Stations in the U.S. Connecticut American Media Services P. O. Box 20696 LLC r CHARLESTON, SC 29413 V?_`'P_L s, öfiGiC .. RrNERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (843) 881 -4436 WDAO(FM)-- Coowned with WLAD(AM). December 1953: 98.3 mhz: athletic, community- minded. Spec prog: High school sports 6 hrs. WDRCFM- 1939: 102.9 mhz: 19.5 kw. Ant 810 ft. TL: N41 33 44 1.3 kw. 460 ft. TL: N41 22 27 W73 26 47. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. E -mail: educ 2 hrs, class 3 hrs. Pol one hr, relg 3 hrs. Sp one hr wkly. John W72 50 40. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Web Site: www.dreim.com. Format: radi098q.com. Web Site: www.98q.com. Format: Hot adult contemp. T. Becker. chmn; Peter Mutino, gen mgr: Peler Gersee. gen sls mgr; Oldies. Grahame Winters, prom mgr; Dave Nagel. progmg dir Si mus Target aud: 25 -54. *Bill Trotta, progmg dir; Sharon Kelly, mus dir. Bob Small. prom mgr: Don Russell, progmg dir: James A. Thompson, dir: Mike Stevens. engrg mgr. news dir: Clark Burgard, chief of engrg. WREF(AM)-See Ridgefield WHCN(FM)- 1939: 105.9 mhz; 16 kw. 867 ft. TL: N41 33 47 W72 50 Groton 42. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 10 Columbus Blvd. (06106). (860) 723 -6000. WRKI(FM)-See Brookfield Fax: (860) 723 -6106. Web Site: www.whcn.com. Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq WGGN -FM- Listing follows WSUB(AM). 8- 30-00; grpsl). Rep: Christal Format: Rock/AOR. *Manuel 'WXCI(FM)- Feb 10. 1973: 91.7 mhz; 1.2 kw. 205 ft. TL: N41 23 44 Rodriguez. sr VP; Rob Williams, sr VP; Paula Messina, gen mgr; Chris W73 25 24. (CP: 3 kw, ant 201 ft.). Stereo. Hm opn: 6 AM -2 AM. WSUB(AM)- July 26. 1958: 980 khz: 1 kw -D. TL: N41 23 05 W72 04 Dutilly, opns VP: Joe Graham, sls dir; Fran Knights. gen sis mgr: Steve Student Ctr., 181 White St. (06810). (203) 837-8635. Fax: (203) 13. 7 Governor Winthrop Blvd., New London (06320-6437). (860) Honeycomb, nail sls mgr: Brendon Ward, mktg dir, Robert Plant, prom 837 -8599. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: www.wcsu.eduMxci. 443 -1980. Fax: (860) 444.7970. Web Site: www.wsub.com. Licensee: dir 8 progmg VP; Rick Walsh, engrg VP. Trustees. Licensee: Western Connecticut State University Board of Citadel Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Citadel Communications (acq 3 -73) Format: New wave. News progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: Corp. (acq 4-26 -01: grpsq. *Net: ABC Format: All sports. Target aud: 14-25. Spec prog: Club mus 3 hrs, jazz 3 hrs, reggae 2 hrs. new age WPOP(AM)-Co-owned with WHCN(FM). July 1935: 1410 khz; 5 25-49; middle income professionals. Wayne Leland. exec VP: Bob 3 hrs, metal 3 hrs. classic rock 3 hrs wkly. Heather Marcelinas, gen kw -U. DA -2. TL: N41 41 35 W72 45 30. Hrs opn: 24. Fax: (860) Cox, stn mgr: Kevin O'Connor. progmg VP & progmg dir: Frank mgr; Minor. progmg 723 -6195. Net: ABC Information 8 Entertainment Format: News/talk. Jessica prom dir: Jesse Gosselin, dir; Gretchen Doremos, chief of engrg. Schmidlin, mus dir, Nancy London. news dir; Tonya White, pub affrs News staff: 8; news progmg 25 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. dir: Bob Marino, chief of engrg. WGGN -FM-Co -owned with WSUB(AM). 1971: 105.5 mhz; 3 kw. 275 'WJMJ(FM)- Oct 18, 1976: 88.9 mhz; 7.2 kw. 580 ft. TL: N41 45 09 ft. TL: N41 23 05 W72 0413. Stereo. Web Site: www.g105.1m. Format: W72 59 40. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. St. Thomas Seminary. 467 East Lyme CHR. Target aud: 18-49. Shawn Murphy, mus dir. Rates: $100; 90; Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield (06002). (860) 242 -8800. Licensee: St. 100: 50. Thomas Seminary- Archdiocese of Hartford. Net: ABC Information & Apr 1. 1994: mhz; kw. 269 TL: N41 20 48 WNLC(FM)- 98.7 5.5 ft. Entertainment Wash alty; Garvey, Schubert & Barer. Format: Btfl mus, W72 06 50. Stereo. Hrs 24.89 Broad New London (06320). opn: St.. Guilford Gass. jazz. News staff: one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 442 Fax: (860) 442 E -mail: (860) -5328. -6532. arussell®haltradio.com. 40 -65; working. middle-Gass, family group. Spec prog: Educ, foreign Web Site: www.wnlc.com. Licensee: Hall Communication Inc. (group one hr wkly. *Archbishop Daniel A. Cronin, pres; John L. Ellinger. gen 'WGRS(FM)- Dec 27, 1993: 91.5 mhz: 3.1 kw. 82 ft. TL: N41 17 19 owner; acq 6- 16-97: $2 million) *Net: Westwood One Wash atty. mgr; Fred Swanson. progmg dir 8 news dir: Ivor Hugh, mus dir: John Fletcher, Heald Hildreth. Format: AC Target W72 39 32. (CP: 6 kw). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts & Lite /Nostalgia. aud: 35 Ramsey, chief of engrg. plus; today's upcoming citizens who have discretionary income. WMNR(FM) Monroe 100% Box 920, Monroe (06468). (203) 268 -9667. *Bonnie H. Rowbotham, chmn: Arthur J. Rowbotham. pres: Bill E-mail: info @wmnr.org. Web Site: v i.wmnr.org. Licensee: Monroe WKND(AM)-See Windsor Baldwin, sr VP: Jim Reed, gen mgr; Andy Russell. stn mgr: Robert Board of Education. Net: PRI Format: Class. Spec prog: Big band 8 Reed, prom dir; Roger Arnold, chief of engrg. hrs. folk 2 hrs. new age one hr. Broadway one hr wkly. Carol Babina. stn mgr & dev dir; Jane Stadler, opns dir; Kurt Anderson, gen mgr 8 WKSS(FM)- June 1947: 95.7 mhz; 16.5 kw. 880 ft. TL: N41 33 41 progmg dir. W72 50 39. Stereo. Hartford Sq. N., 10 Columbus Blvd. (06106 -1944). Enfield (860) 723-6000. Fax: (860) 493 -7090. Web Site: kiss957.com. Hamden Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear Channel WPKX(FM)- July 1990: 97.9 mhz; 2.22 kw. 528 ft. TL: N42 05 05 Communications Inc. (acq 8 -30-00: grpsl). Rep: Christal Format: CHR. W72 42 14. 1331 Main St.. Springfield. MA (01103). (413) 781 -1011. Target aud: 18 -34. Manuel Rodriguez. exec VP; Rob Williams. sr WAVZ(AM) -See New Haven Fax: (413) 734-4434. Licensee: Capstar TX L.P. Group owner: Clear VP; Paula Messina, gen mgr & stn mgr; Chris Duitily, opns VP: Joe Channel Communications Inc. (acq 8- 30 -00: grpsl). Format: Contemp Graham, sls dir: Wade Lott, gen sls mgr: Stephen Honeycomb, nail sls country. Target aud: 25 -54. Debbie Wagner, gen mgr. Rates: $110; WOAO(FM)- Listng follows WOUN(AM). mgr: Bill Allano, mktg VP; Sara Hanon, prom mgr; Rick Vaughn, 100: 105: 55. progmg dir; Jo Jo Brooks, mus dir: Rick Walsh. chief of engrg. WOUN(AM)- July 17, 1960: 1220 khz; 1 kw -D. 305 w -N, DA -1. TL: Fairfield N41 22 32 W72 55 54. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Ouinnipiac University, 275 WLAT(AM) -See New Britain Mt. Carmel Ave. (06518). (203) 582 -8984. Fax: (203) 582 -5372. Web Site: www.wqun.com. Licensee: Oumnipiac University (acq 9- 12.96: WMRR(FM Waterbury 'WSHU(FM)- February 1964: 91.1 mhz: 12.5 kw. 595 ft. TL: N41 16 )-See $500.000). *Net: CBS. Jones Radio Networks Wash airy: Shook. 46 W73 11 09. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 5151 Park Ave. (06825). (203) Hardy 8 Bacon. Format: News. nostalgia. toc info. News staff: 2. 371 -7989. Fax: (203) 371.7991. E -mail: lombardiOwshu.org. Web WNEZ(AM) -See Manchester Target aud: General: community, business & cultural leaders. Spec Site: www.wshu.org. Licensee: Sacred Heart University Inc. (acq prog: Irish 2 hrs wkly. *Michael Collins. gen mgr 8 pub affrs dir: Ray 1 -5 -90) Net: NPR. PRI Format: Class. News staff: 4; news progmg Andrewsen, opus dir; Greg Little, news dir: Clif Mills. chief of engrg. 'WOTO(FM)- November 1971: 89.9 mhz: 120 w. 86 ft. TL: N41 47 43 hrs wkly. Target aud: General: all ages. Spec prog: Folk 5 hrs, new 47 W72 41 42. Weaver High School. 415 Granby St. (06112). 153 age 6 hrs wkly. George Lombardi, gen mgr; Lynn Southard. opns Market St. (06103). (860) 722 -8661. (860) 695 -1899. Fax: (860) mgr; Gillian Anderson, dev dir; Lori Miller. mktg mgr; Geri Diorio. prom WOAO(FM)-Coowned with WOUN(AM). February 1973: 98.1 mhz: 286-9909. E -mail: [email protected]. Licensee: Hartford Board of mgr; Tom Kuser. progmg dir; Peter Johnson, mus dir; Tandeleya 16 w. -82 h. TL: N41 25 10 W72 53 41. Stereo. Hrs opn: Noon -2 AM Education. Net: UPI Format: Educ. urban contemp, jazz, contemp Wilder. news dir; Paul Litwinovich. chief of engrg. (S -Su); 8 AM -2 AM (M -F). Box 59, Ouinnipiac Univ.. 275 Mt. Casnad gospel. Reggae, Hip -Hop. Clean Rap , Ballads. R &B. Target aud: Ave. (06518). (203) 582 -5278. Fax: (203) 582 -8098. Web Sie: 15 -45: literate, professional, quality mus listeners. Spec prog: Gospel www .angelfire.coruVct2/wgagradio/. Format: AOR, news/talk, 'WVOF(FM)- Sept I. 1970: 88.5 mhz; 100 w. 35 ft. TL: N41 09 32 7 hrs. clean rap 7 hrs, reggae /calypso 4 hrs wkly. Thomas G. Smith. alternative rock. News progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -30. *Chris W73 15 35. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM -2 AM. Box R, Campus Ctr., N. CEO; Connie Coles, pres & gen mgr; Shirley Minnifield, CFO 8 gen Cooper, gen mgr; Carlos Lanesee, prom dir: Sally Densa. adv VP; Benson Rd. (06430). (203) 254-4144. Fax: (203) 254 -4224. E -mail: sls mgr: Tom Smith, chief of opns; Alex Campbell.
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