THEJOURNAL OF BIOLOGICALCHEMISTRY Vol. 266, No. 17, Issue of June 15, pp. 10867-10871,1991 0 1991 by The American Society for Biochemistry andMolecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Effects of Acylphosphataseon the Activity of Erythrocyte Membrane Ca2+ Pump* (Received for publication, September 24, 1990) Paolo NassiS, Chiara Nediani, Gianfranco Liguri,Niccolo Taddei, and GiampietroRamponi From the Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche, Universita di Firenze, VialeG. Morgagni 50, 50134 Florence, Italy Acylphosphatase, purifiedfrom human erythrocytes, M (1).Many studies have focused on the properties and the actively hydrolyzes the acylphosphorylated interme- action mechanism of RBC membrane Ca2+-ATPase, andac- diate of human redblood cell membrane Ca2+-ATPase. cumulated evidence indicates that ATP hydrolysis proceeds This effect occurred with acylphosphatase amounts through (up aseries of elementary reactions that involve the Ca2+- to 10 units/mg membrane protein) that fall within the dependent formation of an acylphosphorylated intermediate physiologicalrange. Furthermore, a verylow K,,, (2). On the other hand, the efficiency of the calcium pump is value, 3.41 f 1.16 (S.E.) nM, suggests a high affinity still controversial since differing Ca2’/ATP ratios have been in acylphosphatase for thephosphoenzyme intermedi- reported (3), suggesting that thestoichiometry of this process ate, whichis consistent with the small numberof Ca2+- ATPase units in human erythrocyte membrane.Acyl- maybe 1 or 2 calcium ions transported permol of ATP phosphatase addition tored cell membranes resulted in hydrolyzed. It is well known that human RBC Ca*+-ATPase a significant increase in the rate of ATP hydrolysis. is activated by calmodulin and that this effect is associated Maximal stimulation (about 2-fold over basal) wasob- with an increased rate in phosphorylated intermediate for- tained at 2 units/mg membrane protein, witha concom- mation (2). Human RBCs, however, seem to contain other itant decrease in apparentK,,, values for both Ca2+ andfactors that stimulate Ca2’-ATPase activity. A non-calmod- ATP. Conversely, similar amountsof acylphosphatase ulin activator in membrane preparations has been described significantly decreased(by about 30%)the rateof Ca2+ by Mauldin and Roufogalis (4). Davis et al. (5)have reported transport into inside-out red cell membrane vesicles, evidence to suggest that hemolysate from human RBCs con- albeit that reduced apparent K, values for Ca2+ and tains soluble Ca2’-ATPase stimulators other thancalmodulin. ATP were also observed in thiscase. A stoichiometry Wang et al. (6) have demonstrated that RBC membrane Ca2+- of 2.04 Ca2+/ATP hydrolyzed was calculated in the ATPase is activated by calpain. absence of acylphosphatase; in the presence of acyl- Acylphosphatase (EC is a widespread cytosolic en- phosphatase optimal concentration, this ratio wasre- zyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the carboxyl phosphate duced to 0.9. Acylphosphatase activity, rather than bond of acylphosphates, such as 3-phosphoglycerolphosphate just protein, was essential for all the aboveeffects. (7), carbamoyl phosphate (8), and succinoyl phosphate (9). Taken together these findings suggest that, becauseWe have reported some structural and functional properties of its hydrolytic activity on the phosphoenzyme inter- mediate, acylphosphatase reducesthe efficiency of the of acylphosphatase purified to homogeneity from the skeletal erythrocyte membrane Ca2+pump. A possible mecha- muscle of varying vertebrate species, including man (10-13). nism for this effect is that the phosphoenzyme is hy- All these enzymes have similar kinetic properties and ahighly drolyzedbefore its transportwork can be accom- conserved primary structure. plished. We have subsequently isolated from human RBCs an acyl- phosphatase isoenzyme (14) that exhibits similar substrate specificity but higher catalytic potency as compared with the muscular isoform. Human red blood cell (RBC)’ membrane has a Ca2+-ATP- We supposed that RBC acylphosphatase, on the basis of a ase system that pumps Ca2+ ions out of the cell, coupling potential hydrolytic effect on the acylphosphorylated inter- calcium transport to ATP hydrolysis. The combined effect of mediate, might represent an additional modulator of Ca”- this active pumping mechanism and a slight Caz+ leakage ATPase that would affect both ATP hydrolysis and calcium from outside to inside the cell enables the erythrocyte to transport across erythrocyte membrane. The present paper maintain steady state intracellular concentrationsbelow reports the studies that we conducted to examine this hypoth- esis. *This work was supported by grants from the Minister0 della Pubblica Istruzione (Fondi 60%) and from the Consiglio Nazionale MATERIALSAND METHODS della Ricerche (Target Project on Biotechnology and Bioinstrumen- tation). The costsof publication of this article were defrayed in part Enzymes, coenzymes and substrateswere from Boehringer (Mann- by the paymentof page charges. This article must thereforebe hereby heim, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)). Dextran(M, = 147,000) marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 wasfrom Sigma Chemie (Grunwalder,FRG). All other chemicals solely to indicate this fact. were the best commercially available. [Y-~*P]ATP (3Ci/mmol) and $ To whom correspondence should be addressed Dipartimento di 45Ca (35mCi/mg calcium) were purchased fromRadiochemical Scienze Biochimiche, Universita di Firenze,Viale Morgagni 50,50134 Centre, Amersham. Florence, Italy. Fax: 0039-55-4222725. Acylphosphatase was purified from human erythrocytes according The abbreviations used are: RBC, red blood cell; Ca”-ATPase, to Liguri et al. (14); the enzyme, isolated as a pure product, had a calcium ion-dependenttriphosphatase; EGTA, [ethylenebis(oxy- specific activity of 7,500 units/mg protein, using benzoyl phosphate ethylenenitri1o)ltetraacetic acid; EP, phosphoenzyme; IOVs, inside- as substrate (see below). Benzoyl phosphate was synthesized as per out vesicles of red cell membranes; (Na’ + K+)-ATPase, sodium- Camici et al. (15). All steps of the preparation of human erythrocyte potassium ion-dependent adenosine triphosphatase. membranes, inside-out red blood membrane vesicles, and RBC Ca2+- 10867 10868 Acylphosphatase and Red Cell CaZCPump ATPase-phosphorylated intermediate were carried out at 4 "C. Expression of the Results-Data presented under "Results" are the Preparation of Human ErythrocyteMembranes-RBC membranes means of several determinations, the values of which yielded coeffi- with low basal calcium ATPase activitywere prepared using Thakar's cients of variation that did not exceed (except where otherwisestated) method (16). Freshly drawn heparinized blood was centrifuged at 10%. Curves were drawn on the basis of the mean values, while 1,800 X g for 10 min to remove plasma and the leucocyte layer from kinetic constants were calculated from all theavailable values with a erythrocytes. RBCs were washed twice in ice-cold saline at 1,800 X g computer data analysis program, Enzfitter by Elsevier Biosoft, ver- for 10min. The erythrocyteswere then hemolyzed in 10mM imidazole sion 1.03. Statistical analysis was performed by Student's t test or, buffer, pH 7.4, 1 mM NaC1, 1 mM MgC12 at about 12% hematocrit where indicated, by one-way analysis of variance. and centrifuged at 48,000 X g for 20 min. The ghosts were washed three times in 5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0, and twice in the RESULTS hemolysis buffer. The hemoglobin-free membranes were finally re- suspended in 10 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, and stored at-80 "C. Effect ofAcylphosphatase on theAcylphosphorylated Inter- Ca'+-ATPaseAssay-Ca2+-ATPase activityin RBC membranes mediate of RBC Membrane Ca2+-ATPase-Fig. 1 shows the was determined by a coupled optical test at 340 nm and 37 "C, using time course of Ca2'-ATPase phosphoenzyme (EP) formation. a Perkin-Elmer X 4B spectrophotometer. The medium contained 25 In our experimental conditions, maximum Ca2+-dependent mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, 1 mM ATP, 5 mM MgClz, 0.5 mM phosphoen- RBC membrane labeling was achieved after a60-s incubation; olpyruvate, 0.2 mM NADH, 6 units of pyruvate kinase, 5.5 units of lactate dehydrogenase, 100 pg of membrane protein, and variable at thistime the quantityof bound phosphate was, on average, additions of acylphosphatase, as indicated in Table11. 2.03 pmol/mg membrane protein, a value which agrees with Ca2+-ATPaseactivity was calculatedas the difference inATP that reported by Luthra et al. (20), from whose method our hydrolysis in thepresence and the absenceof Ca'+ (1 mM CaC12; 0.05 procedure derives. Labeled membranes were incubated with mM EGTA) and was expressed as nmol of ATP hydrolyzed/h/mg varying amounts of acylphosphatase, from 2 to 10 units/mg membrane protein. membrane protein. These acylphosphatase/membrane pro- Acylphosphatase Assay-Acylphosphatase activity was determined by a continuous optical method that was based on the difference in tein ratios were chosen because they reflected, from a quan- absorbance at 283 nm between benzoyl phosphate and benzoate at titative point of view, physiologicalcondition; on the basis of 25 "C (17). The unit of activity is defined as the amount of enzyme acylphosphatase activity in human RBCs and of the protein that liberates 1 pmol of benzoate/min. content of human erythrocyte membrane, a ratio that ranges Protein Determination-Membrane protein content was assayed from 3 to 7 units/mg membrane protein may be calculated with the biuret
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