin Laba Bersih 6,81 1,28 6,54 Net Profit Margin Rasio Liabilitas
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