THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Veterans Home residents reflect on the legacy of 9/11 BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] Rev. William Paige led recalled, was considered he off the ceremony, recalling first casualty of 9/11, when TILTON — Residents of the famed words of brave he was hit by falling debris the New Hampshire Veter- heroes like rugby player from the towers. ans Home paused in their Todd Beamer, who was Paige also acknowledged daily routine last Wednes- aboard United Airlines the little known story of day morning to pay tribute Flight 93 over Pennsylva- the hundreds of boats from to those whose lives were nia that fateful day. Beam- private residents who lost in the Sept. 11, 2001 at- er, who was faced with responded to the Coast tacks in New York City, at a certain death, was last Guard’s call for assistance the Pentagon in Washing- heard to say, “Let’s Roll!” that day. DONNA RHODES DONNA RHODES ton, D.C., and in a peaceful He and others on board “They helped to bring Veterans Helen Mollica and Elaine Baker took turns presenting spe- New Hampshire Veterans Home field in Shanksville, Pa. then stormed the cabin 500,000 people out of Man- cial readings during a Patriot’s Day ceremony at the New Hampshire resident Raymond Plummer Gathered in the Tarr Din- where terrorists were in hattan to safety. A lot of Veterans Home last Wednesday, reflecting on the tragedy of 9/11. stood in salute when “Taps” ing Hall, each of the veter- control of the cockpit, and Americans became heroes was played during a Patriot’s ans each held memories were believed to be rerout- then,” Paige said. “It was ed special readings to add the young girl wrote. Day ceremony last week, held in of what that day meant to ing the plane to crash into a day that brought out the to the day. Mollica read Baker read from the remembrance of the heroes and them, when they heard the White House. best in people.” from “Don’t Forgets and piece, “The Tragedy of victims of 9/11. their own nation was un- In his remarks, Paige Commandant Peggy Don’t Remembers,” writ- 9/11” and concluded with der attack. also paid homage to Father Labrecque also addressed ten by a seven-year-old the words, “May this day erans an opportunity to ac- “Freedom,” said one Mychal Judge, chaplain the residents, saying, “We child who reflected on how be remembered in our knowledge that tragic day resident about his initial for the New York City Fire give a prayer of thanks for life changed after that fate- hearts…May this day in the nation’s history and impression of the attacks. Department, who rushed to those who showed their in- ful day in 2001 and how she awaken our nation.” to acknowledge those who, “That’s what I thought of. the site of the World Trade domitable spirit that’s part felt in the days since that The ceremony closed like their own comrades, They cast the first stone, Towers to pray for the city of our culture.” time. with the playing of “Taps.” made and continue to and it had a lot of ripples, and deliver last rites to any Residents Helen Mollica “Remember to honor Paige said he felt it was make the ultimate sacrifice but we fight for freedom.” the victims. Judge, Paige and Elaine Baker present- those who keep you safe,” important to give the vet- in protecting the nation. Ober stepping down as TNFD Chief Will become Deputy Chief in Gilford Oct. 15 BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] the position of Deputy Fire Auger last Wednesday of partment, and served as of that hiring, which ulti- Hampton up for sale. In the Chief for the Gilford Fire his resignation, and that, a member of their town’s mately became a source of uncertain economy of the Department. There, he will until his last day on Oct. 14, planning board. contention, was for Ober to time, that sale fell flat for TILTON — It has been serve once more with an- it would be business as usu- When Carrier left TNFD move to the district. It was the new chief though. a somewhat contentious other former TNFD chief, al at the department. for Gilford in September of not until July of the follow- In order to meet the dead- two years for Tilton-North- Steve Carrier. Ober joined TNFD on 2010, Ober was asked to step ing year however, that the line for his job require- field Fire Chief Brad Ober, Ober had little to say May 2, 2005 as their Fire up as acting Deputy Chief boundaries of that residen- ments, at the eleventh and for some it was sad, on his resignation except Prevention Captain. At the under Mike Robinson, and cy requirement were ever hour on Jan. 1, 2012, Ober but no surprise when he that he had notified Til- same time, he managed to was ultimately named chief officially laid out for Ober announced that he had of- announced last week that ton-Northfield Fire Com- hold down the role of chief at the end of that year. and he then had to scram- ficially moved to an apart- he would be moving on to mission Chairman Paul for the Ashland Fire De- One of the conditions ble to put his home in New SEE OBER, PAGE A10 Community members bid A famous farewell to departing library director face visits Belmont BY DONNA RHODES BY DONNA RHODES [email protected] foundation for the future “He played them up so [email protected] of Sanbornton Public Li- well.” brary. Besides a spread of SANBORNTON — San- “There are bigger and cheese, crackers, fruits and BELMONT — A famil- bornton Library over- better things to come cake, friends of SPL also iar face was spotted on the flowed with patrons, here,” he predicted. compiled a memory book green in Belmont Village friends and well-wishers Among those who were for Vinton to take with him last week, when Fritz Weth- last Friday night as the sad to see Vinton move on to his new home. erbee and his crew paid town bid farewell to Li- were former librarian and Letters, drawings, pho- a visit to the area to film brary Director Cab Vinton. current volunteer, Priscil- tos, and news clippings segments for the popular “He’s a great friend and a la Bodwell. filled the pages, including WMUR Channel 9 televi- great guy. He’s very accom- “I was a librarian here one note from a newer resi- sion show, “Chronicle.” plished and super bright. for 30 years, then contin- dent that read, “I am grate- Wetherbee is, among Cab devoted himself to this ued volunteering for the ful to have found a library many things, a seasoned re- library,” said Townsend past seven years with Cab. with a librarian who is so porter, photographer, col- Sand at the reception held He was always so cordial responsive to my reading lege instructor, editor and in Vinton’s honor. and showed his apprecia- requests…I wish him joy, author. DONNA RHODES Vinton said it has been an tion for my help. We’ll miss laughter and lots of chal- Through the years, he Fritz Wetherbee and his crew, cameraman Chris Shepherd and honor to head up the all-im- him,” she said. lenges in his new position.” has appeared in a variety producer Mary-Paige Provost, were busy filming six segments for WMUR’s “Chronicle” in Belmont last week, but were happy to pose portant library services in Even the youngest of Saphaedra Renee echoed of radio and television pro- for a photo in front of the Belmont Bandstand. Sanbornton and said he readers stopped in to say the sadness many felt in grams, and has received wished he could bring a lot goodbye, like six-year-old saying goodbye to Vinton. numerous awards for his look back at the hurricane character he uses to relate of his friends and library Alicia. She held lots of fun She said she had come to work, including five Em- of 1938 during their filming Yankee humor and resil- patrons with him to his memories from reading consider the library her my’s. in Belmont. iency. new job in Plaistow. programs at the library, “home away from home” However, Wetherbee is Wetherbee said that no “This is the tale of Binky “You don’t really have a most especially the time and felt Vinton should perhaps best known for his matter what anyone calls Sears and the Telemarket- home until you’ve worked she and her fellow read- have been given a cape to colorful tales and historic the historic storm, wheth- er, when Binky is offered in a small community li- ers tried to stuff Vinton in wear as library director. glimpses of New Hamp- er it be the Yankee Clipper, something for nothing,” he brary,” he said. a plastic bag after he read “He’s Super cab,” she shire’s past on both the the Long Island Express crooned before the camera Vinton also wished his “The Librarian from the said with a big smile. “I former “New Hampshire or the Great New England set up behind the Belmont yet to be named successor Black Lagoon.” had to come by tonight and Crossroads” television Hurricane, it will always be library. well, and said he hoped he “I’m really going to miss wish him well.” show and, more recently, remembered for one thing.
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