Hydrofest, Hawaii Marine Adopt-a-School, B-1 Volume 27, Number 39 October 22, 1998 A-7 Navy's top enlisted visits K-Bay Sgt. Melinda Weathers At Kaneohe Bay, Herdt met with Marine important to Sailors and the Navy: reten- Combat Correspondent enlisted leaders Sgt.Maj. Robert W. Holub, tion and leadership. Marine Forces Pacific sergeant major, and On retention, Herdt said, "Sailors must The Navy's top enlisted leader visited Sgt.Maj. Royce G. Coffee, MCB Hawaii have the factual knowledge about their Oahu military installations Oct. 8-14 and sergeant major. Herdt also met with Oahu career opportunities before getting out. We huddled up with Sailors and Marines to talk Sailors at K-Bay's enlisted club for a pep have been downsizing for some time, but about careers, teamwork and leadership. talk and question and answer session. now retention for the Navy is very impor- Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Herdt emphasized his enthusiasm for his tant." James L. Herdt came to Hawaii as a guest official duties representing all enlisted He also talked at length about the func- at the Navy's 223rd birthday ball celebra- Sailors. "It's important for me to get back tion of leadership and setting a personal tion. But he also made some important vis- to the ground roots of our Navy," Herdt example to other servicemembers. Herdt its to Sailors and Marines at Naval Base said. "This is a great opportunity for you to said it was key for Sailors and Marines to Photo by Sgt. Melinda Weathers Pearl Harbor, Naval Air Station Barbers tell me what's important and to address continue setting the example. Leadership Sgt. Maj. Royce G. Coffee MCBH Sergeant Major and Master Chief Point, Barking Sands Pacific Missile your concerns so I can take the information is the key to success, Herdt said. Petty Officer of the Navy James L. Herdt look around K-Bay from atop Range Facility and Marine Corps Base back to Washington, D.C.," he said. Kansas Tower during Herdt's recent visit to Oahu. Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay. Herdt focused on two areas that are See HERDT, A-5 ID fig, 'OW t- Photo by Sgt. Steven Williams Cpl. Chris C. Garcia, a landing su specialist with Landing Support Company, Corn Service Support .. 4) 4 Group3, uses a data collection device ID scan a bar Photo by Lance Cpl. David Salazar code on a vehicle device during an offload Oct. 15. Brig. Gen. Arnold Fields, commanding general of MCB Hawaii ,left, presents the Allen G. Ogden award to Lt. Col. Timothy Kolb, com- CSSG-3 mander of MCAF. tracks supplies ARFF wins in Korea Ogden award Lance Cpl. David Salazar Sgt. Steven Williams Combos Correspondent Combat Correspondent The Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting team here POHANG, Korea - When more than 500 was presented the Allen G. Ogden award for being vehicles and pieces of gear hit the deck here from the best ARFF unit on a medium-sized Navy or the Maritime Prepositioning Ships MV Button and Marine Corps air station. MV Williams Oct. I 5 -1 6 for Exercises Freedom The award was presented to the unit by Brig. Gen. Banner and Foal Eagle, accountability was a must. Arnold Fields, MCB Hawaii commanding general, Combat Service Support Group 3's solution to during a formation here Oct. 13. keep track of the gear and distribute it to respective Every air facility in the department of the Navy units was the Janus 2010 data collection device. The submitted a package to the Navy and Marine Corps hand-held scanning unit is used to read bar codes on Fire Protection Association in hopes of winning the all the gear not only to log it into a computer, but prestigious award, according to Master Sgt. Gary identify which unit it goes to so it can be distributed. Stearman, noncommissioned-officer-in-charge of "It's an efficient way to put the equipment from ARFF. ship to shore and then monitor its movement," said "The fact that we've won this award says a lot Cpl. Michael E. Nelson, a landing support specialist about us as a unit," said Warrant Officer Charles with Landing Support Company, CSSG-3. Thompson, crash officer at ARFF. "It's important to keep track of this equipment," Units were judged on their training, work with the Nelson said. The corporal explained that during community and unit performance. Operation Desert Storm, Marines weren't able to keep "The mission of the unit is to be ready to provide track of a lot of gear, so this is a big improvement tire support to the air station," Stearman said. "We The information collected by the Janus 2010 is train just like any other fire department.- downloaded to a computer where it's kept as an "Even though there aren't that many emergencies inventory and distribution list. Along with efficien- on this air field, winning the award shows that,we cy, transferring the information to computer allowed prove ourselves through our training and readiness," the Marines to distribute gear information more Photo by Cpl. Trent Lowry said Lance Cpl. Eddie Hunsinger, aircraft rescue fire- quickly, according to Nelson. Using a local area net- Marines from C Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment fast -rope from a CH-53D helicopter fighter at ARFF here. work, the gears' information could reach units from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 363 Friday during a demonstration presented to Defense K-Bay's ARFF also took top honors in the Allen before they even had the gear. Orientation Conference Association members from more than 30 states. "The computer data was sent to an arrival and assembly operation element, then out to different Team K-Bay to elements," said Cpl. Chris C. Garcia, landing sup- DOCA visitors treated port specialist with LSC. observe Red When Marines are finished using the gear over the five-week training evolution, the process will be to live fire demonstration reversed and the gear and vehicles will be reconsol- Ribbon Week idated. The gear will return to the ships and is Cpl. Trent Lowry installment of the event. The trip was the first for Roger O'Guin scheduled to be back at MCB Hawaii during Combat Correspondent many DOCA members, as each year the tour takes Director, Substance Abuse Counseling Center November. Representatives of the Defense Orientation them to a different area of the world. =wiplimi,.. Conference Association visited MCB Hawaii Oct. Marines from Weapons Company, 1/3; A Battery, Marine Corps Base Hawaii will begin obser- 16 as part of a tour of Oahu's military facilities. 1/12; CSSG-3 and HMH-366 displayed their hard- vance of the DoD's Red Ribbon Week Friday. The Index Leathernecks from Combat Service Support ware near Hale Koa beach for the guests to inspect. observance, which runs through Thursday, symbol- A Section Group 3; 1st Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment; 1st They answered questions the DOCA members had izes America's opposition to substance abuse. Battalion, 3rd Marines and Marine Heavy about the weaponry and equipment, which included Red ribbons - the national symbol for Beirut Bombing Victims Remembered A 2 Helicopter Squadron 366 presented static displays in a CH-53D helicopter, an M198 155mm Howitzer, America's opposition - are available at the New Logo Store A 2 the morning to let the visitors, including many for- and a TOW gun mounted on a humvee. Substance Abuse Counseling Center here. Red rib- SecDef Answers Questions A 3 mer active-duty servicemembers, get a first-hand "I explained the relationship between the (Tube- bons will also be handed out at the front and back NBC Training for ASE A 4 look at military equipment and personnel. launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) missile gates of MCB Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, on Friday. Every Clime and Place A 5 The purpose of the DOCA tour, which began Oct. and its gunner, and the dangers involved, to the vis- Wearing these ribbons will help you make a per- 3/3 in Okinawa A 6 14 with stops at Schofield Barracks, Pearl Harbor itors we had," said Lance Cpl. Anthony Sims, a sonal statement against the use and abuse of illicit 1/12 Personality Feature A 6 and Hickam Air Force Base, was to give the guests TOW gunner with Weapons Co, 1/3. "I don't mind drugs. Adopt-a-School A 7 an idea of what the strengths and needs of the mili- selling the Marine Corps like this. I'm glad to have As we focus on the use and abuse of drugs, it is Word to Pass A 8 tary are. DOCA's objectives are to keep its members the chance to petition for better equipment." important to realize that alcohol is one of the most Blotter A 9 informed of military needs, passing that knowledge "It's a great opportunity to explain our jobs to devastating of all chemicals in use socially. B Section on and cooperating with the DoD in order to help people who may not know what we do," said Lance Recent statistics on youth and their alcohol use Hydrofest B strengthen the military from the outside. Cpl. Ramiro Barrientos, a Dragon gunner with reveal the following data: Sailing Speed Trials B "We're here to find out first-hand what problems Weapons Co., 1/3. 2.6 million teenagers don't know that a person Softball Tournament B 2 the military may have today," said Ed Gladden, a Marines from C Co., 1/3 and HMH-463 put on a cart die from alcohol overdose.
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