9 Vol. 109, No. Wednesday Feb~uary 26 1969 • Copy Socond.cloua poatngo pnld nt Mnuon, Mlchlgnn,. ·Publlohod wooldy by PANAX CORPORATION, P.O. Box 226, Maoon, Mlchlgon48854 Bubocriptlon rntoa ln lnKham and ndjolnlnKcountlos, $5 per yonr, ohowh•r• $6. Webberville, Aurelius Are Fighting Decision To Shut-Down Libraries By SALLY TROUT Neil West, township supervisor, Dorr Eckhart, ) News Staff Writer district supervisor;and possibly Clifton W. Helms, \ Forces arc gatHering in Aurelius and Webberville in superintendent of the Webberville schools, will be talking an attempt to keep their small bran~h libraries open, today with their state governmental representatives to. see Reacting to notifica lion that their libraries would be about keeping the libraries open. phased out of the system, area supervisors as well as Helms feels that the Webbervute library should be individual organizations arc contacting their legislative expanding rather than closed. "We are growing representatives, calling a public meeting, circulating . tremendously in this area and we have a lot of students petitions and writing letters, who make use of the library," he said, "The school has a The fate of 3 branch libraries is at stake when the small library, but the county library provides many books Ingham county library board meets March 12, According that arc not available at the school. , to Marvin Mounce, county library director, the board will "We continually hear of preventing juvenile in all likelihood recommend closing the Aurelius, delinquency and keeping filthy reading materials away Webberville and Onondaga facilities, from children, then by closing the library they keep This action stcms'from a ruling by the State that all youngsters from good books, force them out on the branch libraries must be open a minimum of 15 hours per streets or home in front of the 'Boob Tube.' week when serving a community of 3,000 or less persons "It is a move in tl1e wrong direction if officials close IT'S OFFICIAL NOW·· The Mason Fire department has moved into its new fire barn located at the corner of or the county system will not qualify for State and Jefferson and Oak streets, The change over was completed last Friday evening. Federal funds, (Continued on Page A·21 Mason Merchants Group Explores Possibilities Of Corporation to Provide More Parking Areas The Mason Merchants' association is taking positive in October when a delegation of merchants visited in successful in providing additional free parking. In about to 60 parking spaces in the future, steps to alleviate the problem of inadequate downtown Grand udge to find out how they were meeting a similar 2~ years they have been able to purchase land offering • In talking with representatives from the Grand Ledge parking areas. parking space problem. some 100 new parking spaces for the downtown. They commission. Mason merchants found that such a parking Association plans, which are nearly finalized, call for The Grand Ledge Parking commission has been very also have options on land which will provide another 50 (Continued on Pane A·21 the selling of shares in a non-profit corporation which will be dedicated to providing off-street parking in the downtown area, Enthusiasm and support for the program began back What Lent Means to Me Tho be ginn lng .of Lent was Wednesday, February 19. Each week until E~ster tho Ingham County News will publish a special feature on "What Lent Means to Me" as told bY Mason residents, Vanishing By Dr, MILTON C. BERGEON Snow What one is given is soon taken for granted, What one earns through his own hard efforts one values, Gifts are frequently potentials, fruition the results of work. Reveals God has given us all a mind, a body, and a world to live it in. What we do with these potentials is what counts. As humans we divide our time up into formal Man made eyesores! segments assigned to develop our potentials. The student attends classes, The promise, that is his IQ, is wasted if he does not study. The athlete has formal practice and training sessions. Without effort on his part he can never develop the full potential that is within him. The prize, be it the diploma or the medal, is the symbol we cherish because it represents our efforts. So, too, in religion. If it hus become a comfortable set of habits acquired in childhood and religated to a small corner of our week, it means little. But the Liturgical year offers us the Lenten season. It is a formal time set aside for the opportunity to grow. To make things grow takes effort. Ask any farmer. To till the soil, to plant, to prune, to fertilize is to work. To mature in our knowledge of God likewise requires tirne and effort on our part. Lent, then, is a time of action. It is not a time for quiet, ·contemplative re-evaluation. It is a time of conscious effort. To explore and modify our relationships with our fellow Christians. To give of ourselves more generously. Tough City Ordinance Controls Littering To develop our potentials more fully. And to redirect the patterns of our lives. Don't be a litterbug. ordinance which have been cleaned up without eliminate the problem. If this is not taken care of, a Our relationship with God is never static, It is either There are enough in Mason already as pictures on prosecution. growing or it is dying. Ahead of us lies spring, symbolized this page reveal. certified letter is sent out again. Next the city attorney In addition the city tries to promote a neater Mason writes to the violator indicating the possible penalties for by Easter. We can cherish tltis symbol to the extent we · As .the snow. disappears the rubbish of careless have grown. by offering free junk and rubbish pick-up on one day not following the law. individuals become apparent. All sorts of junk near homes during Michigan Week-but that is in May and there are After all of these letters, if the violation is not and businesses become ever so obvious with spring just rubbish eyesores in Mason now, around the corner. removed the city can prosecute with warrant issued The penalty for violating ordinance No. 72 is up to a requesting the violator to appear in court. Announce Mayor The city has an ordinance which prohibits a number $I 00 fine and/or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. · An Ingham County News photographer this week of types of littering from storage of junk cars to piles of Ordinance violators are first notified by the city that a lumber, trash and even old, unused buildings. through usc of a camera shows some of the more glaring problem exists and are given a reasonable time to. examples of conununity eyesores. Exchange Pairings Ordinance No. 72 called the junk and junk car ordinance has been in effect in Mason for about a year Pairings for the annual 1969 Mayors' Exchange Day, now and it has been responsible for removal of some bad an event of Michigan Week were announced this week, eyesores in the community. Michigan Week will be observed May I 7-24. Mayor According to William Bopf, city administrator City Ambulance Service Begins Friday Exchange Day will be on May 19, which also is Mason residents have been very cooperative when cited Government Day. for violating this ordinance. "Storage of junk cars is now Mason's new ambulance service, operated by the city carefully watched and we have had 15 violations of the duty can be flexible as to number of hours put in and Here are the schedule of exhanges as they affect police department will go into operation at midnight when they are completed, There is no pay for this Ingham county towns and cities: Friday. After that hour private ambulance service which particular segment of the ambulance service as it is just Mason· and Gladstone will exchange mayors, East has operated, in Mason for several years, will go out of temporary until radios arrive, existence. Lansing and Pontiac, Lansing and Monroe, Leslie and Those using the ambulance service will be charged uxington, Stockbridge and Mendon, Webberville and $30 per run and $1 per mile if transferred ·from Mason Alanson and Williamston and Cassville, . Chief Tim Stolz of the Mason policl.' said he is still Spring--Well Maybe! taking applications for volunteers to serve as ambulance General hospital to another facility. The ambulance · drivers, attendants or dispatchers. service is offered only to residents within the city limits Thoughts of spring are in the air as the daylight and is to be used only in the event of emergencies. hours grow noticeably longer and the sun mounts higher The ambulance service will be on call 24 hours a day, ·in the sky. · 7 days a week. Persons desiring the service should call The ambulance will be staffed by one patrolman at · Mason police headquarters, The telephone number is all times, a patrolman who is on call and one volunteer on The rest of this week promises to be in keeping with calL In the event the patrolcar.-ambulance is handling an these thoughts with a sunny day today and tomorrow in 676-2458. prospect and mild weather prevailing into next week at emergency call and need for a police officer arises, the Special radios which have been ordered\. for the Ingham county sheriff's department has offered to assist least. Each day now brings us closer to spring which is due ambulance volunteers will not arrive for about 6 weeks, ., to arrive in about 3 weeks.
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